Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 382 The demiplane collapses and the battle breaks out

It doesn't matter, Master has a plan B.

Medusa glanced at the legendary undead. These legendary undead were developed within Tydanor by the Eternal Night King. They are the elites under the Eternal Night King. Now that they are gathered together, they will naturally use the power of everyone.

She raised the bow and arrow in her hand and waved it in front of the eyes of the undead: Everyone, this operation requires the gathering of everyone's power, the power of death.

The origin of death, as the name suggests, is the fundamental power of the legendary undead. It is very important and the basis for advancement. Losing too much at one time will cause a decline in strength.

Willing to serve the king! Blue Ghost was the first to express support. After all, life is in the hands of King Yongye. If you cooperate, you will only lose some of the source of death, and it will take time to make up for it. But if you refuse...

Eternal night will surely fall!


All the undead expressed their agreement. Medusa's face softened a little, and she touched the black long bow in her hand. Her eyes were filled with emotion and reluctance, and she explained: The name of the bow is the Pale Banshee, which was born from the endless underworld fire in the plane of the undead. , was given to me by the king, and is a top legendary treasure. This bow has been with me for eight hundred years.

The Lich looked curiously at the black long bow in Medusa's hand, wondering why a black bow and arrows were called the Pale Banshee.

Medusa looked at the pale banshee in her hand reluctantly: There is a powerful magic in the pale banshee that can only be used once. The more death sources are injected into it, the more powerful the magic will be. It is for this blow that everyone is asked to dedicate the death sources.

After saying that, Medusa looked at the demigods in the distance with a sharp gaze and a heart as cold as ice: Everyone, please form an formation for the great cause of the master!

Under Medusa's command, the legendary undead formed a circle around her.

The slender fingers pinched the pale banshee's bowstring and pulled the bow. The bowstring deformed, but there was no arrow on the bowstring.

Medusa glanced at the demigods in the distance who were beginning to destroy the demiplane, then lowered her head and did not dare to look further. At the same time, she suppressed the murderous intention in her heart. Demigods are very sensitive to external malice. If the murderous intention is exposed, then This operation failed, and she was entirely to blame.

Everyone, be prepared. The enemy's attention is focused on the demiplane. Relaxation at the moment when the demiplane is about to be broken is our opportunity.

Not long after, a strong earth elemental storm started from the gap in space and exploded in all directions, and an angry roar as thick as the earth could be heard.

The demigods worked together to tear open the cracks in space and interfere with the stability of the demiplane. The demiplane has begun to collapse.

A giant rock hand suddenly stretched out from the crack in space, holding it in anger, as if to crush the culprit who destroyed the plane to death.

The legendary strong men who were watching from a distance couldn't help but take a breath. This giant rock hand was as big as a hill. One hand was so huge that it was hard to imagine how majestic the owner of the giant hand was.

Previously, everyone was still doubtful, thinking that the demigods drove them away to prevent others from sharing the benefits, but now it seems that the demigods were kind enough to save one of them.

As expected, he is a demigod-level earth element lord. His Majesty the Emperor's words are true.

This level of battle is not something we can participate in, so we should stay away.


All the legendary powerhouses retreated one after another to prevent the demigod war from affecting Chiyu.

After the giant rock hand appeared, the space cracks further expanded, and the space around the space cracks was like a broken mirror, giving people an unreal feeling.


There was a faint sound of shattering mirrors. Everyone stared at the broken space on the prairie. Behind the broken space was an earth-yellow world. In the earth-yellow world, an upright earth element was roaring. The endless earth Elemental energy pours into Tydanor from behind the earth elemental.

Medusa's eyes narrowed, and an energy arrow appeared on the drawn arrow. The energy arrow was pale in color, like pale bones, and the ominous arrow pointed in the direction of the demigods.


Medusa did not need to remind them. The legendary undead who had been prepared for a long time took action, condensing a black smoke cloud in their hands. After separating the source of death, the already transparent blue ghost body became more illusory, and the lich and death knight The flickering soul fire dimmed.

With the active cooperation of the legendary undead, the precious source of death poured into the pale arrows. The pale arrows absorbed the source of death and emitted a pale, pale light that symbolized death.


The pale banshee could no longer withstand the powerful force of the arrows. Small cracks appeared on the bow, and the cracks continued to expand.

