Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 418 I accept your head!

After tearing up the army of flying demons, the energy shells remained undiminished and continued to attack Rogge City.

The densely packed energy shells emit strong light, like a one-kilowatt incandescent lamp, making the demons in the city unable to open their eyes.

The energy cannon came in the blink of an eye.

Each energy cannon of [Howl of the Empire] is as powerful as a legendary magic. Hundreds of [Howl of the Empire] are fired at the same time. The superimposed power of hundreds of legendary magics can only temporarily avoid the edge of the emperor.

And Rogge City couldn't dodge.

The magic shield above Rogge City couldn't resist for a moment, and was instantly torn apart by the rain of energy shells. The shells fell into the city and exploded violently.

Boom boom boom!

The simple demonic buildings were destroyed by the violent energy shock wave, and the demons in the city also died in large numbers, and the smoke and dust rose.

The White Dragon Prince—Cassie saw through the smoke and dust, vaguely seeing the criss-crossing craters in Rogge City. The diameter of these craters was about ten meters, and the depth and diameter of the craters were about the same.

Generally speaking, the diameter of the crater is far greater than the depth of the crater, and [Howl of the Empire] is designed to deal with thick walls and powerful enemies. The focus is on penetration and speed, and the killing range is second. Effect.

Among the densely packed craters, there are still some demons surviving. Most of them are hiding in the caves, avoiding the shock wave of the explosion, and relying on the powerful physique of the demons to resist the shock. These demons have at least high-level strength .

However, even though these high-level demons were lucky enough not to be directly hit by the explosion, they were still seriously injured in the shock of the explosion.

[Howl of the Empire] is really easy to use, but unfortunately, it cannot be fired in succession, otherwise, it will just sweep over, Cassie lamented regretfully.

Take it back!

Hearing Bailong's order, the dragons took back [Howl of the Empire] into the dimension bag.

On the side, the legendary red dragon - Flame of Destruction also saw the horror of the demons in Rogge City, eager to try: Your Excellency Kaxi, the enemy has no ability to resist, let's go!

Cassie thought quickly in his mind, and rejected the proposal of Ruining Flame: No, His Majesty the Emperor once told us to act as safely as possible. If there is an accident among the members of the legion, none of us can take responsibility.

The Flame of Destruction stopped talking.

Bailong then ordered: [Howl of the Empire] Get ready!

The dragon army took out another dimensional bag, and took out the [Howl of the Empire] in the bag. Like the first [Howl of the Empire], it was fully charged in advance.

Boom boom boom!

Another round of [Howl of the Empire] salvo.

After two energy bomb baptisms in succession, there are no demons in Rogue City.

Prince Bailong glanced at it, and dismissed the idea of ​​using the third and last [Howl of the Empire].

Since the invention of [Howl of the Empire], more than half of the production capacity in more than ten years has been used to arm the dragon army.

As it turns out, it was all worth it.

The Dragon Legion used [Howl of the Empire], stood at a safe distance, and razed a demon city to the ground without any damage. This record is not insignificant.

Dragon Legion! Charge!

High spirits!

The sound of dragon chants resounded through the sky, and hundreds of dragons followed the five legendary dragons and charged towards Rogue City.

That's right, there are absolutely no demons in Rogue City, but those who survive are elites with powerful strength, and without exception, they are all legendary demons.

These legendary demons used magic like [Escape into the Void] to avoid the baptism of energy bombs and maintain their combat effectiveness intact.

The demon is not weak, the dragon army is stronger.

Soon, the last survivor of Rogge City was overwhelmed by hundreds of dragons, and died under the dragon's claws and breath.

At this point, the demon city—Rogge City is destroyed!

the other side.

Seeing the appearance of the Shadowless Demon Scythe and failing to attack the lord of Qiyao City, Jose immediately notified Bailong to do it, and at the same time flapped his wings silently and flew towards the battlefield.

On the battlefield, the Shadowless Demon Scythe—Day Huode’s figure retreated, and he gritted his teeth and stared at the lord of the Seven Luminaries City—Telina.

Just now, Terina deliberately showed her flaws to lure the Shadowless Demon Scythe into her hand.

However, Terina was just a bait, and there was another demigod hidden beside her, and this other demigod was exactly what Terena said was a good friend who was good at controlling.

Jose couldn't help but look at Telina's friend more. He didn't expect that the friend Telina was talking about was a demigod ice element.

This demigod ice element has a feminine appearance, with a human upper body and a gorgeous ice skirt condensed by ice on the lower body. It looks like an ice princess who came out of a fairy tale, with a icy temperament.

A true iceberg beauty.

