
Chapter 690 Encounter in front of the bathroom

Chen Ze is in a good mood today.

In fact, before today, his life has not been particularly comfortable these days, because the club has won the qualifying place for the s6 world finals this year, and has entered the stage of intense preparations, and everyone has started to get busy. The club's deputy team leader, who is in charge of daily life, has no sense of existence.

Normally, he might be able to yell at the two members of the team to go out for supper together, and by the way, take advantage of the prestige and reputation of his own players to find some female fans of their Hayami club, even if the team members are not happy, they still have to watch In the face of his brother-in-law, he agreed.

But recently...

From the main players of the first team to the ordinary second team or the substitutes, the club has strictly ordered them not to go out easily, and everyone has to stay in the training base to prepare for training intensely. Naturally, no one cares about him as the deputy team leader.

He would like to call a few girls fans by himself, but the problem is that people recognize Hayamizu's professional players and don't recognize him. He gave a warning, let him be more restrained and honest in his small actions during the special period, otherwise he will still be held accountable if something goes wrong and he makes a mistake.

So in the beginning, he just felt bored every day at the club's training base.


In the past few days, he has found a new way of pastime, and he can also show his sense of existence.

That is to find someone to teach.

Although his rank in the League of Legends game was only a golden rank in solo queue, Chen Ze himself never thought it was a problem with his strength. Of course, he may be slightly weaker in terms of operation, but in terms of awareness, The vision is also at the level of a master king.

As for those professional players in your own club?

Chen Ze didn't particularly think highly of it.

It is nothing more than better than ordinary players in terms of hand speed, but when it comes to other comprehensive abilities, such as rhythm and awareness, it is not as good as myself.

If you look at the team training games in the past few days, the play was completely out of order. Didn’t you notice when the jungler came to gank? There is also such a timing that you can open the baron. What’s so embarrassing?

Chen Ze felt very heartbroken.

If these members of his own club can have his general awareness, the team's overall strength level will have to be raised by a whole big step. How can the title of the strongest team in the national server be God-God's Hand or the kg team?

Then it should be their Hayami!

Oh, I can't say that, think about it from another angle, if the players in your own club put the speed of operation on him, combined with his god-level consciousness, then it will be the real perfection, what four emperors and seven kings, the Korean ssk team That Han Shihao is said to be the world's number one mid laner, the head of the Four Emperors?

whispering sound.

Chen Ze was very contemptuous. It was nothing more than the fact that there are no tigers and monkeys in the mountains. If his hand speed can keep up, even if he is the leader of the four emperors, he may not be much better than himself in terms of rhythm and consciousness control.

It is precisely because he has such sufficient confidence in himself and boasts of being a master that Chen Ze even dismisses the team coaches and analysts of his own club. The same is true of his brother-in-law. How good it is to get him a coaching position , that is the field where he can really show his skills.

Now this puts him in the position of the deputy team leader in daily life, which is simply too good to be useful.

It's just that with his opinion, although he is extremely confident, but unfortunately his brother-in-law, the major shareholder of the Hayami team, seems to have not discovered his real advantages and specialties at all, and has strictly ordered him not to go to Affect the training tasks of the main players of the club team.

This made him a little resentful.

As for the "external coaches" who came to the club recently, he couldn't figure out their identities anyway, but for some reason, everyone seemed to think that those guys were very good.

Anyway, he didn't see anything awesome about it, isn't he about the same age as himself?

Apart from the fact that one of the beauties was so amazing in appearance and temperament that he couldn't help but salivate, he didn't think there was anything special about the other two men.

However, everyone in the club from top to bottom treated those few like gods, and he was alone and did not dare to make any provocations easily.



The training tasks of the main players of the first team are led by those "external coaches", and he can't intervene, but it is like the daily training of the second team and the substitute players, which finally allows him to find some way to show his presence Chance.

Just like just now, when several members of the second team finished their daily training tonight and were going to rest, he directly called them into the small conference room.

Rest and sleep?

Tsk tsk tsk, this attitude is not acceptable.

The club is about to prepare for the s6 finals. Although the members of your second team may not be able to play at that time, you must correct your attitude. Was your performance in the previous training match satisfactory? Of course not, then he is the vice president of the club. It's time for the team leader to educate them.


In the conference room, he talked endlessly to the second team and the substitute players of his own club. Finally, Chen Ze, who had had enough of his coaching addiction, let the team members leave with satisfaction.

Then he himself hummed a little tune and left the conference room.

Slightly peeing.

Go to the restroom.

When walking through the corridor, Chen Ze was still wandering in his thoughts. Thinking of the handsome and heroic demeanor of pointing Jiang Shan and scolding Fang Qiu in the conference room just now, and the obedient appearance of the second team and substitute players, he felt even more satisfied in his heart. very.

But at the same time, he couldn't help feeling somewhat regretful.

This grade...

Still not enough.

It's just educating the second team and the substitute players. If the main players of the first team of their own clubs can also obediently cooperate and let them educate and discipline, the sense of accomplishment will be much stronger than the former.


Thinking of this, Chen Ze's face suddenly became a little gloomy, and a hint of displeasure flashed in his eyes:

The main players of the first team of his own club hardly bought him as the deputy team leader in the club's training base.

I usually want to ask others to help me with some small things. Even though those guys are polite and respectful to me on the surface, in fact, all the words go in the left ear and out the right ear, or they are verbal. Promise to turn around and not do it at all, or else simply find a reason to shirk.

There was no genuine respect at all.

Annoyance flashed in Chen Ze's eyes:

What's so great about a few bad e-sports players?

He thinks he is the main player of the club's first team, and they are all proud of the sky. Even the deputy team leader dare not take it seriously, especially the mid laner named Shi Hang, that guy called "Edisi". The club he just came to has less seniority than himself as the deputy team leader, so he dares not give him a good face at ordinary times.

What does he think he is?

That is to say, I have been suffering from not being able to find opportunities recently, but Chen Ze has already hated this kind of thing in his heart. Once he finds an opportunity to catch Shi Hang's pigtails, he must make that kid look good.

Thinking so viciously in his heart, when he was about to walk to the door of the bathroom on the second floor, Chen Ze subconsciously looked up, and suddenly unexpectedly found a young man with an unfamiliar appearance just walking out of the bathroom.

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