Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 396: Go and come back

In the hotel where the imperial envoy stayed, Jose sat on the bed and meditated with his eyes closed, absorbing the magic in the air.

The Dragon Tooth Clone is an alchemical life, and can also independently absorb elemental energy in the air, strengthen itself, and improve the level of spellcasting. The Dragon Tooth Clone has inherited the original body's will to practice asceticism. Therefore, since its birth, the Dragon Tooth Clone has not dared to do anything for a moment. Be lazy and use meditation instead of sleep at night.

Suddenly, the dragon man suddenly opened his eyes, a cold light burst out in his eyes, and soon calmed down again.

There was silence for a while.

He couldn't help but sigh: As expected of the old fox, such superb acting skills, even I was almost fooled by you.

It turned out that after Jose checked the Dana royal family to no avail, he left a backup plan out of caution and left a magic mark on everyone in the Dana royal family without their knowledge.

This magic mark is usually invisible and harmless, but once it comes into contact with the undead energy, Jose will feel it.

Just now, the magic mark he planted on old King Dana was triggered, and the trigger location was deep in the land of the royal city.

In the darkness, Jose's expression changed.

He quickly regained his composure, closed his eyes, and continued to meditate.

“Play the long game and catch the big fish.”

At the same time, the seventh floor of the magic tower hung upside down in the capital of the Fusai Empire.

The emperor of the empire who was studying [Heart of the Earth] felt something in his heart. He moved his hands, paused for a while, and continued to study [Heart of the Earth], only leaving an eye on the dragon tooth clone.


The next day, Longya's clone summoned all his subordinates without telling them what he had discovered. He followed the plan and arranged for everyone to search for clues around Winter Castle.

Three days later, when the investigation yielded no results, Jose bid farewell to Charlamagne, the great prince of Dana, saying that he would go south to check out another country.

The eldest prince tried unsuccessfully to retain him. Seeing that the Dragon Man had given up his intention to leave, he led the imperial envoys out of the city and watched as the envoys disappeared at the end of the road heading south.

After leaving the sight of King Dana City, Jose used his mental power to explore the surroundings and found no one watching. He originally wanted to return to Winter Castle alone, but when he thought about the magic tower in Winter Castle, he led the team to continue southbound. Make plans after staying away from the magic tower.

Until night, the envoys entered a forest and set up camp, preparing to spend the night here.

Jose immediately summoned the four legendary powerhouses, sat in a circle around the fire, and waved their hands to set up a magic barrier to prevent detection.

After doing a good job of protection, Jose said calmly: Everyone, on the first day of entering Winter Castle, I discovered that King Dana was exposed to the aura of the undead, and there is a high probability that he has an affair with the [Necromancer Church].


The wild boar warrior Beric Stonetooth looked shocked, and then asked in confusion: Master Envoy! Why didn't you tell me earlier?!

Master Envoy has his own reasons for not saying anything, Lizardman Shaman Gus Panshui answered the wild boar man's question, but his eyes were looking at the dragon man.

The other two legendary powerhouses also looked at the dragon man, waiting for explanation.

The fewer people who know about this matter, the less likely it is to reveal flaws. I just want to make the people of the [Spiritual Sect] mistakenly think that we have left, and relax their vigilance, so as to facilitate further exploration and uproot them.

Elf ranger Edith Fauchelewind nodded and approved the Dragon Man's answer: So, Your Excellency, what do you want us to do now that you say it?

This return to Winterfort is a secret infiltration. It is not good to have more people, so I decided to only take Church with me.

Jose continued: The rest of us continue to go south, don't expose any flaws and let the enemy notice my absence.

The dragon man is the chief envoy appointed by the emperor of the empire. The legends, except for the jackal thieves, are indeed not suitable for sneaking in secretly, so they all follow the dragon man's arrangements.

Jose called another soldier, chanted a spell, and cast a spell to change the soldier's appearance into his own.

As for the jackals, it's even simpler. There are already jackals in the team, so I just choose one with a similar size and dress it up.

After explaining, Jose left the team with the jackals.

Waiting until dawn, the two disguised themselves as a pair of human mage masters and servants, followed the crowds into the Winter Castle, and began to look for a hotel to stay.

