"So, what should I do next?"

Ella, wearing a military uniform, a crown on her head, riding a war horse, and standing in the middle of the school grounds with the original fire in her hand, asked Milin.

"After that, we need a sufficient sense of ritual to start the recruitment of troops."

Yonebayashi, who was dressed as an Onion Knight, said.

Just like Attila summoned the Darahan Cavalry, a special unit of the Huns, by trampling on Caesar's gold coin.

Milin's golden finger can also use a similar ritual to summon special troops belonging to Ella...or, in other words, to Constantine XI.

"Armored cavalry?" Compared to Attila who summoned the Darahan knights in a daze, Ella immediately understood the type of troops Milin wanted to summon.

Although Constantinople was no longer able to have an established cavalry force after losing several important horse breeding areas, most of the defense tasks were handed over to the Varyag Guards.

But until the end of the empire, there was still a force of less than half a hundred elite armored cavalry following Aila, the last emperor.

"So do you still remember them? Those cavalry who accompanied you until the last moment." Milin asked Ella.

"Of course, I know each of their names, birthdays, and even hobbies...I know..." Ella, holding the original fire, suddenly lowered her voice as she spoke, and said in a slightly panicked tone:

"I forgot, how could I forget them...why would I forget."

Seeing Ella looking panicked and about to cry, Alori glanced at Milin subconsciously.

This ability to invisibly arouse other people's emotions looks like the Force no matter how you look at it.

"Perhaps, they hope you can forget..." Milin said.

According to historical records, the last ruler of the Roman Empire, Constantine XI, disappeared rather than died in battle after the castle was destroyed.

Being able to survive among thousands of troops is obviously because Ella still has a group of warriors who are willing to die for her.

"That's right, maybe they all want me to forget... Wait, Admiral, what did you do to me?" Ella, who finally realized that something was wrong with her previous gaffe, said in shock.

Even the most unacceptable memories will become dim and slightly sour under the erosion of hundreds of years.

Ella has long been able to accept everything in the past with a calm enough mind. She can even sing "Ancestors, Ancestors, Paternal Line, Father" with Milin without any psychological barriers.

But just now, Ella had the feeling that she had returned to King's Castle not long after the city was destroyed, watching her soldiers fight to the death in order to escort her to escape.

"I didn't do anything to you..." Milin's words were still met with Ella's eyes full of disbelief.

Milin, who ignored Ella's gaze, continued:

"Perhaps forgetting is the most direct way to treat pain, but if you want to truly heal it, you need to actively face it."

"But everything is over. No empire is eternal. Is there any point in facing these things now?" Ella smiled bitterly, and even the war horse she was riding hung down as if she had noticed something. Headed.

"It is indeed meaningless to others, but what about yourself..."

While Milin was talking, he took out a flag from somewhere and unfolded it in the wind.

Seeing the golden double-headed eagle flag in Milin's hand, Ella, who was originally thinking about what it meant to face the past again, couldn't help but complain;

"Admiral, did you grab the wrong flag?"

"Oh, I forgot..." Milin said in an embarrassed tone, but instead of putting away the flag in his hand, he threw it directly to the ground and took out another one.

"Oh, sorry, I got the wrong one again..."

The mistaken griffon flag was also thrown to the ground like the seniors.

In less than a moment, the ground was covered with all kinds of flags.

"Is it a sense of ceremony?" Ella sighed as she looked at these familiar flags.

"So, is this side okay?" Milin finally took out a flag with only four letters on it and held it next to Ella.

"This..." Ella, who thought Milin would finally take out the Eastern Roman Empire emperor's flag with four beta letters, showed a surprised expression.

"I drew this myself."

Milin shook the flag in his hand, and the four letters "s.p.q.r" surrounded by laurel crowns fluttered in the wind.

Looking at this flag, Ella wanted to complain about Milin’s historical knowledge.

But after thinking about it, Ella, who found that Milin's style has remained unchanged, sighed and said:

"It has a sense of ritual, but I don't feel that these rituals are of any use."

