Rise From the Humble

Chapter 699: go to cabinet in the morning

  Chapter 699 Wake up in the morning and go to the cabinet

  Ghost knows how Zhu Pingan spent last night under Li Shu's contempt...

   Fortunately, after waking up the next day, apart from being contemptuously expressed by Li Shu in a nasal voice, it was the same as before.

  Breakfast was still rich and delicious, and it was even three points richer than usual.

This made Zhu Pingan look at Li Shu suspiciously. Judging by Li Shu's black-bellied nature, this girl probably added some laxatives or other ingredients to the food. Li Shu did this kind of thing before. Pass.

   "Eat it, it's not poisonous."

  Li Shu's bright eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts. She glanced at Zhu Ping'an, pouted her mouth angrily, and rolled her eyes at Zhu Pingan, showing a bit of cuteness.

   "Ahem." Zhu Pingan smiled guiltyly.

  The breakfast was very delicious. Zhu Pingan knew it was made by Li Shu after taking a bite. Only Li Shu could make this kind of delicacy.

  By the time Zhu Pingan had finished his breakfast, the sky outside was only getting brighter, and several stars were still inlaid in the sky.

  Breakfast today is much earlier than usual, because today is the day when Zhu Pingan goes to Xiyuan Sizhi Cabinet. It was much harder to be a civil servant in Ming Dynasty than it is in modern times. They didn't have the benefits of nine-to-five in modern times. It was a common occurrence that the moon stood next to the Yugou Bridge, and the half-opened arches were not released.

  Especially the requirements for going to work in the cabinet are stricter, at least half an hour earlier than when going to work in the Imperial Academy.

   "Zhu Ping'an, if you dare to betray me in the future, I will change your color."

Standing on tiptoe, Li Shu put the fragrant leaf crown covered with blue gauze on Zhu Ping'an's head, and her cherry lips, which were as delicate as rose petals, pressed against Zhu Ping's ears, and said sweetly like honey and orchid, After speaking, he looked at Zhu Ping'an, blinked his right eye playfully, and smiled, as if the wit and playfulness in his eyes were about to overflow.

  This witch!

  Hearing Li Shu's "sweet" threat, Zhu Ping'an's forehead burst into cold sweat, and he wanted to spank Li Shu's ass.

   next second

   Li Shu seems to have multiple personalities, from a little demon girl to a virtuous little daughter-in-law.

   "Today is the first day of the Husband Sizhi's cabinet, so don't be late, I will wait for you to come back here."

  Li Shu stretched out her little hand, virtuously adjusted Zhu Ping's brand-new official uniform, and said affectionately.

   Li Shu's virtuousness made Zhu Ping'an's little unhappiness disappear in an instant.

The official uniform on my body was specially made by Li Shu instructing the embroiderer. The materials used are all breathable gauze, which is light, comfortable and refreshing. It is specially made for the hot summer weather. Wearing this suit Official uniforms are much cooler and more comfortable than those issued by the imperial court.

The light and soft leather shoes on the feet were also specially made by Li Shu, because I heard that Emperor Jiajing was keen on cultivating Taoism, and worship activities such as Zhaijiao and praying to heaven in Xiyuan were very frequent. Usually official boots are inconvenient to kneel down, but this kind of soft leather shoes are easy to kneel down.

  Besides, today I got up very early, and Li Shu got up earlier than me in order to prepare breakfast for myself.

   Such a beautiful woman, what more can I ask for.

"I'm leaving."

  After Li Shu helped him tidy up his official uniform, Zhu Pingan put his arms around Li Shu's fragrant shoulders, lowered his head and pressed a kiss on Li Shu's lips, just like a modern couple kissing goodbye before going to work, kissed Li Shu goodbye, and walked outside.

   Li Shu didn't even react to this kiss. When her body was tied into a strong embrace and her cherry lips were sucked up, the throbbing at this moment made Li Shu react in a belatedly.

   Can't help feeling hot on the face

  Li Shu's pretty face suddenly turned red like a boiled crab.

  Looking at Zhu Ping'an's back, he couldn't help complaining, this bad guy doesn't even look at so many girls in the living room.

   This villain must have done it on purpose

  As for the little maidservants in the living room, they all had small mouths, their faces were redder than Li Shu's, and they stretched out their small hands to cover their small mouths.

  Like eating a catty.

   For Zhu Pingan from modern times, this is a very common goodbye kiss, but for them in Daming, it is definitely a large-scale show of affection, and each of them was caught off guard and was severely fed a catty of dog food.

   As for

   Zhu Pingan didn't know the reaction brought about by this kiss.

   Zhu Pingan left Tingyuxuan and went straight to the stable in the front yard. When Zhu Pingan arrived at the stable, Liu Mu and Liu Dadao were already waiting in front of the stable.

   "Young Master, the horse is ready."

  Liu Mu led Shamate's dark horse out of the stable, and Liu Dadao handed the whip to Zhu Ping'an.

   "Thank you, thank you." Zhu Pingan cupped his hands.

   "My lord, be polite to us, that's what we should do." Liu Mu shook his head, thanking Zhu Pingan, who was not used to it.

   "That's right, the company is not polite to us, just tell us to do what you need. Sledgehammer and the others will be back soon." Liu Dadao followed and nodded again and again.

  Received the notice from the Ministry of Criminal Justice the day before yesterday that Liu Mu and the others went to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to claim the heads of their fathers and fellow villagers, not one of the fifty-nine heads was missing. After receiving the heads, Zhu Pingan asked them to go back to bury their relatives, but Liu Mu and Liu Dadao insisted on staying, but let Liu Dachui and the three of them return to Liujia Village to bury the heads of their fathers and villagers.

  Yesterday, after Liu Mu and Liu Dadao learned that Zhu Ping'an was going to Xiyuan Sizhi's cabinet, they insisted on performing the duties of long-term follower.

   Zhu Pingan couldn't convince them, so he had to agree.

   Moreover, Zhu Pingan, a small cabinet secretary, is not qualified to ride a horse in Xiyuan, and there is no place for him to tie his horse, which is easily lost outside. Therefore, after riding to Xiyuan on horseback, Liu Mu and the others had to bring the Shamat black horse back to the Hou Mansion.

  Xiyuan belongs to the palace, and the cabinet works in Xiyuan. According to the regulations, except for senior members of the first and second ranks and the elderly, who can ride a horse or sit in a sedan chair in Xiyuan for special rewards, the rest of them will all enter Xiyuan on foot.

  At present, only Yan Song is specially rewarded for sitting in a sedan chair, and Yan Song was only granted preferential treatment for sitting in a sedan chair by Emperor Jiajing when he was eighty years old. Xu Jie and another cabinet minister, Li Ben, were only given a special reward for riding a horse. As for the others, they could only walk, and Zhu Pingan, the small cabinet minister Zhilang, was no exception.

   "Have you had breakfast yet?" Zhu Pingan took the whip and asked the two of them with concern.


   "Didn't eat."

  Liu Mu and Liu Dadao spoke in unison. After speaking, Liu Mu gave Liu Dadao a look, and Liu Dadao shrank his neck while rubbing the back of his head.

  Zhu Ping'an couldn't help smiling when he saw this, and said: "It's okay, then send me to Xiyuan, and you can have breakfast nearby before coming back. I heard that there are many snack stalls outside Xiyuan, you can try it."


   There was a sound of horseshoes, and Sanqi Qingqi rode out of Linhuaihou Mansion, all the way to Xiyuan, it was still dark outside.

  (end of this chapter)

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