Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1342: Prepare your troops

  Chapter 1342 Arrangement of military equipment

"Currently, our Jiangsu-Zhejiang Procuratorate Division under the jurisdiction of East Zhejiang, Haiyou, Zhejiang, and Jinhua patrols the four roads. Because of the special status of Southern Zhili, it does not have the Division of Procuratorate and Chief Commissioner. Each branch patrol road in the territory is managed by the adjacent chief political envoy and the procuratorial division for criminal punishment. We in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces are in charge of one of them. We have two deputy envoys and three procuratorates each lead a sub patrol road. , the manpower is just right, and Zihou's responsibility was originally difficult, but now there is no need to worry. At present, the Japanese invasion in the south of the Yangtze River is dying, and the responsibility for defending against Japanese invasion is heavy. Judging from the reality of these years, the guards have long been unfit for appointment. The Japanese pirates had few victories to speak of. The imperial court was very disappointed with the guards, so it specially appointed the deputy envoy or Qian Shi who originally had the "concurrently inspecting the prefectural guards" to lead the militia to help prevent the Japanese pirates. Zihou, you have The imperial edict issued by the imperial court to "rectify the army" has the right to command the army. In the future, Zihou will be in charge of the military equipment of our Jiangsu and Zhejiang Procuratorate. Wang Zihou hopes that Zihou will carry forward the achievements of Jingnan and make persistent efforts to prepare for this. Jiangsu and Zhejiang, bullied by Japanese pirates, do their part.”

  North Taiwan made arrangements for Zhu Pingan's responsibilities at the end, and handed over the military equipment of Jiangsu and Zhejiang to Zhu Pingan.

   This was within Zhu Ping'an's expectation, and it was also what Zhu Ping'an hoped, so Zhu Ping'an readily accepted the post.

   "I will do my best to live up to the expectations of the general public." Zhu Pingan accepted the order and said.

   "Good!" Standard Taiwan nodded in satisfaction, then picked up the teacup at the side, and took a sip.

  The ancients had an implicit rule of serving tea to see off guests. Besides, the visit just now interrupted the Taiwanese lunch, and we talked for so long.

   Next, Zhu Pingan was led by Chu Xiong to meet with the two deputy envoys of the government office and the other two officials.

   After a lap, Zhu Ping'an had a brief understanding of the leadership of Jiangsu and Zhejiang's Criminal Procuratorate.

  The adults in Taiwan are also inspectors. Their surname is Zhang and their surname is Zijing. Zhu Pingan's first impression of him was simplicity, kindness, and a sense of responsibility for his work.

  Two deputy envoys, one named Hu Jin, named Tongda, fifty-five years old, native of Henan; the other named Bai Jinhu, named Jin Cheng, sixty-one years old, native of Lingnan. Due to the short visit time, Zhu Pingan didn't have a deep impression on them, Hu Jin was more indifferent, and Bai Jinhu was more sophisticated.

  Three jinshi, besides Chu Xiong, the other two jinshi are Zhang Chufeng, who is forty-five, and Zhuo Yan, who is forty-eight. Zhang Chufeng is somewhat similar to Zhang Juzheng, with spotless clothes, elegant and handsome appearance; Zhuo Yan is the opposite, Zhuo Yan is of medium build, not only his face is paralyzed, but also somewhat fierce.

   This is Zhu Pingan's impression of his colleagues in the future.

   "Brother Zhu, let's go. Brother will take you around our official office to get familiar with the environment." Chu Xiong said enthusiastically after leading Zhu Pingan around, drinking a cup of tea, and resting for a while.

   "Stay true to what you want, but don't dare to ask for it." Zhu Ping'an nodded.

  Next, Chu Xiong took Zhu Pingan to browse and introduce the official office, and at the same time briefly introduced the people and things in the official office with Zhu Pingan. Of course, the introductions are all superficial personnel and affairs, and the deep-seated ones are not covered.

The four official offices of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Procuratorate were really beyond Zhu Pingan's expectations. They not only have the majesty of official uniforms, but also have comfort. It is built according to the standard of gardens, with the beauty of winding paths, the beauty of landscape pavilions and corridors, artificial lakes with artificial mountains and rivers, and so on. The independent hall that Zhu Ping'an was divided into is actually a small garden. In the courtyard, a small pool of clear water, small bridges, flowing water, cornices, small pavilions, green bamboos and green trees, and courtyards and corridors are connected by beauties as officials' inner houses. feel luxurious.

