Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 394 Imperial Envoy

In the middle of the night, the jackal came back, alone, standing in the room ashamed.

Jose frowned slightly. He really didn't expect that the legendary thief would fail when he personally tried to capture a cultist.

what happened?

Church Heartpiercer lowered his head in shame: Master Envoy, there is a magic restriction on that man. As soon as I caught him, the restriction was triggered, and the target turned into a pool of blood.

Jose's frown deepened: Magic restriction?!

Among Tydanor's various control methods, magic prohibition is definitely worthy of being set up as a separate subject.

The magic ban is similar to the dragon clan's family contract. Once the family members violate certain regulations, corresponding punishments will be triggered. No one can ask the secret from the people restricted by the magic ban, because the words have not been spoken yet, and the thoughts are still in their minds. When it is brewing, people die.

Especially those diehards who put their life and death at risk will actively trigger the restriction as soon as they are captured. No matter how strong the enemy is, they will not get any useful information, just like the situation encountered by the Jackal thieves.

Since you are under a magic ban, it's not your fault, Jose reassured the Gnoll and waved his hand to signal the Gnoll to leave.

The Gnoll withdrew and closed the door gently.

Jose was alone in the dark room, walking back and forth alone, thinking about Becketts Joyce.

Becketts Joyce was actually placed under a magic ban. This shows that he has a certain status within the [Spiritual Cult] and knows some secrets. Otherwise, there is no need to impose a magic ban on him.

It's a big fish worth tracking down.

But where to start?

No one can be leak-proof, starting from the people around Becketts Joyce, Jose recalled the intelligence sent by [Red Dagger], which contained a network map about Becketts.

Among the people who have close contact with Becketts Joyce, those who are questionable can be roughly divided into two categories, one is the people around him, and the other is the Dana royal family.

His thoughts became active: The [Windspeaker Alliance] suspects that a high-level human being is providing cover for the [Spiritual Sect]. Could it be the Dana royal family?

Jose frowned slightly,

Looking out the window at the night sky, there is no moon or stars in the night sky. The endless darkness covers the earth and sky, as if a black cloth covers people, making people unable to breathe.

Everything related to Becketts Joyce needs to be investigated. However, the investigation of the Dana royal family is of great importance. It is better not to act rashly to avoid alerting the enemy.

At this thought, Jose suddenly raised his head: No!

The magic restriction on Becketts Joyce was triggered. The enemy noticed that he was exposed and would definitely take action to destroy the evidence.

He quickly contacted [Red Dagger] and ordered [Red Dagger] to send someone to Becketts Joyce’s house.

Just after dawn, news came from [Red Dagger] that several people related to Becketts Joyce had been silenced, and fresh ashes were found in the fireplaces of the deceased's homes.

...That's the situation, the clue is broken.

Jose said to the four legendary powerhouses gathered: The only suspicious targets left are the Dana royal family, those royal children who have dealings with Becketts Joyce.

My lord, are we going to interrogate a royal family in a country's royal city? Gus Panshui shouted exaggeratedly.

Hmph! What's wrong with interrogating the royal family's children? Is it possible that they still dare to take action? Can the Dana Kingdom stop the empire's iron hoof?!

Beric Stonefang, the legendary warrior of the wild boars, didn't take it seriously: Destroy them if they don't obey, and someone else will still be the king!

Edith Fauchelewind reminded: The Kingdom of Dana is indeed no match for the Empire, but in its territory, it is best to keep a low profile. Don't forget that there is a magic tower in the Kingdom of Dana.

The wild boar frowned and said nothing. Just as the elf ranger said, although the Kingdom of Dana is small and the people are weak, it also has three legendary guardians. With the help of the power of the magic tower, the three legendary guardians can indeed cause death to everyone. threaten.

Afterwards, even if the empire avenged everyone and destroyed the Dana Kingdom, it would have little to do with everyone.

Of course, if everyone knew the true identity of the Dragon Man, they wouldn't think so.

We have to think of a way...


Jose decided to end the discussion among the four: In any case, the Dana royal family is suspected of colluding with the [Spiritual Cult]. It must be checked. They just need to come up with an explanation that they can accept.


One day later, the core area of ​​Dana Kingdom.

