Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 405: Siege of Gods

Everyone, the direction this beast is heading to is the Storm Strait!

Jose shouted loudly: We must not let it succeed! Otherwise, you and I will have no choice but to escape from Tydanor!

When everyone heard this, their expressions changed drastically.

There is no exaggeration in what the red dragon said. Once the evil spirits escape into Teldanor and absorb all the wind elements that are raging in the stormy sea, then everyone will have only one way to escape from Teldanor.

The Mermaid Emperor's face was solemn. She had fought against the gods and could understand the horror of the gods.

His Majesty Jose is right. This god absorbs energy very quickly. At first, I was able to completely suppress it. Later, you also saw that after being exposed to external energy for a while, it already had the power to resist.

Everyone, please stop holding back, otherwise, we will all be finished together!

Moulin's eyes condensed and he no longer had any scruples. He teleported directly in front of the crow-shaped god. Magical energy surged out, blocking the crow-shaped god's flying momentum.

Upon seeing this, Jose activated the teleportation behind Morin, alerting him to the escaping devil.

Compared to the undeveloped divine evil, the devil is more destructive. If the devil causes trouble when everyone is sealing the divine evil, the consequences will be unpredictable.

So someone has to cast out the devil.

The crow-shaped god flies very fast, and only Morlin can intercept it, so Morlin must stay, and the Golden Elf King is weaker and may not be able to take on the important task of expelling the devil.

Jose and the Mermaid Emperor looked at each other.

If you stay, the domain can isolate outside elements and absolutely cannot allow the evil to grow further.

The Mermaid Emperor raised his eyebrows and accepted the red dragon's proposal: Okay.

Jose nodded and chased the devil in the distance.

The devil continues to run away, and the red dragon continues to chase.

Jose couldn't help but feel strange when he saw that the devil kept running away and seemed to have no intention of looking back.

Both the Mermaid Emperor and Moulin were held back by the crow-shaped god. This is a great opportunity to cause trouble. Why does this guy seem not to care about this opportunity? The red dragon had doubts in his heart.

As a member of the bodyguard of the Lord of the Nine Hells, Mal'Ganis

The strength and trump card are definitely not comparable to ordinary demigods. If he turns around to cause trouble on the battlefield of gods, the red dragon will not dare to intercept it.

However, Malganis ran away without looking back.

There is something strange about the devil's behavior.

In other words, the devil's behavior has never been normal.

Jose couldn't help but feel a little headache. From beginning to end, the demigods of Tedanor were being led by the devil.

From destroying the seal of Morlin and releasing the raven-shaped god, to taking out [Heart of the Storm] and using [Heart of the Storm] to lure the god to fly to the stormy sea.

If the devil's purpose is to destroy Teldanor, then luring the gods to fly to Teldanor is indeed a good way.

But when it was within its power, the devil gave up on destroying the demigods and sealing the divine evil.

The whole process was as if the devil was playing as he pleased.

At this thought, Jose felt a little ridiculous, because he felt that the devil was really just playing, like a troublemaking naughty child without any purpose.

Impossible, the devil at the demigod level is not so boring, not to mention that the devil is also a member of the personal bodyguard of the Lord of Nine Hells.


Jose was suddenly startled and thought of a possibility: The Lord of the Nine Hells, the God of Light and Justice.

[Heart of Storm] is in the hands of the personal guards of the Lord of Nine Hells, [Heart of Burning Flame] is in the hands of the God of Light and Justice...

He felt that he was close to the truth: If these two big guys standing at the top of the multiverse are fighting from a distance, and the devil is performing the task assigned by the Lord of Nine Hells, then everything will be explained.

The devil kept running away, and Jose had the leisure to think while flying.

You must understand the devil's purpose, otherwise, you will always be beaten passively.

For high-quality souls?

Jose quickly rejected this idea. There are too many material planes in the multiverse. There is no need to keep an eye on the troublesome plane of Tydanor. After all, the quota of demigods in the plane of Tydanor is full, and the devil can go to those who are still there. A plane that can accommodate demigods, convenient and safe.

Among the medium material planes, the strength of the Tydanor plane must be at the top level.

If it were not for high-quality souls, then there would only be four-element gems.

But what are the main four elemental gems of the Nine Hells used for?

Jose had thought about this question before, but unfortunately he had insufficient information and could not come up with an answer out of thin air.