Medusa didn't have time to feel sorry for her weapon. She released her fingers that were aching from the powerful force of death. The pale arrow flew out silently and very fast. The direction of the arrow's flight was exactly the orc sword master.

In fact, both King Eternal Night and Medusa hate the Emperor more than the Orc Sword Master, because the Emperor has repeatedly ruined their plans, but killing the Emperor cannot free up the demigod quota, so they have no choice but to choose the weakest Orc sword. Holy.

After shooting the arrow, Medusa didn't even look at the result. She opened a magic scroll and teleported away with the legendary undead around her.

At the same time, the pale arrows had already arrived behind the orc sword master.

The orc swordmaster sensed the danger approaching rapidly, and the hair on his back stood up, but he had no time to dodge.

Firstly, the speed of the pale arrow was too fast, and secondly, Medusa's timing was too good. At the moment when the demiplane was shattered, the orc swordmaster was concentrating on guarding against the erupting earth elemental storm and the angry earth elemental demigod. , I never thought that someone would shoot a cold arrow from behind.

He only had time to move his body slightly to avoid the vital point, and the pale arrow hit the orc sword master's shoulder, and the energy of death exploded.


Jose sensed the explosion of death energy, and then heard the screams of the Orc Sword Master. As he backed away, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw the Orc Sword Master who was thrown upside down by the earth element storm. It also exuded strong necromantic energy, and I was horrified.

Damn it! King Yongye still has methods!

Compared to others, the relationship between the Orc Sword Master and the Imperial Emperor is more harmonious, so the two stand next to each other.

Many thoughts flashed through the Emperor's mind in an instant.

To save or not to save?

There is no conflict between the Fusai Empire and the Orc Empire, and they have a common enemy. The enemy of the enemy is a friend.

Jose made an instant decision, flapped his wings with all his strength, moved sideways in the earth element storm against the fire element barrier, and approached the orc sword master who was flying upside down.

To make matters worse, the earth elemental demigod crossed over from the collapsed demiplane. Sensing the attack on the orc sword master, he attacked with a fist. The huge fist carried a massive amount of earth element, and the power was terrifying.

If he were hit by this punch, the orc sword master would definitely die, and the emperor who was trying to save people would also be within the scope of this punch.

Now that he has made the decision to save people, Jose will certainly not give in easily.

Without any hesitation, he activated the [Emperor of Yan] form, instantly controlled the surrounding fire element energy, and placed layers of obstacles in the path of the earth element demigod's fist.

Bang bang bang!

Under the tremendous power of the Earth Elemental Demigod, the flame barrier exploded layer by layer, and could only block the Earth Elemental Demigod for a moment.

Even a moment is enough.

Trick - Wishful Rope!

An ordinary mage's wishful rope is only ten meters long, but in Jose's hands, the wishful rope is five hundred meters long. The wishful rope ejects from the dragon's claws, and wraps around the waist of the orc sword master as if it has eyes, and suddenly exerts force Drag it out of the attack range of the Earth Elemental Demigod.

Due to the collapse of the demiplane, the space around the spatial rift also became unstable, making teleportation impossible.

Jose dragged the orc sword master and suddenly flapped his wings, increasing his flying speed to the extreme. The earth elemental storm that erupted behind him was like a rolling sandstorm.

The emperor was faster than the earth elemental storm. He quickly evacuated the center of the outbreak with the orc sword master. He flew to 70,000 meters in one breath before stopping, turning around and facing the rolling storm.

I saw the earth elemental storm caused by the collapse of the demiplane coming overwhelmingly, and my vision was dim.

Jose allowed himself to be swallowed up by the earth element storm. This place was 70,000 meters away from the center of the explosion. The storm passed here could no longer pose a threat to him and was blocked by the fire element barrier.

The red dragon glanced at the center of the earth element storm with fear. He could feel the broken space there. Fortunately, the earth element demigod did not catch up.

In the endless rolling storm, the fire element barrier held up a small safe place, sheltering the emperor and the orc sword master.

How are you?

Jose looked down at the Orc Sword Master lying on the dragon's claw. There was a hole in the Orc Sword Master's shoulder, but no blood flowed out. The flesh and blood from the wound was pale, which was the color of death.

If it weren't for the orc sword master's heartbeat, Jose would have thought he had become undead just by looking at his gray flesh.

I can't die, the orc sword master's words revealed extreme weakness.

The orc gritted his teeth and struggled to stand up from the dragon's claws, but he was a little unsteady.

