Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 393 Return to Dana Kingdom

The carriage set off from the Imperial Plaza, along the central avenue of Oka City, and exited the city gate under the curious eyes of the residents of the Imperial City.

Everyone planned to go south through the dark jungle to the four northern countries, and then all the way east to the Dana Kingdom. The Dana Kingdom is located on the edge of the Sea of ​​Storms and is a country that needs investigation.

The team left the city gate and walked on the trade road leading to the Norn Kingdom.

This trade route is the lifeline of the Fusai Empire to the mainland.

In the past, in order to open up this trade route, the Imperial warriors used iron and blood to clear the way. The Imperial Emperor was even more powerful in blocking the God of Death, and killed several legendary extraordinary beasts such as the Hydra Lizard and the Vampire Crazy Lion.

With all the efforts of the whole country, a road to the sky was forcibly opened in the dark jungle, a forbidden area for adventurers.

After years of offensive development, this trade road opened up in the primitive dense forest has changed greatly. The road has been paved with neat stone slabs, and the stone slabs are directly connected with the magic of Turn Mud into Stone, making the entire trade road integrated.

As an important transportation route connecting the Northland prairie and mainland countries, although this trade road is not crowded with people, you are not alone when walking on it. From time to time, you can encounter caravans pulling large amounts of goods, and travelers traveling together. Of course, mercenaries and adventurers who make a living are also indispensable.

On the wide stone road lined with primeval forests, the master druid - Fillion, turned into the form of a cheetah, taking elegant steps and following the elf ranger next to him step by step.

The elf ranger felt that the carriage was too boring, so he summoned an elk mount and rode on the elk to enjoy the surrounding scenery.

Edith Faucherwind was a legendary powerhouse of the Mirkwood elves, and Fillion naturally knew her, and the two had been in contact before. As the only two elves in the mission, the two quickly came together.

With nothing to do, the druid looked at the soldiers on horseback around him and asked in a low voice: Lady Edith, why don't we teleport directly to the Kingdom of Dana?

Edith drove the elk and glanced back at the carriage in the middle of the team. The top of this carriage was decorated with the red dragon ring flag of the empire. It was the only one among the five carriages because this carriage belonged to the leader of the mission, the mysterious dragon man— —Lihao’s car.

In addition to solving the problem of the [Necromancer Church], His Majesty also assigned a task, to inspect the situation in the northern territories and declare sovereignty, the Elf Ranger whispered in response to the questions of his compatriots. Although this matter is not considered a secret, it should not be revealed too much. People know.

So that's it, Druid said suddenly.

The Fusai Empire has a very large sphere of influence;

In addition to the imperial territory, there are also many dependent countries.

The empire is completely under the control of the emperor, but the subject countries are not necessarily under the control.

Although the south is the sphere of influence of the Pompeii Empire, there are many people who are supporters of the emperor's concept of unity of all races. Similarly, although the north is the sphere of influence of the Fusei Empire, there are also Tedanore people who dominate A champion of ideas.

It doesn't matter just to support it. The key is that there are a very small number of people who are secretly colluding with the southern forces and trying to overthrow the empire's rule over the northern countries. They call themselves subversives.

Some time ago, a vicious incident occurred in which refugees attacked imperial officials, shocking the entire empire.

Later investigations revealed that subversive organizations were behind the attacks on imperial officials by refugees.

Of course, these little fights have no impact on the empire other than being disgusting.

For subversive organizations that cannot be cut down like weeds, the Empire pursues a policy of shooting at the first culprits.

However, what the two elves didn't know was that the reason why they did not choose to teleport directly to the Kingdom of Dana was not mainly because of patrolling the territory and declaring the sovereignty of the empire, but because of the fight for the dragon tooth clone.

As a newly born alchemical life, Long Ya's clone remained curious about everything in the outside world, and strongly requested to travel by horse carriage as work expenses.

It just so happened that the [Windspeaker Alliance] also needed a certain period of time to convince the major forces and prepare relevant matters, so the emperor agreed to the Dragon Fang clone's request, and the declaration of sovereignty was just rhetoric.

After two days of walking, the mission arrived at the edge of the empire.

The scenery of the dense forest road changed, becoming a dense forest on one side of the road and a swamp on the other side.

This place is Panshui Swamp.

In the past, Panshui Swamp, ruled by Hydra lizards, was filled with poisonous insects and miasma. After decades of development, the appearance of Panshui Swamp has changed drastically.

On the shore of the swamp, a bustling city rises.

