Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 448 The Palace of Military Merit, the Fierce Lich

Jose stepped on the holy white staircase, climbed up the stairs all the way, and came to the sacred and solemn gate of the Military Merit Hall.

Unexpectedly, the interior of the Military Merit Hall was completely dark, like the ultimate black night.

One person passed by the red dragon without the slightest hesitation, stepped into the darkness and disappeared.

Seeing this, Jose understood that the Military Merit Hall looked like this, and without any hesitation, he walked towards the darkness inside the door and walked into the darkness.

As if passing through a layer of cool water, the red dragon only felt a shock, regained his sight again, and couldn't help being surprised when he saw the surrounding scene.

The Military Merit Hall is just like a Goldfinger, surrounded by a sky full of stars. If he hadn't seen the White Marble Square, he might really have thought he was in the inner space of the Goldfinger.

The red dragon lowered his head and took a look, only to see continuous black clouds beneath him, the clouds flowing slowly, mysterious and dreamy.

Welcome to the Hall of Military Merit, the flesh and blood life form of the multiverse. I am the administrator of the Hall of Military Merit. You can call me Yi. Currently, you have 3,200 points, a cold female voice sounded in the Red Dragon's mind.

Jose had a similar experience, and immediately understood that the cold female voice who called herself Yi was the manager of the hall like Ta Ling.

Honglong said: Ms. Yi, this is my first time in the Military Merit Hall, what can I exchange for Military Merit?

Everything you can imagine.

Interesting, Jose couldn't help being startled by the tone of the hall manager.

Then, I want to exchange for Godhead.

You have insufficient authority to exchange god-level items, the cold female voice sounded in the Red Dragon's mind.

Jose narrowed his eyes, and immediately figured it out. To exchange items in this military merit hall, in addition to military merit, you also need to unlock the authority.

In addition, the cold female voice only said that the authority is insufficient, which is a disguised admission that the military merit hall can be exchanged for godhead.

It can really be exchanged for the godhead, the red dragon couldn't help but be speechless.

So, how can I obtain the exchange authority for god-level items?

The balance of points reaches 10,000 points, because the starting price of the lowest god-level items is 10,000 points.

So that's how it is, Jose wondered, and then asked, How many points do you need for the last godhead?

Fifty thousand points.

Fifty thousand points, which means a thousand demigod demons, if he really has the strength to kill a thousand demigod demons, he may have already stepped into the level of gods and evils by himself.

After thinking up to this point, the Red Dragon finally understood what was going on with the Military Merit Hall.

Asking about the godhood is just out of curiosity, the real goal of the red dragon is still the treasure that can purify the [Blood of Tiamat] and the dust of the soul.

He thought that he needed to do some screening, but he didn't expect that the Military Merit Hall was in such a state, and it would save him a lot of effort to have the hall manager answer his questions.

Ms. Yi, I have some divine blood in my hand, but the divine blood is polluted by the devilish energy of the abyss. I need a treasure that can purify the devilish energy of the abyss. In addition, I also need the soul dust left by the fall of a god-level existence, that is, 【Broken Eternity】.

A standard copy of [Broken Eternity] costs 5,000 points, and your point balance is insufficient.

Jose was not disappointed. He had expected this a long time ago. Things related to the abomination are surprisingly expensive, let alone the soul dust left by the fall of the abomination level powerhouse.

Then tell me, I can afford to purify the magic treasures of the abyss.

Bright and holy brilliance, the crystallization of divine power... The cold female voice introduced a lot.

In the end, Jose chose the crystallization of the divine power of the God of Light and Justice. The God of Light and Justice is indeed the pinnacle of the gods. The crystallization of divine power is several times more expensive than ordinary gods. It took a full two thousand points to exchange for four .

It costs two thousand points to exchange for the divine power crystal produced by the God of Light and Justice, and your point balance is 1,200 points.

As soon as the words fell, four crystals of divine power appeared in front of the red dragon. The crystals of divine power were in the shape of golden diamonds, exactly the same as the golden diamonds that the red dragon had obtained.

