Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 397 Sneaking into the enemy camp

Of course, Jose would not easily believe the news about the man in black robe.

This is not because he is worried about the man in black robe lying. In the charmed state, the man in black robe cannot lie. What Jose is worried about is that the man in black robe is only a low-level member of the [Spiritual Sect], and the news he thinks is true may not be true.

How do you know that other members of the royal family have not defected to the [Spiritual Cult]?

Not long ago, the supervisor ordered us to collect information on all members of the Dana royal family except the old king. If the princes defected to the sect, the sect would not have to collect information on them. But before we had time to use it, a core member of the sect He died, all operations were suspended, and then the imperial emissary arrived.

That's it, Jose recalled of the dead Becketts Joyce.

If there were no accidents, the dead core member of [The Spiritual Sect] should be him.

So, this inference is reasonable, he couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

He originally thought that even if the members of the Dana royal family were not completely corrupted by the [Spiritual Cult], most of them would be corrupted, but he did not expect to hear this news.

This is certainly good news.

Since taking refuge in the [Spiritual Cult] is just a private act of the old king, then you can use the prince's help to win over the Dana royal family, so that the magic tower controlled by the Dana royal family can become your own help, rather than a powerful weapon for the enemy. One increase and one decrease. , our chances of winning are naturally much greater.

Jose's mind became more active.

The member of the Dana royal family that he is most familiar with is undoubtedly the eldest prince of Dana, Charlamagne, and the eldest prince is also the next king of the Dana kingdom.

With this thought, he made a decision in his mind.


After asking for some more information, he slapped the black-robed man on the back of his neck. The black-robed man's eyes turned white and he collapsed to the ground.

In order to prevent the death of the man in black robe from being noticed by the [Spiritual Cult], Jose just knocked him out.

Tie him up, keep an eye on him, and knock him out if he wakes up.

Yes! Sir! The controlled tavern owner took the order, picked up the rope that tied the wine barrel, and tied up the man in black robe.

According to the tavern owner,

In addition to communicating information with him, the man in black robe would occasionally have a few drinks in the tavern. It was common for him to be delayed for half an hour, but if he did not return for more than half an hour, the [Spiritual Sect] who stayed underground would Members may become suspicious.

Time was limited, so Jose ignored the two of them and hurriedly told Church a few words before leaving the tavern. He was going to find Prince Dana.

After identifying the direction, he stepped into the shadows and walked quickly towards the noble quarter of Winter Castle.

As an adult prince, Charlamagne did not live in a heavily guarded palace, which undoubtedly saved him some trouble.

Jose soon arrived at the eldest prince's residence, a mansion that occupied a large area and was very close to the palace.

Standing in the shadow of the alleyway, he stared intently at the prince's mansion in front of him, his eyes shining brightly.

There is a team of guards on the surface, and there are a few secret sentries in the dark. The guards are pretty strong.

Although the defensive strength of the eldest prince's family is not weak, it can only defend against the weak, but it is far from enough to defend against the legendary master.

As if he was in a deserted place, Jose sneaked into the eldest prince's bedroom without alerting anyone.

Long Tong ignored the darkness and saw a person lying on the big bed in the bedroom. This person was Charlamagne, the great prince of Dana.

At this time, the eldest prince was still sleeping, breathing evenly.

You're still in the mood to sleep!

With a thought, Jose arranged a small soundproof barrier, which enveloped the entire bedroom. He waved his hand, and a ball of water appeared directly above the sleeping prince's face.


Who! Who?! The eldest prince suddenly regained consciousness after a ball of cold water was poured on his face in his sleep.

He hurriedly stood up from the bed and made a defensive posture. At the same time, he glanced around frantically, looking for the enemy.

In the darkness, his vision was affected, and he could only see a man in black robes standing next to his bed.

Frightened, he wanted to shout loudly, but then calmed down.

The man in black robe was able to sneak into his bedroom silently. The guards outside and the magic circle at home did not provide any warning. The man in black robe must be a strong man and would most likely kill him before the guards could react.

In addition, if the man in black robe came to kill him, he could have taken his life silently in his sleep, but the man in black robe did not do this...

Who is your Excellency? What's the purpose of your visit in the middle of the night?

