Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 399 The Returned Devil

Jose communicated with the main body and summoned some imperial soldiers to clean the battlefield and gather the remaining enemies.

He himself fell to the earth, landed next to the Necromancer's body, and sorted out the Necromancer's relics, hoping to find clues from them.

Two rings, a bone staff, and a dimensional bag, this is the entire net worth of the Necromancer.

Heh, poor guy, Jose raised his eyebrows in disgust.

Better than nothing, he put away the two rings and the bone staff.

The three pieces of equipment are all ordinary goods and not worthy of being put into the collection room, but they are still good for rewarding subordinates.

He picked up the remaining dimensional bag, erased the remaining mental mark of the Necromancer, put his spiritual power into it, and saw the contents of the dimensional bag.

A pile of laundry, two boxes of gold coins, and some miscellaneous magic materials.

Found it, Jose found a book from the corner of the dimensional bag and took it out.

I flipped through it casually and looked at the general content of the book: Very good, all mages have a good habit of keeping diaries.

He read ten lines at a glance.

After reading the diary, he frowned slightly. The necromancer did not write the secrets in the diary. Most of the records in the diary were magic research and daily life.

Of course, Jose was not without gains. There was a word in his diary that interested him.

Undersea tunnel, Jose muttered.

These undead actually dug an undersea tunnel between the Storm Strait and the mainland. It's unbelievable. He turned his gaze to the west, where the faint sound of water flow could be heard.

Jose glanced at the surface. The imperial soldiers were arresting the fleeing members of the [Spiritual Cult]. They encountered almost no decent resistance. The members of the [Spiritual Cult] were like scared chickens, being chased everywhere.

The Empire's soldiers are more than enough to handle the situation here.

He no longer hesitated, turned around and flew to the west, found a passage, and got into it.

As we moved forward in the channel, the rushing sound of the water became louder and louder, and finally became like thunder.

This is the crash of the waterfall,

Are there waterfalls in the Underdark? ” Jose was curious and continued to move forward.

After getting out of the cave, his eyes were wide open and he came to another dark place.

Wow, Jose couldn't help but exclaim.

To the west of this dark area, endless sea water gushes out from the rock wall, forming a huge water curtain. The water curtain flows into the huge crack below. A large amount of foam is surging on the water surface, and the sound of water crashing is like thunder.

The water vapor rushed towards his face, and he flew above the waterfall and cast his gaze towards the crack. It was pitch black in the crack, and he didn't know where the sea water flowed.

After searching for a while, he found the passage recorded in the Necromancer's diary. However, the passage was man-made and was destroyed not long ago.

You're really cautious, Jose turned and left.

He was not surprised by such a result. Malganis had left a back-up plan on the Necromancer. As soon as the Necromancer died, Malganis naturally received the news and immediately destroyed the passage to The passage to the lair of the Spiritual Sect.

The passage was destroyed, but it didn't matter. He knew that the headquarters of the [Necromantic Sect] was located on the Lost Continent on the other side of the Strait of Storms. Getting this news made his trip worthwhile.

By the time he returned to the camp, the imperial soldiers had captured all the remnants of the [Spiritual Cult]. Their hands were cuffed with iron chains, and their feet were tied with iron ropes. They were gathered together and supervised by the soldiers.

Sir, Carter, the captain of the elite brigade under the Empire's Fifth Legion, is reporting to you, the orc chief gave a military salute.

A total of twenty-three cultists were captured in this battle, including two master cultists, three high-level cultists, six intermediate cultists, four junior cultists, and the rest are ordinary people.

Jose nodded slightly, indicating that he understood: Bring two master-level cult leaders to see me.

As you command!

After a while, four soldiers came over with two cultists. Both were wearing the black robes commonly used by the [Spiritual Sect], but at this time, the black robes did not have any of the mystery of the past, and were stained with a lot of soil and grass roots. The two of them looked particularly embarrassed.

Answer my question or die, Jose glanced at the two of them, and the aura of a legendary strongman erupted from his body, frightening the two of them to the point of trembling.

First question, do you know Mal'Ganis?

The two cultists looked at each other, neither of them speaking.

Humph! Jose snorted coldly.

Carter, let them try the Empire's interrogation techniques.

