Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 449 The Tragic Death Knight, Tearing the Elemental Channel

Mitchell, Jose murmured.

According to the information obtained from the Bone Shepherd, the undead knight Mitchell is just a new demigod who replaced Whitehead as the new overlord of the plane after his disappearance.

Although the Wilderness of Bone is also a medium plane, its strength is obviously not as good as that of Tidanor, and an undead knight who has just entered the demigod can dominate the plane.

And after the red dragon entered the plane, he clearly felt that the number of demigods the world could bear had not yet reached the limit.

Generally, the medium material plane can hold between 3 and 6 demigods, and the red dragon cannot judge how many demigods there are in the plane.

Anyway, when we get to someone's territory, we have to pay a visit, Jose said, flying into the sky, and flew in the direction indicated by the Boneherder.

The clouds in the undead plane were very low, and there was a stench of death in the air, which the red dragon didn't like very much.

Rather than let death pollute the whole world, it's better to let the world burn. At this point, the red dragon activated the [Phoenix Heart], and the whole dragon burned.

Burning Ember Field!

Terrifying heat like the sun radiated from the red dragon, and the endless fire elemental energy swept the earth under the will of the red dragon. Wherever the shadow of the dragon was shrouded, everything burned.

A streamer pierced the sky. Below the streamer, orange flames emerged from the seven orifices of the rotting zombie. The twisted and blackened trees burned together, and the death energy was purified in the flames.

Jose is like a watercolor pen, drawing a bright red line in this filthy world.

He chose to do this in order to save this plane and delay the death of the plane.

The Bone Lord—Whitehead destroyed the elemental balance of the plane, so that it should only account for a very small amount of necromantic energy, occupying the entire plane with an overwhelming advantage, and the living space of other elements including the fire element is decreasing day by day.

And the red dragon's act of igniting the world is equivalent to injecting a large amount of fire element energy into this jar full of necromantic energy. Although it cannot reverse the trend of undead, it can also delay the progress of the plane's complete undead.

In addition, the red dragon also tried to destroy the plane of the undead in order to force out the hidden bone lord-Whitehead.

hold head high!

The arrogant dragon chant resounded through the sky.

Under the shadow of the emperor's wings, everything was reduced to ashes, and the flames spread in all directions with the help of the strong wind. The high-level undead who used to be domineering in the past scattered and fled. If they escape slowly, they will die.

The red dragon flew for a while.

Huh?! Jose suddenly saw a small black spot appearing in the sky in the distance, and the small black spot exuded powerful necromantic energy.

The red dragon flapped its wings suddenly, its speed increased a lot, and it flew towards the black spot.

After flying close, Jose saw the black spot clearly. It was a death knight riding a nightmare horse. The death knight was wrapped in pitch-black armor, only two eyes emitting a faint blue light were exposed. Exudes a depressing breath of death.

Boom boom boom!

The burning hooves of the Nightmare Warhorse stomped on the air, making a dull sound like a war drum. The death knight wailed on the long sword in the hands of the dead, and there were snowflakes falling around.

Not to mention it for the time being, the demigod death knight Mitchell is not bad just because of this appearance alone.

Like the emperor of the empire, the death knight is also a ruthless character who will never beep if he can do it.


The berserk flames collided with the surging death energy, and the terrifying energy storm spread in all directions. The ground was stripped of a layer of ground by the strong wind, and the ash clouds in the sky that had lasted for thousands of years were also swayed into a big hole by the energy shock wave.

The sun once again shines on the tormented land since the Lord of Bone slaughtered the entire plane.

The demigod death knight—Mitchell didn't care to enjoy the sunshine, and when he fought the red dragon, he felt the gap between himself and the red dragon.

Damn! Such a strong red dragon popped out there?! Mitchell cursed in his heart.

Damn Whitehead, you got me into trouble by escaping from the plane!

for a moment,

He then understood that the red dragon came for Whitehead, and the reward on the lich was enough to tempt any demigod.

Stop! The scorching heat almost melted Mitchell, and he shouted hastily.

If you say stop, I'll stop? How embarrassing would I be! Jose didn't care, and continued to attack, chasing and beating the death knight.

Clay figurines are also very angry, not to mention the demigod death knight who dominates the entire plane.

