Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 398 Fierce battle in the underdark area

After sneaking into the [Spiritual Cult] camp, Jose found an opportunity to break away from the large group and sneak into an uninhabited corner.

With a thought, he became invisible and disappeared.

After leaving the camp, he walked into the wilderness and dived towards the Withered Soil. He found that the strongest people in the camp were only three master-level professionals, and there were two legendary auras in the direction of the Withered Soil.

Capture the thief first and capture the king first. As long as the two legendary strong men are eliminated, this camp will not be either round or flat.

He has such strength.

As a clone made by the Imperial Emperor at great cost, the Ryuga clone did not inherit the Imperial Emperor's demigod-level combat power, but it also possessed the top legendary-level combat power. Coupled with the Imperial Emperor's rich combat experience, there were few legendary opponents. .

Therefore, he is not weak in one against two, not to mention that the enemy is clear and we are hidden at this time.

Jose approached the withered soil quietly without alerting anyone.

The Blighted Soil is located on the edge of the Underdark, and is covered by a translucent magic barrier. The hemispherical magic barrier traps the magic of death inside the barrier, forming two distinct environments inside and outside. The outside is the normal Underdark, and the inside is It is a paradise for the dead.

He approached the edge of the Blighted Soil and saw skeletons wandering inside the barrier. The skeletons had both humanoid and animal forms.

Most of the skeletons were distributed on the periphery, patrolling around a dark altar in the center of the barrier. The altar was surrounded by bones, revealing a suppressed aura of death.

However, the altar is not the focus at this time, the focus is the two people standing around the altar.

A man in black robes. The man in black robes was shrouded in an unknown black robe. Only one hand holding a bone staff was exposed. His fingers were as dry as chicken feet. He must be the leader of the [Spiritual Sect] here— —[Death Sworner].

The other one was a death knight riding a skeleton horse. Due to the angle, Jose could not see the front of the death knight, but judging from the pale pointed ears protruding from the helmet, it was an elf death knight.

This equipment... Jose had a feeling of déjà vu.

After thinking about it, he remembered that this death knight was a personal guard of the King of Eternal Night, and one of the four knights who once caused the natural disaster of the undead underground.

Jose was not in a hurry to take action. Instead, he stood invisible outside the barrier and eavesdropped on the conversation between the two.

The necromancer and the death knight seemed to be arguing about something,

The voices became louder and louder.

Necromancer! Pay attention to your identity! Your power is a gift from His Majesty!

Yes! I have never forgotten! It was the great King of Eternal Night who picked me up from the mud pit and gave me strength, but Lord Knight, the last order I received was to obey Lord Mal'Ganis, not you!

The Death Knight roared angrily: But that bastard Mal'Ganis is going to destroy [The Spiritual Cult]! If His Majesty knew, he would definitely stop him!

Well, that is to say, His Majesty doesn't know yet. This is just your private behavior.

I am doing this for the [Spiritual Sect]! It is for Your Majesty!

The Necromancer showed no sign of weakness: If you are really for His Majesty, you must obey the orders His Majesty gave before he left!

Foolish loyalty! Foolish beyond reach!

Enough! Knight Fergus! You have no right to order me!

The black robe on the Necromancer's body bulged: If you want me to obey your orders, let His Majesty give the order! Otherwise...


Outside the barrier, Jose listened to the quarrel between the two, his eyes uncertain.

Through the two's bickering, he gained some valuable information, both good and bad.

The good news is that the Eternal Night King has left Tydanor, but the bad news is that the mysterious demigod who fills the demigod quota is arranged by the Eternal Night King, and is most likely the Mal'Ganis mentioned by the two.

Marganis, a name I have never heard of, but he wants to destroy the [Spiritual Sect]. What is going on? Jose was confused.

Why do you think so much? Just catch them and ask them.

With this thought, Jose triggered the ring on his finger, and the ruby ​​​​on the ring flashed.

Legendary magic—fire burns the city!

Suddenly, a terrifying fire elemental energy surged up from the depths of the earth. There were cracks in the ground, and raging flames poured out from the cracks, turning the entire withered soil into a sea of ​​fire. The wandering undead were instantly reduced to ashes. At the same time, He also destroyed the altar surrounded by bones.

The altar is used to communicate with gods, demigods and other powerful people. If it is not destroyed early, it may be more troublesome than a legendary mage.