Black fish and arrows, Jose, disguised as a mage, looked up at the hotel sign.

That's it.

After saying that, he took the disguised gnoll into the Black Fish and Arrow Tavern.

The reason why he chose this remote tavern was because based on the induction results that day, Jose discovered that the underground secret room of the [Spiritual Sect] was under the Black Fish and Arrow Tavern, and he met people from the [Spiritual Sect] around here. The probability is higher.

After asking the tavern owner for two quiet rooms and storing the disguise luggage in the room, the master and the servant returned to the tavern hall.

Boss! Bring your specialty dishes. My master and I have been traveling all day, the disguised jackal shouted to the tavern owner.

Hurry up! My master is a respected mage, you can't afford to offend me! The disguised jackal looked arrogant, as if it was a great honor to serve the mage.

In fact, this is indeed the case. In Tydanor, where spellcasters are respected, especially in the barren Northland, being able to become a servant of a mage, even a junior mage, is an honor that ordinary people dream of.

The tavern owner nodded and bowed: Yes, yes! I'm going to tell the kitchen right now. Wild boar stewed with potatoes is our tavern's specialty. Do you want some?

Come on, I'm preparing a glass of wine for my master. I want good fruit wine...


Church Heartthorner vividly plays the role of a villainous mage servant, while José sits on the bench next to the window of the tavern, with a look on his face that he should not approach strangers, and he also vividly interprets the image of the cold mage.

José sat down at the table in the hall and ate, while servants waited on him.

On the surface, he was eating food, but in fact, he was secretly collecting intelligence.

The main customers of the Black Fish and Arrow Tavern are the residents of the nearby streets. It is the same no matter what world they are in. When people gather together to drink some wine, they talk a lot.

We can talk about everything, gossip about the neighbors, gossip among the kingdom’s nobles, industry news, and the weird things that Jose most wants to hear.

As long as the [Spiritual Sect] is really active nearby, then it is inevitable to meet with nearby residents and listen to the conversations of nearby residents. You may gain unexpected results.

However, at the end of the day, Jose was disappointed. He did not hear any information that might be related to the [Spiritual Sect].

Lord Envoy, what should we do next? Church Heartthorner asked.

Jose replied calmly: Don't worry, if you want to catch big fish, you have to learn to wait.

After a pause, he continued: However, in the dead of night, we can try to take the initiative and search the surrounding areas. With our strength, we are not afraid of being discovered.


At night, Jose was sitting on the bed meditating when he suddenly heard a slight sound of the door opening below the tavern.


In an instant, all kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind.

In this royal city with a magic tower, it is easy for strong people to use their mental power to be detected, but small magic is inconspicuous. After all, there are many well-off families in the royal city who own magic lamps.

With a thought in his mind, a light blue magic eyeball appeared in front of him, and the magic eyeball gradually disappeared.

Jose manipulated the invisible mystical eye to look downward.

After a while, he saw the scene below the tavern.

The fat tavern owner held up a lantern full of oil, pushed open the kitchen door, and walked down the passage down the side of the kitchen into the basement of the tavern.

In Tedanore, it is normal for a tavern to have a basement, because the tavern basement has always served as a wine cellar, where fine wine is stored.

Why is the tavern owner going to the wine cellar in the middle of the night? Jose raised his eyebrows, vaguely guessing in his mind.

Sure enough, the tavern owner opened a secret door on the wall of the wine cellar and stepped into it.

In the secret room, the tavern owner saw a man in black robes and saluted respectfully: Sir.

How are you doing lately? Has anything unusual happened in Winterhold?

No, everything is fine.

That's good. Only the people from the Fusai Empire are leaving. Be careful in everything you do.

I sincerely follow your instructions, the tavern owner bowed again.

He then handed over a roll of paper: Sir, this is the information returned tonight.

The adult in the tavern owner's mouth took the paper, unfolded it, took a look, and was obviously relieved.

Jose saw the contents of the paper through his secret eyes, with a sarcastic smile on his face, because the first piece of information recorded on the paper was the arrival of the Fusei Empire's envoy in a certain city.

I never expected that I would try my best not to find the thief, but instead live in the thief's house, sighing in his heart, he continued to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two.

