Carrying their respective finished products, Hui Feng and Alori found Milin in the school grounds of the town health center.

In addition to Milin, Ella, who was scheduled to go to the imperial capital with Milin, was also at the school grounds.

The luxurious robes that looked too Shinra were replaced by golden scale armor, and the crown on his head was replaced by a helmet inlaid with a ring of gems.

It is paired with a dark purple robe and cape, and a war horse that is also covered all over the crotch.

Now Ella looks like an emperor who wants to lead a personal expedition.

After looking around the school grounds, Alori saw neither the enemy nor the target and asked Milin a little strangely:

"Boss, what are you doing? Taking pictures?"

Alori naturally knows Milin's hobby of taking funny photos because she is also one of the victims.

In fact, Alori quite likes this kind of static gameplay.

"The filming is over, now let's get down to business." Milin replied.

Hearing what Milin said, Ella, who had been stiff for a long time, complained silently in her heart: (So you also know that taking pictures is not a serious matter!)

Milin, who ignored Ella's mental activities, then asked Alori:

"Have you got the weapons you asked for?"

"It's done, it took me a lot of effort." Alori said and handed the weapon in his hand to Milin and then said strangely:

"Why not let Sister Hui Feng do this? She is much better at making weapons than I am."

"But Gray Wind doesn't know how to enchant weapons. What's more important is that she said she wanted to make armor for me and she didn't have time." Milin glanced at the side and said with a bunch of broken pieces of Gray Wind in his hand.

"Aha? Is that suit of armor made for you, boss? Huh...huh." Alori said with an expression of suppressing a smile.

"..." Knowing that Alori would not smile like that for no reason, Milin once again moved his gaze to Gray Feng, or to be precise, to the large list of armor parts in Gray Feng's hand.

Like Alori before, Milin's expression immediately stiffened as he assembled the parts in his mind as soon as he saw them.

Before Milin could complain, Gray Feng said directly:

"Physically speaking, this type of armor is as lightweight as possible while still maintaining good resistance to cuts, punctures, and impacts."

If there were another indigenous armor maker at the scene who heard what Gray Feng said, he would definitely jump to his feet and say that the armor Gray Feng mentioned did not exist.

How could there be a kind of armor that could resist cutting by sharp blades, piercing by arrows, and impact by blunt objects at the same time?

Do you think you're wearing chain armor, lin armor, and lath armor together?

But how do you ensure it's light enough?

"Huh, that means this set of armor can match the three sets I wore before!" Alori said with some surprise.

"It's just that it has a similar effect in terms of physical properties. The actual defense is not as good as yours, but the weight of yours is not suitable for commanders to use."

As Gray Feng spoke, he methodically put the parts in his hands into categories, as if he was going to put them on Milin immediately.

"No, do you really want me to wear this kind of armor?" Milin, who knew exactly what he would look like after wearing this kind of armor, expressed his refusal.

"For your personal safety, Commander, please be sure to wear this armor." Gray Wind said in a serious tone.

Hearing the meaning contained in Hui Feng's words that he would not be allowed to go to the imperial capital if he didn't wear it, Milin said with a tangled look on his face:

"Okay, then I'll wear it, and remember not to laugh! No one is allowed to laugh!"

However, it really took a while for Milin to put on all the armor with the help of Alori and Gray Wind.

Both Alori and Ella couldn't help laughing loudly.

Ella, in particular, laughed even more sonorously and forcefully, as if she was using this method to avenge Milin for treating her as a model just now.

"Have you laughed enough?" Milin, who was wearing a helmet shaped like an onion, said angrily.

"Hahaha, hahaha, ahhaha, boss, hahaha, boss, you are like this, hahaha, no, I can't control it, just let me laugh for a while." Alori bent down and covered his stomach and said.

In addition to the onion-shaped helmet, Milin's breastplate also has a very unique style.

The round shapes one after another, as well as the curved wavy stripes on it, make this set of breastplates look like Michelin tire trademarks filled with water.

In addition, the shoulder armors, arm armors, leg armors, knee pads, and combat boots all have a rounded style.

In addition, in order to ensure resistance to impact, it is also the same as foamed hair.

Milin, who was wearing this set of onion tire armor, turned into a round lump.

After laughing for a while, Ella, who had to recover before Alori, looked at the extremely rounded Milin and said:

"If it hadn't been for the emergence of muskets, the development trend of plate armor would have been like what you are wearing now, Admiral."

From vertical armor to sloped armor to arc armor, this is the most normal evolutionary trend in armor styling.

It's just that when this kind of classical full-body plate armor just started to develop in a curve, their era was ended by gunpowder and bullets.

The cuirassier was left as the last glory.

The completely round onion armor on Milin's body is the ultimate form of full-body plate armor in a world without gunpowder technology.

In a true sense, it can have the ability to resist cutting, puncture and impact damage at the same time.

And the total weight is much lighter than Alori's humanoid tank.

It is only natural that Gray Wind would come up with this trick.

"From now on, I can call myself the Onion Knight of Katalia." Mirin sighed, crossing his arms to make himself look more rounded.

"Katalia?" The term Milin said made the three people present look puzzled.

"Well, a... a country in another world, where the knights all wear armor like this." Milin explained.

"Is that world interesting?" Alori asked curiously.

"Interesting..., maybe interesting, but it's not a fun world." Milin said in a subtle tone.

"Oh, forget it." Hearing that Milin didn't want to talk about that world, Alori immediately put away her curiosity, picked up the weapon Milin asked her to make, and said:

"Then this...sword is for you, boss?"

"Oh, no, it's for Ella." Milin, who took the weapon from Alori, waved it and nodded with satisfaction: "The craftsmanship is good, at least the appearance is completely restored."

Alori hesitates to call this weapon "sword" because the shape of this "sword" is not so symmetrical.

Sometimes it's a little crooked, sometimes it's twisted a little. Although it still looks like a sword, this look always gives the impression that the maker had a little bit of a hand when the sword was made.

Alori, who is considered a master in forging cold weapons, spent a lot of materials to ensure that weapons of this shape were still practical enough.

"Prepared for me? Why?" Aila looked at the red sword in Milin's hand and asked curiously.

"Because this weapon once belonged to a Roman emperor." Milin said and handed the sword to Ella.

Ella took the long sword and made some gestures. She found that although the shape of this weapon was very strange, it was considered a good weapon in terms of its center of gravity and feel.

But more than the practicality of this weapon, Ella was more curious about which Roman emperor would use this weapon. At least there was no record of this weapon in her memory.

"Weapons belonging to Emperor Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus." Milin said a long list of names.

"Nero...the last emperor of the Julius dynasty?" I don't know whether it's because of the commonality of being the last emperor of the dynasty, or because the story of the burning of Rome is a very important imprint in history, Ella He was quite impressed by this emperor.

"According to the records, the emperor's taste was different from that of ordinary people." Ella looked at the sword in her hand and said, "It seems that is indeed the case."

It seems that Ella is very restrained when it comes to evaluating her ancestors, and does not directly use weirdness to evaluate them.

"Then what's the name of this weapon?" Ella asked, not finding the weapon in her memory.

"Primal Fire, um...wait, Primordial Fire?" Milin was suddenly stunned for a moment as he spoke.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing...just a coincidence."

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