Therefore, as soon as Jose took action, he nipped the potential danger in the bud.

Of course, the Necromancer and the Death Knight were also within the range of the Burning City, but they reacted quickly. The Necromancer triggered the teleportation before the flames erupted and escaped outside the barrier.

The death knight is not as sensitive to elemental energy as the necromancer. A little later, the skeleton war horse under his crotch was hit by the flames. He had no choice but to abandon the skeleton war horse and fly into the sky.

Suspended in the air, the death knight cast his angry gaze at the culprit who activated the magic, a floating dragon man flapping his wings.

Who are you?

He is from the Fergus Empire, the Necromancer answered the death knight's question, and then said: Knight Fergus, let's join forces to kill him!

What a coincidence, that's what I thought too, Jose said the spell quickly.

Fire element barrier!

Holding the transparent [Fire Element Barrier], he flew above the Earth Fire Burning City. The [Fire Element Barrier] erupted with a powerful suction force, sucking the flames burning on the surface into the protective shield. The protective shield quickly solidified, and from half way The transparency turned into a red crystal shape.

He used his own magic and used the casting time of master-level magic to cast a legendary-level defensive magic, gaining time in the legendary battle against time.

Control the fire element!

The burning flames on the ground converged towards Jose's hands, forming a huge burning fireball, and the air around the fireball was illusory and distorted.

Go! He suddenly threw the fireball towards the death knight who was attacking with his sword drawn.

The death knight swung his sword and unleashed a pale sword energy. The unknown pale sword energy detonated the fireball in the air.


There was a loud noise, and a small sun rose in the underdark area, emitting terrifying light and heat.

The sword energy detonated the fireball in advance. The death knight defused the attack of the fireball, but was also blocked by the heat wave of the explosion and had to postpone the attack.

On the other side, the Necromancer's magic was ready. A forest-white bone spear wrapped in black mist appeared in the air and shot out at the floating dragon man, faster than a bullet.

The bone spear stabbed Jose, but it only hit an afterimage that remained in place. Jose's body appeared next to the Necromancer.


Following Jose's movement, a huge flaming palm struck hard at the Necromancer.

Master Magic - Frege's Burning Hands!

The necromancer felt the terrifying heat approaching rapidly, and with a thought, the small bone shield that had been flying around him flew out. During the flight, the small bone shield quickly grew in size, and took the initiative to meet the incoming giant flame hand.


The bone shield blocked the giant flaming hand, and the Necromancer was about to cast a spell to fight back. At a glance, he saw a flaming arrow coming, and immediately dispersed the magic energy in his hand, triggering the teleportation and disappearing in place.

The moment the Necromancer teleported away, the flame arrow penetrated his afterimage.

The response is pretty quick, Jose raised his eyebrows and looked at the sky two hundred meters away.

Two hundred meters away from him, the Necromancer and the Death Knight stood side by side in the air, both looking at Jose solemnly.

As a legendary necromancer, he is very confident in his own strength. However, when he added a death knight who was only slightly stronger than him, two against one, he was beaten by the other side. This fully demonstrated the strength of his opponent. .

This man casts spells so fast! You cover me!

The death knight didn't speak, he just flew in front of the necromancer and explained his attitude with his actions.

With the cover of his teammates, the Necromancer cast spells with peace of mind, chanting the spells quickly.

Do you think I don't exist? Jose spit out a few bytes quickly and reached down to grab at the same time.

The last flames caused by the ground fire burning the city broke away from the glazed earth, gathered in his hands, and condensed into orange-red fireballs. The fireballs hit the enemy one after another.

What kind of magic is this?! The death knight couldn't help but screamed.

As an undead who has lived for thousands of years, although his spellcasting ability is average, he is well-informed. The Dragon Man's method of directly manipulating the energy of external elements to fight without chanting spells is simply unheard of.

I can't help but cast the spell quickly and with great power.

Hurry up! I can't hold it anymore! The death knight struggled to intercept the fireball attacks, but the fireball attacks were too dense, making him in a hurry.

Get out of the way! Hearing the Necromancer's voice, the Death Knight quickly got out of the way.

Then I saw a surging black air flying past me, attacking the enemy in the distance. The black air expanded rapidly during the flight, and its color became lighter and lighter, and soon turned into a deathly gray covering a wide area. Mist.

