Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 383: Demigods fighting for [Heart of the Earth]

Wings of Catastrophe understood, flapped its wings and exited the battle circle, evacuating to the outside.

However, he did not approach the Imperial Emperor. Instead, he flew in another direction, forming a triangular position with the Imperial Emperor and the Red Nest Mistress, and together with the Imperial Emperor, he protected the Red Nest Mistress.

With the help of two of her own race, the Red Nest Mistress ignored her own defense and attacked the Earth Elemental Demigod with confidence and boldness.

When Moulin, the Golden Elf King, and the Mermaid King saw this scene, they couldn't help but frown and felt worried.

It was expected that the Wings of Havoc would protect the Red Nest Matron, but the Emperor also withdrew from the core battle circle to provide help to the Red Nest Matron, which greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

In such a melee, the Red Nest Matron received help from two of her own race. She had a huge advantage over other competitors. Even the Mermaid Emperor did not dare to guarantee that she could block the combined offensive of the three dragons, let alone the weaker ones. Morlin and the Golden Elf King are in the same boat.

However, the Mermaid King, Moulin and the Golden Elf King do not need to worry about the joint attack of the three dragons yet. The most important thing at the moment is to join forces to kill the earth element demigod and make the [Heart of the Earth] ownerless so that they can fight for it. .

boom! boom! boom!

Magic collided with magic. The explosive flames, the golden light that cut through the sky, and the tide of water elements that covered half of the sky attacked each other, causing a violent and chaotic magic energy storm, accompanied by the earth shaking and the mountains shaking in the distance. The residents of Thorn City could feel the obvious earthquake.

The residents of the empire stood outside in shock, climbed to the tops of houses, treetops and other high places, and looked at the magical light and shadow in the distant sky that made the sun eclipse. They were shocked in their hearts.

The battlefield is not close to the City of Thorns, and it is definitely not very far away. However, the residents of the empire have little fear in their hearts. The powerful emperor and the towering magic tower in the center of the City of Thorns give the people of the empire peace of mind.

The magic crystal at the top of the magic tower shoots out a beam of light that reaches the sky, and combines with the magic towers of the entire magic tower defense system to form a powerful magic barrier, which isolates the energy storm from the direction of the battlefield and protects the safety of the empire.

In addition, the residents of Thorn City also received a comfort notice from the empire. The elite mage group of the empire, headed by the Prime Minister of the Empire, Mr. Yougou, has stationed in the Magic Tower of Thorn City to prevent the empire's territory from being destroyed.

With their own safety guaranteed, the people of the empire spontaneously prayed, praying to the gods to protect the emperor and win the battle, or at least to be safe.

Of course, if the people of the empire could see the battlefield scenes, they would not worry about their emperor.

Because Jose has never joined the core battle group, he casts spells remotely to assist the Red Nest Matron.

Jose did not participate in the attack on [Heart of the Earth], but instead assisted the Red Nest Matron, not because of the good relationship between the two parties, nor because of the non-binding agreement before the war, but because of the comprehensive consideration of the interests of the empire. .

With the current strength of the Imperial Emperor, in addition to having an advantage over the Red Nest Matron, he is at a disadvantage against the Mermaid Emperor and Moulin. Even the Golden Elf King can pose a great threat, because the red dragon's greatest reliance is immunity to the fire element. For the three of them, it is like a virtual reality.

The strength is not dominant, and the risk of participating in the competition for [Heart of the Earth] is too high, so I cannot participate.

However, once the [Heart of the Earth] is obtained by Moulin, the Mermaid King or the Golden Elf King, then the Fuse Empire will face a stronger neighbor. Instead, it is better to let the Red Nest Matron, who is bound to leave, get the [Heart of the Earth]. Taken away from the plane of Teldanor.

It would be even better if you could go one step further and purchase [Heart of the Earth] from the Red Nest Matron.

Therefore, Jose really hopes that the Red Nest Matron can get the [Heart of the Earth].

ten minutes later.

Ah! The earth elemental demigod roared.

The earth elemental demigod is good at defense. He persisted for ten minutes under the siege of the demigods, but was finally defeated by the combined efforts of the demigods, revealing his flaws.

The Red Nest Mistress seized the opportunity, and the burning flames deformed in her dragon claws, forming a huge flaming sword. She cut off one of the earth elemental demigod's arms with a single blow, and the hill-like arm disintegrated in the air. It turned into rocks and hit the ground, making holes in the ground.

Roar! The earth elemental demigod roared angrily, but was unable to restore the decadent situation.

Without one arm, the earth elemental demigod's combat power was greatly reduced, and the first card of the domino effect had already fallen.

Subsequently, the demigods took advantage of the victory to pursue and expand the results.

He held on for another three minutes.

Finally, the earth elemental demigod let out an unwilling roar, and his chest was blown to pieces by the Red Nest Mistress. The elemental core was destroyed, and the huge body fell apart, revealing the brilliant yellow gemstone hidden in the elemental core.