However, these four divine power diamonds are instilled with divine power by the God of Light and Justice.

In terms of quality, the power diamonds made by the Church of Justice in Tidanor are completely incomparable.

Jose accepted the four divine power diamonds, thought for a while, and then asked, Ms. Yi, can the Military Merit Hall be exchanged for news?


I want news about [Broken Eternity].


In the end, José walked out of the Hall of Military Merit with satisfaction and cast a teleportation spell.

The 182nd floor of the bottomless abyss - Black Blood Plain.

The red dragon appeared in an empty cave. There are a lot of demons in the cave. These demons are not strong.

Different from the normal situation, the demons saw the red dragon not only did not attack or run away, but lowered their heads docilely. These demons were all subordinates of the eight-armed snake demon - Bianza.

Of course, the Red Dragon has only established a master-servant relationship with Bianza, and has no contractual relationship with Bianza's subordinates. In the past, these demons also attacked the Red Dragon, but they all ended badly.

There was no need for the Red Dragon to do it himself. The angry Bianza personally cut the demons who dared to offend the Red Dragon into slices. Because of this, all the demons who dared to offend the Red Dragon were artificially eliminated.


Accompanied by the call of the red dragon, a cyan figure flashed in from the entrance of the cave, and arrived in front of the red dragon as if teleported.

Eight-armed snake demon—Bianza bowed and saluted: I salute you, great master.

Jose looked at this subordinate he had trained himself.

Compared with the period of the Serpent, at this time, Bianza has grown eight arms, and her body shape is also a little taller than before. Compared with the change of appearance, the inner change is even greater. The legendary level of the Serpent It is not the same as the demigod-level eight-armed snake demon, and it is no problem to have one enemy against a hundred.

Bianza, my servant, I have an important task for you.

Follow your orders.

Jose went on to say: I want you to sneak into the 247th floor of the bottomless abyss—the Forest of Venom, and find news of [Broken Eternity] for me. There are rumors that someone found it in the ruins of the Forest of Venom. [Broken Eternity], the location of the ruins...

Also, the lord of the Forest of Venom—the Wailing Banshee has [Broken Eternity] in her hands, and pay attention to this news. Before [Broken Eternity] is in your hands, you should stay in the Forest of Venom.

Obey! The eight-armed snake demon responded loudly.

The eight-armed snake demon knew that she was enslaved by the red dragon, but she didn't feel resentful in her heart, because the magic of the red dragon distorted her mind, and at the same time controlled her life and death through the contract. No matter what, she couldn't escape from the red dragon's trap palm.

Since you can't resist, you can only accept your fate.

Master, since I'm leaving the Black Blood Plain, then... Biangsha scanned the demon subordinates in the cave from the corner of her gaze, and a dangerous light flashed in her eyes.

Three seconds later, the entire cave exuded a strong smell of blood. Except for the red dragon and the eight-armed snake demon, there was no one alive in the cave.

The reason why the eight-armed snake demon killed all the subordinates was that she wanted to leave the Black Blood Plain, and these demons lost their value.

Except in front of the red dragon, the eight-armed snake demon-Bianza is still a cold-blooded and ruthless demon.

After the eight-armed snake demon left, Jose launched another teleportation and returned to Dragon City.

After a while, Longya's avatar came to Longteng City and took away the crystal of divine power from the red dragon.

So far, of the four mountains standing in front of the bloodline advancement ceremony, only the last one remains - [Broken Eternity].

Naturally, the red dragon would not place all its hopes on the eight-armed snake demon.

This time, the Red Dragon exchanged a total of two [Broken Eternity] related news. The first news was about the Forest of Venom where the Eight-armed Snake Demon went, and the second news was related to a lich.

Burial Wilderness, Lord of Bone—Whitehead, the red dragon muttered to himself on the chair.

The place he is about to go to is a plane of the undead called the Bone Wilderness. In the Bone Wilderness, there is a demigod lich nicknamed Bone Lord—Whitehead. It is reported that Whitehead has [Broken Eternity] 】.

Although he received information about [Broken Eternity], Jose did not take action immediately. He had to figure out Whitehead's information before making a move.

