Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 395 The Old King

Jose stepped out of the carriage and saw Charlamagne, the eldest prince of Dana, who was saluting. He nodded slightly and said, Your Highness, please get up.

Prince Dana straightened up, walked forward quickly with a warm smile on his face, and got close to the imperial envoy.

Jose, however, had no time to pay attention to him.

To be honest, if it weren't for Tedanore's diplomatic etiquette, the highest etiquette is for a visiting envoy from another country to walk on the red carpet and enter the palace with the host, he would not even want to get off the carriage.

The eldest prince was not an idiot. He noticed that the imperial envoy was not interested in talking, so he voluntarily shut up after saying a few words.

After Jose got off the carriage, the rest of the people also got off the carriage and, led by the eldest prince and others, stepped onto the red carpet leading to the palace.

boom! boom! boom!

The moment the team entered the city, salutes rang out from the towers, thirteen times in succession.

This is the highest etiquette for welcoming foreign envoys.

According to the regulations, when foreign envoys visit friendly countries, the first thing they do is to visit the local king in the palace, and then it depends on their respective arrangements.

The people of Winter Castle lined the streets to welcome (watch the excitement). Jose and the eldest prince walked in the front of the procession, followed by a large number of people behind them.

The eldest prince fulfilled his responsibility as a host and explained the customs and customs of the Dana Kingdom to the imperial envoys along the way.

Along the way, Jose also figured out the identity of the eldest prince. He was a high-level warrior with no unusual aura about him.

Of course, the absence of abnormal aura does not mean that the suspicion of the eldest prince being related to the [Spiritual Sect] is completely ruled out. He may have transactions with the [Spiritual Sect], or even be a member of the [Spiritual Sect], but he did not use the [Spiritual Sect] ]’s treasures and practice methods.

As for treasures that hide their scent, Jose doesn't think there are any treasures that can hide from his senses. Dragons have a natural intuition for treasures, just like cats can smell the smell of fish.

Your Majesty the Messenger, the palace has arrived, the eldest prince said very humbly.

Along the way, he also figured out the strength of the empire's chief ambassador, and understood that the dragon man beside him was a rare legendary mage.

His status as a legendary mage alone was enough for King Dana to give him three points of courtesy, not to mention that the dragon man was also the special envoy of the dominant force in the North - the Fusai Empire.

One thought comes to this,

The slightest resentment in his heart towards the Dragon Man for not paying attention to him disappeared.

Jose and his entourage walked on the red carpet and entered the palace amidst the music performed by the royal band of Dana Kingdom.

Of course, not everyone was qualified to enter the main hall to meet the king. The soldiers were specially arranged to go to other places to cleanse themselves.

The four legendary strong men followed Jose, and under the guidance of the eldest prince, they entered the inner hall and met King Dana, who had been preparing for a long time.

Standing in the main hall, Jose raised his head and glanced at the king on the throne. He saw that the king's hair was all white, his face was flabby, and he looked old. However, the old tiger was majestic, his back was straight, and he was noble, but he was not too shabby. The majesty of the lord of the country.

As a visitor, saluting the host is the most basic etiquette, and Jose has no idea of ​​challenging this etiquette.

He covered his heart with one hand and said, Good day, His Majesty the King. His Majesty the Emperor of the Fusei Empire asked me to bring you sincere greetings.

Naturally, King Dana would not take such words seriously. Who was the Emperor of the Fusai Empire? !

That was one of the few people standing at the top of Tydanor. Even the kings of the powerful kingdoms in the south could not get into the eyes of the emperor, let alone the king of a small and barren country affiliated with the empire.

The Kingdom of Dana stood up holding on to the armrest of the throne, and also covered his heart with one hand to show respect: Your Excellency, Messenger, please convey to Your Majesty for me that the Kingdom of Dana expresses its sincere respect and most sincere gratitude to His Majesty the Emperor.

Yes, Jose nodded. King Dana was the king who surrendered to the empire and made the Dana Kingdom a subsidiary of the empire.

The Emperor of the Empire not only spared the Dana Kingdom, but the Dana Kingdom also gained commercial benefits after being annexed to the Empire, so sincere gratitude is justified.

While the two were talking, messengers had brought in chairs. There were five chairs in total.

Jose and other five imperial envoys took their seats, while the eldest prince stood on the side of the throne, listening with his hands lowered.

The eldest prince was not dissatisfied at all for not having a seat. After all, in addition to being the envoys of the Fusai Empire, the five imperial envoys were also legendary powerhouses. Their status was not lower than that of the prince, and only after he inherited the throne could he compete with the legendary ones. Strong people talk about friendship with their peers.