Necromantic Magic—The Secret Mist of the Undead!

Soon, the spreading mist of the undead enveloped the Death Knight. His spirit was shaken, and the undead magic power in his body became much more active.

The Mist of the Undead is a large-scale magic that changes the environment. It can create a large fog area suitable for the undead to fight. The living will be continuously eroded in the fog, while the undead and users of undead energy will be strengthened. The undead will Magic will also be enhanced.

Necromancers know that it is unrealistic to deal with strong men with one strike. Only by accumulating advantages bit by bit can they defeat the enemy.

On the other side, Jose frowned slightly as he looked at the rapidly expanding mist of death.

He is very strong, but the Necromancer and Death Knight are not mediocre either. It is easy to suppress the two of them, but it is impossible to take them down in a short time.

Looks like we need to be more serious. With this thought, he took out the staff in his dimensional bag and triggered the magic in the staff at the same time.

Purifying fire!

The dazzling holy white fire centered on Jose and spread rapidly in all directions. The mist of the undead melted quickly like ice and snow in the scorching sun, and dissipated in the blink of an eye.

The fog of the undead has been resolved!

The Necromancer's eyelids jumped. He found that his opponent was not only powerful, but also had good equipment, including a staff, belt, necklace, boots, wrist guards, pendants, and magic rings with one on each finger. Legendary equipment.

Jose chanted the spell quickly, and the fire element energy quickly formed a portal in front of him.

Follow the covenant! Honasted responds to your call! The familiar words echoed back, and a burning figure stepped out across the border. The upper body of the giant was condensed with flames, and the lower body was a hanging fire tornado.

It is the Red Dragon Covenant, Viscount of the Fire Element - Honasd.

Huh? Who are you?!

Honasted was stunned for a moment when he saw the floating dragon man, and then he felt the familiar aura: Are you Jose? Didn't you step into the demigod? Why have you become weak?!

This is just a clone. Let's not talk about it for now. Help me take them down!

After hearing the conversation between the Dragon Man and the Fire Elemental, the Necromancer and the Death Knight still didn't understand that they were facing a clone of the Emperor.

The Emperor of the Fusei Empire, Lord of Ashes, is one of the top figures in Tydanor. He even succeeded in seizing one of the four elemental gems [Heart of the Earth] during the battle between the demigods. The two of them had no intention of fighting and fled immediately. Two scrolls come out.

Unfortunately, Jose was one step ahead of them, triggering the magic pendant, and the dimensional anchor instantly locked the space.

The teleportation scroll was unfolded, but no teleportation gate appeared. The two were desperate.

One minute later.

The bruised Death Knight used all the undead origins and vowed to die with the Emperor's clone, but he did not even touch the side of the Emperor, and was immediately crushed to pieces by the angry Viscount of the Fire Element.

The ashes were scattered from the hands of the Fire Elemental Viscount, and the Necromancer felt bitter in his heart.

Facing the surrounding emperor and fire element nobles, the necromancer decisively raised his hands and surrendered.

Your Majesty, I surrender, I am willing to use the news to redeem my life.

Oh? Jose felt a little curious.

He looked at the Necromancer up and down. The Necromancer was trained by King Yongye. Could it be that King Yongye had no means of control? A guy like you, whose life is in the hands of his master, is it possible that he can betray his master? ?”

I couldn't do it before. Once I have thoughts of betrayal, King Yongye will sense it.

The Necromancer continued: But it is possible now. A strong man used a method for me to block the control of King Yongye.

Jose raised his eyebrows and figured it out.

The control method left by the Eternal Night King is similar to a remote-controlled bomb. Another strong man left another method on the Necromancer, blocking the detonation signal of the Eternal Night King.

Only demigods can deal with the methods of King Eternal Night.



Jose said: Okay, tell me everything you know. If your information satisfies me, I can let you go.

I... The Necromancer opened his mouth, and suddenly his body stiffened, and the breath of life was lost all over his body.

Looking at the corpse falling from the air, Jose frowned and was not surprised.

A manipulated chess piece, but it wants to betray the chess player, what will happen to it?

He looked back at the [Spiritual Cult] camp. The camp was affected by the legendary fierce battle and most of it was destroyed, but there were still lucky people who survived.

Look for any clues.

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