He stared at Mal'Ganis who was escaping in front of him. As a personal guard of the Lord of Nine Hells and the executor of the mission, Mal'Ganis should know more information.

The question now is how to get the devil to speak.

The devil kept running away, and Jose hung far behind him, neither chasing him nor letting the devil out of sight. After all, his main task now was to expel the devil and prevent it from destroying the demigods' sealed crow-shaped evil. You must fight the devil desperately.

Jose has always been reluctant to take risks when he is unsure.

Half an hour later, Malganis flew to the edge of the storm sea area, stopped, and looked back at the red dragon teasingly.

Oh my, you are so enthusiastic, you sent me home, the devil tossed the [Heart of the Storm] in his hand and looked at the red dragon confidently.

Jose stopped moving forward, flapped his wings and floated in mid-air, looking at the [Heart of the Storm] in the devil's hand.

With [Heart of the Storm], the devil has the upper hand in the storm sea, just like the earth element demigod in the earth element sub-plane, the red dragon will naturally not ask for trouble.

He thought for a moment: Sharpras?

The smile on Mal'Ganis' face froze, and his expression turned gloomy, but it quickly returned to its original state.

The change in the devil's expression was naturally not hidden from Jose's eyes, and he couldn't help but sigh: It's really you, Sharpras.

I haven't heard this name for a long time... a long time.

Malganis was also very emotional, seeming to recall the past. He stared at the red dragon: I didn't expect that after eight thousand years, someone would still remember this name.

Little Red Dragon, I'm very curious. I almost forgot this name myself. How did you recognize me?

What a coincidence, I also want to ask you some questions, Jose also stared at the devil without showing any signs of weakness.

Malganis smiled: Exchange, you answer mine and I answer yours.

Okay, but the whole universe is aware of the cunningness of the devil clan. Just to be on the safe side, Jose said, taking out a devil's contract.

Seeing his own products, Malganis' smile froze and he felt a little depressed. He didn't expect that the devil clan would shoot himself in the foot.

Swish, brush, brush~!

Jose's mental power was so strong that he quickly wrote the contract, and the contract automatically flew towards the devil.

Malganis took the contract, looked at it, and looked up at the red dragon in surprise. Even with his professional vision as an old devil, this contract was perfect.

Oh, you're such a cunning bastard.

Thanks for the compliment, Jose responded lightly. For a devil, praising another person for being cunning is definitely a very high compliment.

Malganis readily signed the end of the contract. The contract already stipulated the questions that both parties needed to answer. They were all insignificant questions, and it didn't matter if they were informed.

The contract returned to Jose and he signed it.

Contracts burn without fire.

Okay, go ahead and tell me why you came to Tedanor? What is your purpose?

Because of the mission, the mission I got was to cause trouble. As for the purpose, the Lord didn't tell me, the devil smiled slyly. He took advantage of the loopholes in the contract and the information he provided was almost worthless.

Jose twitched the corner of his mouth, and with the contract guarantee, the devil's words were naturally not lies.

That's right, it's normal for your immediate boss to ask his subordinates to do things without telling them the real purpose.

However, the Red Dragon was not without gains. At least it was confirmed that it was really the Lord of the Nine Hells and the God of Light and Justice who were playing chess in the air using Tydanor as a chessboard.

Okay, it's your turn, how did you recognize me.

Jose raised his head and glanced at the devil: I guessed.

Guess? The devil's smile froze. His answer at least revealed the secret battle between the Lord of the Nine Hells and the God of Light and Justice, but the Red Dragon's answer was completely worthless.

Yes, you guessed it. I read the diary of an ancient elf mage named Cizer, and learned that a mage named Sharpras escaped from that disaster, and you seem to be interested in the crow-shaped god. You are very familiar with Nie, and you quickly entered the plane after King Eternal Night left, so I guess you were born in Tydanor.

That's all?! Malganis felt quite depressed.

After escaping from Teldanor, he dragged his body around to find a way to lift the curse. He found the Hell of Baator and asked the devil for help, but was tricked by the Lord of the Nine Hells who transformed into an ordinary devil.

The curse was lifted, but he was transformed into a devil.

After transforming into a devil, his appearance changed so much that even his own mother could not recognize him in person, but he was recognized by the red dragon.

Jose continued: Guess, there is nothing to lose if you guess wrong anyway. Unexpectedly, I got it right.