   "How about Zi Houjue's official office?" Chu Xiong asked Zhu Pingan with a smile after he finished browsing the Jiangsu and Zhejiang procuratorial office.

   "Tall, big, up" Zhu Pingan replied

  Chu Xiong couldn't help but startled when he heard the words, what do you mean by being tall? ! Zhu Pingan realized that he was not a modern person, and could not get the point of these three words, so he explained, "High-end, atmospheric, and high-end"

   "Hehe, the high-end atmosphere is high-end, high-end, high-end, seconds!" Hearing Zhu Ping'an's explanation, Chu Xiong couldn't help but smiled and extended his thumb, "Brother Zhu is worthy of being the number one scholar, these three words are incisive!"

   "Brother Chu is too much for the prize." Zhu Pingan said modestly.

   "In terms of environment alone, there are not many yamen in the south of the Yangtze River that are better than our Jiangsu and Zhejiang administrative department."

  Chu Xiong said confidently.

Zhu Pingan nodded, and did not doubt Chuxiong's words, because the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Chasi Yamen was indeed the number one existence among the yamen he had seen, and the general yamen was more old-fashioned, or rather dilapidated, like the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Chasi Yamen. Luxurious yamen is considered a rare existence in yamen.

   "Brother Zhu, in fact, we should all be grateful to our predecessor, Mr. Wangsi Xiaowang. The yamen we live in now was built by Mr. Wang after he took office." Chu Xiong said with emotion.

   "Where is Lord Wang now?" Zhu Pingan nodded and asked.

   "Ahem, Mr. Wang is in the capital now." Chu Xiong coughed and pointed to the north.

   "Master Wang has been promoted to the capital? When I was in the capital."

  Zhu Ping'an said slowly while thinking about the man surnamed Wang who could correspond to the number in the capital.

  According to the fact that the inspector is the third rank, if Gao is promoted to the capital, he must be at least the third rank of the same level, and the Beijing officials are half a rank higher than the local officials. The servants of the Six Departments are of the third rank, and the deputy governors of the Procuratorate are also of the third rank. The highest grade of the six subjects is the seventh rank, which is too low. The biggest possibility is the Sixth Ministry and the Inspectorate. Zhu Pingan had a lot of dealings with the Sixth Ministry when he was in the Imperial Academy and Wuyi Hall when he was on duty in the capital, and he also had a lot of communication with the Inspectorate. The adults really don't have the slightest impression, it shouldn't be a bit.

   "Ahem, it's not that Gao Sheng went to Beijing, but squatting in the prison in the capital." Chu Xiong coughed again.

ha? !

   Squatting in the dungeon? !

  Zhu Pingan was startled when he heard the words, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching. No wonder he didn't remember him, because he was squatting in the prison.

   "For" Zhu Pingan was about to ask why, and suddenly looked at Chu Xiong with a clear understanding, and asked tentatively, "Master Wang is good at repairing government offices?"

Since ancient times, there has been a folk proverb that "officials do not repair government offices, and customers do not repair shops". First, because they have been officials for a few years, they are just passers-by. Repairing the yamen will inevitably cost the people and waste money, and recruiting or mobilizing people's resources will easily lead to criticism; the third is the authority, which is also the most important. Overstepping, the local officials of the two have no right to use financial funds to repair the yamen without authorization, and must report to the imperial court for instructions, and only after obtaining permission can they repair the yamen within the permitted range.

   Those who are good at repairing the yamen will be demoted from office, and those who are serious will be imprisoned.

  So in ancient times, it was rare to see such super-standard office buildings in modern places.

  That's why Zhu Ping'an thinks that Mr. Wang was thrown into the sky prison, which is probably caused by repairing the government office without authorization.

"Ahem, it's not considered good at repairing. Mr. Wang reported to the court before repairing the official office, and he repaired it after getting approval." Chu Xiong coughed and said, seeing Zhu Ping's burning eyes, he continued, "But Mr. Wang The application was for 50,000 guan, but the imperial court only approved 6,000 guan.”

  Zhu Ping'an immediately understood.

  6000 guan can't build such a high-end official office, this amount of money is only enough to repair one door at most. Even 50,000 guan can't build such a high-level official office.

This is no different from tampering with the official office, and it is even more guilty of deceiving the superiors and deceiving the superiors. In addition, Mr. Wang, as the procurator who shoulders the duties of verification and supervision, is even more guilty of violating the law. It's not surprising to go to prison.

  (end of this chapter)

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