Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 404 Appear! The 4th Elemental Gem

Ah~! Eight thousand years! I'm back again! Looking at the dilapidated city in the distance, the man in black robes raised the corners of his mouth.

Hmm...hahaha... He seemed unable to suppress his laughter, his shoulders twitched and he began to chuckle softly.

Gradually, he opened his mouth, revealing his jagged teeth, and raised his head and laughed wildly.

Eight thousand years! Eight thousand years! The unfinished business of eight thousand years ago will be done by me... He had taken a step before, but his body appeared a hundred meters away.

The man in black robe quickly approached the ruined city and rushed straight to the center of the city, where a broken magic tower stood.

Standing in the center of the hall of the dilapidated magic tower, he waved his hand, and the strong wind swept away the dust and debris on the ground, revealing the complicated patterns on the marble floor.

Pressing his hand on the center of the marble pattern, he felt the dark power deep in the earth. This power was so familiar.

Sure enough, the guy held back, but it doesn't matter.

At this thought, endless dark magic power surged out of the black-robed man's body and poured into the underground seal.

In the violent dark energy, the man in black robe automatically blew up his hood without any wind, revealing an ominous crimson face with several small white thorns on it, and his evil eyes had no whites. All abyss-like black.

Devil - Mal'Ganis!

Come out!!


A bloody and terrifying crow sounded, and thunder burst out from the depths of the earth, creating ravines on the ground.

Meanwhile, to the south, the Pompeii Empire.

In a towering magic tower surrounded by many magic towers, Mooring was conducting magic experiments. He carefully controlled the temperature and heated precious magic liquid materials.

Suddenly, his expression suddenly changed, his hand shook, the flames surged, and the precious magic liquid material in the container evaporated instantly.

But he didn't have time to feel sorry for the magic material, which cost hundreds of thousands of gold coins, and disappeared directly on the spot.

Moulin teleported to the North, the dark area beneath the Red Nest. As soon as he appeared here, he felt the extremely violent storm breath, and the storm breath contained the will to destroy.

Damn it! How did it escape?! Moulin's expression was extremely ugly.

After being stunned for a moment, he thought of a possibility and couldn't help but gritted his teeth: Mal'Ganis!

Only demigods have the ability to destroy the seals he arranged, and there are not many demigods in Tydanor. The emperor of the empire and the golden elf king are far away in the lost continent. The mermaid emperor and the orc sword master have no reason to destroy the seal. The only ones left are the devils. Demigod - Mal'Ganis.

However, Morlin couldn't figure out one thing. He couldn't figure out how Mal'Ganis discovered a sealed monster in the Red Nest Crypt.

Before he had time to think about it, he saw that the monster sealed underground had escaped.

It was a huge bird as big as a hill. The bird's eyes were white and lifeless, its feathers were grey-blue, and its whole body exuded a dark aura of ruin and death.

Moulin's scalp was numb, and he even felt scared, because he was facing a monster that even the gods could not kill.


The Mermaid King appeared after pursuing the dangerous aura, and was shocked to see the escaped god. He asked Moulin: Moulin! What's going on? Didn't you seal it?!

Someone broke the seal. It was most likely the devil's fault.

No matter what, the top priority now is to re-seal it when it is just out of trouble and weak, said the Mermaid King, activating the [Heart of the Ocean] staff and rushing forward.

Yes, gods are the most terrifying monsters in the multiverse. Even the gods cannot kill them, they can only seal them.

However, the power of the evil god cannot be born out of thin air. The evil god also needs energy to maintain his body. Therefore, the evil god who has just escaped from the seal is the weakest. In front of him, the evil god Crow Xing is devouring the wind element between heaven and earth.

The Mermaid King rushed forward and activated his domain to wrap the god's evil in it, preventing it from further absorbing energy.

If the gods absorb enough magical energy, even gods can't do anything to them.

Moulin did not rush forward, but was alert to the surroundings. The devil had released the raven-shaped god. It was impossible to sit back and watch everyone seal the god again. The devil must not have left, but was hiding in a corner to watch the show.

We need more manpower...

What?! The Golden Elf King couldn't help but exclaimed: The seal was destroyed?

On the side, Jose watched the Golden Elf King and Moor Lin communicating remotely, and his heart became solemn. He could only hear the Golden Elf King's voice, but not Moor Lin's.

