Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 450: The Red Dragon Destroys the World, and the Lich Appears

Stab it!

Accompanied by a piercing sound, the space in front of the red dragon was torn apart like a rag, and the energy of the fire element poured into this plane like a flood that opened the gate, spreading to the low-lying elements in all directions .

At the same time, the invisible will of the plane hit the red dragon's head like a heavy hammer, causing its body to shake and its mind to be in a trance.

Ugh! Jose covered his head.

Tear apart the channel of elements and destroy the balance of plane elements. Similar behaviors may lead to the destruction of the plane, and will naturally be backlashed by the will of the plane.

Fortunately, the Dead Bones Wilderness has experienced the natural disaster of the undead, and the will of the plane has been severely damaged. Now it is dying, and the counterattack is not strong.

If it is the will of the normal plane, if the red dragon does not prepare cumbersome magic rituals and directly tears the elemental space, it may be seriously injured or even fall under the backlash of the will of the plane.

Jose shook his head and regained his sobriety. He felt the energy of the fire element rushing through his body. Every cell in his body was stretched by the energy of the fire element, making him feel comfortable.

He could feel the joy conveyed by the energy of the fire element.

In this aspect, the death energy dominates, and other elemental energies including the fire element have been suppressed for too long.

Therefore, as soon as the element channel was opened, the suppressed fire element swept in all directions like a flood, the energy of the necromancer quickly dissipated, and the suppressed dead gray clouds were rendered brilliant red, and the red clouds burned the sky.

Not enough! Jose's eyes froze.

The element passage was torn apart, and a large number of fire elements poured in, but compared with this world, the territory occupied by the fire elements is still too small.

Perhaps after tens or hundreds of years, the energy of the fire element can reach the point where it can compete with the energy of the undead, but obviously, the red dragon did not have to wait that long.

He wants to speed up the progress of the fire element occupying the world.

Jose flapped his wings and landed slowly towards the ground. He landed steadily on the ground. Under the action of the high temperature emitted by the red dragon, the soil on the ground was quickly burned red and turned into lava.

The burning dragon claws pierced fiercely into the lava-covered ground, deep into the ground, and the red dragon closed its eyes.

He could feel that the surface of this world was only covered with a layer of withered soil, and the depths of the earth still maintained vitality.

In the deepest part of the earth is hot lava, which stores a large amount of fire elemental energy.

Jose suddenly exerted force, injecting his own fire element energy into the depths of the earth, connecting with the lava in the depths of the earth.

Fire element! Follow my orders!

Under the action of the Red Dragon's will, the lava deep in the earth began to rippling, and the rippling ripples expanded in all directions, and the continental plate floating above the lava layer rippled along with it, and the consequence of the continental movement was an earthquake.

Boom boom boom!

The ground shook violently, and the stones rolled on the ground, but the red dragon on the ground remained motionless like a nail driven into a rock.

The range of lava ripples continued to spread, and the ground shook more and more. The undead around the red dragon with a radius of thousands of miles could not stand still, and they staggered like drunk.


The ground around the red dragon was torn apart, and horrible cracks appeared on the ground. Hot lava gushed out of the cracks, like the blood sprayed by a beheaded prisoner, shooting into the sky.

A steady stream of lava spewed out from the center of the earth, covering a large area of ​​withered soil. The fire elemental energy in the lava collided with the necromantic energy in the land, burning the necromantic energy in the soil.

The first crack was just a signal, more and more cracks appeared on the ground, and endless lava gushed out from it, spreading in all directions, and the landform of the Bone Burial Wilderness was permanently changed.

Not only the cracks, but the sleeping volcano was awakened by the majestic energy created by the red dragon, erupting violently, and the volcanic ash shot straight into the sky.

In the sky, the element channel was torn apart, and the energy of the fire element poured out like a gate, rendering the sky red with flames; on the ground, the earth was torn apart by terrifying energy, and endless lava gushed out from the cracks; Millennium-old volcanoes erupted one after another, spewing lava, and volcanic ash all over the sky.

The whole world is in a doomsday scene!

Whether it's a weak skeleton warrior, or a legendary bone dragon or lich, the undead in the whole world are trembling under the might of the sky.

Crazy! Crazy! Is this damn dragon going to destroy the world?! The demigod death knight Mitchell roared hysterically.