The big here not only refers to the beautiful appearance of the ice element, but also refers to the body shape. The ice element is four or five meters tall, and with a wave of his hand, there will be wind and snow, covering everything around him with a layer of frost.

The Shadowless Demon Scythe was successfully attacked, and a thin layer of frost condensed on his body. Although this frost was not fatal, it was difficult to get rid of, and the speed of the demon was greatly affected.

Terina took the opportunity to launch an attack, and the invisible psionic attack hit the Shadowless Demon Scythe. The psionic attack was invisible, but she could feel the sense of crisis like an ice thorn attacking the center of her eyebrows.

The Shadowless Demon Scythe was forced to have no choice but to activate the high-level demon talent magic - high-level teleportation.

Few people know that when the Shadowless Demon Scythe—Dyhold had not yet stepped into the demigod, the magic he was best at was actually teleportation.

It was because of his wonderful teleportation technique and his cautious character that he stood out from the endless low-level demons in the abyss, and lived until he became a legend, and later became a demigod.

After advancing to the demigod level, he became the prestigious Shadowless Demon Scythe by virtue of his invisibility and assassination abilities. His situation was much safer, but he still practiced advanced teleportation from time to time.

The long-term persistence has paid off. When falling into the trap carefully prepared by the two powerful demigods, the Shadowless Demon Scythe forcibly overcomes the negative state of frost and breaks through the interference of the dimensional anchor.

In a flash, the Shadowless Demon Scythe appeared a thousand meters away from the battlefield.

Without looking back, he fled into the distance.

Recognizing the situation clearly and avoiding the strong and bullying the weak, this rare trait of a demon is the main reason why he can survive till now and keep getting stronger.

However, this time, he met the Emperor of the Empire.

Jose turned on [Data Visualization], and found the fleeing Shadowless Demon Scythe at a glance. The Shadowless Demon Scythe was forced out of the stealth state by the frost and was running at full speed on the ground.

Speaking of which, this was the first time Red Dragon saw the Shadowless Demon Scythe.

The race of the Shadowless Demon Scythe is the Scythe Demon, not too big, two stories tall, and looks like a mixture of a crab and a praying mantis, with the upper body of the mantis and the lower body of the crab.

His whole body is covered with a hard carapace, and the eight legs are covered with sharp sickles below the wrist joints. The most striking thing is the two scythes on the upper body. The arms can be used as weapons directly by removing them.

At this time, the Shadowless Demon Scythe was cleaning the frost off his body while running away.

This is the magical frost specially prepared for him by the demigod ice element, which breaks his invisibility ability, weakens his speed to a certain extent, and is as difficult to clean up as a gangrene attached to the bone.

Damn it! How dare you plot against me! See how I deal with you after I escape!

Suddenly, the face of the Shadowless Demon Scythe changed suddenly. He received the news from the subordinates who stayed behind in Rogue City that Rogue City was attacked by demons.

He was asking about the situation when the subordinate's breath of life disappeared.

At the same time, a tsunami-like majestic dragon power descended from the sky, and José flew soundlessly from afar to the top of the Shadowless Demon Sickle, and entered the attack range.

The magic that has been pinched in his hand is released instantly.

Mystery - Hasley's Phase Nail!

An invisible energy shot out from the red dragon's hand, and hit the Shadowless Demon Scythe with lightning speed.

The Shadowless Demon Scythe didn't suffer any damage, but his face changed suddenly. He found himself as if he was firmly nailed by an invisible nail, and the high-level teleportation technique that used to be like an arm and finger didn't respond at all.

Haha! I caught you! The Emperor laughed and swooped down.

As you can tell from the name of Hashirai's Phase Nail, this magic was created by Hashirai the Great.

Emperor Hasilei used to be a fierce man who fought against the abyss, and he was very troubled by the innate ability of high-level demons-advanced teleportation, so he launched a series of researches and developed [Hailey's Phase Nail].

[Hashley's Phase Nail] has no other function, but the magic is activated quickly, and it can place a cloud of magical energy that interferes with the space on the demon.

If the target has abyssal magic energy, the interference effect will be doubled, which can be said to be an advanced teleportation technique that specifically restrains demons.

[Phoenix Heart] was activated, and a fierce elemental fire burned on the Red Dragon, attacking the Shadowless Demon Scythe below.

It is true that the Emperor of the Empire is better at magic than melee combat, but to deal with a fast demon who is not good at attacking magic, melee combat is the most effective.

Of course, Jose will not give up his magic advantage.

Slow down!




During the charge, negative spells were thrown towards the Shadowless Demon Scythe one after another.

Under the emperor's careful calculation, the Shadowless Demon Scythe had no ability to resist, and was about to be caught by the burning red dragon.

