
Chapter 692 What's the matter with you?

It didn't take long for Li Shiyi to walk out of the bathroom and bump into Chen Ze, the deputy team leader of the Alpine Club, and the conversation between the two in the corridor.

As for Lin Feng and Shi Hang in the living room downstairs, when they heard Chen Ze's scolding from upstairs, they had already reacted immediately, and walked up the stairs quickly.

As soon as he went up to the second floor, he glanced through the corridor and looked to the end, and what caught his eyes was Li Shishi and Chen Ze standing facing each other.

Shi Hang's eyelids couldn't help twitching:

Sure enough, it was that guy from Glasses Chen. It was a bit of a headache to meet such a piece of brown candy that couldn't be shaken off.

As for Lin Feng, when he saw Li Shiyi's humiliated appearance, and then saw the proud and reprimanded expression of the man wearing a pair of small glasses, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a dangerous light flickered with unknown meaning.

Going forward directly, ignoring the deputy leader of the Hayami Club next to him, Lin Feng looked directly at Li Shiyi:

"What's wrong?"

Seeing his partners and teammates coming to his side, Li Shishi heaved a sigh of relief and at the same time couldn't help showing guilt on his face, whispering:

"It's nothing, I ran into this one just after I got out of the bathroom, it's a bit of a misunderstanding."

"I was explaining it to him."

And Li Shishi's explanation also fell into Chen Ze's ears, causing the deputy team leader of the Hayami club to raise his eyebrows again, and his voice raised:


"Where is there any misunderstanding? Our Hayami club is currently in a sensitive period of preparing for the finals. We refuse all outsiders without legitimate reasons to easily enter the base. As the deputy team leader of the club, it is my duty to implement the rules of maintaining the club!"

As he said that, he turned his head to look at Shi Hang, and said aggressively that it was a blunt questioning:

"Shi Hang."

"He said he was your friend and you brought him in?"

"Whether you are the main player of our club team or not, you must give me an explanation!"

The tone is loud and loud.

It seems to be really dignified and dignified.

But only the vengeance in his eyes revealed his true mood at the moment.


Shi Hang couldn't help but frown slightly when he heard this. He didn't have a good attitude towards this club's deputy team leader who came in through connections, not to mention that the other party directly targeted him at this time, and his expression immediately With a slightly cold voice:

"Captain Chen, are you talking too much?"

"Not to mention that my two friends came to our Hayami club for a reason. In addition, even if I violated the club's regulations by doing so, I just need to report and explain directly to Team Sun. To put it more directly—"

Shi Hang paused, watching Chen Ze's mouth twitch in a mocking arc:

"If you want to explain, it's not your turn to Team Chen."

The Sun team he mentioned in his mouth is the main team leader of the Hayami club, and he is also the direct person in charge of all the main affairs of the team. In contrast, Chen Ze's title of deputy team leader responsible for daily life is completely empty. any real power.

As if being poked at the sore spot by the irony in Shi Hang's words, Chen Ze was almost furious:

"Can you say that again!?"

"Ok, ok, ok! You dare to be so arrogant after doing such a thing, I think you are going against the sky!"

"Thinking that now that the club is holding you up as a trump card, you really can't take anyone seriously, right? Let me tell you, this is not a place where you can act wildly and become king! You don't admit your mistakes, and you don't correct your mistakes. , provoking the team leader, and protecting others, all of which are added together, even if you are an ace player, no one can protect you!"

In the last sentence, Chen Ze was already scolding sharply, and the tone of his voice changed a little due to his overly angry and excited mood.

But also at this time.

Lin Feng, who briefly exchanged a few words with Li Shiyi and inquired about the situation, finally turned his head. For the first time, he looked at Chen Ze with straight eyes, and then turned his head to look at Shi Hang:

"Hey, who is this guy?"

The tone was casual, as if asking how much a Chinese cabbage is today.

It was as if he didn't pay attention to the other party at all.

The corner of Shi Hang's mouth twitched slightly: "As I just told you downstairs, our club's deputy team leader Chen is in charge of daily life."

When this sentence was spoken, the words "daily life" were deliberately emphasized.

Lin Feng came to a sudden:


"Glass Chen?"

A certain person didn't take it to heart at all, and casually reported the other party's nickname just heard from Shi Hang so easily, but such a nickname was only used to address the members of the Hayami team club in private behind their backs. They would say that in communication, but no one would want to cause trouble in front of Chen Ze.

So someone's "glasses Chen" immediately poked a hornet's nest again.

Chen Ze was blown up again:

"Say it again!?"

"Show me some respect, who are you, and how did you come into our club base!?"

It was only at this time that he realized that there was another strange guy here, who was also not an internal member of their club, but this contemptuous attitude, which was so casual that he didn't take him seriously, was almost more hateful than Shi Hang.

However, Lin Feng's reaction was completely different from Li Shiyi's when facing the same stern questioning from the Hayami deputy leader.

Because someone just tilted his head and picked his ears, squinting at the other person:

"Who am I to you?"

"How did you get in..."

"What's the matter with you?"

Almost exactly the same unkind words were directly pushed back face to face.


Chen Ze was really almost going crazy with anger.

One after another, first, Shi Hang, the main mid laner of their club team, dared to mock him in such a shameless way for the first time in front of him, and then came the kid next to him who didn't know what it was, but he didn't know it at all. Put him in your eyes.

He Chen Ze.

The vice-leader of the dignified Hayami Sentai club!

Brother-in-law is the major shareholder of the club!

To be so openly provoked and ridiculed one after another in the training base of his home base camp!

If he continues to endure this kind of thing, how will he hang out in the club and what will others think of him in the end! ?

Suddenly turning his head to look at Shi Hang again, Chen Ze almost shouted sharply:

"Shi Hang!"

"You brought this kid too, right? Okay, so you brought more than one person with you. You really treat the club as your own home and do whatever you want!? Are there any rules in your eyes?"

"Let me tell you! Today you are completely messed up! Didn't you say you want to report to Team Sun? Okay, you can take your two cronies with me now, and I want to see what happened in front of Team Sun." How can you quibble in front of me!"

The sound is getting louder.

At this time, the people in front of the corridor on the second floor finally shocked the whole floor.

The members of the Hayami team in the club's training base were either going to take a shower to rest, or were eating supper or lying on the dormitory bed playing with computers and mobile phones. Attracted by the movement, they all came out one after another and looked here curiously.

Then they were shocked to see two unfamiliar faces like Lin Feng and Li Shishi, and Shi Hang, the main mid laner of their first team, was in a stalemate with the furious deputy team leader of the club, Glasses Chen Zai.

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