Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 384 Battle Royale!

Fuck! Jose held the [Heart of the Earth] that was delivered to his door, and many thoughts flashed through his mind.

At the beginning, he had no intention of participating in the fight for [Heart of the Earth]. As long as [Heart of the Earth] was prevented from falling into the enemy's hands and the enemy's strength was strengthened, it would be considered a success.

But things are unpredictable, and [Heart of the Earth] took the initiative to come to the door and was caught by him, so that everyone's eyes were focused on him.

Now, faced with the strong malice emanating from the demigods, he had two choices.

One is to throw [Heart of the Earth] like Moulin. As long as [Heart of the Earth] is not in his hands, he is absolutely safe.

The second is to fight hard and try to keep the [Heart of the Earth], but if you do this, you will be besieged by everyone.

With his current strength, he is absolutely unable to withstand the joint siege of Moulin and the Golden Elf King. If the Mermaid King is also included, it will be a narrow escape. As for helpers, it is still unknown whether the Red Nest Matron and the Wings of Catastrophe will provide help. .

Jose was not an indecisive dragon. He made a decision in a split second and decided to give it a go.

[Heart of the Earth] has all flown into your hand. If you don’t give it a try, you will be sorry for the skirt lifted by the goddess of luck.


At the moment when he decided to fight, Jose also decided on a plan. He activated [Phoenix Heart] to the extreme while maintaining the form of [Emperor of Flame]. Endless flames were either born out of thin air or surged from the body of the red dragon. Out, it surged toward everyone on the battlefield like a tsunami, sweeping across most of the sky.

hold head high!

The passionate roar of the dragon full of fighting spirit resounded through the sky.

After letting out an exciting dragon roar, the red dragon gathered all its strength, turned around and ran away.

The flame frenzy affected everyone's sight and also concealed his own aura. If he didn't run away now, he would be sure to keep the [Heart of the Earth] as long as he escaped back to the Fusei Empire and entered the magic tower defense system. .

Can it really be possible to successfully escape back to the Fusai Empire?

A flash of confusion flashed in Jose's eyes, and then he became extremely determined.

How will you know if you don’t give it a try!

On the battlefield.

The sight of the demigods was disturbed by the raging flames,

It also interfered with the induction, and only heard the roar of dragons full of fighting spirit, with different expressions.

Facing the oncoming flame craze, the Golden Elf King turned the golden energy condensed in his hands into a bubble-shaped shield to protect himself, ready to stand ready.

Mooring was angry and prevented the Wings of Havoc from obtaining the [Heart of the Earth], but sent the [Heart of the Earth] into the hands of the Emperor. His energy exploded, and an invisible energy storm centered on it and spread in all directions. Prop up a large safe area in the fire element frenzy.

Wings of Catastrophe was injured in Moulin's previous attack, and one of its wings and arms was helpless. He used magic spells to stabilize his falling body and then fled into the distance.

The Red Nest Mistress was still fighting fiercely with the Mermaid Emperor. When she was absconding with the treasure, the Mermaid Emperor's interference caused the Red Nest Mistress to escape several times without success. The Mermaid King takes revenge.

Savanna! Will your people give you the [Heart of the Earth]?! The Mermaid Emperor is worthy of being an emperor who has been in power for a long time. This sentence goes straight to the core.

The Red Nest Mistress couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. The Emperor of the Empire would not give her any benefits by getting the [Heart of the Earth]. She had not thought of this when she vented her anger before, but now the Mermaid Emperor mentioned it like this...

Taking advantage of the Rednest Matron's hesitation, the Mermaid Emperor got rid of her entanglement and, like Moulin, used water elements to counterattack the incoming fire frenzy.

When the two demigods joined forces to crush the flame frenzy, they only saw a red figure running away quickly.

Shameless thief! Don't run!

Dimensional anchors and other space blockade spells could not prevent the enemy from escaping at this time, but hindered the pursuit. The Golden Elf King, Moulin and the Mermaid Emperor all canceled the blockade spells they had laid, and teleported to a thousand meters away in an instant. The distance between himself and the red dragon was shortened to 500 meters.

Jose sensed the sudden approaching aura behind him. There were more than one aura, including the Mermaid King, Moulin, the Golden Elf King, and a moment later a Red Nest Matron. He understood that the dimensional anchor covering the battlefield had been cancelled.

I can teleport! He was about to initiate teleportation immediately.

Suddenly, a white light approached from behind with lightning speed. The fire element energy barrier did not react at all, and the white light penetrated directly into the red dragon's body.

Jose's heart skipped a beat as he discovered that a strange energy blocked the space around him. The space became very stable and teleportation could not be initiated.