Yes! Sir! The orc chief took the order and called two soldiers.

The two soldiers were gearing up, laughing excitedly and maliciously, holding towels in their hands as they approached the two cultists on foot.

The two cultists felt something was wrong and struggled hard, but they were unable to break free from the iron-like hands of the imperial soldiers. They were forcibly dragged by the soldiers and tied to a wooden stake respectively. Even their heads could not move.

The soldier in charge of the interrogation covered the faces of the two cultists with towels, and touched the marching kettle at his waist. When he picked up the kettle, he felt that it was empty, and his expression suddenly changed slightly.

Sir, there is no water.

Get out of the way, I have water, an ogre came forward with ill intentions and unbuttoned his belt...

Three minutes later.

The two cultists were thrown to the ground like dead dogs, their eyes were bloodshot, their chests were rising and falling violently, and they were greedily sucking in air.

Jose raised his eyebrows: Can we talk now? If not, let's continue.

The two of them were almost going crazy from the torture and nodded hurriedly.

Lord Mal'Ganis is our new leader. His Majesty the King entrusted the [Spiritual Cult] to him, but we have never seen him.

The cultist was afraid that Jose would not believe it, so he hurriedly added: It's true. After all, we are just small people. Only Lord [Deathsworn] has seen Mal'Ganis in the camp.

There was no response from the lie detector magic, which meant that the two were not lying.

Jose then asked: Then do you know where Malganis is now?

have no idea.

The answer was as expected, and he then asked: Tell me about the undersea tunnel and the lost continent.


Through the interrogation of the two men, Jose obtained some valuable information.

First of all, there is only one undersea tunnel, and at least the two of them only know this one.

Secondly, the headquarters of [The Spiritual Sect] is indeed in the Lost Continent, but it is not on the surface, but in the dark area underground of the Lost Continent. The specific location is not clear to the two of them.

Finally, there was a conflict within the [Necromancer's Cult]. Mal'Ganis wanted to sacrifice [The Necromancer's Cult] to achieve a certain goal, but King Eternal Night's subordinates who stayed in Tel'danor disagreed, and the two factions fought openly and secretly.

The Imperial soldiers took the two cultists away, and Jose fell into deep thought.

He was a little surprised. He originally thought that the stronghold here was just a large stronghold, but he didn't expect that it was the main base of the [Spiritual Sect] in the Tydanor continent, responsible for guarding the undersea passage.

Although the undersea passage was destroyed, we finally found clues to the headquarters of the [Spiritual Sect]. It was not a wasted trip.

However, compared to the [Spiritual Cult], the sudden appearance of Malganis is more noteworthy.

With this thought, Jose made a decision in his mind and sent the message to the main body, asking the main body to use the resources of the empire to find information about the mysterious demigod - Mal'Ganis.


Fusai Empire, Modo Peak Forest, in the upside-down magic tower beneath the Red Castle.

The emperor put down the drawing in his hand. What was drawn on the drawing was a crown. In the center of the crown was a huge gem. This gem was the [Heart of the Earth].

Malganis, Jose searched his memory, but found nothing.

It seems that it is indeed a mysterious demigod that I have never heard of, but I don't rule out the possibility of a pseudonym, he murmured to himself.

After thinking about it, he contacted his disciple, the great elf lord, Tiril.

The Moon Elf clan has been inherited from ancient times, and they may know the news about Mal'Ganis.

The magical energy formed a bust in front of the red dragon. It was none other than the former moon elf princess and now the great elf lord - Tyrell.

Good morning, teacher, the elf greeted shyly.

Good morning, Jose said straight to the point: My student, I just learned the name of the mysterious demigod who replaced the King of Eternal Night - Mal'Ganis, do you remember this name?

Mal'Ganis? The elf frowned slightly.

I seem to have seen this name somewhere...

Jose looked at Tilly's troubled look and said, Don't worry, you have enough time to think slowly.

Tilly's eyes suddenly widened: I remembered!

She shouted excitedly: Mal'Ganis! He is the devil! He is the mastermind behind the destruction of the Elf Empire! The devil who instigates the melee among the elves of the sun, moon and star tribes!

It's actually him, Jose frowned, recalling the elf history.

