Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 416: Expedition! The bottomless abyss!

Tedanol, Northland, Moduo Peak Forest.

At the foot of Broken Moon Mountain where the portal is placed.

Before dawn, the imperial mage used magic to create a large light source in the air, illuminating the entire Mochizuki Mountain as if it were daytime.

At the foot of the mountain, the 50,000 imperial army was neatly dressed, with dew on their armor, looking up at the huge gate on the top of the mountain.

No matter how many times you look at this giant abyss portal, it is still so shocking.

The entire portal is made of black and reddish magical obsidian. On both sides of the door, two giant dragonmen stand with swords, like guards guarding the portal. fly away.

On the platform in front of the portal, the chancellor of the empire—Yu Gou looked to the east, and saw a fish-belly paleness in the eastern sky.

Time is up.

hold head high!

The earth-shaking dragon chant resounded through the sky, and all the soldiers turned their heads, only to see a majestic red dragon flying straight towards the portal from the east.

A noble and powerful majestic dragon power descended from the sky, covering the entire Moon Moon Mountain.

The soldiers felt this majestic dragon's power, and instead of being afraid, they felt a wave of fanaticism and reverence, because this dragon's power belonged to their noble emperor, His Majesty the Emperor.

hold head high!

The majestic red dragon flew over everyone's heads, its wide wings cast a huge shadow, and at the same time brought a gust of sulfur-smelling wind, which made the red dragon ring flag of the Fusai Empire flutter.

The Dragon Tooth clone flew to the top of the portal, maintained the [Dragon Transformation] state, and landed steadily.

Standing on the top of the portal, Jose looked down at the imperial army below. He saw that the imperial army was well-equipped and disciplined, standing in neat square formations, and a strong sense of pride rose in his heart.

Even the Matriarch of the Red Nest failed to obey the chaotic nature of her monsters and become a soldier of the law, and he did.

Warriors of the Fussey Empire! I! I am your emperor! Hong spread his wide dragon wings, showing off his stalwart body, and at the same time, his voice amplified by magic resounded through the Broken Moon Mountain.


next moment,

A tidal wave of shouts broke out: Long live His Majesty the Emperor!

Long live His Majesty the Emperor!

Long live His Majesty the Emperor!


The army of monsters raised and put down their weapons in unison, shouting frantically from the bottom of their hearts, cheering for their emperor.

After the monster army finished venting their emotions, the cheers began to subside. Jose folded his wings, and at the same time made a gesture of vain pressure.

The monster army understood, and there was no sound at once, and the transition from thunderous cheers to extremely quiet was completed in an instant.

Warriors of the Forsyth Empire! A powerful evil force is eyeing our world!

After a pause, the red dragon continued to speak magically and said: They want to occupy our country, turn the Forsey Empire into a sheepfold for them to get whatever they want, twist our spirit and body, and turn us into deformed monsters!

Say it! Can we agree?!

All the soldiers responded enthusiastically: No!



That's right! We will never agree! Hong Long Yilong's voice overwhelmed the audience.

We must resist! We must rub those daring enemies on the ground! Stomp on their faces and cut off their heads! the emperor roared viciously.

Come on! My warriors! The enemy is at the other end of the portal!

I can't wait to beat them!

Now... The Emperor of the Empire fully spread out the wide dragon wings, and roared loudly: Open the door!

The blood of the soldiers was surging, and they waved their weapons. Tens of thousands of voices converged into one sentence: Open the door!

Open the door!


Amidst the uniform shouts of all the soldiers, the group of thousands of mages around the portal started to move, surrounding the prime minister of the empire, and the double legendary mage-Yu Gou stood in a specific formation, and uttered mysterious spells from his mouth.

Collective spellcasting!

A group of thousands of mages, who are the lowest and high-ranking mages, cast spells together, triggering strong energy fluctuations. The magic energy of a thousand miles around the Broken Moon Mountain instantly gathered and gathered on the staff held high by the prime minister of the empire. A dazzling magic light source was born on the top of the staff. , shining brighter than the sun.

The magic energy from farther away continued to gather and flow into the magic power source on the staff of Ergo.

Open the door! The enthusiastic shouts of the soldiers continued.

Open the door!


Er Gou couldn't take it anymore, roared and pointed his staff at the portal, the magic energy in the magic source was emitted, forming an energy column thicker than a bucket, and the other end of the energy column shot into the empty portal middle.