Red Dragon! Don't go too far! Mitchell fought back angrily.

Ah! Ah! The screams continued.

If you're here for Whitehead, I really don't know anything about him!

All my treasures are for you!


Let the undead knight talk nonsense, the red dragon still goes its own way.

Master Red Dragon, I was wrong, don't fight! Mitchell almost collapsed after being tortured by Red Dragon for half an hour.

The red dragon that popped out of nowhere is as strong as a monster, and has many chances to kill the death knight, but the red dragon is like a cat teasing a rat that has been knocked down, constantly teasing the death knight, and the death knight There is no resistance.

Unable to fight, unable to escape, Mitchell could only accept the red dragon's teasing aggrievedly.

However, Mitchell also saw that the red dragon had no intention of killing himself.

After another half an hour, Mitchell was completely out of temper by the red dragon, blue thin mushroom.

The Nightmare Warhorse was gone long ago, the long sword was broken halfway through the battle, and most of the armor on his body was melted. This red dragon is too bullying.

What on earth do you want?! The death knight gave up his resistance and let the red dragon's flaming claws grab his head.

The moment the dragon claw was about to shatter the fire of the death knight's soul, the red dragon's claw stopped, and the sharp dragon claw was less than one centimeter away from the death knight's head.

Jose grabbed the death knight's head, lifted him up to his eyes, and stared at the death knight with vertical dragon eyes: Why don't you resist? It's boring!

Mitchell had completely lost his temper, and did not dare to get angry at the Red Dragon, so he said weakly: Master Red Dragon, I am convinced, what is your purpose?

My purpose? Jose looked around.

Mitchell was so bloody that Whitehead didn't show up, and coupled with the words that the death knight voluntarily confessed during the fierce battle, the red dragon can almost confirm that there is no connection between the death knight and the lich.

This is the advantage of defeating the death knight first. In order to survive, the death knight not only gave detailed information about Whitehead, but also revealed the location of his treasure house.

The red dragon lowered his head and thought for a while, then asked, Where is the element channel in the Bone Wilderness?

have no idea.

Then you are worthless, Jose said as he was about to kill the Necromancer. valley

Wait! Mitchell felt the killing intent on the red dragon, and the fire of his soul jumped wildly, and he hurriedly stopped it.

I still have value! I know a secret!

Oh? What secret? The red dragon stared at the death knight.

Mitchell understood that if he answered inadvertently, he might be directly killed by the terrifying red dragon, so he quickly said, That fellow Whitehead has connections with the underworld.

Jose frowned: Whitehead stole a certain god's treasury in the underworld and was wanted. Of course, he has a connection with the underworld. If your secret refers to this nonsense, then...

The red dragon claws clenched tightly.

The death knight was so frightened that he quickly said: I don't mean this connection, but that Whitehead has a connection with a certain big shot in the underworld!

As soon as the words were spoken, the death knight regretted it, and he said the biggest reliance on his own survival.

Oh~, that's how it is, Jose said, regardless of what the death knight was thinking, the thoughts in his mind were like lightning.

If what the death knight says is true, there may be something more to Whitehead's theft of the god's treasury.

So, how did you know about this?

The death knight still wanted to struggle: If you swear to let me go, I will tell you all the secrets, otherwise I would rather die with a secret.

Heh, are you negotiating terms with me?! A dangerous light flashed in the red dragon's eyes.

Well, let me guess, Whitehead is connected with a certain big shot in the underworld, but you don't know who the big shot is, and with your strength, if you knew such detailed information, you would have been silenced long ago.

That is to say, the remaining information in your hands is of little value. It's good to have it, but it doesn't matter if you don't have it, right?

The death knight was discouraged, and the red dragon had already seen through his hole cards, and he lost the last chance to negotiate.

Now he can only cooperate obediently, hoping that the red dragon will let him go.

After Whitehead left the plane, his magic tower was destroyed by a strong man who came for a reward. Some servants in the magic tower escaped. I captured a skeleton guard in the magic tower.

Mitchell went on to say: In the skull guard's head, I found an unexpected piece of information. Before Whitehead was wanted, a Death Attendant had visited the Magic Tower.

Saying that, Mitchell took the initiative to strip off a strand of mental power.

