Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 403 8000 years! I am back again!

In front of the two powerful demigods, the [Necromancer's Sect's] defensive measures were as useless, and one dragon and one elf found the sacred territory without much trouble.

This is a dark area located deep in the earth. The land in the dark area has been completely transformed into withered soil. The sky and the earth are filled with a faint mist of the undead, and there is a dead silence, like a small plane of the undead.

Ha! Sanctuary? Jose whispered mockingly.

The Golden Elf King observes the land of death, looking for patterns in the distribution of the undead.

Generally speaking, undead are the same as in nature. Weak undead surround powerful undead, legendary, master-level, high-level, mid-level, low-level, and ordinary skeletons, forming a large ecological circle.

Soon, the Golden Elf King had a goal: Sir Jose, go this way.

After spending several more hours, Jose and the Golden Elf King found the headquarters of the [Scholomance Church].

On the stinky black dry and cracked land, a tall white tower stands. The building material of the tall tower is bones. The bones of human and animal shapes are half melted and mixed with each other to form a tall tower of white bones. The inside of the tower emits a The ominous blue energy glow flickers on and off, exuding a mysterious and dark aura.

Tower of Ghosts! Jose's eyes were solemn.

The Tower of Ghosts is one of the highest achievements of undead magic. The construction process is extremely cruel. The Tower of Ghosts uses living creatures as building materials, and uses vicious dark magic to fuse the living creatures together, causing them to die in endless torture and pain.

After a creature dies, its body slowly decays, and the fused bones form the body of the Ghost Tower.

The soul is transformed into a crazy spirit without consciousness, and is forever bound in the Tower of Ghosts, becoming a tool for the maker to fight against the enemy.

The stronger the creature is and the stronger the negative emotions it exudes, the stronger the resentful spirit will be after death, and the greater the power of the Ghost Tower.

Jose observed the Ghost Tower in front of him. The Ghost Tower was made of different grades of raw materials and had vastly different powers.

If the Ghost Tower is made by ordinary creatures, then it is not a big threat to demigods. If the Ghost Tower is made by a strong person, then you have to be careful.

There was once an undead demigod who spent thousands of years building a tower of ghosts with legendary warriors, and relied on the tower of ghosts to challenge the gods head-on.

On the side, the Golden Elf King was also observing the Ghost Tower: Look at the size and energy response of this Ghost Tower.

The main building materials are mid-level and high-level professionals, with a small amount of master-level materials.

I think so too, Jose nodded, his judgment consistent with that of the Golden Elf King.

Jose cast his sights on the top of the Ghost Tower. Where ordinary magic towers are used to place magic crystals, there is a huge bone snake swimming slowly. The soul fire of the bone snake is different from ordinary undead, and its color is like blood. of dark red.

A tortured special undead with legendary strength. Judging from the strange color of the soul fire, the bone snake may have special abilities, the emperor made a judgment in his mind.

He thought for a while and said: Your Majesty Sissel, hide and cover me secretly to guard against the devil's sneak attack. Leave this Ghost Tower to me.


After dividing their respective responsibilities, the Golden Elf King and the Imperial Emperor were separated so that they could be supported at any time, but at a distance that would not be affected when the Imperial Emperor and the enemy took action.

The Golden Elf King took his place, and Jose pressed the dragon's claws on the ground. He could feel the death of the undead in the withered soil, but deeper in the earth, there was another force, an extremely hot force.

Fire element! Follow my orders! [Emperor of Yan] was activated, [Heart of the Phoenix] was activated, and he went all out as soon as he came up.

For a moment, the mountains shook and the ground shook, gravel crashed down, and the entire Dark Region trembled under the mighty power of the Imperial Emperor.

The next moment, countless irregular cracks opened on the land of Withered Soil, and hot lava spewed out from the cracks, spreading rapidly around like a flood. Along with the lava explosion, there were billowing black smoke, and the entire Dark Territory was instantly heated. The smell of sulfur enveloped him.

Let the flame purify everything! Jose roared, further extracting the magma from the depths of the earth.

For a moment, lava surged out from the depths of the earth like a river bursting its banks, heading towards the Ghost Tower.

The Tower of Ghosts has opened its defenses, and the wailing resentful spirits are pouring out from the gaps between the bones. They are rushing towards the incoming lava tide with their teeth and claws. The densely packed undead souls make people feel numb.

