Rise From the Humble

Chapter 700: Xiyuan news

  Chapter 700 Xiyuan Knowledge

  When Zhu Ping'an and Liu Dadao rode their horses to Xiyuan, it was still dark and the gate of the palace had not yet been opened.

However, the open space more than a hundred meters outside the palace gate is very lively, brightly lit, vendors selling various snacks such as liver soup, rice rolls, steamed stuffed buns, rice porridge, etc. Patronizing in front of the booth seems to be a mature morning market.

  Fortunately, this is in Daming. If it were in modern times, these vendors would have been leveled out by the city management, the number one armed force in the world.

  After Emperor Jiajing moved to Xiyuan, the political center of Ming Dynasty naturally shifted from the Forbidden City to Xiyuan.

  Who dares to be late under the eyes of the emperor, officials are in a hurry, many people get up and have no time to eat breakfast. But officials are also human beings, and they also have to eat breakfast, so vendors who saw business opportunities spontaneously formed a morning market here.

   "Okay, I'm here waiting to enter the palace, you go and have breakfast."

  Zhu Ping'an got off his horse, took a dime of silver from his purse and handed it to Liu Mu, telling them to go to the morning market for breakfast.

   "No need, son. A few days ago, the young lady asked the housekeeper to give us a monthly payment in advance, which is more than one or two taels of silver per person." Li Dadao shook his head with a silly smile, and when he mentioned the monthly payment, his face was full of satisfaction.

The young lady he is talking about is naturally Li Shu. The monthly money is in the nature of an allowance. It is pocket money given to the upper, middle and lower members of the family for pocket money every month according to their status. It is not a salary. They also have other salary, which is another calculation of.

   More than one tael of silver, this is compared to the monthly money of a first-class girl.

   More than one or two taels of silver, and it's just pocket money, which is not a small amount for Liu Dadao and the others.

At   mao, a bell rang from Xiyuan, and then the door of Xiyuan opened.

  Zhu Ping'an handed over the dark horse of Shamate to Liu Mu and the others, and once again told them to return home after the morning market was finished.

   After giving instructions, Zhu Pingan entered Xiyuan with several officials.

   "My lord, please stay."

  Zhu Ping'an just stepped into Xiyuan when he was stopped by Xiyuan guards.

  Zhu Pingan had never been to Xiyuan except during the palace examination and being summoned twice by Emperor Jiajing. The guards of Xiyuan saw Zhu Pingan's face-to-face, and out of duty considerations, they stopped Zhu Pingan politely.

   "Oh, I'm Zhu Pingan, the Minister of the Imperial Academy and the Secretary of the Cabinet, Zhu Ping'an. I have been ordered by the Holy Lord to direct the cabinet from today onwards."

  Zhu Ping'an stopped in his tracks, and after a little thought, he figured out what was going on, so he turned around and smiled and explained to the guard.

   "Hehe, Master Zhu is here, please sign in here."

   At this moment, a little **** in a tea camel suit came over, greeted Zhu Pingan with a smile, and then explained to the guard.

  With the eunuchs in the palace as security, naturally there will be no fakes. The guards at the gate clasped their fists to plead guilty to Zhu Pingan and let him go.

   "The captain will do his duty, what's wrong with it." Zhu Ping'an bowed his hands and returned the salute to the imperial guard.

  After entering the palace gate, Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands again and thanked the little **** in tea camel clothes, "Thank you for the father-in-law's rescue. I'm sorry Ping'an's eyesight, I don't know who is the father-in-law?"

"Lord Zhu, you are polite. If you don't mind, Master Zhu can call me Xiao Caozi. Master Zhu doesn't know the miscellaneous family, but the miscellaneous family has admired Master Zhu's name for a long time." Xiao Caozi, the **** in the tea camel suit, laughed, looking familiar look.

"It turned out to be Eunuch Cao. It's a pleasure to meet you." Zhu Pingan replied with a smile, but his heart was full of confusion. He really didn't know any other servants in the palace except Feng Bao, and this little **** was too much. Passionate.