After some conversation.

Jose got straight to the point: Your Majesty, the purpose of our trip is to investigate [The Spiritual Sect].

[Spiritual Cult]? Wasn't this cult wiped out by the [Windspeaker Alliance]? The eldest prince was curious and listened attentively.

The old king also looked puzzled: Your Majesty the Messenger, wasn't the [Spiritual Sect] wiped out by the [Windspeaker Alliance] a few years ago?

It's just that the [Spiritual Sect] was suppressed, not annihilated.

Jose didn't want to get entangled in this issue and directly stated his purpose: On the way here, I discovered a remnant of the [Spiritual Sect], and this person is also related to the Dana royal family. His name is Becketts Joyce often provides special goods to the children of the noble royal family.

This is happening! The old king was shocked and shocked.

The old fox, who had lived for most of his life, immediately understood the purpose of the imperial envoy. He quickly expressed his position: Don't worry, envoy, I, the Dana royal family, have always followed your majesty's teachings and dare not have any ulterior motives for the empire. We will never interact with [Psychic] Sect] This cult is related.”

I also believe that with His Majesty's talents, he will not do anything that would destroy the foundation of the country, such as colluding with a cult.

Jose's voice changed: However, [The Spiritual Cult], a cult like this, possesses a lot of vicious and evil magic. I'm worried that the children of your royal family may not notice it for a moment and plant [The Spiritual Cult's] methods without knowing it.

To be sure, His Majesty the King also asks His Majesty the King to gather together the royal children who have interacted with Bekkitz in the past and let me check their health.

The old king of Dana immediately understood that the physical examination was just to give him a step down. In fact, he wanted to check whether the children of the Dana royal family had colluded with the [Spiritual Sect].

But he had to go down the steps given by the imperial envoy.

First of all, if you don't cooperate with the imperial envoy, wouldn't you be guilty of committing a crime and admitting that the Dana royal family has a connection with the [Spiritual Sect]?

Secondly, the Fusai Empire is powerful, and the Dana Kingdom is as different as clouds and mud compared to it. Even if the imperial envoys do not give any steps, but come directly to force the Dana Kingdom, there is nothing that the Dana Kingdom can do.

Naturally, the old king would not drink wine as a penalty if he did not drink a toast. He immediately called the waiter outside the door and asked the waiter to summon the princes and grandsons.

After the messenger left, the old king put his mouth to the ear of the eldest prince, Charlamagne, and whispered in his ear. Charlamagne nodded and retreated.

When the old king did this, he did not carry the five people behind his back, nor did he use magic to block the conversation between himself and his son. Even if it was whispered, he heard it clearly with the legendary strength of the five people.

Including Jose, the five of them all had a good impression of the old king, because the old king ordered the eldest prince to go to the royal treasury to prepare gifts for the five of them.

You're good at it, Jose sighed inwardly.

When ordinary people hear that someone suspects that their family is connected to a cult, they won't look down upon it even if they don't fall out, but old King Dana asked his son to go down and prepare gifts.

There are many princes and grandsons in Dana Kingdom, some are in the city and some are in manors outside the city. It will take some time to gather them all, so the old king asked the princes and grandsons who arrived first to wait in the side hall.

After a while, the eldest prince came back, empty-handed, and winked at the old king on the throne.

The old king understood and looked at the imperial envoy, Jose, with a smile on his face: Thank you for your concern, envoy, and for checking the health of my children and grandchildren. I have specially prepared a small gift. Please don't refuse.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

After speaking, he clapped his hands.

Five waiters who had been prepared outside the door filed in. The waiters were carrying trays. On the tray was a red cloth. On the red cloth were the gifts carefully selected by the eldest prince for the imperial envoys when he went to the royal treasury. .

The five waiters stood in front of the five legendary powerhouses and respectfully presented the gifts.

Jose glanced at it. The gift chosen by the eldest prince was not particularly precious to the legendary powerhouse, but it was by no means an easy thing.

With the national power of Dana Kingdom, it can be said that they took out these treasures very carefully.

The gift presented to Jose, the imperial ambassador, was much more precious than the others. Edith Fauchelewind, an elf who was accustomed to seeing treasures, couldn't help but take a second look at it.

This is a green fruit specially sealed in a crystal box. The green fruit is called Azure Fruit.

Although it is just an unprocessed magic material, the azure fruit is very precious and its value even exceeds that of ordinary legendary potions. This is because the azure fruit is one of the materials for making life-extending potions and has always been priceless.