When Jose saw Charlamagne quickly regaining his composure from panic, without yelling, he dispersed the human immobilization technique in his hand, and at the same time he felt a hint of appreciation in his heart.


Prince Dana was stunned. He recognized the voice and asked tentatively: Mr. Messenger?

Well, it's me.

With no extra time to waste, Jose went straight to the point: Your father took refuge in the [Spiritual Cult].

What?! The eldest prince was shocked. Even the fear of the intruder and the anger of being doused with cold water disappeared.

At the same time, Jose observed the eldest prince's face and felt that the shock on his face did not seem to be fake.

When you are suddenly woken up by cold water in your sleep, and suddenly hear a shocking news, it is difficult for people to control their expressions quickly when their mood is up and down.

Jose believes that the eldest prince has not taken refuge in the [Spiritual Cult].

He turned on the crystal lamp in the room with the hand of a mage, and under the gaze of the eldest prince, he removed his disguise and transformed back into the dragon form.

When the eldest prince saw the familiar image of the Imperial Envoy, he had no doubt about his identity. Only legendary mages like the Imperial Envoy could sneak into his mansion silently.

Mr...Mr. Messenger, are you telling the truth?! The eldest prince found it hard to accept that his father had taken refuge in a cult.

Would I lie to you about this kind of thing!

The eldest prince's face changed drastically and he turned to a cult. This was a huge crime. If he were a noble, he would be deposed from his title, and the king would definitely not end well.

If the king's accusation of surrendering to a cult is really confirmed, the foundation of the Dana royal family's rule will be shaken. Not only will the king step down, but it is still unknown whether the king's family can continue to rule the kingdom.

You know, in most kingdoms, the king is just the largest noble. If the noble group collectively opposes, the king can be pulled down, not to mention that the Dana Kingdom has the Suzerain Empire as its suzerain.

The eldest prince's eyes were uncertain, and his heart was hesitant.

Seeing the ugly expression on the eldest prince's face, Jose understood that he had already thought through the consequences. He said, Now, I will give you, the Dana royal family, a chance to make amends.

The eldest prince's eyes suddenly lit up, and he bowed ninety degrees and saluted Jose: Thank you, Lord Messenger, for your kindness. After this disaster, the Dana royal family will be deeply grateful.

No need to thank you, just let me take care of the matter first.

Jose then spoke: The [Necromantic Cult]'s home base is underground in Winter Castle. I want you to control the mage tower in Winter Castle. Are you sure?

The eldest prince understood everything instantly. The imperial envoy was going to take action in the city, but he was afraid of the mage tower in the city.

He gritted his teeth and said, No problem! The master mage sitting in the Mage Tower is Master Augustus. Master Augustus has always been on good terms with me. As long as I explain the cause of the matter, the Mage Tower will definitely help the envoy.

Without further ado, I'll set off right now, the eldest prince said, even more anxious than Jose. He didn't even change into his pajamas before heading out the door.

Let's go together.

Jose continued: It's not that I don't believe you, but even the king has taken refuge in the [Spiritual Cult], so how can we ensure that there are no people from the [Spiritual Cult] in the Mage Tower? We must first ensure that the Mage Tower does not fall into the hands of the enemy. I Only then can we do it with confidence and boldness.”

Your Majesty the Messenger is still thoughtful, the eldest prince nodded.

Jose acted resolutely and directly grabbed the eldest prince and teleported him to the magic tower. At this time, he no longer had to worry about whether the magic tower would notice him when he cast a spell.

boom! boom! boom!

The eldest prince stepped forward and knocked on the door: Open the door! I am Charlamagne!

Your Highness Charlamagne?! The mage on duty in the hall of the mage tower was no stranger to the eldest prince. He saw the eldest prince knocking on the door through magic means, and after detecting that it was not a counterfeit transformed by transformation, he opened the door. .

Your Highness, why are you at this time...

The eldest prince directly interrupted the mage on duty: I want to see Master Augustus! There is something important! It is related to the life and death of the kingdom!

Before the mage on duty had time to speak, a middle-aged mage appeared out of thin air in the hall. Judging from the messy collar of his robe, it was obvious that he had just gotten up from the bed: Your Highness, what's the matter?

The eldest prince opened his mouth, then hesitated: It's up to you, Mr. Messenger, to explain.