Jose touched the spiritual power, and a picture instantly appeared in his mind, which was the picture seen by the skeleton guard.

Skeleton guards were guarding the courtyard, their eyes swept to the window of the magic tower, and they saw the lich leading a group of men in black to pass behind the window.

Due to the angle of view, the skeleton only saw half of the black-robed man's side face, which was enough for the red dragon to recognize him

Sure enough, it's the servant of death, the red dragon said solemnly.

The servants of death are servants transformed by the gods of the underworld using the power of death to engage in their respective activities, such as extraditing the dead, maintaining order in the underworld, and expelling soul thieves.

Like the kin of the red dragon, a death attendant is an extension of his master's will.

The death attendant once visited Whitehead's magic tower, so Whitehead must have a connection with a certain god of the underworld.

But as Red Dragon speculated, the death knight's information is dispensable and cannot provide any value for guessing the identity of Hades.

Could it be that this theft involved the internal struggle of the gods of death? Jose realized that the matter was deep, and hesitated whether to continue to participate.

After thinking for a while, Red Dragon made a decision in his mind.

That existence publicly offered a bounty to Whitehead, and the gods of death are also very calm inside, and the conflict has not been made public, so Whitehead can catch it. After all, the goal of the red dragon is only [Broken Eternity] in Whitehead's hand. Just go when you get to something, and you won't get deeply involved in the battle of the gods of death.

Thinking of this, Jose let go of the death knight: Can you go?

Huh? Mitchell was very surprised: You won't kill me?

What? Do you want to die? The red dragon glanced at the death knight and said seriously, If you want to die, I can help you.

The death knight quickly moved away from the red dragon, and flew away without looking back.

This guy may still be useful, Jose looked away from the death knight's back.

The red dragon closed its eyes, the flames on its body were extinguished, and its aura gradually weakened until the aura disappeared completely, and the whole dragon merged into this world.

Emmmm..., I can feel it, the veins of the elements.

Jose searched all the way along the veins of the elements, and after seven days, he found the element passage in the Bone Wilderness.

Including the four elemental planes, any plane has the four major elements, it is nothing more than the proportion, and the Bone Burial Wilderness is no exception.

The element channel is the key to realize the flow of elements between the four elemental planes and the planes.

Jose Fei was in high school, feeling the elemental energy around him. The space here seemed ordinary, but in fact, the elemental energy here was much more active than other places.

Since you are hiding and refuse to come out, then I will force you to come out! Red Dragon took a deep breath, closed his eyes and adjusted his state.

After letting go of the death knight, he did not go to the ruins of the magic tower in Whitehead. Many demigods who were attracted by the bounty visited the ruins of the magic tower, but found nothing. He imagined that the cunning lich would not go to the ruins of the magic tower. Leave clues, and simply don't waste time.

According to the information of the Hall of Military Merit, Whitehead has not left the Bone Land, but the Red Dragon does not know the location of the Lich, and the search is like finding a needle in a haystack.

If it is difficult to find the Lich, then the Red Dragon will not look for it at all, but find a way to make the Lich take the initiative to dedicate himself, such as destroying the plane of the undead.

Destroying the undead plane does not mean destroying the entire plane.

Just like the death element occupies the entire plane with an overwhelming advantage, the red dragon can also find a way to let the fire element occupy the dry bone wilderness with an absolute advantage, and transform the dry bone wilderness into a sub-element world.

If the bone wilderness is successfully transformed into a sub-plane of fire element, then a demigod-level lich will be like a black spot on a white cloth, with nowhere to hide in the eyes of the red dragon.

And the premise of all this is to find the element channel.

Jose suddenly opened his eyes, and at the same time, violent flames shot up from his body, and the flames directly broke through the oppressive gray clouds and went straight to the sky.

[Phoenix Heart] Activated!

[The Emperor of Yan's Status] is on!

[Scorching Heart] Energy extraction!

In an instant, the Red Dragon's control over the energy of the fire element reached its peak.

With a thought in Jose's mind, the energy of the fire element condensed into a pair of gigantic flaming dragon claws that were a thousand meters long.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The red dragon roared, the muscles all over his body tensed, and he tore at both sides forcefully.

Stab it!

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