Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 406: Revealing the secret, the source of everything

If this continues, when will it end? Jose felt anxious in his heart.

Except for the seriously injured Orc Sword Master, all the demigods in Tydanor were hampered by the crow-shaped god. If the devil took the opportunity to cause destruction out of sight, the consequences would be unpredictable.

As the mastermind behind the destruction of the Elven Empire and the former leader of the Elven Mage Organization, God knows how many ancient secrets Mal'Ganis knows.

The thoughts in Red Dragon's heart were like lightning: Everyone, I have thought of a way to solve the evil of God, and there is hope to solve the devil's incident at once.

What can we do? asked the Golden Elf King.

Mooring: It's now time, so don't show off.

The Mermaid Emperor did not speak, but his ears were always paying attention to the red dragon.

Jose gritted his teeth and said, God comes!

The only solution now is to follow the example of dealing with the Red Nest Matron a hundred years ago and summon the God of Light and Justice to descend. That being will definitely be able to deal with the evil of God very well.

Everyone was silent after hearing this.

God is the believer’s master, not his servant.

Even the kind-hearted God of Light and Justice will not spend his divine power in vain to launch divine descendants to help believers. Otherwise, there will be so many unfortunate believers in the thousands of planes of the multiverse. No matter how powerful the God of Light and Justice is, he will not be able to do all the work. .

If you want to summon a god to descend, a large number of believers must pray together to attract the attention of the gods and know what the believers want. Only after the gods agree can the religious leaders hold a ritual of divine descending.

To put it simply, the divine descending ceremony is to provide tribute and pay rewards to the gods. The amount of rewards is directly proportional to the difficulty of the things the believers ask for.

In terms of remuneration, the good-side gods of light and justice are fairly fair and will not charge as much as the chaos-side and evil-side gods, but the cost is not small.

The main reason is that the God of light and justice is too powerful. Even if the service is provided at cost, believers need to pay a lot of compensation.

In the past, after the south summoned the gods to descend, it took five years to recover.

Jose continued: If we don't hold the divine descending ceremony, we have been struggling with the evil gods, and Mal'Ganis has no one to check and balance. God knows what trouble will happen. Moreover, if there is no strong person to intervene,

Based on our half-baked sealing skills, it is not certain whether we can trap this monster.

I have to say that the emperor's analysis makes sense.

Soon, Moulin made a decision in his mind: Okay, the cost of this divine descent will be shared by all the major forces.

Small countries also get a share.

The Golden Elf King added: We are fighting life and death here, while they enjoy peace in the background, and they should also make some contributions within their ability.


The Mermaid Emperor agreed, and there was no objection to summoning the gods.

Moulin immediately contacted the Archbishop of the [Justice Church].

After delivering the news, everyone was a little uneasy. Even if believers prayed and offered tribute, the gods may not necessarily provide help. As mentioned before: God is the believer's master, not a servant.

Jose has no worries in this regard. He knows that the God of Light and Justice will definitely respond to the call, because the series of events in the world of Tydanor are originally related to his battle with the Lord of Nine Hells.

As the god of light and justice, Nodarshan's divine quality is strong and he will definitely be responsible.

Sure enough, the Archbishop quickly sent word that the God of Light and Justice agreed.

The next step is to call on believers across the continent to pray together and prepare for the divine descending ceremony. In order to prevent emergencies from happening, the divine descending ceremony is planned and everything needed is prepared in advance.

The God of Light and Justice responded quickly.

Half an hour later, Jose saw the incarnation of the God of Light and Justice.

It was a golden giant whose whole body was made of light. The giant was born out of thin air, emitting a dazzling golden light that was more dazzling than the sun, making it impossible for people to look directly at it.

The power of the god is like a prison, and the entire sky is shrouded in sacred light. It makes people feel as if they are in warm liquid and feels comfortable all over. However, the crow-shaped god is instinctively afraid and feels like sitting on pins and needles.

The fear of the raven god is right.

Speaking of misfortune, although the raven-shaped god escaped, he was besieged by the demigods of Tydanor as soon as he escaped. He was unable to absorb external elements and grow, so the god of light and justice easily suppressed him.