"The miscellaneous family used to work in the Huanyi Bureau. Thanks to Eunuch Feng's care, they are now transferred to the palace gate. The miscellaneous family often hears that Mr. Feng mentions Mr. Zhu, and Mr. Feng respects Mr. Zhu very much." Xiao Caozi, the tea tuofu eunuch, laughed He smiled and explained to Zhu Pingan.

   Oh, it turned out to be Feng Bao's small team. Zhu Ping'an suddenly realized after listening to the little eunuch's explanation.

The court **** departments in the Ming Dynasty mainly consisted of twelve supervisors, four divisions and eight bureaus, which were divided into ten divisions, including Li, Neiguan, Yuyong, Sishi, Yuma, Shenguan, Shangshan, Shangbao, Yinshou, Zhidian, Shangyi, and Duzhi. The second supervisor; the fourth division of Xixin, Zhonggu, Baochao, and Huntang; the eighth bureau of military battle, silver work, clothes washing, scarf and hat, needlework, inner weaving and dyeing, wine and vinegar noodles, and Siyuan. It is commonly known as the Twenty-Four Yamen.

The Huanyi Bureau is responsible for providing laundry services for the masters in the palace. It is the most difficult department in the twenty-four yamen, and it is also the only **** institution in the twenty-four yamen that is not in the palace. It can be said that it is hard work and has no future for an unpopular palace official.

  Gongmen Supervisor is a special post, responsible for registering officials who have joined Xiyuan, and supervising the commuting of officials, which is equivalent to a disciplinary committee member. The Ming Dynasty paid close attention to the officials who joined Xiyuan. If the officials who joined the office left early due to going out for business, they must inform the **** of the prison gate of the reason for leaving early and register it for inspection. Because of this, even high-ranking cabinet ministers are polite to palace gates and prison gates.

  So, Prison Gate is a fat job with a bright future.

  Xiao Caozi can be transferred from Huanyi Bureau to Palace Gate Supervisor, and he is grateful to Feng Bao, so he can naturally understand.

  Feng Baoneng transferred Xiao Caozi from the Huanyi Bureau to the palace gate supervisor, which shows that he has established a firm foothold in the palace and has begun to develop his own team.

  After exchanging pleasantries, Eunuch Cao led Zhu Pingan to the sign-in office, and Zhu Pingan took a pen to write his name on the sign-in book.

"Master Zhu, it is inconvenient for the miscellaneous family to leave because of their duties. But Eunuch Feng has already explained, and this little Eunuch Zhang will lead Master Zhu to the cabinet office of Wuyi Hall to report." The little **** in gray clothes recommended Zhu Pingan.

   "Thank you, Eunuch Feng and Eunuch Cao, for your hard work, and I will thank Eunuch Zhang." Zhu Pingan cupped his hands to thank him, and slipped the red envelope that Li Shu had wrapped in advance into the sleeves of Eunuch Cao and Eunuch Zhang.

   "Master Zhu is polite, just call me Xiao Zhangzi, Master Zhu, please go this way." Eunuch Zhang, the little **** in gray, led the way.

  Xiyuan has a large area, including the current Zhongnanhai, Beihai Park, and Wenjin Museum of the National Library of China, including the Jinao Yudi Bridge. The place where Zhu Ping'an entered was the South Gate, and the Wuyi Hall where the cabinet office was located was in the east of Zuoye Gate.

"Going forward, after passing Yuxi Palace, the Second Hall of Shenyingxuan, and passing the Binfeng Pavilion, you can see a rice field. In front of the rice field is the Wuyi Hall." Eunuch Zhang gave Zhu Pingan a hand while leading the way. Introduced.

  Zhu Ping'an looked in the direction of Zhang Gonggong's finger, and there were rows of palaces and side halls in front of him, but there was no trace of Wuyi Hall at all.

   After walking for another quarter of an hour, that is, about 15 minutes, Zhu Pingan saw the paddy field that Eunuch Zhang mentioned.

   This paddy field should be the place where Emperor Jiajing advised farming and mulberry. Zhu Pingan Zhu Pingan stopped and looked at the paddy field for a while.

  (end of this chapter)

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