This topaz is about the same size as the [Heart of the Ocean] in the Mermaid King's hand, exuding an intoxicating brilliance that is so eye-catching against the background of the dim sky.

It is one of the four elemental gems [Heart of the Earth]!

[Heart of the Earth] appeared, and all the demigods' breaths were stagnant. Their eyes were filled with greed to take the treasure for themselves, and the emperor of the empire was no exception.

Jose took a deep breath and suppressed the greed in his heart. He understood that now was the most dangerous time since the war began.

At this time, no demigod would tolerate the [Heart of the Earth] falling into the hands of others. The person holding the [Heart of the Earth] would definitely enjoy the same treatment as the earth element demigods and be jointly besieged by others.

A secret message reached the ears of the Red Nest Matron. The Red Nest Matron, who had been wary before, immediately rushed forward and stretched out her dragon claws to grab the [Heart of the Earth] suspended in the air.

The secret message she heard was from the emperor: Your Majesty, I will hinder Situa!

While the Red Nest Matron rushed towards [Heart of the Earth], others also moved.

The majestic water elemental energy gathered on the Mermaid Emperor's staff, and the next blow must be extraordinary, but she had no chance to deliver this blow to the Red Nest Matron because the Emperor's magic was aimed at her.

Jose maintains the form of [Emperor of Yan], and the fire element in the air is like an arm and a finger, forming a fire element arrow under his will. The fire element arrow is highly condensed, like a burning red crystal arrow. .


The fire element arrows shot out, targeting the Mermaid Emperor's head, fast, accurate and ruthless.

If the Mermaid Emperor insists on attacking the Red Nest Mistress, then she will be attacked by fire element arrows and will have no choice but to give up.

It is true that the Mermaid Emperor is no match for the Emperor of the Empire, but she cannot get rid of the red dragon's entanglement in a short time.

On the other side, the Wings of Catastrophe launched an attack on Morlin. As long as he could hold off Morlin like the Emperor of the Empire, the Golden Elf King would not pose a threat to the Red Nest Matron. In this way, the Red Nest Matron would obtain [The Earth of the Earth]. Heart】Nine times out of ten.

However, reality does not always happen as planned. The Golden Elf King stepped forward and intercepted the attack of the Wings of Havoc.

Moorlin chanted a spell quickly, and he didn't know what kind of secret technique he used to forcefully break the space locked by the dimensional anchor. He appeared next to the [Heart of the Earth] one step ahead of the Red Nest Matron, and was caught in the angry eyes of the Red Nest Matron. Hold on to the [Heart of the Earth].

Jose was also shocked by the sudden change.

There are dimensional anchors around the battlefield to block the space, but the dimensional anchors cannot completely seal the space. The principle of the dimensional anchor is to stabilize the space barrier and increase the transmission resistance. As long as the force is strong enough, it can forcibly break through the resistance of the dimensional anchor and complete the transmission. , most of the magics that can do this are high-level space secrets, which are extremely rare.

While he was surprised that Moulin had such secret skills, Jose was not slow to respond. He chanted the spell quickly, and an invisible force spread in all directions, making the space look like rippling lake water.

Space ripples!

Space ripples have no lethality, but they can interfere with the stability of space and cause ripples in the space. During the ripple period, no matter how clever the teleportation magic is, it will not be effective.

Moulin's face changed as he was casting a spell to teleport away again. His spell was a step slower than the red dragon. Although he knew that the spatial ripples would only last for a moment, this moment would send him from heaven to hell.

hold head high!

The angry roar of the dragon resounded through the sky, and the Red Nest Mistress, who had picked peaches, rushed up and started using the fastest dragon breath.

The ancient dragon's breath burns everything, and the temperature is extremely high. It heats the air around the dragon's breath into an illusory distortion in a short period of time, blocking the escape space of Morlin.

This is not the most fatal thing. The most fatal thing is that the Red Nest Mistress rushes forward. Once the mage is approached by a dragon of comparable strength, the fate will be self-evident.

On the other side, the Mermaid Emperor glanced at the Imperial Emperor bitterly, and at the same time recited a spell quickly. This spell was not aimed at the Imperial Emperor, but a space sealing magic, which further stabilized the space based on the dimensional anchor and prevented people from holding [ Heart of the Earth] Moulin teleported away.

In the distance, the Mermaid King was so troubled that he couldn't teleport.

Nearby, the Red Nest Mistress stepped forward, and her dragon breath blocked a large area of ​​hiding space.

Moulin was in a desperate situation. In desperation, he turned his heart and threw the [Heart of the Earth] in his hand into the sky.

Abandoning treasure to save life is undoubtedly the right choice.

As soon as the Rednest Mistress saw the rising [Heart of the Earth], she gave up on the Moor Forest and flapped her wings to fly towards the [Heart of the Earth].