But judging from the expression of the Golden Elf King, there is definitely a big problem.

Okay, we'll rush back right away! The Golden Elf King ended the call with Morlin.

Your Excellency Sissel, what's going on?

You know what's under the Red Nest, right?

Jose frowned slightly: You mean that lost ancient elf city. There is a clone of a god sealed underground in the city. I was also involved in sealing it.

It seems that you have a certain understanding of that ancient city, so you don't need me to explain.

The Golden Elf King continued: The seal of Morlin was destroyed, and that thing ran out!

He saw the red dragon's calm reaction: It seems you haven't realized the seriousness of the matter. What's sealed there is a divine evil!

Abomination? Isn't it the clone of Storm Crow?! Jose was very surprised, and then he reacted.

The Storm Crow fell into the hands of the Storm God and was robbed of his priesthood. Before his death, he was full of resentment, anger and other negative emotions. Later, he was dug out by the elves. As a result, the Storm Crow fell completely and lost his last life. There was no hope of resurrection, and such an oppressive death further deepened Storm Crow's hatred.

So, in the brewing of hatred and unwillingness, the god of evil was born.

We must rush back as soon as possible and join forces with Mr. Morlin and Sir Situya to seal the gods, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous, the Golden Elf King said with a serious face.

Jose is even more anxious than the Golden Elf King, because the Red Nest is now the territory of the Fusai Empire.

He directly took out the magic materials and began to get busy, preparing to set up a magic circle to assist teleportation.

However, returning to Tydanor from the Lost Continent does not require crossing the storm sea. You only need to arrange the magic circle to help stabilize the space, and then you can start teleportation.

As a demigod, Jose was skilled in skills and quickly set up the magic circle. Together with the Golden Elf King, he initiated the teleportation, returned to Tedanor, and rushed to the scene of the incident.

Moorlin did not need to provide detailed location coordinates. As soon as the red dragon returned to Tydanor, he sensed the violent aura that destroyed the world. With a heavy heart, he looked in the direction of the aura explosion.

At this time, the god of evil has escaped to the outside world and is fighting fiercely with the Mermaid Emperor.

Sea water, storms and thunder collided in the air, each occupying half of the sky. The destructive energy annihilated each other in the air, forming a violent tide of elements, a scene that destroyed the heaven and earth.

This will full of destruction is indeed an evil thing!

Jose turned his gaze to the other side. Outside the battlefield between the Mermaid King and the God of Evil, Morlin and a red devil were fighting fiercely.

The emperor's thoughts were like lightning, and he quickly made a decision.

Fuck the devil first!

If the devil is not dealt with first and he escapes, then even if the evil is re-sealed, Jose will have trouble sleeping and will always worry about the devil's revenge.

You can only be a thief for a thousand days, but there is no way to prevent a thief for a thousand days.

Your Majesty Sissel, you go help His Majesty Situya, and I will deal with the devil.


One dragon and one elf separated, each flying towards the chosen opponent.


A huge fireball exploded, and the fire wave generated by the explosion forced the devil back, and also gave Morlin a chance to breathe.

Jose flapped his wings and flew to the side of Moulin. While keeping a vigilant eye on the devil, he said, Your Excellency Moulin, I didn't expect that one day we would fight side by side.

I didn't expect such a day to come.

Moulin continued: No matter what, this devil wants to destroy Tydanor. He is our common enemy. Let's kill him together.

Just what I wanted.

Destroy Tydanor? Hehehehe... The devil - Mal'Ganis laughed evilly.

I think you must have made a mistake. I don't want to destroy Tydanor. On the contrary, I want Tydanor to exist well more than any of you.

Hmph! Sweet words!

Moulin snorted coldly: Your Excellency Jose, don't listen to the devil's nonsense. They are best at using words to confuse people's hearts and undermine their opponents' fighting spirit.

On the side, Jose started fighting without saying a word.

He rushed forward, but the devil dodged and distanced himself.

Although devils are also a supernatural race with strong bodies, Mal'Ganis is about the same size as a normal human.

The red dragon could crush him to death with the huge size of the dragon family.

Of course, as a master, Jose would not lower himself to the point of crushing the enemy with his size.

