Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1340: Entering the government office for the first time

  Chapter 1340 Entering the official office for the first time

   "Hehe. I said that the magpies in the yard kept chirping in the early morning. It turns out that our Master Zhu has come to take office. This is really a great joy."

  Zhu Ping'an was sitting in the porter's room, and before he saw anyone coming, he heard a burst of hearty laughter.

someone is coming.

  Zhu Pingan got up and walked out of the concierge when he heard the sound, and saw a middle-aged official with a big belly walking over with a smile.

This potbellied official has kind eyebrows and kind eyes, with the word "fat" protruding from the end. He has small eyes and big ears, and his face is so fleshy that the small eyes are almost squeezed out. He has a round belly and wears five-pin clothes The official uniform was made extremely stylish by the fat on his body.

"Hehe, this is Master Zhu. I have admired your name for a long time, but I have never seen him before. When I saw him today, he is a young hero. He really deserves his reputation. I am Chuxiong, the official of our government. From now on, we will be colleagues in the government. , you need to get closer and closer."

  Chu Xiong stepped forward with a familiar face, looked at Zhu Pingan up and down with a smile, patted Zhu Pingan's shoulder in admiration, and said familiarly with his arms around Zhu Ping'an's shoulder.

   "I, Zhu Ping'an, have met Master Chu. Master Chu has been praised too much. Ping An is ashamed to be the second son of a 'hero'." Zhu Pingan bowed his hands to Chu Xiong, and said very humbly.

   This is my colleague for quite a long time in the future, Zhu Pingan observes Chuxiong without any trace.

Needless to say, Chu Xiong is obese. Zhu Ping'an's eyes are much sharper than ordinary people's. He noticed that there is a rouge color on Chu Xiong's neck. It is afternoon, and the rouge on Chu Xiong's neck cannot be left by his family members. Because if his family left it last night, he would definitely wash it off this morning, so it was a new one left during noon. According to common sense, I have already recognized it on the fifth day. I had a plowing time last night, so I should not be so interested in going home to plow the field at noon. Then the greater possibility is that Chu Xiong used the time at noon to race against time to find the stimuli left behind by the wind, flowers, snow and moon, and it was precisely because of this that he didn't have time to check and clean the traces left on his body.

  In addition, the smell of cheap rouge gouache coming from Chu Xiong's body also reflected this point.

With the value of Chuxiong's five-rank affairs, the rouge gouache used by his wives and concubines must be high-end products, it is impossible to use such pungent cheap rouge gouache, and only those women in Golan tile houses and romantic places will use this cheap And stimulating rouge gouache.

   This is a fat and lustful Zhu Pingan who put a label on Chuxiong.

Because Chuxiong was close, Zhu Pingan smelled a strong smell of wine and meat in addition to the pungent smell of rouge and gouache. Size, it would be strange not to have this hobby.

   "We are officials in the same department, and it is strange to call Mr. Chu." Chu Xiong said with a smile.

   "Brother Chu." Zhu Pingan changed his address, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching after speaking. Brother Chu, Chu Xiong, why does it feel like calling him Brother Chu is like calling him Chu Xiong.

   "Ahem, you can call me Big Brother Chu, I'm thirty years older than you, so calling me that doesn't count as taking advantage of you, I'll call you Little Brother Zhu from now on." Chu Xiong said familiarly.

   "Brother Chu." Zhu Pingan was kind, smiling and bowing his hands to greet Chu Xiong again.

"Hehe, little brother Zhu. Let's go, Big Brother Chu will take you to meet the adults in Taiwan. By the way, we will familiarize ourselves with our Jiangsu and Zhejiang Prosecutor's Office." Chu Xiong smiled and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation to Zhu Pingan, then turned his head to meet him. A doorman said, "Li San, greet Little Brother Zhu's entourage well, and wait for Little Brother Zhu to settle down later, and then send someone to notify you."

  When receiving him, he did not forget to take care of Liu Mu and Liu Dadao. Through this point, Zhu Ping felt that Chu Xiong was not only acquainted, but also very careful under his carefree appearance.

   "Thank you, Brother Chu." Zhu Pingan arched his hands slightly, then turned his head and nodded to Liu Mu and Liu Dadao.

   Zhu Ping'an was very clear about the adults from Taiwan that Chuxiong was talking about, and he was referring to the chief official and the highest leader of the government office - the procurator. The word "standard" means "criminal law" and "statutes of law", such as the word "regarded as a standard". The Procuratorate is in charge of the impeachment of the criminal name of a province, and has both judicial and supervisory functions, so it is also commonly known as the "Standard Division". As a result, the chief officer of the Judiciary of the Mentoring Judiciary is also called "North Taiwan", which is actually similar to the abbreviations with respectful titles such as commissioned seats and military seats in the Republic of China.

  Similarly, it is the same reason that local officials call the Chief Executive "Fantai".

Out of the gatehouse, step into the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Prosecutor’s Office, and you will see a wide tree-lined avenue. On both sides of the avenue are narrow and long corridors. The corridors are piled up with white walls. The ground and the promenade are equipped with hollowed-out flower windows, each of which embodies the characteristics of Jiangnan.

   "Brother Zhu, this way please." Chu Xiong said, stretching out his hand to hold Zhu Ping'an's wrist as he walked into the boulevard.

Walking hand in hand, this is not to say that there is something wrong with Chuxiong's orientation, but that the ancients have the habit of expressing kindness and enthusiasm by holding hands. If there is more kindness and enthusiasm, there is sleeping on the same couch, and sleeping on the feet, such as Liu Bei in the Three Kingdoms period. Comrades have this kind of hobby. When Taoyuan was married three times, Liu Bei "sleeped on the same bed" for Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and "sleeped on his feet" for Zhuge Liang.

   This situation was normal in ancient times, but it is different in modern times. In modern times, when two men hold hands, no matter how you look at it or feel gay, you are designated to be looked sideways and pointed at. This impression was deeply ingrained, and Zhu Ping'an couldn't escape it.

  So, Zhu Pingan, who came from modern times, couldn't stand being held by a big man, not only the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, but goose bumps all over his body.

"Brother Chu, what is this building in front of you?" Zhu Pingjian asked for directions, pulled his wrist out of Chu Xiong's hands without any trace, and pointed to a large three-story building with flying eaves in front of him, with a curious expression on his face. asked.

"Oh, you said the building in front, this is the archives building, where all the confidential files of our government offices are stored. It is no exaggeration to say that all the files of Jiangsu and Zhejiang officials are stored here. There are soldiers and guards all the time Guards, idlers and others can't come near, even you and me, if it's not on official business, you can't go in and check the files privately." Chu Xiong explained to Zhu Ping'an.

  Zhu Ping'an nodded. The Prosecutor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang is in charge of impeachment by criminal name of a province. He has both judicial and supervisory functions. It is not surprising that all the official files of Jiangsu and Zhejiang are stored here.

  (end of this chapter)

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