
Chapter 691 Coincidence!

Because it was the first time to come to the training base of the Hayami team club, it was naturally a little unfamiliar. Although Shi Hang had helped point out the location of the bathroom when he was in the living room downstairs, after walking up the stairs to the second floor, Li Eleven still took a little effort to find the bathroom.

After washing his hands on the sink after urinating, Li Shishi splashed water on his face and wiped it clean with a tissue, staring at himself in the mirror in front of the sink in a daze.

He's still thinking about what happened tonight.

Even now, all the events he experienced at night still make him feel unreal like in a dream.

he really...

Leaving the Alpine Club?

Just like that, met Fuko again, and then became a teammate fighting side by side with her former partner again?

Almost all of these are things that he didn't even dare to think about or dream about in the past, but now everything has come true so easily, a huge sense of satisfaction and happiness filled his heart uncontrollably the whole body.


Li Shishi's eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression became a little solemn.

His current strength is indeed far worse than that of the past. If it is just him now, he will definitely not be able to become a teammate that Fengzi can rest assured to hand over to his back again, and he will even become a drag.

This is absolutely unacceptable even for himself.

He is able to appreciate receiving help from his peers.


This help cannot be reduced to a kind of charity.

As the top jungler in the national server and even the world, he also has his own pride, so——

Taking a deep breath, and then exhaling heavily, the gaze in Li Shishi's eyes became resolute again:


He must start desperately.


In the bathroom of the fast water club training base, Li Shiyi really made up his mind completely in this way, and Li Shiyi felt relaxed again, and he couldn't help but have more expectations about seeing those seniors later.

Speaking of—

It's true that I haven't seen those seniors for four or five years, right?

While thinking this way in his heart, Li Shishi also pushed open the bathroom door and walked out.

But when he just opened the door and walked out, he lowered his head and was distracted. He didn't see a man in his thirties walking towards him through the corridor aisle.

until the next moment.

A voice suddenly sounded in his ear very unceremoniously scolding:


Li Shishi, who was in a trance, was shocked by this shout, stopped his feet, and immediately retracted all his thoughts. He raised his head in surprise and finally saw a man in his thirties wearing a pair of small glasses. The man was frowning and looking at himself rather displeased.

At the first moment, Li Shishi didn't subconsciously realize the identity of the other party.

But this does not prevent him from guessing that the other party must be a member of the Hayami club, and at such an age, he should not be an ordinary player, maybe someone from the management, or maybe a coach or team leader?

All kinds of thoughts and speculations turned in Li Shishi's mind for a while, and the man with glasses standing in front of him was looking him up and down, his brows were already furrowed, and he raised his eyes to look at the former's face again. , open again:

"Who are you?"

"How did you get into our club?"

The tone is quite impolite.

Even as soon as you open your mouth, others can't help but frown when they hear it, because there is already an aggressive questioning in the words that come up, as if interrogating a prisoner, you have already recognized your guilt.

If it were Lin Feng at this moment, with someone's personality and temper, he raised his eyebrows and asked directly "Who are you?"

But Li Shishi's character is inherently introverted, and he doesn't easily argue with others. In addition, his experience in the Alpine Club in the past few years has made him almost subconsciously develop a habit of being submissive.

Even though he has left the Alpine Club now, some temperamental habits still haven't been reversed immediately.

Therefore, being scolded and questioned by the man in front of him with glasses who frowned so impolitely, Li Shishi subconsciously felt the same as when facing the team leader and coach at the Alpine Club, and he couldn't help but Forced by the aggressiveness of the other party, he took a small step back, and then quickly forced a smile on his face to explain:


"I'm a friend of Shi Hang, a member of your club's team...he just picked me up."

As soon as this remark came out, the man wearing small glasses did not directly accept such an explanation, but raised his eyebrows slightly:

"Shi Hang?"

Li Shixi nodded hurriedly, with a smile on his face:

"Yes, yes, I'm just here to go to the bathroom... sorry to disturb you."

His tone was extremely humble and polite, even a little humble. After all, he was at the training base of the Hayami Club, and Li Shiyi didn't want to cause any bad influence or trouble to his old friends because of him.

But such a good voice and even a humble attitude did not bring about the desired effect. Instead, the man with glasses frowned again and looked at Li Shiyi unkindly, and his voice began to raise its pitch:

"What happened to Shi Hang's friend?"

"Do you think a little relationship like this can solve the problem?"

"This is the training base of the Hayami club! It's not just anyone who can come in with a relationship, understand?"

"Shi Hang... Can Shi Hang break the rules casually!?"

The tone became more and more impolite.

In the end, there was even a hint of a sharp reprimand.

Li Shishi's mood sank slightly at this moment.


It seems that there is some trouble.


The moment he ran into Li Shiyi by chance at the bathroom door, especially when he heard the other party say that he was Shi Hang's friend, Chen Ze immediately became energetic——

It's really...

Catch up with Qiaoer!

What a surprise! I didn't expect someone to give me a pillow just after I fell asleep, and I asked him to go out of the conference room to go to the toilet, but he picked up a big fish!

Originally, he was full of antipathy towards the club's main mid laner, Shi Hang, and even harbored a secret grudge, but on weekdays, he suffered from the fact that the opponent was the club's core ace player and received great attention from the club's senior management. The deputy team leader had no way to find trouble for the other party.

But unexpectedly, God treated him kindly.

Tonight actually let him find such an opportunity.

During this sensitive period when the club strictly enforced the blockade and closed training to prepare for the s6 finals, you, Shi Hang, openly violated the rules and brought your cronies to the club?

What should I do if the training secrets of the club team are leaked?

What if someone is an e-sports media reporter?

If this matter affects the training mentality of the team members, and even affects their participation in the S6 finals later, who will be responsible for this matter?

Can you, Shi Hang, take up this responsibility?

Know the law and break the law!

Do you really think that you can do whatever you want as the club's core ace player? This is too arrogant, and you don't take the club's rules seriously!

It must be punished, and it must be severely punished!

In just the blink of an eye, countless righteous and dignified thoughts flashed through Chen Ze's mind, but at the same time, there was already an unstoppable ecstasy in his heart, and he even had to work hard to control it so that he didn't let his eyebrows dance.

After regaining his senses and coughing, Chen Ze showed a stern look on his face again and yelled at Li Shishi in front of him:

"This matter is not something he, Shi Hang, can cover up."

"We must be held accountable!"

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