Malganis was silent for a while and then said: Are you interested in joining Hell? I think you will definitely have a bright future as a devil.

Not interested in.

Well, it was nice talking to you and I ended up giving you a free guess of mine.

Malganis then spoke: I guess the Lord and that being are fighting for the entire plane, not the elemental gems.

Jose frowned slightly, regardless of whether the news was true or false, would the devil be so kind? !

Would you be so kind?

Hahaha, so what if I tell you the truth? In the face of the general trend, what can you, an ant, change?!

The devil smiled jokingly: Besides, you can't let me be depressed alone, hahahaha.

Mal'Ganis laughed as he entered the stormy waters.

Jose's face was gloomy, but he was not angry at the devil's insult. After all, in front of the Lord of Nine Hells and the God of Light and Justice, demigods were indeed no different from ants. He was worried about the future of Tydanor.

Tedanore actually became those two's chessboard, alas~

The red dragon sighed in his heart: The metal dragon clan still had the foresight to escape the big vortex of Tydanor in advance.

After a while, the emperor figured it out.

Now that his family has a big business, he can't just leave.

Even if Tydanor really needs to be evacuated, it will only be when the situation is truly irreversible.

Of course, the main reason is that Jose has confidence in his own strength. The Lord of the Nine Hells cannot enter Tydanor in person. No matter how powerful the demigod incarnation is, it cannot pose a life threat to him. The Red Nest Mistress escaped from the divine descent. This is the best proof.

Take it one step at a time, he said, watching the devil dive into the stormy sea. When the devil was no longer visible, he flapped his wings and returned, thinking about the authenticity of the devil's words as he flew.

For the sake of the entire Tydanor, is it possible to use the four-element gems as a medium to control Tydanor? Jose thought.

Judging from the currently known timeline, the devil first invaded Tydanor and found the [Heart of the Storm].

Then the God of Light and Justice descended and took [Heart of Burning Flame] into his bag.

If you want to control Tydanor, the four elemental gems are indispensable. The God of Light and Justice takes action to eliminate the thoughts of the Lord of Nine Hells, so everything makes sense.

However, what do the two top figures want from the medium-sized material plane of Tydanor?

With each controlling an elemental gem, why did the devil come back?

Can't figure it out.

In order to guard against the devil's sneak attack, Jose stayed away from the stormy sea for a certain distance before activating the teleportation.

The red dragon teleported into the air, and he frowned when he saw the three demigods still fighting fiercely with the crow-shaped deity.

It's not that the three demigods are stretching their hips, but that the gods are too resistant to being beaten.

He is indeed a sinner that even the true God cannot kill, Jose sighed in his heart.

I saw Moulin, the Mermaid King, and the Golden Elf King forming a triangular formation, surrounding the crow-shaped god. With full firepower, various powerful legendary magics were tilted towards the crow-shaped god, but the crow-shaped god was still full of energy. Start a resistance.

To kill ordinary demigods and even gods, one only needs to attack the heart, divine head and other vital points to be fatal with one blow. However, the divine evil has no vital points and can only be slowly ground like an iron rod sharpening a needle.

But the evil is so powerful that even gods can only let time wear away the evil through sealing.

Jose flew close and joined the ranks besieging the crow-shaped god, and at the same time asked: What's going on? Why haven't you sealed it yet?!

Moulin said angrily: To put it lightly, none of us are good at sealing magic. With half-assed seal skills, if we don't weaken it to a certain level, how can we seal it?!

By the way, Jose, are you good at sealing? Golden Elf King Xiyi asked.

As for the seal, of won't happen, Jose said with an awkward look on his face.

Sealing is an extremely profound knowledge, and demigods have only reached the threshold of studying seals. The emperor of the empire has not been a demigod for a long time, and he is busy with [Heart of the Earth], so naturally he has no time to study seal magic.

As for the forced seal.

As Moulin said, with the half-assed sealing skills, if the divine evil is not weakened to a certain extent and forced to lock it in a small dark room, the divine evil will break out as soon as the door is closed.

Jose had no choice but to join the fight. The four major demigods joined forces to suppress the resistance of the crow-shaped god with greater ease.

But the suffering of the demigods has not been reduced by half. The reason is that the blood of the gods is too thick and unreasonable.

If this continues, when will it end?

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