Rise From the Humble

Chapter 701: Wuyi Temple

  Chapter 701 Wuyi Palace

   "Master Zhu, this Sheji field was opened up by the Holy Majesty at the beginning of the tenth year of the Holy Calendar. In the middle of the rice field are the two altars of Xiancan and Tugu. Oh, by the way, the Tugu altar was renamed the Disha Diji Altar earlier this year."

  Eunuch Zhang saw that Zhu Pingan was very interested in the Sheji Field in front of him, and there was enough time now, so he explained the cause and effect to Zhu Pingan.

"At the beginning of the ninth year of the holy calendar, Xia Yan, the former chief assistant, wrote a letter asking the empress to hold a sericulture ceremony. The emperor approved the decree to abide by the ancient system of 'the emperor personally cultivated in the southern suburbs, and the queen kissed the silkworms in the northern suburbs', and established the first silkworm outside Andingmen. In the second year, the Holy One considered that it was inconvenient for the empress to go out of the city, and there was no water source outside the Anding Gate for bathing silkworms. Since Tang and Song Dynasties, silkworm kissing ceremonies have been held in the inner garden, and there is Taiye pool in Xiyuan. Washing the silkworms and irrigating them, so the Holy Majesty built two altars for the first silkworms and the Disha Diji here successively, opened up the Sheji fields, held the ceremony of farming and pro-sericulture, and cultivated and mulberry simultaneously to educate the world."

   "If Mr. Zhu is interested, there is the "Xiyuan Shigu Zhixian Silkworm Altar Fu" made by the emperor in Wuyi Hall. The records are more detailed. You can take a look at it in your spare time."

  Eunuch Zhang explained the cause and effect of Shejitian very clearly, so that Zhu Pingan couldn't help but take a look at him after bowing his hand to thank him. Such a caring person always has a bright future in the palace.

  Shejitian is located in front of Renshou Palace and Wuyi Hall. Zhang Gonggong led Zhu Pingan to continue along the royal road, and soon arrived in front of Wuyi Hall.

  From the outside, Wuyi Palace is much simpler than the Yuxi Palace, Shenyingxuan and other palaces that we just passed by.

   "Master Zhu, this is the Wuyi Hall where the cabinet works. Without a summons, the servants are not allowed to enter the cabinet office, and the miscellaneous family will be sent here." Eunuch Zhang pointed to the Wuyi Hall and said to Zhu Ping'an.

   "Thank you, Eunuch Zhang, for leading the way." Zhu Pingan cupped his hands to thank him.

   "Master Zhu is polite." Eunuch Zhang replied with a smile, and then left.

  Zhu Ping'an didn't come early. At this time, there were already many people in the Wuyi Hall, and they went in and out of the main hall and side hall in an orderly manner. Zhu Ping'an was delayed at the gate of the palace, but he was not late.

   Entering the courtyard of Wuyi Hall, Zhu Pingan had a more intuitive understanding of the office location of the cabinet.

   There are three main halls of Wuyi Hall, with a simple and simple shape. In addition, there are two rows of low wing rooms on the east and west courtyard walls, which serve as side halls of Wuyi Hall.

There are two stele pavilions on the left and right sides of the main hall, which are named "the left stele pavilion of Yuzhi Wuyi Hall" and "the right stele pavilion of Yuzhi Wuyi Hall". Palace style building.

   There is also a pavilion in front of the main hall, which is called "Bin Feng".

This pavilion is the closest to the main entrance of the courtyard of Wuyi Hall. Zhu Pingan approached it, and was immediately attracted by the gold brick wall on the north wall of the pavilion. Tsk, the wall is really made of gold bricks. Zhu Pingan was a little bit tongue-tied , From the outside of the pavilion, it can be seen that the gold bricks are engraved with "Imperial Title Bin Feng Tu Poems". The title is relatively large and can be seen clearly, but the specific lines of the poem are not clear.

   "Zi Hou, you are here."

  Just as Zhu Ping'an was about to enter the Binfeng Pavilion and look at the inscriptions, he heard a gentle greeting from behind him.

   Zhu Ping'an turned around and saw Li Chunfang, the superior and colleague of the Imperial Academy—a scholar of the Imperial Academy, so he turned around and greeted Li Chunfang with a smile, "I have met Mr. Li."

   It was not surprising for Zhu Pingan to meet Li Chunfang in Wuyi Hall. In the Ming Dynasty, all the elders of the cabinet were born in the Imperial Academy, and it is reasonable for the auxiliary officials who assist the elders in the cabinet to come from the Imperial Academy. Li Chunfang is a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, seniority is older than herself, and she is also one of the future court elders. It is normal for Li Chunfang to go to Sizhi Wuyi Hall early.

In addition, Li Chunfang is a well-known "Prime Minister of Qing Ci". It is not only the cabinet ministers who are staying in Wuyi Hall. temple.

"Zi Hou, there is no need to be polite." Li Chunfang replied with a gentle smile, and then motioned Zhu Pingan to go with him to meet the elders, "Come with me, I will take you to meet the next three elders first. This Binfeng Pavilion, It’s not too late for Zihou to look at it when he has time in the future.”

   "Thank you, Master Li, for reminding me."

  Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands to express his thanks, and Li Chunfang was right in reminding him that he was new here, so he had to visit the pier first.

   "You and I came out of the Imperial Academy together, why should you be so polite." Li Chunfang smiled and waved, and then led Zhu Pingan to the main hall.

  Zhu Pingan sorted out his official uniform and fragrant leaf crown, and followed Li Chunfang to the main hall.

"The main hall in front is where the old man works." Li Chunfang led Zhu Pingan forward, and introduced Zhu Pingan briefly. There are more than ten rooms in each hall, which are places for ministers to rest, and you will also be assigned a room."

   "Hehe, Zihou will definitely remember this place deeply in the future", Li Chunfang laughed.

  Zhu Pingan looked closely at the side hall that Li Chunfang pointed out, and he knew it in his heart.

"Of course, the elders don't rest here. On the left side of the official road in the east of Wuyi Hall, there is another value house in the southwest. Well, it is the building with fourteen courtyards and sixteen rooms. There are five rooms in the hall. The rooms all face south, where the elders of the pavilion rest, and the largest of them is the resting place of elder Yan Ge." Li Chunfang pointed to the row of courtyards with four entrances outside the auxiliary hall enviously, and said to Zhu Ping'an.

  Zhu Ping'an nodded. He had known about this for a long time, and he also knew that this row of residences was newly built by Emperor Jiajing after Yan Song entered Xiyuan.

   soon entered the main hall.

  After entering the main hall, Li Chunfang asked Zhu Pingan to wait a while, and he went to inform the elders first.

When Li Chunfang reported, Zhu Ping stood in the main hall and observed. The main hall is very wide. In addition to the throne hall in the middle, it is divided into several single rooms on the left and right, the largest of which should be the chief assistant Yan Song The office room, the room that Li Chunfang entered was the one that Li Chunfang reported.

  A plaque hangs above the throne on the main hall, inscribed with the word "Wuyi". Behind the throne is a wall paved with gold bricks, engraved with "Farm House Busy Poems" in capitals. From the Poetry and Prose after the poem, we can know that this poem was written by Emperor Jiajing's father Ruizong, and the Poetry and Prose was written by Emperor Jiajing. made.

   "Zihou, Shoufu called you in."

  Zhu Ping'an had just finished reading Shiwenji when he saw Li Chunfang pushing the door out of Yan Song's office room and beckoning.

  (end of this chapter)

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