Six thousand years ago, the Elf Empire was extremely powerful. The three high-ranking Elf nobles of Sun, Moon, and Star jointly ruled and ruled the entire continent of Tydanor. They established a splendid Elf civilization. The tentacles of the Elf Empire even extended to the star realm and the heavens. There are connections in all realms, even trade.

However, for unknown reasons, the sun elves and moon elves among the three high-ranking elves had differences. As time went by, the contradictions became more and more serious and the differences became irreconcilable.

When words can't solve the problem, it's time to speak with your fists.

War broke out.

The star elves, headed by the former elf prince, Silverson, traveled back and forth between the sun elves and the moon elves, working hard for peace.

Later, the Sun Elf and Moon Elf clans believed in rumors and believed that the conflict between the two clans was a conspiracy of the Star Elf clan. The Star Elves instigated the conflicts between the two clans, causing both clans to suffer losses and ruling the entire continent from their own advantage.

The two tribes who suddenly woke up turned their guns and pointed them at the star elves. Tragedy inevitably happened.

Under the joint offensive of the two clans, the Star Elf clan was almost wiped out.

Later, Silverson, the elf prince who died in the battle, woke up from the ruins, picked up the broken battle flag, awakened his dead subjects, and named himself the King of Eternal Night, vowing to plunge Tydanor into eternal night.

The King of Eternal Night launched a natural disaster of the undead and embarked on a journey to destroy the world.

In the middle of the war that almost led to the destruction of Tydanor, the mastermind behind the scenes surfaced, and the mastermind behind the scenes was none other than the devil of Baator Hell.

Now, Jose knew the name of the devil - Malganis.

It turns out that the fall of King Yongye is the result of the devil behind the scenes. Based on the current situation, Jose deduced that there was a big drama.

The devil awakens the star elf prince who died in the battle. The star elf prince, filled with hatred in his heart, cooperates with the devil to launch a world-destroying war. The prince launches revenge on the sun elf and moon elf, while the devil harvests the soul, but is later defeated by the rising moon elf king and the moon elf. The Sun Elf King stopped him.

Even though there is some element of imagination in it, it is still very similar.

Unexpectedly, to this day, there is still a connection between King Yongye and the devil who destroyed the Elf Empire.

Jose's mind suddenly became active: But what does this devil want to do when he returns to Tydanor? Could it be that he wants to continue the unfinished plan to destroy the world six thousand years ago?

After thinking about it, he felt that it was very possible. After all, King Eternal Night gave up the [Spiritual Sect] to Mal'Ganis, and the purpose of King Eternal Night was to destroy the world. If it were not for the same goal, why would King Eternal Night give it to Mal'Ganis? [The Spiritual Sect] is giving it to the devil.

Of course, there is no evidence for all this, just his subjective inference.

No matter what, it's always good to know more about the devil.

Tyriel, how much do you know about Mal'Ganis?

Well, teacher, the elf said sheepishly, I only heard my father mention the name of the devil once. I don't know about the rest.

Okay, I get it, Jose nodded.

He had read all the books of the Mirkwood elves, and indeed there was no record of Mal'Ganis. It was probably because the elves wanted to erase this shameful history.

After chatting for a while, Jose ended the call.

Perhaps this matter should be told to the [Windspeaker Alliance]. Dealing with devils is not the business of the Fusei Empire, he thought.

The return of the devil, Mal'Ganis, is a big threat to all forces in Tydanor. It is indeed necessary to inform others and unite the forces of the entire continent to deal with the devil just like suppressing the [Spiritual Cult].

Jose immediately wrote several letters and asked Yi Gou to deliver the letters to the major forces through official channels, including the Pompeii Empire, the Misty Forest, the Trading City-States, the Orc Empire, the Windspeaker Alliance, and the Mermaid Dynasty.

The letter explained the news about Mal'Ganis, and attached the news detected by the Dragon Fang clone.

The [Windspeaker Alliance] moved very quickly, and news came the next day that a council between the large forces on the Tydanor continent would be held to discuss dealing with the [Spiritual Sect] and the devil.

At the appointed time, Jose entered the magic projection space as promised.

A beam of light fell from the void and onto a huge round table with seven chairs evenly distributed around it.

José appeared on a chair and realized he was the last to arrive.

Okay, His Majesty Jose is here too, everyone is here.

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