Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 417: The First Battle of the Dragon Legion in the Abyss

Kirklin Ironscale went on to say: The demon city lord of Rogue City is the Scythe Demon—Daihold Shadowless Demon Scythe. He is a powerful demigod demon with a record of beheading powerful people of the same level.

This demon is good at stealth and assassination. Except for His Majesty, no one on our side can contend with it.

The second demon city is Uk City. Uk City is much farther away from Soaring Dragon City than Soaring Dragon City. The lord of Uk City, Singla Defiler, is also a powerful demon at the demigod level. The records of the strong, judging from the records of their battles with the same level strong, their strength is not as strong as the Shadowless Demon Scythe.


According to the results of the think tank's analysis, if the empire's first battle in the abyss is fought against Uk City, the winning rate is 80%. However, when fighting Uk City, we must pay attention to the reaction of Rogge City. If the Shadowless Demon Scythe Taking advantage of the fierce battle between the Empire and Uk City, we cannot bear the consequences of fighting on two fronts.

If you use Rogge City, the winning rate is 65%. Of course, this is based on the fact that His Majesty cannot kill the Shadowless Demon Scythe quickly. If His Majesty kills the Shadowless Demon Scythe in time, the battle will be swift. Finish.

Jose frowned slightly, recalling the scene of the battle with the Shadowless Scythe in the past, and said: The Shadowless Scythe has a powerful stealth ability and is extremely cautious. If he avoids fighting, I don't have enough confidence. can keep him.

If he escapes, the consequences will be disastrous, said the emperor, glancing at everyone present.

I recently received a piece of information. Before the Shadowless Demon Scythe became famous, it used to occupy another demonic city on the Bloody Battlefield. Later, his city was wiped out by a strong man from the Alliance of Gods.

This strong man was not pleased either, because the Shadowless Demon Scythe escaped.

The Shadowless Demon Scythe escaped to retaliate. This cruel and cunning demon had no choice but to hunt down the strong demigod's subordinates. The strong demigod almost became a bare-handed commander. , and then voluntarily withdrew from the bloody battlefield.

An unscrupulous demigod assassin is too scary.

Although the red dragon Benlong is not worried about being assassinated, his subordinates do not have such skills.

Attacking Rogge City requires a long-term plan, and we can only act when we have sufficient confidence.


A group of people discussed for a whole day, and they all became familiar with the situation around Longteng City, and the purpose of this meeting was achieved.

This race will last for a hundred years,

The emperor of the empire was not in a hurry to attack, he had enough patience to prepare and wait for the time to come.

Jose didn't bet all his chips on the battlefield of the bloody battle. Dragon City was just his base in the abyss, and the abyss was his hunting ground. He collected information from various channels, searched and hunted the lonely demigod demons.

Of course, in the hunting ground of the abyss, the emperor of the empire is not yet a top predator, so he also needs to be careful to prevent himself from becoming a prey from a hunter.

Than patience, a demon with a warlike factor flowing in his blood is no match for the emperor of the empire.

After a month of peace, the lord of Rogge City—Daihod Shadowless Demon Scythe couldn't hold back anymore. He led the demon army of Rogge City out of the city, and a large group of demons marched into the wilderness.

Perhaps it was because he was afraid of the Red Dragon Emperor who was sitting in Longteng City, this time, the Shadowless Demon Scythe did not choose Longteng City, but headed towards Qiyao City.

Not long after the demon army left the city gate, the news reached Jose.

After reading the information in hand, the paper ignited spontaneously.

Jose raised his eyebrows: Sure enough, he is a bully guy.

In the past, Broken Gorge City was the primary target of harassment by the Shadowless Demon Scythe.

After thinking about it, the emperor of the empire immediately contacted the lord of Qiyao City and told him that the Shadowless Demon Scythe would lead an army to attack.

Although he didn't think that Qiyao City had no surveillance on Rogge City, it was a matter of attitude.

Sure enough, after the Red Dragon told the news of the demon's attack, the lord of the Seven Luminaries City—Terina was not surprised at all.

Your Excellency Jose, thank you for your message. My subordinate has just sent the news.

Jose nodded: Since Your Excellency Terina is on guard, I am relieved.

The red dragon's heart moved, and he said: Telina, you have also fought against the Shadowless Demon Scythe, are you sure to stop him for at least 30 seconds and prevent him from escaping?