Jose did not refuse: To make a long story short, the home base of the [Necromancer's Cult] is under Winter Castle. They secretly control His Majesty the King. I want you to help me destroy the [Necromancer's Cult]!

This... Master Master Augustus hesitated.

The imperial envoy had just walked through the red carpet on the streets of Winterfort a few days ago. He naturally knew Jose, but after all, his allegiance was to King Dana, and he would not trust the one-sided words of outsiders: Mr. Envoy, do you have any evidence?

Hmph! I don't need evidence to do things! As he said that, the aura of the legendary mage burst out from Jose.

Forget it, I don't need your help either.

With that said, Jose walked towards the door of the mages without looking back: Everyone, just stay in the hall and don't act rashly, otherwise, you will die.

As soon as he went out, the dragon man disappeared, leaving only Prince Dana, Archmage August, and three mages on duty in the hall of the mage tower.

Your Highness, what should I do? Master August's face looked a little ugly, and he was a little unconvinced in his heart. A master-level mage with a mage tower is no worse than a legendary mage.

The Fusai Empire doesn't need to use any tricks to destroy the Dana Kingdom. I believe in the messenger.

The eldest prince continued: As the messenger said, summon everyone to the hall.

Master Augustus knew that what the eldest prince said was true: Okay, I will act now.

On the other side, Jose teleported straight to the underground passage under the tavern.

The [Spiritual Sect] is a local snake, and their eyes are everywhere. After such a commotion just now, they are very likely to have noticed it.

However, even if the [Spiritual Sect] sensed something was wrong, the reaction time Jose left for them was too short, making it difficult to respond effectively immediately.

Jose transformed into a man in black robes and quickly hurried deep underground along the underground passage.

Sure enough, after he entered the depths of the underground, he found many men in black robes dressed like him hurried back.

Thanks to the mysterious style of the [Spiritual Sect], members rarely say hello to each other, which saves Jose some trouble. He rushed to the destination according to the information given by the man in black robe.

The underground space of [The Spiritual Sect] is very large, like a huge spider web, and the man in black robe only knows part of it.

If you want to find the location of the boss of [The Spiritual Sect], you must first find the supervisor of the black-robed man before you can make further plans.

Not long after, he arrived at his destination. When he entered the door, he saw his colleagues, and the supervisor stood in front of them.

Why are you here! Return to the team quickly! Lord Oathsworn ordered us to move immediately!

Yes! Jose joined the team.

The enemy had no idea that Jose could sneak into their own team so quickly and was unprepared for this.

Jose followed the large army all the way down, heading deep into the earth, and there was a boom, boom, boom sound from behind.

The decision-makers of the [Spiritual Sect] here were quite decisive. After the large troops retreated, they directly blew up the passage to cut off the possibility of enemy tracking.

Continuing all the way down, no matter how many meters deep into the ground, Jose had a vague guess in his mind.

Just as he thought, after walking out of the tunnel, his eyes were open and bright.

The Underdark!

Winter Keep is not the home base of the [Necromantic Cult], but the Dark Territory deep underground in Winter Keep is!

Jose mingled among the crowd and secretly looked at this dark area belonging to the Spiritual Sect.

He found that most of this underdark area is a developed civilized area, and a small area is a withered soil. There is a magic barrier around the withered soil to prevent the spread of undead energy. After all, a considerable part of the [Necromantic Cult] is a living person. .

On the other side, after Jose left.

Master Augustus summoned the mages in the magic tower, gathered them all in the hall of the magic tower, and used lie detector magic to detect whether there were members of the [Spiritual Sect] among the mages.

Eh?! Why didn't you see Ed Reese! Where is Ed Reese?!

Did you see him?



In a room of the magic tower, an intermediate mage had a magic array in front of him. In the middle of the magic array was a black skull. Dark energy surged in the empty eye holes of the skull. It was obvious at a glance that it was not a good thing.

Hurry up! Hurry up! The mage thought silently in his heart, with cold sweat pouring out of his forehead.

However, what he didn't notice was that the doors opened silently.

Then, a matte dagger slit his throat.

It wasn't until his throat was cut and blood gushed out that he woke up as if from a dream, making a struggling sound of ho ho ho. Even until he died, he didn't see who killed him, only the shadow reflected on the wall, a faint shadow. Named Jackal.

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