Thank you very much. You saved me again. I will definitely pay you a visit when I have the chance.

Jose's face looked much better. He took such a big risk to save the orc swordmaster just to improve his relationship with the orcs.

Now that the Beastman Sword Master has expressed his stance, he has achieved his goal.

However, his purpose in befriending the orcs was to fight against the Southern Alliance led by the Pompeii Empire. Considering the current bad situation of the orcs, it is still a question whether they can get better.

Strong demigods are not easily injured, but once injured, it is not so easy to recover quickly. The Moon Elf King is a good example.

You go back to recuperate first, and be careful of the undead and Moulin.

Jose sent the Orc Sword Master to a safe area where he could teleport, and the Orc Sword Master unfolded the teleportation scroll and left.

After sending away the orc sword master, Jose returned to the battlefield again. He flew very fast, and only twenty seconds passed.

He took a look at a messy prairie. After the demiplane explosion, a huge hole with a diameter of a thousand meters appeared on the ground. The grassland around the hole was plowed away by the storm. , the exposed soil continued until tens of thousands of meters away from the explosion point, which was shocking.

On the battlefield, the demigods were already fighting.

On the surface, the demigods were still besieging the earth element demigods, but Jose could see that there was a serious gap between the demigods. They were far apart from each other and were on guard against each other.

The earth elemental demigod fell into Teldanor, and the advantage of the demiplane environment was no longer there. At best, he was just a new demigod with [Heart of the Earth]. If he fought alone, Morlin could stabilize the earth elemental demigod.

The basis for the demigods to work together to deal with the earth element demigods has disappeared.

In the foreseeable future, after the earth elemental demigod falls, the demigods will have a fierce fight for the [Heart of the Earth].

Right now, the demigods have already begun to make plans for the final battle.

The Mermaid King waved the staff inlaid with [Heart of the Ocean], condensed the water element, and formed a wave in the air. While attacking the earth element demigod, he also used the aftermath to interfere with the Red Nest Matron, and competed with Morlin for the proportion of the surrounding elements.

Generally speaking, the various elements of Tydanor are evenly distributed, but within a small range, the element ratio can be affected by external forces, and a higher element ratio means stronger firepower, and stronger firepower means Can gain advantage in battle.

Therefore, the Mermaid Emperor, Moorlin, and Red Nest Matron competed for the ratio of surrounding elements.

Jose did not rush forward directly. He cherished his life and did not like melee combat. Although melee combat could bring the distance closer when the earth elemental demigod fell, it did not mean that he would have the last laugh. Instead, he might get the [Heart of the Earth] 】At the moment, he was attacked by others with concentrated fire.

He has a clear attitude towards [Heart of the Earth].

It's naturally best if you can get it. If you can't get it, don't force it.

When you step into the realm of demigods and fully master the power of [Emperor of Yan], you will be able to control a trace of the power of [Scepter of Catastrophe]. At that time, even if you face a demigod with four-element gems, it is not certain who will win or lose. Woolen cloth.

There is no need to rush and risk your life to fight for elemental gems before you grow up.

Maintaining the form of [Emperor Yan], Jose's eyes turned into burning gold, he chanted the spell quickly, and stretched out his dragon claws to grasp the sky.

A crimson vortex suddenly appeared in the sky, with firelight flickering in the vortex, as if the end was coming.

Legendary magic - rain of fire and destruction!

Endless fireballs fall from the sky, illuminating the entire world. The firelight shines on the faces of the demigods, whose expressions vary between light and dark.

The rain of fire covered everyone.

The Rain of Destruction is a large-scale magic, and its lethality is weak among legendary magics. It cannot pose much threat to the powerful demigods, but the falling fire element will not disappear, greatly increasing the proportion of fire element in the surrounding air.

The eyes of the Red Nest Mistress, who was competing with the demigods for the proportion of elements, lit up. The increase in fire elements increased her hope of competing for the [Heart of the Earth].

She remembered her previous agreement.

It is true that compared to Moulin, the Golden Elf King and the Mermaid Emperor, the three red dragons are relatively their own people, and it is better for their own people to get [Heart of the Earth] than for outsiders.

On the side, the Wings of Havoc were weak and struggling to hold on in the battle between the demigods. From time to time, they were hit by attacks and grimaced in pain.

The Red Nest Mistress ordered: You withdraw from the battlefield and interfere with the outside world!

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