
Chapter 703 The villain sues first

then. [[^$]

until now.

Time has passed so long without realizing it.

Since the end of the s1 world finals and the disbandment of the strongest team in the national server headed by Lin Feng, a full five years have passed.

Among them, even Lin Feng and Tian Tian really reconnected with several senior teachers and seniors after a lapse of four years, during the World Finals of the s5 season last year.

But as for everyone else...

Amer in the adc position.

Ah Qiu in the auxiliary position.

There has been no news for many years, and even the closest partners and teammates in the past have lost news. I don't know where they are now.

Li Shiyi is also similar. Although he has always been struggling to survive in the professional e-sports circle of the national server, he has been a little bit disheartened in the Alpine Club these years and feels ashamed to face his old friends and companions. Naturally, it also includes the senior teachers he respected the most back then.

until now.

Before seeing No. 1 and No. 5, Li Shishi was filled with countless apprehensions, nervousness, complex uneasiness, fear and worry, and cranky thoughts, but when he really saw the two again at this moment, he greeted No. With the gentle smiling eyes and the very familiar voice next to his ears, the original anxiety and anxiety in his heart were all swept away unconsciously.

Some, they just started to moisten and heat the eye sockets.

And Adam's apple could not stop the excitement of trembling and trembling.

Seeing Li Shiyi's appearance, No. 1's mood seemed to be a little moved, but he just took a breath and quickly returned to normal, nodding with a gentle and encouraging smile on his face:

"Just come back."

Almost exactly the same as the words of number three before.

At this moment, Li Shiyi didn't know what to say or what words to use to express his mood at the moment, so he could only nod vigorously again in the end:



At this time, the other members of the Hayami club had already come down the stairs in a mess one after another, and they opened their eyes wide and saw the two big men, the team leader and the head coach of their own club, accompanying the two guests.

Take another look.


Senior No. 1, Senior No. 5! ?

It's really like what they heard when they were upstairs, these two seniors came here tonight!

So these Hayami players immediately woke up and realized——

These seniors gathered here for the first time tonight...

Could it be that it was really for these two guys in front of me! ?

This kind of speculation was completely confirmed with the conversation between No. 1 and Li Shiyi that they heard next, and the members of the Hayami team couldn't help but take a breath and look at the eyes of Li Shishi and Lin Feng. Even more wrong.

These two guys...

No bragging really.

Then the background of this identity is definitely really scary!

At the same time, Team Leader Sun and Coach Fu originally had bright eyes when they first saw Lin Feng and Li Shiyi, thinking that these two are the powerful newcomers mentioned by Coach No. They wanted to put on a friendly smile and talk politely to change a good impression, but the next second they were shocked to find that all the members of their team had followed.

What's the situation?

The movement is so loud?

Then the faces of Team Leader Zisun and Coach Fu became ugly again, their brows subconsciously frowned, the former looked at the members of his own team, and shouted a lesson in an unhappy tone;

"What are you all doing here in such a mess at night?"

"Show some jokes to the senior coaches?"

Coach Fu also had a bad look on his face:

"If you're done training, go to bed early. If you can't fall asleep, then you can continue training. What do you mean by sticking here one by one!?"

This kind of reprimanding scene is actually very common in the base of the Hayami Club on weekdays. Both Team Leader Sun and Coach Fu have extremely high authority in front of the club, especially the team members.

What is said will be faithfully followed.

But this time...

The situation seems to be slightly different.

The words of the two leading coaches who reprimanded them did not achieve the expected results. Even the team members of the Hayami club looked at each other with strange expressions on their faces, and they stood there in embarrassment.

No explanation was given.

But he didn't obediently obey the order to leave.

Leader Sun and Coach Fu were also taken aback. They didn't expect this kind of result. They frowned again and felt that something was wrong. The former's eyes fell directly on a member of his second team, and asked:

"Xiao Zhou, what's the matter?"

"Why are you still in a daze, tell me!"

At the same time, Coach Fu next to him smiled at No. 1 and No. 5: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't discipline enough, I made you two laugh..."

And Xiao Zhou, a member of the second Hayami team who was named, had a look of embarrassment on his face, and he still didn't know where to start:

"Team Sun."

"This, this... I don't know how to say it."

Then his eyes lit up as if he suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly turned around and pointed in a certain direction:

"Ask Deputy Team Leader Chen!"

"he knows!"

So he hastily got rid of his ties. Indeed, this matter is simply a pit of fire. The issues involved are too sensitive and the people involved cannot be offended. He shouldn't be so thoughtless to take the initiative court death.

"Vice leader Chen?"

Team leader Sun frowned when he heard this, and the doubts in his heart became more and more intense. He couldn't hold back anymore, and directly opened his mouth and shouted:

"what happened!"

Finally, at this time, Chen Ze, who was still behind the Hayami team members, managed to squeeze out of the crowd and come in front of Leader Sun. In fact, he saw all the scenes just now, especially After seeing the conversation between No. 1 and Li Shishi, and the intimate relationship between Lin Feng and No. 5, his scalp couldn't help but feel a little numb.

It felt like things were going beyond my original expectations.

increasingly out of control.

But when things came to an end, he also knew that he had no way out, so he could only hold on to the last point to ensure his survival. Chen Ze gritted his teeth and said loudly:

"Captain Sun, it's like this—"

"Tonight, Shi Hang brought his two friends to our club base, and I bumped into them. It was a sensitive period recently when we were preparing for the finals, and the club issued a strict order that no one else could be brought to the base, but Shi Hang He blatantly violated this rule!"

"As a member of the club, I naturally want to safeguard the club's interests and system!"

The more he talked, Chen Ze, who was already in a desperate situation, became more determined and courageous in his heart. He pointed at Shi Hang and said harshly:

"But I didn't expect—"

"Before I reasoned with Shi Hang, he not only refused to admit his mistake, but also spoke rudely!"

"Don't pay attention to the rules of the club at all!"

As he said that, his face was full of anger, and he looked at Team Leader Sun and asked:

"Sun team, I suggest that such lawless players must be severely punished!"


The audience was silent.

Even Leader Sun and Coach Fu were a little stunned, their brains couldn't accept so much information for a while, while Number 1 and Number 5 looked at each other and raised their eyebrows in tacit understanding. Already guessed what was going on.

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