The Shadowless Demon Scythe had already felt the flame temperature on the red dragon's body, which was hotter than the abyssal lava, and was anxious, but there was nothing he could do, so he could only raise the sickle to the red dragon, desperately resisting.

The corner of Jose's mouth curled into a contemptuous smile. 【Phoenix Heart】has a powerful self-healing ability. It is no exaggeration to say that the wound caused by the Shadowless Demon Scythe does not heal as fast as his.

Red dragons are not afraid of getting hurt.

The huge dragon claws were wrapped in a strong wind, and they slammed down on the Shadowless Demon Scythe, and the flames dragged several tails from the fingers of the dragon claws.

The Shadowless Demon Scythe counterattacked with its blade raised, and he wanted to implement the red dragon's claws and gain time to escape.

However, the dragon claw is just a false move, and the real ultimate move of the red dragon is the swinging dragon tail.


The pillar-like dragon's tail lashed at the Shadowless Demon Scythe fiercely, and immediately bent half of its leg in the opposite direction. It was obvious at a glance that the leg was broken, and it slammed on him with the remaining strength, and the demon flew upside down. .

The Shadowless Demon Scythe was in despair, the advanced teleportation technique was abolished, and his leg was broken, and he couldn't escape the pursuit of the red dragon.

Fate has pronounced his doom!

Jose also felt relieved. The Shadowless Scythe is best at teleportation, invisibility, and strong mobility. Now, all his advantages have been abolished.

I accept your one hundred and fifty points!

The raging dragon flames flew backwards, hitting the Shadowless Demon Scythe that fell to the ground fiercely, and the Shadowless Demon Scythe with a broken leg was unable to dodge.

Seeing this scene, Terina, the lord of the Seven Luminaries City who was chasing after her, stopped in her tracks: From now on, the name Dyhod Shadowless Demon Scythe will disappear forever.

Suddenly, under the pressure of the billowing dragon flames, a figure appeared in the berserk dragon flames.

Jose was startled, and at the same time, an invisible mental shock wave hit, and the mental protection magic equipment on the red dragon was automatically triggered, blocking the attack.

At the same time, the red dragon also saw the face of the attacker clearly, and was shocked and angry in his heart.


Seeing that the red dragon didn't respond to his own mental shock wave, the devil knew that he couldn't kill the red dragon in a short time, so the next best thing was to stab the fallen Shadowless Demon Scythe with the poisonous snake-like dagger in his hand.

Jose was furious: This devil dared to take the head.

Damn bug! Go to hell!

The red dragon reacted quickly, flapped its wings suddenly, and chased after the devil, followed closely by its flaming dragon claws.

If the devil insists on killing the Shadowless Demon Scythe, then he cannot escape the fate of being killed by the red dragon.

In desperation, the devil activated the teleportation technique and disappeared in place.

There was a flash of struggle in Jose's eyes, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, he continued to attack the Shadowless Demon Scythe.

The red dragon struggled to be stabbed by the Sickle of the Shadowless Demon, and a dragon claw pierced through the eyes of the Shadowless Demon, and the sharp claws continued to penetrate, crushing the brains of the demigod and demon, and at the same time, the endless fire elements burst out, tearing away the shadowless demon from the body. The Shadow Demon Scythe burned into an empty shell, and flames burst out from the Shadowless Demon Scythe's mouth and ears.

Suffering such a severe injury, the Shadowless Demon Scythe would naturally die beyond measure.

Jose didn't care about the demon's corpse in his hand, and cast his gaze to the left, far to the left, the demon teleported to the distance in an instant, invisible and disappeared.

Assassin-type demigod devil, now, the competition begins. Devils not born in Bator Hell who were not born in Taidanol cannot participate in the competition. At this point, the identity of the devil is ready to be revealed.

The red dragon's eyes were cold, and he murmured: Leonard Heartless!

He thought of the information sent by Master Sao Bao, Leonard Unintentional, a demigod devil, but few people have seen him make a move with their own eyes.

I only know that he has outstanding achievements. He has sneaked into the demon city many times, stole secrets, and assassinated seriously injured high-value demons.

How dare you hit me on the head, the next time I meet you, I will let you be the one who has no intentions, Jose thought angrily.

Your Excellency Jose, are you alright? At this moment, the lord of Qiyao City - Terina rushed over.

I'm fine, Jose turned his head, seeing the city lord of Qiyao City and the ice element who were far away from him, and extinguished the flames on his body.

Then remove the Shadowless Demon Scythe's shell from the dragon's claws.

Although he was frightened by demigods and devils, fortunately, the result has not changed.

Terina Chi asked: Your Excellency Jose, who is that devil?

It's just an opponent, Jose didn't want to say more, and cast his eyes on the body of the Shadowless Demon Scythe.

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