After escaping from the Red Dragon, he did not leave the Bone Wilderness, but found a hidden place to hide. He thought that the Red Dragon would be like the bounty hunters who visited in the past, after failing to find Whitehead. will leave angrily.

When the time comes, he will still be the king of the Bone Burial Wilderness.

However, he never expected that the red dragon would actually create the news of destroying the world.

While being shocked, Mitchell couldn't help trembling for the power of the red dragon, struggling in his heart whether to leave the plane and stay away from that powerful lunatic.


Under an unknown small plain in the Bone Wilderness, deep in the earth.

Lord of Withered Bones—Whitehead clenched his fists, suppressing the anger in his heart. The tables, chairs and benches around him shook violently, and bottles and jars filled with various materials fell, and the ear-piercing shattering sound could be heard endlessly.

Damn! How dare he! How dare he! The dark blue soul fire in Lich's eyes flickered angrily, like a bonfire in a strong wind.

In order to prevent being caught by others, Whitehead did not dare to deploy any surveillance methods on the ground. At this time, he knew nothing about the outside world.

He originally planned to stay at home and study magic as before, hiding for hundreds of thousands of years, and when the limelight passed, as a powerful demigod-level lich, he had plenty of time.

As for Mitchell, an idiot, Whitehead once sensed the aura of his eruption after becoming a demigod, but he never took it to heart.

When he goes out, everything on the Bone Wilderness, including Mitchell, is his.

But he never expected that a powerful lunatic would come to the Bone Burial Wilderness not long after staying in the house, and he did not know how to use some means to turn the lava layer upside down and launch a powerful magic that could change the world.

Damn it! If the Bone Burial Wilderness is transformed into the Sub-Element Realm by him, then my efforts of more than 6,000 years will be in vain!

But if I go out, my whereabouts will be exposed, and I will face endless pursuit...

The powerful demigod Lich couldn't help being caught in a dilemma.


Regardless of what others think, Jose continues to execute according to his own plan.

He used the energy of the fire element integrated with the lava to continuously create waves to stir the lava layer deep in the plane, one wave after another, which caused the earth to tremble more violently, and the range of earthquake fluctuations became wider and wider.

However, it is still a bit short for the violent fluctuations to be transmitted to the whole world.

Keep working harder! José shook his heart, immersed himself in the depths of the spiritual sea, and used his mental power to extract a trace of the power of the artifact—the Scepter of Havoc.

With the blessing of the power of the artifact, Jose's power soared.



In the depths of the earth, the undulating lava layer suddenly set off a huge wave like a tsunami. The huge wave made the continental plate like a ship on a storm;

Enough! The bone lord who couldn't bear it anymore—Whitehead teleported to appear 10,000 meters away from the red dragon, roaring furiously.

He stared at the red dragon in the distance in surprise and anger. The sun-like fire elemental energy on the red dragon frightened him. He had never encountered such a powerful existence in the demigod realm.

There you are at last, Whitehead!

Seeing the Lord appearing, Jose stopped stirring the lava, stood up from the ground, and stared at the demilich in the distance.

Judging from the necromantic energy emanating from the lich, Whitehead is worthy of being able to steal treasures from the treasury of evil, and his aura is not much weaker than that of the red dragon.

Not much weaker, but a little weaker after all.

The red dragon made a conclusion in his mind that this lich was not his opponent.

Although he is stronger, the red dragon does not want to provoke such a powerful enemy for nothing, not to mention that this lich also involves the gods of the underworld, which is even more troublesome.

Jose thought for a moment, and said, Whitehead, I'm here for [Broken Eternity], and I don't intend for your generous reward. Give [Broken Eternity] to me, and I'll leave.

Quack quack! Whitehead laughed angrily, Run to my territory to make trouble, and you want me to hand over [Broken Eternity]?!

Let me tell you! I have always been the only one who robs people! No one dares to rob me!

Jose narrowed his eyes slightly, and a dangerous light shot out from his pupils: That's nothing to talk about!

The next moment, both sides started at the same time.

With a wave of the red dragon's hand, the energy of the fire element within a radius of 10,000 meters gathered in his hand, condensing into a huge fireball like a hill. The red dragon held the fireball with one hand, like an ant lifting a football.

The Lich waved the staff in his hand, black air surged around the ice-blue gem at the top of the staff, and there were red dots in the black air. Looking closely, what kind of black air was it? Wraith, Wraith's red eyes are full of hatred.