When the God of Light and Justice suppressed the crow-shaped evil with the magic of sealing, Jose observed Him openly.

The reason for observing things openly is because as powerful as Nodarshan, it is impossible not to feel the prying eyes of a demigod. Rather than being secretive and making people laugh, it is better to observe things openly.

Of course, there is absolutely no profanity in the red dragon's gaze.

Through observation, he discovered that there were countless golden threads linked to the back of the incarnation of the God of Light and Justice. These golden threads gathered together to continuously provide energy for the incarnation of the god.

After thinking about it, Jose understood that these threads were the threads of faith of the believers who prayed in Taidanor.

You are really using believers' money to do believers' things, he sighed in his heart.

After half an hour, the raven-shaped abomination was re-sealed in a sub-plane affiliated with Tydanor. This sub-plane was owned by the [Justice Church], and the abomination was also guarded by the [Justice Church].

On the surface, the matter was resolved perfectly, and everyone, including Morin and other demigods, was satisfied.

Except Jose.

Wait a moment, Your Majesty Nodarshan, the red dragon called to stop the golden giant that was about to disappear.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the Emperor. Everyone was surprised as to why the Emperor stopped the God of Light and Justice who had completed the agreement. This behavior was offensive.

To be honest, Jose felt a little nervous being watched by the top boss of the multiverse.

But he was even more afraid of being involved in the battle between the God of Light and Justice and the Lord of Nine Hells, and dying inexplicably. He bit the bullet and said, No offense, I just have a question that I would like to ask Your Majesty.

Why is that person in hell holding on to Tydanor? The red dragon asked the question in his heart, while looking nervously at the God of Light and Justice.

He and Nodarshan are not familiar with each other, and their strength and status are very different. Even if the God of Light and Justice chooses not to answer, it is normal.

The golden giant is getting lighter and lighter, and the red dragon's mood is getting lower and lower.

At the moment when the glory was about to completely disappear, a voice sounded in the red dragon's heart: For an attempt, an attempt on the tenth level of hell.

I will fight for a favorable condition for you, but the future of Tydanor still depends on you. The golden giant disappeared completely, leaving only the lingering voice echoing in the red dragon's heart.

Jose was surprised and happy.



I wasn't the only one who heard this.

Jose looked around, and sure enough, Morlin and the Mermaid King stared straight in the eyes, showing shock, while the Golden Elf King's expression did not change.

The red dragon's heart moved: It seems that only I, the Mermaid Emperor and Morlin have received the message from the God of Light and Justice.

As for the reason, it is naturally because of strength.

The Emperor of the Empire, the Mermaid Emperor, and Moulin are all at the top level among demigods, and they are all beings who have the potential to advance to the level of gods. Although the Golden Elf King lives a long time, his potential is not as good as the three.

Jose didn't dwell on this and communicated with Moulin and the Mermaid Emperor.

After everything is over, the three get together.

You also heard, an attempt about the tenth level of hell, the emperor felt his scalp tingling.

The same goes for Morlin and the Mermaid Emperor.

That being wants to turn Tydanor into the tenth level of hell, and that's right.

Jose's tone was solemn: Since ancient times, the Lord of Nine Hells separated Bato Hell from the abyss. Bato Hell has been nine layers, and it is still nine layers today, but the abyss does not know how many layers have been added. The Lord of Nine Hells It’s normal to want to make changes.”

The God of Light and Justice left few words, but the amount of information shocked the three of them. Apart from the shock, most of their questions were also answered.

Under normal circumstances, the plane is fixed in the void and cannot be moved.

Only in extreme circumstances will the plane move, such as the abyss swallowing the plane, the plane being bombed, etc. This situation is usually the end of the world.

Even someone as powerful as the Lord of the Nine Hells cannot move the material plane to Baator Hell without harming the material plane itself.

The plane where the four-element gems were born is different. As long as you master the four-element gems, you can hope to turn the plane into an existence like the Kingdom of God, and then move the plane intact to Baator Hell and become Baator Hell. The tenth level of hell.

It was precisely because of the birth of the four-element gem that the devil focused on the unknown medium-sized material plane-Tedanore.

As for the role played by the God of Light and Justice, Jose also had a rough guess.