At the same time, at the other end of the abyss, Jose's body was stronger than the entire mage group, suspended in mid-air, vigorous magical energy was shot out from the dragon's claws, and the magical energy also shot into the empty portal.

To open the portal, to connect two doors that are separated by an immeasurable distance, a huge amount of magical energy is required on both sides.

Gradually, a light blue energy light curtain rose from the empty portal, and the majestic magical energy rippled like water waves.

It didn't take long for the portal to absorb enough magic power, and a constantly rotating giant magic power vortex formed, and the giant magic power vortex seemed to suck people's souls into it.

Portal is stable!

Jose nodded to the green dragon below.

The legendary green dragon understood, and with a wave of his hand, the Dragon Tooth Soldiers who were already ready escorted a giant cage covered with black cloth, and pushed the giant cage towards the portal.

The giant cage gradually disappeared into the portal and disappeared from the sight of the personnel on the side of Dragon City.

In Tedanor, a giant light curtain appeared in midair, and everyone in Broken Moon Mountain could clearly see the picture on the light curtain.

On the light curtain, it was the picture of a giant cage covered with black cloth coming out of the portal.


A roar containing endless rage came out of the cage, and at the same time there was a knock sound of shaking iron chains.

At the top of the portal, Jose's dragon tooth avatar still maintains the [Dragon Transformation] state, stretching out its dragon claws and grabbing downward.

The giant hand with condensed magic power uncovered the black cloth, revealing the creatures imprisoned in the cage. The imperial army saw this scene through the light curtain, and couldn't help but gasp.

I saw a behemoth burning with flames imprisoned in the cage. This behemoth is also the famous demon known in the multiverse—Ballow the Balrog.

The beheading sword, the flaming whip, the burning demon body that symbolizes death, the demon wings that emit thick smoke, and the filthy magic that destroys everything, Barlow is definitely one of the most representative and powerful demons in the abyss .

However, this Barlow flame demon did not have the heroic appearance that a high-level demon should have. He was imprisoned in a cage, kneeling on an iron plate, with only one head exposed, and countless rune chains imprisoned him, and magic runes bound him. The demon fire suppressed back into the body, revealing a body like a cracked crimson rock.

Roar! Barlow the Balrog let out an angry roar, scanning everyone with murderous eyes.

If eyes could kill, everyone would have died hundreds of times.

However, even though Ballow's hatred was overwhelming, he was unable to take any effective actions, and he couldn't even induce [Burning Body Explosion] to commit suicide.

The powerful imperial emperor placed restrictions in his body, deprived him of the right to use the fire element, and deprived him of his ability to speak in order to prevent him from speaking rudely.

Jose specially transported Balor from the abyss, firstly to test whether the portal was connected, and secondly to boost morale, he beheaded Balor in front of the portal, adding a ceremonial item to the opening ceremony .

Let the soldiers watch the imprisoned Barlow for a while, and the legendary orc warrior who had been prepared for a while - Graeme Stone Hammer jumped up and stood on the giant cage.

Swing the sword!

Clean and neat, the huge head was rushed away by the jet of devil blood, and the devil blood swayed like a fountain.

When the Balano head flew to the highest point, José caught it with the mage's hand and hung this most representative and powerful demon head under the portal.

There are no gorgeous scenes and no deafening sounds, but the imperial army is full of enthusiasm.

Jose looked at the imperial army who was also looking at him, and announced loudly.

Me! Francisco Trinidad Jose!

Take the leader of the Dragon Clan of Tedanor!

The co-lord of the world's monsters!

The name of the Emperor of the Forsyth Empire!

I declare!

Let's go! The red dragon spread its wings and roared.

All the soldiers cheered enthusiastically. Under the leadership of the officer, they took the phalanx as a unit and walked up the stairs leading to the portal in order.

hold head high! hold head high!

Not long after the soldiers stepped onto the stairs, a dragon's chant resounded through the sky, and the ground behind them trembled.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A group of giant dragons flew over from behind, their wings covering the sky and the sun.

It is the White Dragon Prince - the dragon army led by Cassie!

The speed of the dragon army was very fast, and the imperial army flew towards the portal one step at a time, without stopping, and filed in.

Behind the giant dragon army is also followed by the army of bipedal dragons.