This city is very unique. The builders of the city combined the city with the swamp. The waterways in the city extend in all directions, making it like a water city. The main residents of the city are the lizard people of the Panshui tribe.

In the carriage, Gus Panshui smelled the unique smell of the swamp. His heart moved. He opened the curtain and looked out the window. He saw a familiar swamp, a familiar city, and familiar lizardmen coming and going at the city gate.

Seeing this scene, Gus Panshui smiled from the bottom of his heart, once again feeling lucky that he had chosen to join the Emperor.

If they had not taken refuge with the emperor, where would the Panshui clan be today?

Today, the Panshui Lizardman Tribe is no longer the primitive Lizardman Tribe it once was, but a large modern tribe with a population of 700,000 and advanced civilization.

Oh, no, the Fusai Empire has abolished the tribal system, just because lizard people are amphibious creatures, and there are not many cities in the empire suitable for lizard people to live, so the vast majority of lizard people live in Panshui City.

Everyone, welcome to Panshui City.

The old lizard man shaman stepped out of the carriage and shouted to the team: We have been traveling for two days. Why don't we rest for a while in Panshui City so that I can do my duty as a landlord.

The team discussed for a while, declined the lizardman shaman's offer, and moved on.

Because not long after continuing to move forward, the team will arrive at the southern gate of the empire - Kerry Morgan.

Kerry Morgan is an orc, meaning the place of honor defended with blood.

The reason why this southernmost fortress of the empire is named in the orc language is because of this trade route. The main force in developing this city is the orc clan. In order to commend the orc clan for their bravery and sacrifice, the emperor of the empire gave the right to name the fortress to the legendary orc warrior. ——Graeme Stonehammer.

Kerry Morgan's name was thus confirmed.

By the way, the name of the city of Kerry Morgan is the name of a large piece of land with two cities on it.

After traveling for several hours, the delegation arrived at Kerry Morgan and saw the scene on the land in the distance, with two cities standing on both sides of the trade road.

One of the cities was built on a hillside. There were many arrow towers on the towering city walls, cannons mounted on the battlements, and even many of the highest masterpieces of the empire's alchemical civilization - the Howl of the Empire. The defenses were so tight that it was daunting.

Obviously, this is a purely militarized fortress built for war. The fortress is heavily guarded and non-empire soldiers are not allowed to enter. The commander of the fortress is the legendary orc warrior-Graeme Stonehammer.

Another city was built on the flat land next to the commercial road. This city was larger than the fortress on the opposite hillside. The city walls were also high, but the atmosphere was much more lively. People came and went at the city gate, and carriages piled with goods outside the city. In one piece.

This is a commercial city that provides a resting place for businessmen coming and going. It is a must for businessmen entering and leaving the Fusai Empire, because whether it is a large chamber of commerce or a lone hawker, they must apply for customs clearance certificates here. Of course, before applying for customs clearance certificates It is inevitable to pay a huge amount of tax.

In this way, the twin cities have a clear division of labor, guarding each other, and jointly guarding the southern gate of the Fusai Empire.

The mission spent half a day in Kerry Morgan to renovate and replenish supplies, and set off again early the next morning.

The team left the imperial territory.

Gradually, the road became worse, especially after entering the wilderness. The stone road turned into a bumpy dirt road, and the carriage kicked up dust along the way.

The soldiers were also alert, placing their hands on the weapons at their waists at any time.

Due to the racial makeup of the empire, common wild monsters in the south are not a threat to the northern countries, but this does not mean that there are no dangers in the wilds of the northern countries.

Wandering supernatural beasts, bandits robbing trade routes, and a mixed group of subversives.

The quality of practitioners in the industry of disruptor organizations varies greatly.

Some of them really aim to overthrow the Fusei Empire and establish a world where human race is the only one. For such people with ideals and beliefs, the empire still maintains a certain degree of respect.

But there is another type, who holds the banner of Tedanore Human Race Supremacy and engages in robbing families and homes. This kind of people are no different from bandits.

In the carriage with magic anti-shock settings, Jose opened the curtains and looked at the endless wilderness. The sky was vast, the grass and trees were withered, and he felt a sense of desolation and sadness.

He murmured to himself: I hope one or two blind people can pop up to make my journey less boring.

However, contrary to expectations, nothing short-sighted popped up, and Jose's clone, who was looking forward to having fun, was disappointed.

This is normal.

The envoy team carries the imperial flag, the carriage is exquisite, and the soldiers are well-equipped. Even the mounts under the soldiers' crotches are not ordinary mounts, but wargs, or horses with extraordinary bloodlines. You can tell at a glance that they are not easy to mess with.