The old king also felt a little painful after giving away such treasures, so he simply stopped and stopped looking at Azure Fruit.

The eldest prince was also full of admiration for his father. You must know that this azure fruit was a life-extending treasure prepared by the old king for himself. At this time, he was giving the treasure to the imperial envoy for the future of the kingdom.

There is no other way to give away the Azure Fruit.

The imperial envoy came to inspect the [Spiritual Sect], and now it was his own fault. If everyone acted impartially, it would be okay.

They were afraid that the imperial envoys would secretly interfere and connect the Dana royal family with the cult. If this happened, the Dana kingdom would have to shed its skin even if it didn't die.

Although this azure fruit is a material for making life-extending potions, the Dana Kingdom could not gather the other materials, and it was just gathering dust in the treasure house, so it was simply given to the imperial envoy.

Looking at the face of the Buddha without looking at the monk's face, for the sake of the precious gift of Azure Fruit, the imperial envoys will not embarrass the Dana royal family.

But what the old king didn't know was that even if he gave the entire Dana Kingdom to Jose, let alone a small azure fruit, Jose would have no trouble in his heart.

Having said that, you still have to take advantage of the benefits delivered to your door.

Your Majesty is interested, so I won't be respectful, Jose accepted the gift, and the joy on his face was not fake.

Seeing the smile on the imperial envoy's face, the old king felt relieved.

After a while of talking and laughing, the princes, princes and grandson finally gathered together.

In order to prevent the imperial envoy from becoming suspicious, the Dana royal family, ranging from the eldest prince in his thirties to the three-year-old grandson, all arrived.

Jose checked one by one and found no suspicious person.

The inspection results were normal, and coupled with the fact that the Dana royal family has been proactively cooperating, and perhaps because the old king sent gifts, most of the people's suspicions about the Dana royal family have dissipated.

Rejecting the old king's invitation to hold a large welcome party, the five Joses accepted the old king's affection as a landlord, had dinner with him, and then returned to the reception arranged by the old king.

The magic crystal lamp illuminated the room brightly. Jose and other five legendary powerhouses gathered around the table to discuss today's trip to the palace. No one found anything suspicious.

After a while, news came from [Red Dagger]. The secret agent from the palace came with news that no abnormality was found in the Dana royal family.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh: The clue is broken.


On the other side, after Jose and his party left, Old King Dana also went to bed.

As early as a few years ago, Queen Dana returned to the embrace of God before the old king. However, the old king was already very old and did not have the thought and ability to take in a new princess, so the old king went to bed alone.

Lying on the bed, although the old king closed his eyes, he had no intention of falling asleep and listened intently to the sounds outside the door.

On the grounds that he liked peace and quiet, he refused to allow any guards to stay outside the door, but allowed them to stay outside the courtyard.

In the dead of night, the old king suddenly opened his eyes, gropingly got up from the bed without turning on the light, followed a very familiar path to a wall, and pressed the mechanism on the wall.

Silently, a dark secret room appeared on the wall.

This is a treasure room.

After entering the treasure secret room, the old king turned off the mechanism, then took out the lighting equipment from his arms, activated another mechanism in the secret room, and a passage appeared in the treasure secret room.

That's right, the treasure room is just a cover to cover the secret passage.

The old king held up the magic pearl engraved with the magic of light and walked all the way down the stairs. After reaching the end, he walked sideways. He didn't know how long he walked before finally reaching his destination.

No need to knock, the door opens by itself, revealing the space behind the door.

This is a secret room the size of a basketball court. There are portals around the secret room, and there is obviously space behind the door.

At this time, in this secret room hidden deep underground in Dana King City, several men in black robes gathered together. They all exuded powerful auras. They were all masters at least, and there was even a legendary strongman among them.

This is the headquarters of the [Spiritual Sect] in the Kingdom of Dana!

The old king looked embarrassed: Because of the tricks you showed, the Fusai Empire is suspicious of me. I even lost a Azure Fruit today.

[The Spiritual Sect] The legendary strongman spoke, his voice as harsh as a blade scraping against glass: The organization will give you a life-extending potion to compensate for your losses.

Hearing this, the old king looked much better. Ever since he witnessed the death of his wife who had been with him for half his life, he had developed a great fear of death, so much so that the [Spiritual Sect] came to visit him in exchange for eternal life, and he soon fell. .

The old king then asked: What should we do with the envoys from the Fusai Empire? They are not so easy to get rid of!

I will restrain my subordinates and suspend all actions. After a while, if they have no gain, they will leave on their own.

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