The Anchor of Ukraad?!

The Anchor of Ukraad is not an offensive magic, nor is it a curse magic. On the contrary, it is an auxiliary magic that can help the caster stabilize the body in complex space turbulence. In some special circumstances, it can also be used to prevent The enemy fled.

Damn Moulin, it's space magic again! Jose felt something bad in his heart.

In the battle just now, Moulin showed extremely high attainments in space magic, forcibly breaking through the blockade of the dimensional anchor, and now he used space magic - the Anchor of Ukraad.

The first time, it could be said that he cherished the magic equipment, but the second time, it was difficult not to doubt whether Mooring was proficient in space magic.

You must know that time, soul, and space magic are collectively known as the three major magics of the multiverse. They are also recognized as the three most difficult magics to master. Matching the difficulty is the power of the three major magics.

Time magic and soul magic are too mysterious. Little is known to the outside world, and few people can master them.

Compared with the first two, space magic is the most accessible to the people. The short-distance teleportation used by high-level mages is space magic, but short-distance teleportation is only a superficial application of space magic, just like magic is not the same level as formal magic.

The short-distance teleportation that can only be used by high-level mages is just a trick for professional space mages. This shows how powerful space specialized mages are.

Although Jose has never encountered him before, he also knows about the power of specialized space mages from classic records. The ability to teleport at will gives space mages unparalleled mobility. When escaping, the enemy cannot catch up. When pursuing, the enemy cannot escape. Lose.

In terms of attack, the space blade can even cut through space, which is not something that flesh and blood can withstand.

Suddenly, Jose sensed an extremely dangerous aura coming from the front.

[Digitalized Vision] was operating to the extreme, and the green data waterfall was refreshing rapidly. He found a crack thinner than a hair a hundred meters in front of him. The dark crack exuded an extremely dangerous atmosphere, as if it could cut through all the hard things in the world. things.

Space crack!

Jose quickly flapped his wings to adjust his body, and flew sideways past the crack in space with a whoosh, breaking into a cold sweat.

If he hadn't possessed [Digital Vision] and always maintained a high degree of vigilance, otherwise...

He shuddered at the thought of high-pressure water jets cutting metal.

One after another, there is no doubt that Moor Lin has considerable skills in space magic.

It's so well hidden! Not only Jose, but also the Golden Elf King, the Red Nest Mistress, and the Mermaid Emperor had the same idea. They couldn't help but look sideways at Moulin, feeling fearful in their hearts.

Now is not the time to explore the secrets of Mooring. The Golden Elf King and the Mermaid Emperor are pursuing the Emperor, and the Red Nest Matron is also following closely behind.

The only thing he was thankful for was that Jose didn't feel the evil intentions of the Red Nest Matron. After all, the Red Nest Matron decided to abide by the agreement and not add insult to injury when her fellow tribesmen were fighting for the [Heart of the Earth], but it was impossible for her to provide help.

The Red Nest Mistress is not far from the Mermaid Emperor, but the fact that she did not cast a spell to stop the Mermaid Emperor already illustrates her attitude.

The water element condensed into a huge blue whale as big as a mountain. The blue whale's head had a single horn, and its body was like flowing sea water. It jumped in the blue sky, made an ethereal cry, and swung its tail up and down to attack Jose at an extremely fast speed.

Secret method - elemental mimicry!

Compared with the incoming blue whale, Jose was more afraid of the elusive teleportation technique of the space mage. The sudden attack of space magic on the face was the real killer.

Now that he knew that Morlin was proficient in space magic, there was a way to prevent his teleportation. Endless flames poured out from the emperor, covering hundreds of meters around him.

Burning Domain!

Moulin glanced at the flames around the emperor and gave up the idea of ​​teleporting his face. He didn't want to run into the flames.

After solving the hidden danger of the teleportation raid in Morlin, the Mermaid Emperor's water elemental blue whale is also coming.

Jose could already feel the coolness that was breaking through the Burning Ember Realm. He quickly chanted the incantation in his mouth, using the authority of [Emperor of Yan] to mobilize the fire elements to defend against the enemy.

Fire element, obey my orders!

After receiving the emperor's order, the distant fire elements spontaneously gathered in the direction of the emperor. The fire elements were so dense that they formed a light red mist in the air, all of which merged into the ever-compressing fireball in the hands of the red dragon.

In the center of the fireball, a large amount of crystal clear liquid fire elements were born, gathering into a ball as big as a red dragon's fist, which was as big as half a house.