Without keeping the Red Dragon waiting for a long time, Lord Saobao - Laknancy sent a communication request to inform the Lord of Red Dragon Bone - Whitehead's information.

Tsk tsk tsk, I don't know if I don't check it, but I'm shocked when I check it, Jose, the bone lord you're investigating is a ruthless character!

Laknancy went on to say: The Wilderness of Bone was still a normal medium-sized material plane five thousand years ago, and Whitehead was a high-ranking officer of a certain country inside the plane. He secretly studied undead magic and finally launched the undead natural disaster. Destroy the entire world, and a normal medium-sized material plane has degenerated into the undead plane——the wilderness of bones.”

This guy's story is so much more than that.

Mr. Saobao flipped through the information in his hand, and then introduced: Whitehead sneaked into the underworld thirty years ago, and stole treasures from the treasure house of a certain big man in the death department of the underworld. Tsk tsk tsk, a lich dares to provoke the god of death! Yes, this courage is too fat!

The most important thing is that he succeeded and escaped smoothly.

Jose nodded. He fully agreed with Faye Saobao's point of view. The Reaper family is an expert in playing with souls. As a demigod lich on the soul side, he dared to take food from his mouth, which is not insignificant.

Although I don't know what the Lich stole, judging from the reaction of that existence, the Lich's harvest is not small, so that that existence issued a wanted warrant and offered a high reward...

After reading the information, Laknancy looked up at the red dragon: What? Jose, are you interested in Whitehead's reward?

The red dragon shook his head: No, I'm interested in what he got out of the treasure house.

So that's how it is, Faye Sao Bao nodded, and didn't delve into it. Everyone has their own secrets, and Red Dragon is willing to tell him the real goal, which is to treat him as a friend.

Jose, you are looking for Whitehead. Finding his location is a big problem. The lich knew he was wanted, so he hid. God knows where he is hiding...

The two chatted for a while and ended the call.

Jose stood up from his chair. Through the hands of Lord Saobao, he obtained the battle information of Lord Whitehead—Whitehead, and it was time to act.

The information exchanged for military merit from the Military Merit Hall is not that simple.

Who would have thought that the wanted demigod lich didn't go anywhere, but hid at home, the red dragon muttered to himself, launching the teleportation and disappearing in place.

There was no sun in the sky, and dead gray clouds weighed low, like an old shroud over the world; there was no life on the ground, except for the smelly dry and cracked soil, only weathered rocks, and even the rocks were destroyed. Necromantic energy taints an ominous black.

This is the Necromancer Plane - the Bone Wilderness.

Suddenly, a bright red color appeared out of thin air in the bone-burying wilderness. This red color was the red dragon that was sent here——Jose.

Jose looked around in a daze, with lingering fears in his heart: It's unlucky! The space storm that I have never encountered in tens of thousands of teleportations was unexpectedly encountered by me!

However, fortunately, I am strong, and the teleportation magic was successful. It seems that I was indeed teleported to the Bone Wilderness, but there was a deviation in the teleportation location.

Looking around, the red dragon couldn't find its way.

Jose saw the skeletons wandering on the ground, and had an idea in his mind, since he was lost, he should ask a local for directions.

There are no locals in the Bone Wastes, but there are still local undead.

Ordinary skeletons with low intelligence cannot communicate, and the red dragon is looking for powerful undead.

Sweeping the mental power around, instantly scanning the range of 10,000 meters around the body, the red dragon immediately found the target, a legendary wraith.

Jose flapped his wings suddenly, and the whole dragon turned into a stream of crimson light across the sky, appearing 10,000 meters away in the blink of an eye, looking down on the earth from a high position.

On the rotten and blackened dry ground, rotten long swords, weathered bones, and rusty armor were half buried in the soil. The cold wind blew through the ancient battlefield and whimpered, as if lamenting the tragic ancient war.

He aimed his gaze at the center of the battlefield, where there was a pile of corpses like a hill. At the top of the pile of corpses stood an extraordinarily tall skeleton. The magic spear in the skeleton's hands could not escape the erosion of time, but the skeleton itself had gone through thousands of years. fall.