Jose stared through the black smoke at the battlefield of lava and ghosts.

In addition to sacred energy, what the undead are most afraid of is flame. Flame can purify most of the filth in the world, so fire purifies everything is not just a slogan.

As Jose watched, the ghost retreated step by step under the impact of the lava frenzy, but then a dark energy erupted in the ghost tower. With the combined force of the dark energy and the ghost, the lava wave was blocked.

Who? Who is it! A hoarse, evil voice came from the Tower of Ghosts.

Who dares to attack the great Sakama!

The emperor of the empire dissipated his magic disguise and appeared openly in the dark area. His whole body was burning with flames, his pupils emitted mysterious golden flames, and the majestic dragon power filled the space around him like mercury.

Insignificant insect! I am Francisco Trinidad Jose! I am the end of your miserable life. Thank me, I will grant you eternal relief! He said the most arrogant dragon clan's usual declaration. , Jose turned on [Digital Vision] and paid full attention to his surroundings.

Compared to the Tower of Ghosts, he was more afraid of the demigod devil - Mal'Ganis. If Mal'Ganis could become the personal guard of the Lord of Nine Hells, he must not be an ordinary demigod.

But so far, he hasn't sensed any unusual demigod aura.

It turns out to be Mr. Jose, the hoarse voice was a little solemn.

As soon as he finished speaking, a lich wearing a gorgeous black and red robe and surrounded by frost iron chains floated out from the Tower of Ghosts.

The Lich floats on the top of the Ghost Tower. The bone snake at the top of the Ghost Tower wraps around the Lich's body and keeps swimming away. The hollow snake head stares at the red dragon in the distance.

Your Excellency Jose, even if you are as powerful as you, challenge me [Spiritual Sect] here...

Stop talking nonsense! Jose interrupted the Lich directly.

You humble insect! You have no right to talk to me! Call your master out! Otherwise I will tear down your broken tower!

The Lich was angry: Arrogant...

Before he finished speaking, the emperor took action, stretching his dragon claws forward and into a complex magic circle.

At the same time that the dragon claw was submerged into the magic circle, a huge magic circle appeared above the Ghost Tower. A giant dragon claw condensed with flames fell from the sky, shrouding the entire Ghost Tower in the dragon claw, and the horror of destroying the heaven and the earth was The breath bursts from the dragon's claws.

The Lich was horrified and quickly organized energy to resist the attack of the flame dragon claw.

The unknown undead energy and ghost energy were mixed together to form a black and blue twisted protective shield, blocking the sky above the ghost tower.


Flames flew everywhere, and the black and blue protective shield shook. The energy in it was scattered, and it narrowly blocked the dragon claw attack.

Jose glanced at the protective shield. If he applied more force, the protective shield would break.

Condensing more fire element energy, a larger dragon claw fell from the sky and slapped the protective shield fiercely.

This time, the Lich couldn't sit still. The bone snake that was wrapped around its body rose into the sky. The white bone snake's head sprayed out an unknown black energy, further strengthening the protective shield and once again blocking the dragon's claws.

Jose scanned the surrounding space vigilantly around his brows.

In fact, he has been guarding against sneak attacks by devils and demigods. As for the lich, whose strength is only at the peak of the legend, the lich is not yet taken seriously by the emperor.

It's strange. There was such a fuss just now. If the devil is here, he should have reacted. Why is there no movement?

Is it because I put too little pressure?

With this thought in mind, Jose continued to attack the Ghost Tower.

Facing the power of the emperor, even the Lich was overwhelmed by the help of the Ghost Tower. However, he was not fighting alone. Several legendary undead flew out of the Ghost Tower.

All the undead worked together to resist the red dragon's attack and waited for an opportunity to counterattack.

After playing against the legendary undead for a while, Jose was sure that the devil would not appear.

Such a long time is enough for the devil to receive the message and teleport to the Ghost Tower from the outside. After all, the Ghost Tower helps stabilize the space, so there is no big problem in initiating the teleportation.

Lord Sissel, it seems that Malganis will not come. Since he won't come out, let's completely destroy this place!

Do you need my help? asked the Golden Elf King.

No, just watch. Crushing them is as easy as crushing a bug.