As soon as Ella finished speaking, Alori, who had been watching Milin's various tricks, looked at the "s.p.q.r" fluttering in the wind and said strangely:

"Where does the wind come from?"

Almost at the same time that Alori asked this question, the Jedi hero who was meditating with his eyes closed next to his body in the basement suddenly opened his eyes.

"Wind, where does the wind come from?" Ella also noticed something strange.

Obviously he didn't feel any wind, but the flag in Milin's hand began to flutter, and the flutter became more and more intense, as if it was being blown by an invisible strong wind.

The war horse being ridden by Ella also became restless.

However, Milin, who was holding the flag, did not respond at all, and his expression was not visible because of the onion-shaped helmet.

"Boom" a violent explosion sounded in Ella's ears.

Memories that had been hidden for a long time were forcibly awakened by this explosion.

Looking up, the low city wall that originally surrounded the school grounds turned into a towering high wall with no end in sight.

There were crowds of people on the high wall, and panicked sounds were heard from time to time.

The reason for these panics is the gap that appeared in the middle of the legendary city wall that will never fall because of the roar just now.

Through this gap, one can see the fire that fills the entire horizon outside the city wall.

"Is it this time?" Ella raised her head and looked at the sky.

At some point, the originally sunny afternoon turned to night, and a scarlet blood moon hovered in the sky.

"This is the time, Your Majesty." Milin's voice sounded in Ella's ears.

Ella suddenly turned around with a crazy expression on her face that only people have when they are on the verge of despair.

Alori, who saw Ella showing such an expression for the first time, subconsciously took a step back.

Perhaps it was because the onion armor Milin wore had its own laugh-out-loud nature. When she saw Milin, Ella's expression softened slightly, but she could still see a ferocious expression that was almost struggling.

Milin, who didn't pay attention to Ella's change in expression, held the flag, turned over and mounted a white horse without armor or even a saddle, and said:

"They are coming, Your Majesty."

Ella did not respond to Milin's words, and her eyes only stopped on Milin for a moment.

Paying no attention to Alori and Gray Wind, who were also pulled into this scene, Ella cast her gaze behind Milin.

Just like the towering city walls that appeared out of nowhere, the small city of Escalon has turned into a huge city that can't be seen to the end.

Among the buildings that were considered great wonders in the classical century, there is a lingering sense of desolation and dilapidation caused by the erosion of time.

Under this sense of desolation and dilapidation, the entire city was like a dead city. It seemed that only the panicked people on the city walls were the last living people in the city.

Ella, who stared at the city for a full minute, said in a hoarse voice:




Whenever Ella pronounced a name, a shadow appeared beside her, gradually condensing into a fully armed cavalry.

There were men and women among these cavalry. The armor they wore did not fit well, and the weapons in their hands were even more uneven.

But no one could say any mocking words when seeing these motley cavalry.

After reading the twelve names, that is, after exactly twelve cavalry appeared, Ella, whose expression returned to calmness or dead silence, turned to Milin and said:

"This is the end..."

This is the end, a great empire that has been passed down for thousands of years.

During her final performance, only twelve horsemen followed the emperor.


Milin raised the flag in his hand high, and his very funny look lost its power to make people laugh.

"It's time for the show to begin!"

“There should be thunderous applause here!!”

With that said, Milin took the lead in riding his horse towards the gap in the city wall that was shattered by the times, and rushed forward to face countless enemy troops.

"Alas!" Although I didn't understand what happened, but when I saw Milin rushing up, Alley followed his throat and followed him. He ran out of the speed of the war horse sprint with two legs.

Aila was stunned for a moment when she saw Milin rushing forward like this, but she quickly reacted and showed a smile that was no longer so formulaic.

The red primordial fire waved by, creating a cloud of flames.

There were no heroic words, no pre-war encouragement.

Ella read out the words that Milin once said most often when he led the ship girls to conquer the north and south:


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