Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1341: Simple standard

  Chapter 1341 Simple and standard

  Zhu Ping'an was led by Chu Xiong, walked along the boulevard, and not far from the archives building, he saw a horizontal hall with five bays and two verandahs. The main hall is a standard old-style official building, highlighting a tall and stable, composed of the front hall and the back hall, connected by patios and corridors in the middle, just like the word "工".

  Chuxiong people are too fat. After walking this distance, Zhu Pingan deliberately slowed down, and he had already started to pant.

  Perhaps, not only fat, but also a little thin. Zhu Pingan silently put another label on Chu Xiong.

"Ahem. Brother Zhu, this is where our official office is located. This is the front hall, five rooms wide, where the main business is done; our daily business is in the back hall. Further back is the inner house, which is for little brother Zhu An independent hall has been reserved, and Brother Zhu can resettle his family through the side door later. Come on, I'll take you inside to meet the adult adults."

  The two walked to the front of the main hall, Chu Xiong panted for a few times with his hands on his back, and then said to Zhu Pingan.

  Zhu Ping'an naturally follows kindness.

   "Where are we grown-ups from Taiwan?" Chu Xiong thought about his words on the way, and reminded intentionally.

   "Brother Chu, please give me some advice." Zhu Pingan cupped his hands.

   "We adults in Taiwan are the most simple. When we meet adults in Taiwan, brother Zhu, don't be too surprised." Chu Xiong reminded.

   "Thank you, Brother Chu, for reminding me." Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands in thanks, feeling a little strange in his heart, can an adult from Taiwan be so simple as to surprise? !

  After meeting the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Prosecutors, Zhu Ping'an understood why Chu Xiong reminded himself.

  Jiangsu-Zhejiang Prosecutor's Envoy is a thin old man, even a little weak, his figure and Chuxiong are two extremes. Sure enough, as Chu Xiong said, simple, too simple, not only the official uniform he was wearing was washed and faded, but even the cuffs were patched with two pieces.

  When Zhu Ping'an came in to meet him, the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Procuratorate was having lunch. He must have been busy with his official duties and missed the meal, because he was browsing the file with one hand and enjoying lunch with the other.

  Lunch is also very simple, just a stack of steamed buns, a stack of pickled vegetables, and a bowl of boiled water.

Although it was simple, the envoy read the files and ate with relish, and even Zhu Pingan and the others didn't notice when they came in. Even when the cornbread crumbs were scattered on the table, the envoy stretched out his hands from the table very skillfully to pick it up, without the slightest hint of it. Putting it in the mouth without disdain, the whole set of movements is smooth and smooth, and you can tell that you often do this at a glance.

   No wonder Chu Xiong reminded himself not to be surprised.

  As a third-rank criminal inspector, it is not surprising that he lives such a simple life.

   "Native to Taiwan, the new appointment Zhu Ping'an came to report." After Chu Xiong led Zhu Ping'an in, he stepped forward and said.

"Oh, our number one scholar has finally arrived. That's right, that's right, our government offices lack young people." The Jiangsu and Zhejiang inspectors recovered from the file and lunch, put down the file with one hand, and put down the cornbread with the other, from his sleeve. He took out a handkerchief with a sense of age and vicissitudes from his pocket, wiped his mouth, looked up at Zhu Pingan with a smile, and said kindly.

   "My subordinate Zhu Ping'an pays his respects to the adults in Taiwan." Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and bowed. After the salute, he presented the name card and the official document with both hands, and then stood aside respectfully like a junior student meeting a teacher.

   "No courtesy, no courtesy, please sit down safely. Wancheng, you sit down quickly, with me, why are you being polite."

  The inspector of Jiangsu and Zhejiang pointed to the chair opposite, and said to Zhu Pingan with a smile.

   "Late Bloom" is a character of Chuxiong, taken from the word "Late Bloom". Chu Xiong was born in a family of officials. He was given high hopes by his family since he was a child, but he was not very successful. It was not until he was over thirty that he relied on the favor of his family to enter his official career. In order to change his luck, the family changed the name of the watch to "late bloomer", hoping that he will be a late bloomer. Coincidentally, after Chu Xiong stepped into the official career, he was taken care of by his family and relatives, and he really got along like a fish in water. He really deserved the word "late bloomer". When he was approaching his fifties, he was promoted to the status of today's fifth-rank official.

   "Hey, I'm going to chat with Ping An, so I won't bother you. I'll come to bother you again sometime later."

  Chu Xiong smiled, please resign.

   "That's fine. Oh, by the way, Wancheng, remember to tell the public kitchen to cook two more dishes tonight, and let's clean up the dust together for peace." The inspector of Jiangsu and Zhejiang nodded with a smile, and instructed Chu Xiong.

   "The next official takes orders." Chu Xiong took orders, bid farewell and left.

   "Where is Ping An from? How many people are in the family? What is the name? Have you ever been married?"

  Jiangsu and Zhejiang inspectors asked about the basic situation of Zhu Ping'an as if they were chatting at home.

   "Reporting to Taiwan, Ping'an is from Xiahe Village, Huaining County, Anqing Prefecture. There are two brothers in the family, and the elder brother has married;

  Zhu Ping'an reported one by one.

After learning that Zhu Ping'an was married, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Procuratorate said with some regret, "I have a niece who is in her 28th year. She is beautiful, intelligent, gentle and virtuous. She is waiting for her boudoir. Zihou is young and promising. Good match. Originally, I still wanted to be a month old, but I never thought it would be a step too late. Time and fate."

"Thank you for the love from Taiwan, peace and mediocrity, people from the countryside, you can't be a 'young and promising', not a 'good match'. It is also a blessing for your niece to miss your niece. Your niece is beautiful, gentle and virtuous, and will be Can find a good match."

  Zhu Ping'an replied with a humble face, expressing his gratitude and insensitivity to the appreciation from Taiwan.

"Zihou doesn't need to be modest. Before he is young, he is already a fifth-rank thing. If he can't be called young and promising, I'll just wait for the old man to hang on to the southeast branch. Fate can't be forced, so don't worry about it. "Jiangsu and Zhejiang inspectors waved their hands, and the matter of connecting the lines was over.

   "Taiwanese are as modest as a valley." Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands.

   "Zihou was young and promising, since he was full of vigor, these stale officialdoms are unnecessary."

  The inspector of Jiangsu and Zhejiang shook his head with a smile.

   "Thank you for your teaching." Zhu Pingan cupped his hands in thanks.

"It should not be taught, it's just a little emotion from those who have been here." The inspector of Jiangsu and Zhejiang smiled, and then continued, "Zi Hou, you came at a good time. This time, you can get to know your colleagues in the government office one by one. If you come a month earlier, just I can only see the old man and Jiang Fushi. The rest, such as Chuxiong, all went to Zhedong, Haiyou, Zhejiang, Jinhua and other roads in February to be ruled, and they did not part ways until October. Returning to the official office. They have only come back not long ago. It is only two or three months since our official office staff gathered. If you miss it, you can only wait for next year."

  (end of this chapter)

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