Looking at the golden luster on the skeleton, the red dragon guessed that the skeleton itself was a legendary warrior who had practiced a special profession, and all the hill-like piles of bones around the skeleton were killed by this warrior.

Jose could almost imagine the situation at that time, and he couldn't help sighing: In the face of an invincible enemy, you will never retreat, even if you die in battle, you will not fall for a thousand years. Is this the romance of a soldier!

It's a pity that the bones of such a powerful warrior were desecrated after death.

The red dragon's eyes froze suddenly, as if his eyes were piercing through the bone pile, and saw the scene below the bone pile: a legendary wraith built a nest under the bone pile, and refined the bones of the legendary warrior into a treasure.

Burning Ember Field!

Endless flames erupted from the red dragon, sweeping across the ground in an instant, including the bones of the legendary warriors, all the bones were turned into fly ash in an instant, and flowed away with the wind.

Below the pile of bones, a dark space was exposed, and the undead inside the black space were ignited by flames.

Heh! You are vigilant! The red dragon looked through the ground and saw the wraith moving forward in the depths of the ground.

Wraith is a soul body, which can travel inside the earth. In addition, the red dragon paused for a moment because of the scene of the pile of bones, which gave the Wraith a chance to escape.

As a demigod ceiling-level existence, Jose would be laughing out loud if he let a legendary wraith escape.

Fire elementalization!

With a thought in the red dragon's mind, the entire dragon fire elementalized and plunged into the ground.

After a while, the red dragon held a trembling translucent figure in his hand, flew out of the ground, and flew to the ground.

Jose threw the legendary wraith in his hand to the ground.

Hmph! Sad undead! Tell me who you are!

The legendary wraith stared at the red dragon in horror. Except for the lord, he had never felt such a powerful coercion from anyone. In addition, he was just pulled out from the depths of the earth by the red dragon. He was very afraid of the red dragon at this time , dare not hide.

Master Red Dragon, I am the master of the planes—Carol, the bone shepherd under Lord Mitchell, said Carol, who glanced at the red dragon and saw that the red dragon had heard Mitchell's words. There was no response after the name, and I couldn't help feeling cold.

Mitchell? Isn't Whitehead the lord of the Bone Wilderness?! the red dragon asked.

Carol hurriedly said: Master Red Dragon, Lord Whitehead was hunted down by strong men thirty years ago, and he left the Bone Wilderness long ago. Now the Bone Wilderness is in charge of Lord Mitchell.

Jose frowned slightly: What kind of strength is this Mitchell? What race?

The bone shepherd didn't dare to hide it: Master Mitchell is an undead knight. He just broke through to the demigod three days ago. The warrior bone we prepared is for Lord Mitchell.

It turns out that he is the undead knight who has just broken through to the demigod. No wonder there is no news about him, Jose suddenly thought, while thinking quickly in his mind.

According to the information given by the Palace of Military Merit, Whitehead, the lord of withered bones, has not left the Bone Wilderness, but he only knows that he has not left the plane, but does not know his exact location.

And the undead knight - Mitchell advanced to demigod and became the new master of the plane.

Is there any connection between the two?

Jose thought about the relationship between himself and the eight-armed snake, and guessed that Mitchell might be Whitehead's pawn, a powerful demigod-level lich, and it would not be too easy to control an undead knight.

To find Whitehead, perhaps you have to start with the demigod undead knight.

Jose's thoughts were like lightning, and he asked, Where is Mitchell? Where is the ruins of the Tower of Bones...

It didn't take long for the Red Dragon to figure out where he was and many things.

Thank you for your answer, the red dragon thanked the bone shepherd, and then with a thought, he killed the legendary wraith.


The last wailing of the legendary Wraith in this world remains in the air.

Jose stretched out a dragon claw to catch the light spot falling from the sky, and muttered to himself: Is this the soul dust left by the soul after death?

The red dragon put away the soul dust casually. Although it was only legendary soul dust, it was also a rare magic material.



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