On a flat plain, a majestic city is like a beast lying on the ground. The city walls are towering, and there are arrow towers at regular intervals to ensure that the arrow towers can shoot to every corner of the city wall. There are many soldiers and armors guarding the city. strict.

This city is the capital of the Dana Kingdom—Winter Castle.

Winterfort has a history of more than a thousand years since its establishment as a city. It has experienced many wars but has never fallen. Even if it was reduced to an isolated city in the barbaric disasters that swept the Northland, Winterfort also weathered the difficulties under the leadership of the king.

Over time, Winterhold became the spiritual pillar of the Dana people.

It was morning, and the sun had already climbed a little higher in the eastern sky.

The gates of Winterhold were crowded with people.

Some of the people at the city gate want to enter the city, including vegetable vendors who come to the city to make a living, citizens who pay homage to the capital, and adventurers who have traveled here.

The other group of people were all dressed in gorgeous clothes, with a large number of guards standing behind them, and beautiful maids holding parasols beside them. There were more than one such person. They stood at an inappropriate place on the edge of the city wall, looking into the distance from time to time. Seems to be waiting for something.

So many big shots, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Finance..., my God, even His Royal Highness the Prince is here! A young man who entered the city recognized the identities of everyone and couldn't help being shocked.

Shocked and curious, he grabbed the old man selling vegetables in front of him and said, Old man, why are these big shots outside the city?

The old vegetable seller was a little impatient. He turned around and saw the silver coin in the young man's hand. He was stunned for a moment, then smiled and put the silver coin away: Young master, please go back to Winter Castle.

Isn't that right? I went to a country manor for a month's vacation and just came back today.

No wonder you don't know, the old vegetable seller said without hesitation: There have been rumors in the city for several days that the Fusei Empire's envoy is coming to our Winter Castle. No, even His Highness the Great Prince is waiting outside the city to welcome him. .”

That's it, the young man said with a look of surprise.

The Fusai Empire is the undisputed overlord of the North, and all the countries in the North must look up to it. Now that the imperial envoy arrives, it is normal for Prince Dana to personally lead the crowd out of the city to welcome him.

Huh? The Fusai Empire is doing fine. Why are they sending envoys to our country?

This..., I don't know either.

After a pause, the old vegetable seller suddenly remembered something and said, You can't be looking for trouble, right? I once heard my father say that decades ago, His Majesty the former Kingdom had a dispute with the King of the Fusei Empire.

Hmm... The young man said perfunctorily.

As a nobleman, he had much more knowledge than the old vegetable seller. He had seen detailed records of that war in the family collection. That war was not as simple as a holiday.

Of course, there is no need to tell the old vegetable seller this.

Suddenly, the Dana nobles who were welcoming the Fusai Empire's envoy moved, approaching the city gate and walking toward the suspension bridge.

People lining up to enter the city moved aside and started discussing in low voices.

The Fusai Empire's envoy is here.

A commoner in linen looked back, but saw nothing: Huh? Where is the Fusai Empire's envoy? Why didn't I see it?

you're so dumb.

The companion continued: His Royal Highness has moved, the imperial envoy must be here.

The commoner in Mai was unconvinced: Why are you so sure? Maybe His Highness the Prince is tired from staying in one place and wants to move somewhere.

The companion looked disgusted: Idiot, there is a mage beside His Highness the Prince. The Mage must have used magic to see the imperial mission coming, and then notified His Highness the Prince to get ready. If you don't believe me, you will see later.

After more than ten minutes, as expected, a team appeared at the end of the road. The flag held by the team was the fire dragon ring flag of the Fusai Empire.

It's coming! It's coming... The civilians discussed.

There were also Dana royal soldiers coming out to maintain order, clearing the roads, and laying red carpets on the roads. The red carpet led directly from the city gate to the Dana palace.

On the other side, the ministers of the Dana Kingdom who were responsible for welcoming the imperial envoy, under the leadership of Prince Dana, arranged their attire, arranged their gorgeous dresses so that there was no wrinkle, and drafted lines to welcome the imperial envoy.

More than ten years ago, the Kingdom of Fusai planned to settle old scores and support the Kingdom of Odyssey to suppress the Kingdom of Dana. Fortunately, the king of Dana Kingdom at that time sensed something was wrong and promptly sent an envoy to the empire to surrender and compensate the empire with a large amount of money.