The Mermaid Emperor is faster than the Red Nest Mistress. The [Heart of the Ocean] gem shoots a torrent, hitting the rising [Heart of the Earth] one step ahead of the Red Nest Mistress, and quickly retracts with the [Heart of the Earth] wrapped around it. .

[Heart of the Earth] is mine! the Red Nest Matron roared, waving her claws and shooting out a fire blade.

The fire blade cut off the water line, and [Heart of the Earth] once again approached the direction of the Red Nest Matron.

Behind the Red Nest Matron, purple magical energy gathered in Moorlin's hands, and the target was the Red Nest Matron who stretched out her claws to grab the [Heart of the Earth].

Your opponent is me! The emperor shot out a magic spell, hitting Moulin's back directly.

Feeling locked by a violent magical energy, Morlin had no choice but to give up on blocking the Red Nest Matron and turned to face the Emperor's attack.

At the same time, the Wings of Catastrophe also entangled the Golden Elf King, leaving him unable to care about anything else.

Hahaha! Mistress Rednest laughed, holding the [Heart of the Earth] in her hands, and was about to run away with the treasure.

However, I don't know when, the deep blue water curtain covered the entire sky, and the end of the deep blue water curtain was the [Heart of the Ocean] in the hands of the Mermaid Emperor.

The face of the Red Nest Mistress changed. She had fought against the Mermaid Emperor many times, and she understood that if she did not break through the water curtain, she would never be able to break through the Mermaid Emperor's interception.

Sure enough, a giant hand stretched out from the water curtain and descended from the sky to grab the Red Nest Mistress.

hold head high!

The Red Nest Mistress burst out with an angry dragon roar, and her body ignited with blazing flames. The light and heat emitted by the flames even surpassed the sun. She did not retreat but moved forward, rushing towards the giant hand that was grabbing her.


Just like a physical collision, the Red Nest Matron plunged into the large hand of condensed pure water elements. The massive water elements collided with the fire elements and annihilated each other to produce violent elemental fluctuations and a large amount of water vapor. The Red Nest Matron moved countercurrently in the water vapor. superior.

Jose held Moulin tightly to prevent him from interfering with the Red Nest Matron who broke out. The Wings of Havoc's combat awareness was also up to standard, and he quickly attacked the Mermaid Emperor who was guiding the magic.

Eating a stack makes you wiser. The Mermaid Emperor was already on guard. The water around him seemed to be alive, neutralizing the attack of the Wings of Catastrophe.

The Golden Elf King had no one to check and used a spell to stab the Red Nest Matron in the back.

Damn it! the Red Nest Mistress gritted her teeth. With the Mermaid King blocking her way in front of her and the Golden Elf King stabbing her in the back, she was in a very difficult situation.

At the same time, she also wanted to understand that the Emperor of the Empire had the ability to hold back either Morlin or the Mermaid Emperor, but the Wings of Catastrophe were weak and could only stop the Golden Elf King, but were helpless against Morlin and the Mermaid Emperor. .

The best way now is to stay and join forces with the Emperor to hold down the Mermaid Emperor and Morlin, and let the Wings of Catastrophe escape with the [Heart of the Earth].

After it is safe, go to the Wings of Havoc to retrieve [Heart of the Earth].

The Red Nest Mistress believes in the loyalty of Havoc Wings, and even more believes in her own strength: He wouldn't dare not give it to me even if I measure it!

With this thought, the Red Nest Matron no longer sought a breakout, but instead took advantage of the situation to avoid the attack of the Golden Elf King and flew towards the Wings of Catastrophe.

The raging flames broke through the attack of the Mermaid King, and the Red Nest Matron sent another energy attack to the Golden Elf King, and then threw out the [Heart of the Earth]: Redrilaz! You take the treasure and go first!

Looking at the Red Nest Matron rushing towards the Mermaid Emperor and the flying [Heart of the Earth], Havoc Wings reacted instantly and understood the Red Nest Matron's plan.

He flapped his wings, increased his flying speed to the limit, and stretched out his dragon claws in the air to grab the [Heart of the Earth].

At this time, Jose held Moor Lin, and the Red Nest Matron rushed towards the Mermaid King before launching an attack, which could delay the Golden Elf King for a moment and create the best opportunity for the Wings of Havoc.

Seeing that [Heart of the Earth] was about to fall into the hands of the Wings of Catastrophe, Morlin became a little anxious.

Once the Wings of Catastrophe get the [Heart of the Earth], they will immediately run away. The Golden Elf King cannot catch up with the dragon of the same strength who wants to escape.

While Moulin was fighting against the Emperor, the ring on his finger triggered.


A violent purple energy ball shot out, hitting the wings of catastrophe in the blink of an eye, and a surging elemental energy storm erupted.


Hearing the screams of the Wings of Catastrophe, Jose's heart froze. He turned his head and saw a luminous object coming toward him in the storm. He subconsciously grabbed it.

Feeling the earth element coming from his hand, he understood what he was holding, and at the same time he felt the malicious gazes.


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