The gangsters who are trying to survive in the wilderness are not fools. They know who they can and cannot mess with.

With a smooth journey, the imperial mission crossed the Norn Kingdom and the Odyssey Kingdom, and took five days to reach the border of the Dana Kingdom.

However, on the surface, the road was calm and calm, but it was unknown how turbulent it was secretly. The [Red Dagger] intercepted several magical messages sent to the south.

The secret contest between the Fusai Empire and the southern forces had nothing to do with the mission. The mission entered the Kingdom of Dana, entered a small border town, and was solemnly entertained by the local city lord.

In a high-end tavern in the small town, the imperial mission had booked the entire tavern.

How's it going? Is there any news from [Windspeaker Alliance]? The dragon man placed the wine glass in his hand on the stone table and looked at the elf druid coming down the stairs.

Just now, the [Windspeaker Alliance] headquarters used magic to contact the Druid.

My lord, the headquarters asked me to tell you that in order to avoid unpleasant incidents between the Fusei Empire and the Pompeii Empire, the organization has decided to let everyone act separately.

The druid then spoke: The Pompeii Empire is from south to north, and the Fusai Empire is from north to south. The organization is dispatched from them to conduct an inventory of the countries along the Storm Strait one by one.

All right.

Jose shrugged and had no objection to the arrangement of the [Windtalkers Alliance]; From north to south, well, that's just right. The first one is to investigate the Kingdom of Dana.

Filion, [Windtalker Alliance] can provide some clues?

I'm afraid not.

The elf druid was a little embarrassed: Your Majesty, the center of the [Spiritual Sect] has always been in the middle of the continent. There is little news of the appearance of the [Spiritual Sect] in the Dana Kingdom, so it is a pity that the [Windspeaker Alliance] 】Unable to help.”

I understand, Jose raised his brows. Going to a strange country to investigate a powerful dark organization in the dark is no joke.


At night, a little bird silently flew across the sky and landed on the windowsill of Jose's room.

Jose picked up the little bird that didn't resist at all, took out the letter paper tied to the bird's leg, and unfolded the rolled letter paper. No light was needed, and the dragon pupil with dark vision read the words on the paper.

This letter is the information given to him by [Red Dagger].

After asking the Druid during the day to no avail, he sent a message to [Red Dagger] through Church Heartpiercer, ordering [Red Dagger] to send information.

[Red Dagger], as the most mysterious organization in the empire, monitors all countries and has informants in each country. It is undoubtedly the most convenient to ask [Red Dagger] for information.

After reading, the letter silently turned into ashes.

Jose murmured to himself: As expected of the [Red Dagger], it really did not disappoint me.

Among the information sent by [Red Dagger], one person was definitely a member of [The Spiritual Sect].

A week ago, the Emperor of the Empire summoned the Elf Druid. After learning that there might be a traitor within the [Windspeaker Alliance], he ordered the [Red Dagger] to stop exchanging information with the [Windspeaker Alliance] and give Jose's This information was discovered three days ago.

Becketts Joyce, a familiar last name, Jose muttered.

He recalled the past, the former Earl of Green Lake - Berkeley Joyce. This ambitious Earl made him go through a lot of troubles with his high-level strength, which was impressive.

As expected of the Joyce family, the ancestors disguised themselves as dandies and secretly plotted to control the kingdom's nobles. Modern Joyce abandoned his surname, disguised himself as a businessman, secretly worked for the [Spiritual Sect], and tried to control the royal family.

Jose smiled, not taking the man seriously.

The Earl of Green Lake was an ant in front of him when he was at his peak, and he is still an ant now.

However, we can't let him run away, Jose closed his eyes and thought for a while, then sent a message to the jackal-Church Heart-Spinner.

Church Heartpiercer is a legendary thief who was born in the Red Dagger and is proficient in infiltration and assassination.

My lord, are you looking for me? The jackal pushed the door open and walked out silently.


Jose nodded, and then went straight to the point: I want you to go out and capture someone. He must be alive. Of course, the premise is to ensure your own safety.

Understood, who does the Lord Envoy want me to arrest?

His name is Becketts Joyce. On the surface, he is a businessman who relies on providing novelties to the children of the Dana royal family to gain access to the powerful. But he is actually a secret member of the [Spiritual Sect]. According to According to intelligence, his current location is not far from us and he is conducting smuggling activities, right here...

After explaining the location clearly, Jose then ordered: He is our only clue at the moment. Bring him back and try not to alert the enemy. We don't know if there is anyone behind him yet.

Understood, the jackal thief jumped out of the window and disappeared into the night.

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