Jose threw the burning liquid fireball backwards, and before it was over, it also triggered the magic stored in the red box of [Magic Energy Storage].

Legendary Magic——Burning Star Explosion·Enhanced Version!

In an instant, a swirling vortex as black as ink appeared in the sky above the red dragon. The vortex swallowed red light of destruction, just like the destructive lava that was about to break through the mantle of the earth and erupt.

The next moment, a giant meteorite the size of a house fell from the vortex, speeding faster and faster, dragging a long tail behind.

A violent aura emanates from the burning meteorite, which is extremely dangerous and makes people's scalp numb.

The liquid fireball hitting the huge narwhal blue whale is like a ping pong ball hitting a whale, but this ping pong ball is extremely condensed liquid element energy. In terms of total energy, it is no more than the narwhal blue whale made of condensed water elements. How much weaker.


There was a loud thunder, and the fireball exploded on the blue whale's head. The raging flames spread in all directions, and the spreading flames quickly covered the entire blue whale.

Water and fire, the two completely opposite elemental energies collided with each other and annihilated each other. The fire element was consumed rapidly, and the narwhal blue whale also shrank rapidly, letting out a silent cry.

The battle between the narwhal blue whale and the fireball was not over yet, and the enhanced version of the Burning Star Explosion fell.

Jose avoided another space crack and whispered: Explode!


There was a loud noise louder than the explosion of a fireball. The giant meteorite exploded. Hot flames emerged from the cracks in the dark skin. The violent fire element energy was sprayed in all directions. Wherever the energy swept, even the dust in the air Also vaporized.

The demigods had to stop their pursuit and looked at the shattered space at the core of the explosion, shocked in their hearts. At the same time, they used various methods to deal with the violent fire element energy.

In the blink of an eye, everyone was overwhelmed by the violent fire element storm.

Moore Lin escaped directly into the void, letting the violent fire element sweep through the afterimage.

The Mermaid King activated the [Heart of the Ocean] staff in his hand, and a steady stream of water elements poured out to protect her. She had enough energy to swim upstream, but at a speed that was as slow as a snail by the standards of a demigod.

The Red Nest Mistress cast a spell, using a shield to resist the fire elemental impact, and could not move even an inch in the fire elemental wave.

The Golden Elf King was holding a magic shield and was knocked back by the explosion.

In the heat wave of the enhanced version of the Star-Burning Explosion, the strength of the demigods became clear at a glance.

The worst thing was the earth. The land that had been plowed by the demiplane explosion was attacked by the fire element. The originally fluffy soil was burned and hardened, forming a translucent glass shape. The terrifying heat even penetrated the deep earth, turning it into a fire. The water in the roots of plants that penetrate deep into the ground evaporates and becomes dry like dried grass roots.

Jose couldn't care less about protecting the environment at this time. He desperately squeezed his own potential and flapped his wings to increase his speed to the limit in order to enter the empire's magic tower defense system as soon as possible.

The earlier he enters the magic tower defense system, the greater his chances of saving [Heart of the Earth] will be.

In fact, if there was no accident like Moulin, Jose's plan would have a high chance of success. After all, the Emperor's flying ability is wings plus magic. Compared with the demigods who rely solely on magic, and the Red Nest Matron who relies more on wings, the Empire The emperor's flying speed should be as fast as the first line.

Unfortunately, there is no if in the world.

The explosion of the Burning Star Explosion bought the Emperor precious three seconds.

The Mermaid Emperor once again summoned a narwhal blue whale, standing on the head of the narwhal blue whale, driving the blue whale to break through the remaining aftermath of the explosion and chase the emperor.

Morlin ended his [Escape into the Void] magic and returned to Tydanor from the void. His figure flashed a thousand meters away, and then another thousand meters away, even faster than the emperor.

hold head high!

The Red Nest Mistress let out an angry dragon roar, not wanting to be left behind, and started to catch up.

The Golden Elf King hesitated for a moment and flew towards the Emperor at normal speed.

He recognized the reality in the explosion just now and became a Buddhist. He had the same attitude as the original emperor. It was naturally the best to get the [Heart of the Earth]. If he couldn't get it, he wouldn't fight hard.

While the Golden Elf King Buddha was chasing after him, Morlin caught up with the Emperor.

Moore Lin hung outside the Burning Domain, keeping a safe distance, chanting spells quickly, and the mysterious and dangerous power of space changed with the will of the mage.

PS: Ahem, happy National Day, let me say three points:

1. During the National Day, I stayed at home and made up for the five-chapter leader update I owed.

2. There will be an update tonight or early in the morning.

3. Double monthly tickets four days before the National Day, please vote.

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