When cooperating with teammates, the way of fighting must be changed. Morlin's space magic attack is unparalleled. The only thing missing is hitting the enemy. Therefore, Jose positions himself as a field-control mage. The distance is also to make the magic more powerful. Hit the enemy quickly.

As long as the devil can be controlled, Morlin's space magic can easily hit and end the devil's sinful life.

Slowing down technique·Powerful!



The red dragon threw a series of negative magic spells at the devil. Morlin took the opportunity to attack with space magic, and the devil was in danger for a while.

Jose used his trump card for field control - [Heart of the Earth].

Seeing the red dragon take out a bright gem, the devil's heart skipped a beat.

The next moment, the emperor used the power of [Heart of the Earth] to control the earth element, causing the earth element to concentrate on the devil and attach to the devil's limbs, which not only increased its size but also isolated it from communication with external energy.

The devil felt his limbs getting heavier and heavier, and instead of being impatient, he laughed: Hahahaha, let me tell you a secret.

The next moment, a blue gem appeared in the devil's hand, which emitted the same bright but not dazzling light as the [Heart of the Earth] in Jose's hand. Endless wind elements emanated from the gem.

The devil's body suddenly became lighter, avoiding Morlin's space blade.

Jose, however, had no intention of caring whether Morlin's space blade hit or not. He looked at the gem in the devil's hand in disbelief and couldn't help but exclaimed: Heart of the Storm?!

How is that possible?! Moor Lin was also in disbelief.

The Mermaid King's eyes in the distance were also attracted by [Heart of the Storm], and even the raven-shaped god looked sideways at it.

Jose shouted: Devil, why did [Heart of the Storm] appear in your hand?!

It's always been in my hand.

Malganis smiled mockingly: Little red dragon, when it was in my hands, your father's father was not even born yet.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

Jose was also thinking in his mind.

Four elemental gems: [Heart of Ocean], [Heart of Burning Flame], [Heart of Earth], and [Heart of Storm].

In addition to [Heart of the Earth], [Heart of Ocean] and [Heart of Burning Flame] were discovered by the Mermaid Emperor and the Red Nest Matron respectively. It was not until the two revealed elemental gems to the outside world that the outside world knew that they had obtained them. Therefore, the outside world does not know the specific birth time of [Heart of the Ocean] and [Heart of Burning Flame].

And [Heart of the Storm]...

If the devil did not lie, [Heart of the Storm] would have been obtained by the devil as early as the second era.

You poor bastards who know nothing! Mal'Ganis suddenly took the initiative and flew towards the raven-shaped god.

On the other side, the crow-shaped god also flew towards the devil.

The god of evil is very powerful, but has no consciousness and acts on instinct. In its induction, the gem in the devil's hand is of great benefit to it.

What does he want to do?!

No! He's going to give [Heart of the Storm] to the God of Evil!

Stop him quickly!

Jose was shocked in his heart and couldn't believe the devil's madness. The raven-shaped god was evolved from the clone of Storm Crow, and the power he used was the element of wind.

Once the [Heart of the Storm], which contains endless wind elemental energy, falls into the hands of the Storm Crow, the consequences will be disastrous.

When the time comes, all the demigods in Tydanor may not be able to subdue the Storm Crow even if they unite.

If an evil god is allowed to wreak havoc within the plane of Tydanor, Tydanor will be destroyed sooner or later.

Jose, Morin, the Mermaid King, and the Golden Elf King all rushed forward at full speed.

This madman!

However, at the moment when it was about to collide with the crow-shaped god, the devil turned a corner and fled away.

With the blessing of [Heart of the Storm], he was so fast that he was like a stream of light across the sky.

Hahahaha! I lied to you! You are willing to give up! I am still reluctant to give up! The devil laughed wildly.

Damn it! The demigods were angry and relieved at the same time.


The duck that reached its mouth flew away, and the crow-shaped god gave up. He flapped his wings stiffly, but the wind and thunder accelerated his speed, and he chased the devil at a very fast speed.

Moulin was the fastest and launched a teleportation to intercept the raven-shaped god.

With the flying skills of the demigod mage and the wings of the dragon clan, Jose is in the second echelon. He is faster than the crow-shaped god, but not much faster.

The Mermaid Emperor is in the third echelon, and with her flying speed, she can only keep up.

The Golden Elf King has fallen behind.

After identifying the direction of the god's flight, Jose's expression suddenly changed.

Storm Strait!

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