The emperor was concerned about the negative influence of the Odyssey Kingdom in the North after the destruction of the Dana Kingdom. In addition, the Dana Kingdom surrendered and paid a large amount of property. They issued a joint statement declaring that the mainland Dana Kingdom became a member of the Fusei Empire. A tributary state pays annual tribute.

Since then, the emperor gave up the idea of ​​dealing with the Dana Kingdom.

The Dana Kingdom was also very happy for this decision, because after the Dana Kingdom normalized its relations with the Empire, it gained a lot of benefits from trade with the Empire, and the extra profits completely covered the annual tribute.

When the messenger of the God of Wealth arrives, the King of Dana Kingdom naturally welcomes him very much and takes it very seriously.

After discussion in the court, the job of welcoming the imperial envoy fell to the eldest prince.

Prince Dana was very excited. He was not only excited to welcome the imperial envoy, but also paid more attention to the political significance behind welcoming the imperial envoy.

The contemporary King Dana is old and it’s time to choose a successor. However, like most kingdoms, Dana Kingdom is not the only prince, there are also second princes and third princes...

This time, the old king gave him the task of welcoming the imperial envoy, and asked the eldest prince to deal with the imperial envoy on behalf of the Dana Kingdom. The significance of this is self-evident.

The eldest prince was excited inside, but on the surface he was very calm. He only checked the details of his clothes many times, which revealed his true inner thoughts.

At this time, no one cared about him. Everyone's eyes were attracted by the approaching imperial mission from afar.

It was a five-horse carriage, plus a team of dozens of soldiers. The soldiers rode on mounts and guarded the carriage, constantly approaching the direction of Winter Castle.

The situation inside the carriage was unknown, so most of the Dana people's eyes were on the soldiers.

The soldiers of the Imperial Mission are composed of three races, orcs riding wargs, kobolds riding lizards, and gnolls riding wargs.

But no matter what race they were, the soldiers were all well-equipped and exuded confidence from their bones. Especially the kobold guard at the front of the team who held the imperial flag in both hands and straightened his back.

All this is just because of their Fusai Empire soldiers.

After less than half an hour, the Fusei Empire delegation arrived in front of Winter Castle with everyone looking forward to it, and everyone was able to get a closer look at the glory of the empire.

In the crowd, a junior mage stared at the carriage curtain with an incredulous look on his face: Oh my God, that carriage curtain is actually made of rune cloth. It's too luxurious to use such a large rune cloth as a carriage curtain. Come on!

On the side, a civilian asked curiously: Master Mage, what is rune cloth?

Perhaps it was because the junior mage was so happy when he called Master Mage, or maybe because he wanted to demonstrate his knowledge in front of the crowd, this young junior mage explained to the crowd who were listening attentively: Rune cloth is a precious magic. The materials can be used to make magic equipment, such as robes, and dimensional bags are also made of special rune cloth..., in short, rune cloth is very precious.

It's more than precious! Next to Prince Dana, the senior mage heard the junior mage's words and had mixed emotions.

If he admits his mistake correctly, the curtain used by the carriage at the front of the team is not an ordinary rune cloth, but is made from the spider silk spewed by the Shadow Spider deep in the Underdark. It can make the best robes and is worth more than 100%. Gold of the same weight is more valuable, and it has a price but no market.

It's simply inhumane! Such precious rune cloth is actually used to make carriage curtains!

When the carriage approached, the high-level mage took a deep breath. He discovered that not only the curtains were made of rune cloth, but even the frame of the carriage was made of magic metal worth tens of thousands of gold.

Looking at the carriage that doesn't look bumpy at all, the carriage must be engraved with a shock-absorbing magic circle.

So many precious magic materials! It's a waste! The high-level mage sadly discovered that his net worth was less than a fraction of the empire's envoy's carriage.

Regardless of what everyone thought, Prince Dana greeted the team with a warm smile on his face.

He stood twenty meters away from the carriage, which was neither too far nor too close to cause any reaction from the soldiers in front of the carriage.

He bowed and saluted with impeccable movements: Dana Kingdom, the Great Prince - Charlamagne, on behalf of the kingdom, warmly welcomes the imperial envoy.

Under the gaze of the crowd, the imperial envoy team stopped, and a hand covered with fine red scales lifted the curtain of the carriage.

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