With a backhand burst of flame, Jose defeated the incoming necromantic energy, and Jose deployed a subdimensional anchor to block the enemy's escape route.

Opening his mouth, he revealed the dazzling gem hidden in his mouth. The gem exuded an intoxicating yellow light.

It is the [Heart of the Earth].

The Emperor of the Empire has been studying [Heart of the Earth] for several years, and has become very familiar with this elemental gem, and has developed many uses of [Heart of the Earth].

He poured magic power into the [Heart of the Earth] and used the [Heart of the Earth] as a medium to control the energy of the earth element.

Boom boom boom!

For a moment, the Dark Territory shook violently, like a pirate ship heaving in the wind and waves.

The magic-reinforced cave roof was torn apart by the emperor, and large rocks fell from the sky, hitting the Ghost Tower below.

A mountain-like boulder fell overhead, adding insult to injury. The ground carrying the Ghost Tower was also sinking. At the same time, endless lava gushes out of the earth's crust and floods the Ghost Tower.

A group of undead resisted desperately, trying to stop the defeat, but they were like ants shaking a tree.

Most of the Ghost Tower sank to the ground, lava and falling rocks made the defeat irreversible. The undead collapsed, and the first deserter appeared.

The first deserter appeared, and then more deserters appeared, and the undead side was quickly defeated.

Ah! His Majesty the King will not let you go! Eternal night will surely come! Irreversible! Unstoppable! No one can escape death! the Lich shouted crazily.

Facing the overwhelming power of the Emperor, the Lich remained stubborn.

He is not afraid of death, because the Lich's body is just a container that can be replaced at any time. The soul will return to the phylactery at the moment of death, and it can be resurrected after a period of time.

As a demigod mage, Jose naturally knows this. He has a way to deal with it, and there is more than one way to deal with it.

One is to use the power of [Heart of the Earth] to make the lich into a living fossil and imprison it forever.

The second is to eat the lich.

He chose to combine the first method with the second method to make the lich disappear forever.

Jose activated [Heart of the Earth], and the endless earth element energy gathered towards the Lich and attached to his body, making his limbs heavy and unable to move.

The Lich remained conscious, but could only watch his body fly towards the red dragon.

You are right, no one can escape death, Jose said calmly.

He opened his mouth and activated the [Taotie Throat], and a terrifying suction force erupted from his throat. In the lich's frightened wailing, strands of soul energy emerged from the lich's body and was sucked into the mouth of the red dragon.

Within a few moments, the lich was sucked into an empty shell.

Jose casually discarded the Lich's body, his soul was devoured, and he could never be resurrected.

On the other side, the escaped legendary undead were intercepted and killed by the Golden Elf King one by one, and no one managed to escape.

Without the help of the Tower of Ghosts, these legendary undead could not survive a single move in the hands of the demigods.

Sir Jose, Malganis doesn't seem to be here, and he doesn't seem to care about the foundation of the Lost Continent.

Jose nodded. He gave the devil enough time to teleport. However, he never appeared from the beginning to the end, obviously not caring about everything in the lost continent.

There is nothing surprising about this. The devil wants to sacrifice the [Spiritual Sect] to achieve a certain goal and does not care about the [Spiritual Sect]. Now this is just confirmed.

After a pause, he continued: Although the devil doesn't care, we can't let [The Spiritual Sect] go, so let's continue.


One dragon and one elf continued, vowing to uproot the [Spiritual Sect] once and for all.


On the other side, the continent of Tydanor, the Underdark Region.

A figure shrouded in black robes slowly moved forward in the darkness. A poisonous snake approached from the grass, exposing its fangs. However, before it had time to launch an attack, it was disturbed by a strange force.

The dark snake eyes were stained with a touch of depraved red, and then the poisonous snake respectfully treated the man in black robes.

The man in black robe ignored it, walked to a stone wall, and put his hand on the cold stone wall.

His hands were not ordinary hands. They were red and the surface of the skin was covered with hard particles.

I found it, and the method is quite sophisticated. If I hadn't had a back-up plan, it would have taken a lot of effort, but I have to be careful, lest that person also has a back-up plan, the man in black robe said to himself Yu flew up, penetrated into the stone wall from a certain position, and disappeared.

The man in black robe walked along the passage, and not long after, he saw a dilapidated city.

Ah~! Eight thousand years! I'm back again!

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