Milin, who suppressed a sneeze, rubbed the tip of his nose and said speechlessly:

"What is Alori talking about me again?"

"Is it okay, Admiral?" Ella's resentful voice followed.

Right in front of Milin, Ella, who put on a luxurious purple robe and wore a crown inlaid with colorful gems on her head, held a cross staff in one hand and dragged a ball with the other, stood among a bunch of lights. Under the protection of the lamp, they posed for photos.

Ever since she put on this outfit, Ella has been asked by Milin to pose in various poses for photos.

"It'll be ready soon, it'll be ready soon." Milin held up the camera made by Gray Feng in his hand and clicked the shutter button.

"I finally understand what it feels like for those ship girls to be forced to change into various costumes by you, Admiral."

Ella said with a long sigh.

"Okay, it's done. It's not called clothing, it's called skin. Isn't it normal for an admiral to change the skin of a ship girl?" Milin said indifferently to Ella's complaints.

"But Admiral, you, the LSP, always try to do something to them after changing them into new clothes."

After finally finishing the filming, Ella threw the props aside and said:

"Especially when the ship girls wear swimsuits."

"Can you please help me with the live2D thing? Besides, as an elf of the sea, I should have worn a swimsuit." Milin, who was blushing and feeling nothing at what Ella called LSP, looked at the photos he had just taken.

I have to say that Ella, who always wears glasses and looks like an overtime dog, can indeed feel a pure nobility after putting on this outfit.

He is worthy of being an emperor, even the last emperor.

Of course, this kind of nobility matches Ella's image, tsk... you can lick it.

"Well, Admiral..." Ella, who felt a chill for no reason, said, "There is one thing I forgot to mention."

However, Milin, who is obsessed with photos, has entered a state where he does not accept any external information.

"Admiral!!" After shouting several times in a row without getting a response from Milin, Ella simply said what she wanted to say loudly:

"The clothes you prepared for me are not Eastern Roman clothes, but Holy Roman style."

"What?? Shinra? A Shinra who is not even as good as bottled water?" Mirin suddenly woke up from his addiction after hearing the keyword.

"Yes, Admiral, these clothes you prepared for me are the costumes of the Holy Roman Empire." After Ella finished speaking, she paused and continued: "So I think it's time for you, Admiral, to learn more about history."

"..." After hearing what Ella said, Milin glanced at the camera in his hand, and then at Ella's appearance.

After looking back and forth several times, Milin looked like he had lost all his strength and said:

"Smash it anyway."

It can be Western Rome, Eastern Rome, Empire, Republic, or even Green Luo... Forget about Green Luo.

In short, it must not be the Holy Roman Empire, which is neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.

However, the camera was not smashed in the end. After all, the camera was innocent, but the photos with the barrel water style were all washed out and deleted.

After taking out all the photos, Milin turned his attention to Ella again, thinking about how to get a real Roman outfit for her.

After thinking about it, Milin moved his eyes to Ella's blond hair, which was not very Roman.

Fortunately, Lawrence came at this time, avoiding the pain of His Majesty Constantine Ella Valleolo XI having to act as a model all over again.

"Lord, are you looking for me?" Lawrence, who saw Ella's outfit for the first time after entering the hall, immediately withdrew his eyes without changing his expression.

Since the last emperor died unexpectedly, first his widow claimed to be emperor, then another emperor emerged from the Senate, and finally even the border marshal claimed to be emperor.

Such violations were commonplace throughout the empire.

"I heard that you are planning to set off?" Milin asked, looking at Lawrence coming alone and regretting not seeing Xian Lang.

"Yes, I just finished loading the goods this morning and plan to leave tomorrow." Even so, according to Lawrence's original plan, the caravan still had to stay for a few more days.

Whether it’s honey or beeswax candles, scarcity makes them valuable.

The amount of goods obtained from Milin alone does not account for much of the weight.

As a caravan, it's impossible to just go on the road with nothing, so you have to collect some other goods and resell them along the way.

Unfortunately, Escalon is not very big after all, and the throughput of goods is there, so it will take a few more days to purchase goods.

But since Milin is so urging, he has no choice but to hit the road ahead of time.

Milin, who just said it casually, noticed that Lawrence had some enlightened thinking, but Milin didn't reveal it and continued to ask:

"Is the destination the imperial capital?"

"This is according to the agreement, sir." Lawrence took apart every word Milin said and analyzed it in his mind. He didn't know why Milin mentioned what he had said before.

"Are there enough guards?" Milin then asked.

"Of course... well, we might need some better soldiers to keep the cargo safe."

Lawrence, who was about to pat his chest to ensure that the safety of the goods in his caravan was trustworthy, suddenly realized that the subtext of Milin's words seemed to be that he wanted to send someone to follow him.

So Lawrence immediately changed his tune.

However, in this way, they would have to bear the cost of additional soldiers' supplies. Even if all the goods were sold at the predetermined price, they would not be able to make much money.

But thinking about the future prospects of the regional general agent, Lawrence still held back his dissatisfaction.

Milin, who noticed Lawrence's inner fluctuations, smiled and said:

"Don't worry, I'm just going to the imperial capital once. I can take care of the logistics of the troops under my command myself."

"Sir, are you also going to the Imperial Capital?" Lawrence asked, who was keenly aware of the most important part of Milin's words.

At the same time, the way Lawrence looked at Milin became strange.

From his brother, Lawrence knew that Milin's becoming the lord of Escalon City was not so legitimate. He went to the imperial capital without the emperor's permission, so he came to see him at his door.

"Oh, the imperial envoy has been here a few days ago. I am going to the imperial capital now to officially receive the title." Milin said casually.

"That's it. I would like to congratulate you, sir. Later, I will ask someone to prepare a gift for you."

Regardless of whether what Milin said was true or not, Lawrence wisely chose to believe it.

"There's no need to spend so much money. After all, we are also partners now."

After another polite conversation without any nutrition, the two of them agreed that early tomorrow morning, Milin would lead his troops and the caravans of Wolf and Spice to the imperial capital.

After Lawrence left, Milin returned his attention to Ella.

Before Milin could say anything, Ella asked first:

"Then what troops do you plan to bring over, Admiral?"

Although Milin relaxed the conditions and recruited some locals as soldiers.

But in Ella's eyes, compared to the system soldiers directly "summoned" by Milin, those local soldiers are at best used for public security management.

Since Milin wants to "conquer personally", the soldiers he brings must be summoned system soldiers.

However, there are not many system soldiers until now. If they are taken away all at once, it will also affect the construction of the territory.

For example, supervisory departments such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs cannot continue to ensure their current role.

"Of course we will spend more money to recruit some system soldiers." Milin said directly.

"Oh, how much funds are needed, let me calculate..." Aila, who knew that she would be taken to the imperial capital by Milin to make a living, was unavoidable and decided to stand on the last guard.

However, after waiting for a while but not waiting for a reply, Ella noticed that Milin was looking at her with subtle eyes.

"Look what I'm doing? I can't turn into a soldier..."

"Why can't you change, Your Majesty Ella..." Milin said in a tone that made Ella feel creepy:

"After all, it is the power that carries the final glory of a great empire."

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