
Chapter 705 Burning with anger!

"I'm here to give you such an explanation."

In any situation, who would face the victim when he was "in the wrong", and would actually "confess" directly in this tone and in this way?

not to mention……

At this moment, you are still facing the two big bosses in charge of team affairs of the Hayami club.

In the club, it is not a matter of life and death, but it is also a very high right to speak that almost controls the fate of the team members.

On weekdays, the team members are always cautious when facing these two, for fear of making a little mistake and making the two bosses feel dissatisfied. Even the other members of the club management are also polite when facing these two. Air speaks volumes.


Where have you seen something like this before?

Yes, I did this.

I know that your club has such a rule that you cannot bring people to the base during sensitive periods.

But I brought it, and I invited the person.

Now let me give you an explanation.

It's over, it's over.

For the rest, you can do whatever you want, feel free.

It's really so casual. On such an occasion, such a tone and posture are almost contemptuous, as if they don't care at all, to the extent that it makes one's heart jump and scalp numb. What the hell is an explanation for this? Can I give you an explanation? !

If it were anyone who dared to speak to the two team bosses of the Hayami Club at this time, it would not be necessary for Team Leader Sun and Coach Fu to react. He shouted angrily.

But now...

All the Hayami players in the hall were silent, not even daring to fart.

He stared at the scene in front of him with trepidation.

The number one on the side couldn't help but raised his eyebrows slightly, his face showed a bit of interest, and the number five had a slight surprise on his beautiful face, and then he seemed to wake up suddenly, and shook his head helplessly— —

They couldn't be more familiar with No. 3's personality and temper.

That was the case back then.

After so many years, they already have the same qualifications and status as they do now, but they still don't think about saving face at all when they talk and do things.

Such thoughts flashed across his mind, and then No. 5's eyes fell on someone beside him, with a bit of helplessness and reproach in his eyes:

"Is it something you made up again?"

Lin Feng looked innocent:


"Miss Wu, you misunderstood! It's really not me!"

Then he quickly added: "Anyway, that guy wanted to kill himself and offend Senior No. 3, he deserves it~"

The tone is a bit beaming and gloating.

No. 5 reprimanded angrily and stretched out his hand to lightly hit someone on the head: "Okay, you don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement."

Lin Feng scratched his head and laughed nonchalantly.

He is not like Shi Hang who has a calm and low-key personality and does not want to cause trouble, nor is he worried like Shi Hang that what happened tonight will eventually affect the fast water club. Anyway, he is a spectator and does not need to worry at all—

And, having said that.

He knew Shi Hang's worries, but based on his familiarity with Senior No. 3, such worries were unnecessary.

In the end, the unlucky person is destined to be only one person.


Anyway, Chen Ze absolutely didn't want the final misfortune to fall on him.

So at this moment, he has already given up all his strength to fight against the No. 3 coach, and he has to hold on to his last life-saving straw. After the No. 3 finished speaking, he rushed to speak without any urgency:

"Captain Sun, this is not a matter of my perseverance!"

"Our club originally had such specific regulations! No one can violate them. This involves the core interests of our club!"

"Of course I respect the No. 3 coach."

"It can be regarded as him-"

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted abruptly by a voice:


Chen Ze shut up,

He stared blankly at Team Leader Sun who stopped him by shouting.

Leader Sun was covering his forehead with one hand and pointing at Chen Ze with the other: "Stop for a moment, don't talk, let me take care of it myself."


Chen Ze wanted to say more unwillingly, but the next moment Leader Sun couldn't bear it anymore and yelled angrily:

"Shut up!"

The audience fell silent.

Many members of the Hayami team who had experienced the power of their own team leader were subconsciously shaken by the drink.

Not to mention Chen Ze, who finally became silent and dared not speak out.

The atmosphere finally calmed down. Leader Sun took a deep breath and stretched out his hand to subconsciously rub his temples on his forehead. He felt that his mind was almost a mess and he couldn't sort out his thoughts.


It seems that the situation is basically clear——

Therefore, these two unfamiliar faces should be the "junior" mentioned by the No. 1 coach next to him just now, and the two will come to their club training base tonight because of the invitation and instructions of these senior coaches , Shi Hang happened to know the two of them, so he came over to open the door.

Then he was hit by Chen Ze.

It was a violation of the rules for Chen Ze to bite him to death. Naturally, he had to trouble Shi Hang first, and then coach No. 3 also came forward to explain the situation. Now, according to coach No. 3, Chen Ze asked him to give an explanation...

The train of thought was sorted out bit by bit in his mind, and the veins on Leader Sun's forehead also began to twitch and throb unstoppably.

Chen Ze.

Chen Ze.

Chen Ze.

It seems that it was originally a simple and clear thing...

Is it because of the deputy team leader of your own club that it has evolved into the current situation?

one person.

For such a thing.

Directly and forcibly representing their entire Hayami club, first they reprimanded their team's core ace single player in various ways, and then offended coach No. 3, and even coaches No. 1 and No. 5 next to them?

Leader Sun's face turned bluer and greener.

Hands began to tremble uncontrollably.

But at this moment, as if to add fuel to the scene, No. 3 looked at Leader Sun, and spoke again in a casual tone:

"Since this is the club's rule, violations should be punished."

"According to what the deputy team leader of your club said before——"

"I recognize this pot."

"As for punishment."

"Otherwise, I will resign as the temporary external coach of your club."

A word fell lightly, but it seemed that a violent thunder suddenly exploded in the ears of everyone in the audience. The faces of the members of the Hayami team suddenly changed, and the same changes naturally included Team Leader Sun and Coach Fu. Inside.

Coach No. 3...

Please resign! ?

He seemed to have noticed the changes in the expressions of the two chief executives of his own club, and after hearing the words of No. 3, at this moment, Chen Zexin almost sounded the alarm, reminding him that the situation was completely beyond his expectations. It seems to be heading in the most dire direction.

Immediately, he gritted his teeth and decided that he couldn't let go if he was killed at this time. It would be better for your No. 3 coach to leave than for me, Chen Ze, to take the blame. So the next moment he suddenly raised his head and looked at Leader Sun and said loudly:

"Captain Sun, I see this—"

The voice did not fall.

But it was interrupted suddenly and violently by a roar:

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