As for the rumbling footsteps of the giant moving behind, it was naturally the Land Walking Dragon Legion and the Dancing Claw Dragon Legion.

In Taidanor, there is no army that can make the Yalong Legion go out. Now facing the demons of the abyss, the Forsyth Empire has used this war weapon at the bottom of the box.

the other side.

Abyss, Dragon City.

The emperor himself watched as Prince Bailong flew out of the portal first, and nodded slightly to the white dragon who had seen him, as a greeting.

The white dragon also nodded in response, and then stood aside to greet the dragon army that crossed the portal to maintain order.

Under the arrangement of the legendary green dragon, the dragon army settled in the specially prepared living area of ​​the dragon according to the arrangement of the emperor.

Due to the destruction of Dragon City's buildings, Jose was able to redesign the city's design.

He built another dragon castle in the area next to the core castle, and the dragon castle and the core castle formed the twin castles.

Let's talk about Longbao.

The dragon castle is majestic in design, covering an area comparable to the core castle, divided into upper, middle and lower floors.

In order to make the dragon army live more comfortably, the Emperor of the Empire specially transferred the craftsmen who made the dimensional bag from Tidanore, and spent precious magic materials to expand the room to ensure that every member of the dragon army has a comfortable space.

It is also worth mentioning that there is no door in the entire Dragon Castle, because the door of the Dragon Castle is on the roof, and the huge roof can accommodate thirty dragons to take off and land at the same time.

On the outskirts of Longbao is the military area where the imperial army lives.

Due to the limited space in Dragon City, ordinary troops live in dormitories, which are divided into eight-person dormitories, four-person dormitories, double-person dormitories, and single-person dormitories, which are prepared for soldiers of different strengths.

The strong stand in the most dangerous position on the battlefield, and naturally receive preferential treatment. This differentiated preferential treatment can also inspire soldiers to improve.

As for the sub-dragon legions such as the bipedal dragon, the ground dragon, and the dancing claw dragon, the imperial emperor and celebrities hollowed out the underground of the military area and created huge crypts to serve as the lairs of the sub-dragon legion.

In addition to the core area and the military area, Dragon City also has a business area and an adventurer area. The ratio of the four is 2:4:2:2, and the military area is the only 4.

As for the common civilian areas, the city of the bloody battlefield does not need civilians.

After two hours, all the imperial army entered the abyss.

Jose left the portal, which was located in the courtyard of the core castle, guarded by the most elite dragon tooth soldiers under the emperor, and the portal was next to the emperor's room.

The portal on the side of Tidanol is personally guarded by the dragon tooth clone of the emperor of the empire. In addition, there are 50,000 elite imperial troops guarding around Broken Moon Mountain. They are the guards of the portal and also prevent the abyss from appearing. Reinforcements in emergencies are still the next wave of rotating troops.

Imperial soldiers are still stationed.

Jose came to the hall of the core castle and held a meeting with the high-level legion.

Today is the first day of the race to decide the fate of Tydanol.

This meeting is also Jose's first meeting in the abyss.

The participants included all legendary powerhouses, high-ranking generals of the legion, and think tank personnel of the legion.

Jose sat on the main seat of the castle hall and glanced around. His eyes swept over the five legendary dragons headed by Prince White Dragon, and then the eleven legendary relatives headed by Graeme Stonehammer, as well as the rest of the participants. .

Okay, everyone is here, and the meeting officially begins.

Jose opened his mouth to attract everyone's attention, and then continued: First, let our Dragon City consul—Kokelin Ironscale introduce us to the situation around Dragon City.

Hearing the words of the red dragon, the consul of Dragon City—Kokelin Ironscale stood up and bowed in all directions.

Kirklin Ironscale, a kobold family, is a rising star who lived under the rule of the empire since he was a child. He has master-level strength and excellent city governance ability.

People who are better than him can govern the city without him, and those who are better than him can govern the city without him, these are the original words of the prime minister of the empire.

After Jose tested it and felt that Cocolin Ironscale was qualified, he accepted him as a family member and was in charge of the affairs of Dragon City.

For the past three months, Dragon City has been managed in an orderly manner by Ke Kelin Ironscale.

Kirklin Ironscale: Great Dragon Lords, respected seniors, at present, Dragon City and the two demon cities are in a triangular shape. Among the two demon cities, Rogue City is the closest...

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