The lord of Qiyao City—Telina immediately understood the meaning of the red dragon: What? Your Excellency Jose is sure to keep him?

That Shadowless Demon Scythe is not an idle demigod demon, said the lord of Qiyao City with a serious face.

He is a powerful demon who has assassinated two demigods, and he is still on the wanted list of the Alliance of Gods.

Jose also knew the most wanted list of the Alliance of Gods. In fact, the God of Light and Justice and the Lord of the Nine Hells determined the points worth of demigods and demons according to the most wanted list of the Alliance of Gods.

The Shadowless Demon Scythe is not the one who waits for nothing, so am I the one who waits for nothing!

The red dragon wrote lightly: Your Excellency Terina, to be honest, I once participated in the plundering of a large material plane, and once confronted the demon lord at home, which directly contributed to the 365th floor of the abyss. The fall of the demon lord——Murphy Sark, he once confronted the gods head-on.

That's really... disrespectful, Your Excellency Jose, Terina was shocked.

In fact, she is skeptical about the first two records that Red Dragon said.

However, Murphy Sark, the Ballow flame demon lord on the 365th floor of the abyss, was like a thunderbolt.

The lord of Barlow's flame demon - Murphy Sark's reputation is much more famous than the Shadowless Demon Scythe.

As one of the lords of the 365th floor of the abyss, Murphy Sark once participated in the bloody battlefield, slaughtering a demigod of the alliance of gods, hoping to gain the favor of the will of the abyss and advance to the abyss lord of the godly level.

Murphy Sark is also really powerful, killing all sides on the battlefield of bloody battles, and has been in the top ten reward list of the Alliance of Gods for a long time, but he can live well for a long time.

At that time, the powerhouses of the entire multiverse were optimistic about Murphy Sark, thinking that it would only be a matter of time before he advanced into the abyss and became the abyss lord.

However, such a powerful demon suddenly disappeared for no reason, and the reward offered by the Alliance of Gods for him was also revoked.

There are only two reasons for the bounty to be revoked, one is that the target has advanced into a god, and the other is that the target has died.

If Murphy Sac had advanced to the godly evil, then the news of the bloody battle would have spread all over the battlefield, but it didn't. Therefore, Barlow's demon must be dead, but no one knows how he died.

Now, Terina knows from the mouth of the red dragon that Murphy Sark's death is related to the dragon in front of her.

In any case, to be able to contribute to the death of Murphy Sark, the dragon in front of him must be very powerful.

She was in awe, which was respect for the strong: Your Excellency Jose, to be honest, I am not sure that I can do what you said.

Although the Shadowless Demon Scythe is an assassin-type demon, it is also a demigod-level demon with magical abilities. The advanced teleportation technique used by demons has been practiced to perfection.

It's not that no one tried to encircle him, but they all failed in the end.

Hearing this, Jose felt a little disappointed, lost interest in continuing the conversation, and was about to say goodbye and end the call.

Terina's words changed: However, since Your Excellency Jose is so sure, then I will go crazy with Your Excellency and cooperate to kill the Shadowless Demon Scythe.

She went on to say: I have a good friend, I can invite her here, she is good at field control, with the strength of the three of us, there must be no problem.

And the Shadowless Demon Scythe is marching towards my Qiyao City, I can just set up a trap and wait for him.

very good.

Jose was overjoyed: Then let's discuss the specific details of the action...

After some discussion, the two sides reached an agreement.

I will wait for the good news from Your Excellency Terina.

No problem, just watch mine.

One dragon and one person ended the call.

Jose let out a long sigh of relief, feeling a little excited: it's finally going to open!

In the past month, except for the emperor, everyone else has gained more or less.

The others here are not just Merlin and the Mermaid Emperor, but also the Red Nest Mistress on the side of the Forsyth Empire.

Three days ago, the Mistress of the Red Nest successfully hunted down a demigod demon. Jose’s foreign aid, the guardian spirit—Keith Barker also beheaded a demigod demon, and the guardian spirit’s partner, Rock of Fortitude— —Falahir trampled to death eight legendary demons, adding a total of 108 points to Taidanol.

Everyone has gained, but the emperor has not, which makes the emperor feel a little embarrassed.

As for the competition rules, Jose has systematically studied the competition rules.

The most important thing is the contestants. Except for the demigod born in Taidanol, the contestants only include ten foreign aids invited by Taidanol and the devils.