The God of Light and Justice did not want to see the devil clan grow, so he personally captured the [Heart of Fire] in an attempt to cut off the thoughts of the Lord of Nine Hells.

Obviously, just capturing the [Heart of Burning Flame] will not make the Lord of the Nine Hells completely give up.

The Lord of the Nine Hells sent Mal'Ganis to Teldanor to cause trouble, conveying a message to the God of Light and Justice: If you don't want to protect this plane, then I will destroy it.

The Lord of the Nine Hells uses this as a threat to negotiate with the God of Light and Justice. This is the advantage of the strong on the evil side, and they can do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

From the current point of view, the method of the Lord of Nine Hells has worked. Otherwise, the God of Light and Justice would not have left words like Tedanore's future depends on you before leaving.

The devil has great ambitions. What do you two think? Jose looked at the indifferent mermaid and then at Morin.

Moulin thought for a while, then raised his head and said: These hateful devils, I would rather destroy Tydanor than let Tydanor fall into their hands.

The Mermaid Emperor said calmly: Don't be so extreme, we still have a chance.

That's right.

Jose continued: That being made a promise before leaving to help us obtain favorable conditions, which shows that we still have a chance to save Tydanor from the devil.


In the face of a world-ending disaster, three people who were competitors sat together and frankly exchanged their thoughts.

After all, the ambitions of the three are based on the existence of the Tydanor plane, and the devil wants to take away this foundation, so he naturally becomes the common enemy of the three.

Moulin said: If Mal'Ganis can be killed and another demigod is found to fill the six vacancies, then the devil will not be able to enter Teldanor and the conspiracy will be defeated.

Easy to say.

Jose then spoke: Marganis is holding the [Heart of the Storm] and hiding in the storm sea. He occupies the right time and place. Even if we join forces, we cannot defeat him.

I agree with His Majesty Jose.

The Mermaid Emperor moved his fingers lightly: Since the Lord of the Nine Hells dares to let Mal'Ganis come out with [Heart of the Storm], he must be fully prepared. Rushing into the storm sea to fight with him is no different than seeking death.

Jose nodded: The best way now is to wait for Malganis to take the initiative to reveal the flaw. But with the devil's cunning, the chance of taking the initiative to reveal the flaw is really slim. It is better to wait for the result of that being.


After discussing for most of a day, the three of them reached an agreement that until there was no result from the God of Light and Justice, they should not act rashly and just keep their own one-third of an acre of land.

Perhaps because the eternal gods have no sense of time, it was not until a year later that the Archbishop of the [Justice Church] sent an invitation.

After receiving the invitation, Jose teleported directly to the Holy Mountain without any delay.

In the solemn marble temple, Jose, Morin, and the Mermaid Emperor stood in front of the statue, waiting quietly.

The three of them were not kept waiting for long, and the will of the God of Light and Justice arrived.

First, a vast and powerful pressure came, and then Jose felt that the statue in front of him was different, as if the stone statue was alive.

I have reached an agreement with the master of Baator Hell. The Tydanor people will resolve the matter of Tydanor internally. The solution is to gain points by hunting demons in the competition below the god-level. The time limit is one hundred years, and the party with more points wins. The ethereal and sacred rich male voice sounded in the hearts of the three.

At the same time, the three people had a standard for gaining points by hunting demons.

Not counting legendary ones, legendary demons are worth one point, demigod demons are worth fifty points, and famous abyss lords have clearly marked prices. The lowest abyss lord among them is worth three thousand points. In addition, in Earn military honors on the bloody battlefield and hunt down powerful demigod demons with bounties on your back to gain extra points.

Jose felt strange in his heart, not because of the points system. The points system clearly marked the price, which was very fair. He felt strange that the devil agreed to let the insiders solve the problem of Tedanore.

The red dragon said: Your Majesty, I don't understand why the devil would agree to such a condition. There are more people inside Tydanor than us. Of course we have more people.

Not necessarily. Apart from Mal'Ganis, Baator Hell has always obtained many high-quality souls from Tydanor and transformed these high-quality souls into devils. As for how many devils there are and how strong they are, I don't know. clear.

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