From the few words revealed in the conversation between the two, he speculated that the tavern owner was a peripheral intelligence officer of the [Spiritual Sect], and the man in black robe was a low-level member of the [Spiritual Sect].

In the darkness, Jose's eyes were uncertain, thinking about his next actions.

The black-robed man and the tavern owner were of low strength. As long as he wanted to, he could control the two of them in an instant, leaving them with no time to send out any warning message.

However, now he knows nothing about the [Necromancer's Cult] underground in Winter Castle, but he doesn't want to rashly alert others.

That's all. Now that we have clues, everything is much easier to handle. I'll keep you here for a few days.

The man in black robe and the tavern owner did not notice the prying eyes of the secret. After chatting for a while, they separated. The tavern owner returned the same way, but the man in black robe opened another secret door in the secret room, revealing the secret door behind it. Down stairs.

The light spell was flying, and the man in black robe walked down the stairs, deep into the earth, followed closely by the Eye of Secret Magic.

After following the man in black robe for a while, Jose discovered a situation.

Passages have been dug underground in the Winter Castle, with countless secret doors. This is no longer the Cunning Rabbit's Three Caves, but the Cunning Rabbit's Three Hundred Caves.

Unexpectedly, the underground of Winter Fortress was actually hollowed out. Judging from the excavation traces, it definitely did not happen in the past few years.

After thinking about this, Jose hesitated a little.

It would be fine if this place was just a new base for the [Necromantic Sect]. However, the enemy has been running this place for many years. God knows how many traps and powerful magic barriers the undead have set in their lair.

Therefore, when he noticed that the aura of the undead began to appear in the passage, he asked the Eye of Mystery to return. After staying away from the core of the [Necromantic Sect], the Eye of Mystery dissipated silently.

It's a big fish, but it's bigger than I expected, Jose muttered to himself.

Even if the underground of Winter Castle is not the largest stronghold of [The Spiritual Sect], it is also one of the main strongholds.

Should we let the main body take action?

A thought flashed through my mind, and I immediately gave it up.

On the one hand, the Red Dragon himself was studying the [Heart of the Earth] and planning to build a powerful magical equipment from the [Heart of the Earth], and he did not want to disturb it.

On the other hand, Ryuga's clone inherited the thoughts of the original body, and also had its own pride, and did not want to ask the original body for help when encountering difficulties.

“It’s fun when there’s a challenge,” Jose muttered to himself, closed his eyes, and continued to meditate.

It's better to collect more information before making a decision.

Three days passed.

During these three days, Jose used charm magic to secretly control the tavern owner and got some information from him.

However, the tavern owner is only a peripheral intelligence member and has very limited information.

Jose plans to go one step further and control the men in black robes, the peripheral members of the [Spiritual Cult] who are in contact with the tavern owner.

The man in black robe is different from the tavern owner. Although he is also a low-level member of [The Spiritual Sect], he can go deep underground and must know more information.

The control process was very smooth. Facing the experienced hunter, the man in black robe was captured without the slightest ability to resist.

Intermediate magic - Charm humans.

Faced with a flash of crimson in the tavern owner's eyes, the man in black robe's eyes immediately became dull. At the same time, Jose appeared silently in the basement.

He first checked the body of the man in black robe and found no magic restrictions, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

That's right, no matter how cautious [The Spiritual Sect] is, they will never impose a magic ban on a low-level member.

Are you a member of the [Spiritual Cult]?

Yes, the man in black robe said with dull eyes.

Jose continued: Tell me, how many people are there in the [Spiritual Sect] here, and who is the strongest? What is your purpose? Has the Dana royal family completely surrendered to the [Spiritual Sect]...


The man in black robe answered them one by one, but the answers were a bit vague.

He didn't know exactly how many people the [Spiritual Sect] had in Winter Castle, but he only knew that there were a hundred people.

I don’t know who the strongest person is, I only know the nickname of the leader here - [Deathsworn One].

As for the purpose of the [Spiritual Sect] organization, he, a low-level member, had no idea.

What surprised Jose was that the man in black robe gave a definite answer to the question of whether the Dana royal family had completely surrendered to the [Spiritual Cult].

The answer is no.

According to what the man in black robe said, it was just the old king Dana who had defected to the [Spiritual Sect].

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