The two attacks were launched almost at the same time. The giant hill-like fireball dragged its long tail flames and smashed towards the Lich. The air along the way was illusory and distorted, and even tiny black threads appeared around the fireball. This was because the space could not bear the violent energy. And the resulting space crack.

The wraith in the Lich's hand turned into a cloud of black smoke, and densely packed arms of the wraith stretched out from the smoke, trying to drag all the living into death.


With a loud noise, a giant fireball exploded, and the space in the core area of ​​the explosion shattered like glass, revealing a black void. Part of the energy of the fire element fell into the void, and most of the energy turned into a violent tsunami of flames that swept across all directions.

Not surprisingly, the pitch-black smog melted quickly under the attack of the giant flame tsunami, like ice and snow seeing the sun.

The huge explosion shock wave generated by the fireball explosion pushed everything horizontally with a destructive force, and continued to attack the Lich.

The strong wind blew up Whitehead's gorgeous robes, revealing the golden bones of the lich. The bones were covered with distorted runes, and the magically condensed runes were swimming on the lich like tadpoles.

His figure flashed and disappeared in place, avoiding the attack of the blast wave.

When masters fight against each other, they can judge the strength of their opponents.

Whitehead's heart was serious, the Red Dragon was too strong, if he didn't use his hole cards, he couldn't beat it.

I admit that you are very strong. If I meet you in the outside world, I'm afraid I will have to run away, but the Bone Burial Wilderness is my territory! The Lich raised his head and roared towards the sky.

The invisible energy impacted and diffused, forming a ring-shaped sound wave. Immediately afterwards, chains condensed by magic runes shot out from the Lich's body. The chains shot thousands of meters away and plunged into the void.

Jose's pupils shrank, and in his induction, the aura of the lich suddenly rose and became very powerful, causing strong pressure on him.

And the source of these changes is the chains on the Lich's body. The chains plunge into the void, continuously absorbing magical energy and passing it to the Lich.

No! Something is wrong! This... this feeling! The red dragon stared at the lich.

He suddenly found that the Lich seemed to be integrated with the surrounding environment, as if he was facing the will of the plane.

The red dragon glanced at the rune chain suddenly, and the memory inherited from Emperor Hasilei was turned out, and compared with the scene in front of him one by one.

He understood what was going on, and couldn't help exclaiming: It turned out to be the method of locking the spirit!

In the chaotic era before the age of the gods, the old road to becoming a god was closed, and the new road had not yet appeared. The proud sons of the era actively explored the road to advancement, and the method of locking spirits was one of the ways to become stronger in the chaotic era. .

The spirit in the spirit-locking method refers to the will of the plane. The basic theory of this method is to replace the will of the plane with one's own will, and become the controller of the plane, just like the gods control the kingdom of God.

At the beginning of the chaotic era, the strong were looking for half-planes whose wills had not yet been formed, and spent a long time cultivating the half-planes into material planes, thereby advancing to the gods.

But in the middle of the chaotic era, some strong people were eager for success, and directly took the formed material plane to operate.

In the formed material plane, the will of the plane has already been formed, and naturally he is not willing to be replaced by others, so someone came up with a vicious method, destroying the material plane first, severely hurting the will of the plane, so that the will of the plane is finally When you are weak, take advantage of it and replace it.

Based on the current situation, Jose understood why Whitehead launched the undead natural disaster, and why he appeared immediately after the plane was flooded with fire elements.

Because he wants to use the method of locking spirits to obtain the will of the plane of the wilderness of bones, refine the plane, and advance to the rank of god.

Quack quack! You actually recognize the method of locking spirits! Whitehead was a little surprised.

The method of locking spirits will destroy the precious material plane, and was banned by the gods. In addition, it has a long history, and few people know it now. Whitehead also got the inheritance of the method of locking spirits in the early adventures, so he left on the current path.

If you know the method of locking spirits, then I can't let you go!

The lich waved his staff, and the space in front of him was distorted, and the demigod death knight Mitchell with a blank face appeared in front of the lich.

Huh?! Didn't I activate the teleportation to leave the Bone Wilderness! How could...

Before Mitchell could react, he was suppressed by the massive necromantic energy and couldn't move.

From the beginning to the end, Whitehead did not look at the death knight.

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