As for cooperating with the lord of Qiyao City, it is also within the scope permitted by the rules.

Because on the battlefield of the bloody battle, as long as the wealth resources and network resources accumulated before the start of the competition are not used, it is allowed.

However, there is also a disadvantage in this way, that is, the contestants must personally kill the target in order to gain points. That is to say, if Jose severely injured the Shadowless Demon Scythe, and the Shadowless Demon Scythe was killed by the lord of the Seven Luminaries City, Then Jose won't get any points.

In demigod battles, the battle situation is changing rapidly, and everything is aimed at killing the opponent as soon as possible. If you don't kill the opponent as soon as possible, then you may be the one who dies. impossible.

Cassie! Come to me! Jose informed the White Dragon Prince.

After a while, Bailong came to the core castle and saw the emperor in the study.

Boss, are you calling me?

Well, there is a task for you, Jose said straight to the point.

I want you to lead the dragon army to Rogge City, and bring down Rogge City for me. Military achievements in bloody battles are also counted as points.

Don't worry, at this time, the Lord of Rogge City—Daihod Shadowless Demon Scythe led the elite to Qiyao City, and he can't go back.

Bailong grinned: Hahaha, no problem, I must blow Rogue City to pieces!

Well, let's go.


The white dragon turned around and left. After a while, a dragon chant resounded in Soaring Dragon City, and giant dragons lifted off from the city and flew towards the distant Rogge City.

Jose stood on the balcony of the study, watching the dragon army go away.

I should go too.

The next moment, the red dragon disappeared in place.

The moment the red dragon left, the magic circle in the entire Dragon City was activated, and the entire city entered a state of strict surveillance.

Jose flew far away in the sky, staring at the Qiyao City on the distant land. Due to the distance, the magnificent city is as small as a silver coin.

Not far from the silver-coin-like city, densely packed dots are moving. They are marching demon army.

The time has not come.

The red dragon maintained its invisibility magic, flying in the sky and waiting quietly.

Not long after, the demon and Qiyao City fought.

The Qiyao City side was not at all cowardly, the Qiyao soldiers were the vanguard, and the psionic masters in the rear drove the huge psionic armor on rampage, plowing out bloodstains in the demon army like a truck.

However, these psionic armors can also play some role in conventional warfare.

They don't even need demigods. In the eyes of legendary powerhouses, these empty psionic armors are just living targets and iron coffins.

After all, this is a world that belongs to the strong!

On the other side, Bailong rushed to Rogge City with the dragon army.

Just like the emperor of the empire, the giant dragon army used invisibility magic to hide their figures and flew far away in the sky, waiting for the emperor's order.

Action! Cassie received an order from the Emperor.

Hahaha! Invincible warriors! Today is the first battle of our dragon army! Let's turn this city into pieces!

hold head high! hold head high! hold head high!

All the dragons responded to the White Dragon Prince with passionate dragon chant.

Follow me!

All the dragons sprinted at full speed and approached Rogge City mightily.

As a demon city on the bloody battlefield, Rogge, although not guarded by the exquisite magic array like Dragon City, should not be underestimated.

Like all demon cities, there are a large number of demons living in Rogge City. Although these demons are not as elite as the army that followed the Shadowless Demon Scythe, they are large in number, and the ants kill the elephants.

In addition, there are three filthy altars in the center of the city that are comparable to simple magic towers, and there are legendary demons sitting on the altars.

With the blessing of the filthy altar, the three legendary demons joined forces to fight even ordinary demigods.

The White Dragon Prince had received a systematic education in demonology when he was in Tidanol, so he naturally understood the power of the dirty altar.


Cassie led the dragon army to stop beyond the limit casting distance of the filthy altar, stopped, and ordered the dragons to arrange their formation in the air.

The professionally trained dragons arranged their formation, and immediately took out a long-barreled weapon from the dimension bag. It was the final magic weapon of the Forsyth Empire—the Howl of the Empire.

In the eyes of ordinary people, giant cannons are like RPGs in the hands of huge dragons.



Cassie looked at the flying demon flying out of Rogue City, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: Launch!

Boom boom boom!

Hundreds of [Howl of the Empire] fired in volley, the roars converged into one piece, and the energy beams converged into a barrage, attacking Rogge City.

Before the flying demon could react, it was torn to pieces by the berserk energy barrage, and blood, flesh and limbs scattered in the air.

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