Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 197 God's Curse

Looking at the red dragon on the throne, Luna Xueyu shook her head: Your Majesty, I don't expect material rewards, I just hope that Your Majesty will not forget the original promise.

I promised you, I will remember.

Hearing this, Luna Blood Feather forced a smile on her face, and retreated to the family members.

Looking at the lonely expression of the harpy family, Jose frowned slightly, feeling a little worried in his heart.

For a long period of time, the harpies have always been the number one mage under the command of the red dragon by virtue of the formal mage education background of the red nest. .

In terms of the magic knowledge resources obtained, the Harpy is similar to the Nego, so the problem lies with the Harpy herself.

According to Jose's observation, the reason why the harpy got stuck on the high-level mage was probably because of becoming an elf knot.


After the meeting was over, all the family members saluted together, then turned and walked towards the entrance of the throne hall.

The founding of the People's Republic of China is imminent, and there are many tasks, and they all have to go back and be busy.

Luna, you stay.

The Harpy who turned around heard the words, stopped and looked back at the red dragon on the throne.

Jose stretched out a finger, pointing at the Harpy, and an invisible spiritual link connected the two.

The next moment, a master and a servant disappeared in the throne hall, as if the two never existed.

Once again regaining her sight, Luna Blood Feather found herself in a closed room with all kinds of magic equipment placed in the room. The magic equipment was complicated in structure and various in variety.

As a high-level mage who participated in the construction of the magic tower, she naturally knew where she was. This was a magic laboratory on the third floor of the upside-down magic tower, which was the private magic research place of the red dragon.

Jose explained: There were no conditions before, but now with the help of the Magic Tower, we may be able to find some signs of the curse.

Looking at the harpy family, the red dragon couldn't help but fell into deep thought, thinking about the origin of the harpy family.

The Taidanuoer continent has a long history, and can be roughly divided into four eras according to the different dominant races:

The First Era: The First Era was 12,000 years ago. At that time, the continent of Tidanor was still in a barbaric era. There were indigenous creatures on the plane, astral migrators represented by the giant dragon family..., many adult and legendary seniors Extraordinary races are the protagonists of this era. They fought and survived on the continent, and the continent was in chaos until the second era.

The second era was roughly between 7,000 years ago and 12,000 years ago. At the end of the first era, the giant dragon clan stood out from many high-level extraordinary races by virtue of their numbers and advantages, and dominated the mainland, opening the second era of Tedanore.

The third era was between 3,000 years ago and 7,000 years. Under the double influence of the great cycle of elemental decline in the multiverse and the civil war between the five-color dragons and the metal dragons, the giant dragons faced the dual pressure of blood degeneration and a sharp decline in numbers, and gradually declined. , so that they could not maintain their status as the overlord of the mainland, the elves and dwarves took advantage of the situation to rise up. In the end, the elves defeated the dwarves and opened the third era.

The elves did not escape the curse of the continental overlord. Three thousand years ago, the elves' civil war severely weakened the overall strength of the elves. Humans and orcs, two races with stronger reproductive capabilities, entered the mainland stage, opening the fourth era of the Taidanor continent. Defeated the orcs and became the new overlord of the continent until today.

The harpy family was born in the third era more than 6,000 years ago. At that time, the elf empire on the natural side and its allies had just defeated the dwarves and goblins on the technological side. They were in a stage of vigorous development and were actively exploring the outside world. Explore the ocean, the astral world, and even expedition to the abyss.

Successive victories boosted the elves' self-confidence,

However, extremes lead to opposites, and excessive self-confidence becomes arrogance.

In the elf empire at that time, there was an organization composed of a group of arrogant mages. They were arrogant and set their sights on the eternal throne above the starry sky, trying to steal the authority of God.

In order to achieve their goal, they started planning, looking for a suitable target, and they really found a suitable target, an unlucky god who was seriously injured and had to sleep deeply.

However, even though the sleeping god was weak and weak, the elves still got away with it. They killed the unlucky god and were cursed by the god at the same time.

All the male elves in the mage organization died, and the female elves grew feathers. Their original white hands turned into bird wings, and their feet turned into skinny eagle claws. They became the current harpies. They are the harpies. Ancestor of the demon.

Even after becoming harpies, the elf mages still retain their powerful spellcasting ability. They tried to use magic to change their form, but failed.

For some unknown reason, neither the druid's transfiguration nor the mage's shaping magic worked on the harpies, and it was passed down from generation to generation.

The power of magic cannot disappear in thin air. If we can find out what prevents the harpies from transfiguring, maybe we can find the key to undo the curse of the gods. This is my idea.

After finishing speaking, Jose pointed to an exquisite instrument in front of him. On the instrument was a metal platform engraved with a hexagram array: Luna, you stand on the platform.

Luna Blood Feather did as she did, a wing lightly landed on the metal platform, and then looked at the red dragon with a questioning look in her eyes.

You wait first.

Jose moved his fingers on the console, activated the magic instrument, and mobilized the energy of the magic tower to pour into the magic instrument to ensure sufficient energy supply, and at the same time turned on the auxiliary.

Looking up, an invisible but clearly sensed magic stance enveloped the harpy family.

With the power of magic, the red dragon can see the operation of the internal organs of the Harpy's family, and at the same time see the distribution of elements in the Harpy's body.

At this time, the elemental energy in the Harpy's brain is much more active than other parts, because the head is the source of the spirit, and it is also the place where the magic power is stored.

Memorizing the elemental energy distribution map of the Harpy in his mind, Jose continued: Okay, now cast the Transfiguration, and recite the spell as slowly as possible.

As a high-level mage, Luna Blood Feather has naturally learned the spell of Transfiguration, she recited the spell in her mouth, and due to the request of the red dragon, she recited the spell very slowly.

Jose stood there, looking at the harpies without blinking his eyes. In his sight, the magical energy in the brain of the harpies became active, and the external magical elements resonated accordingly. This was triggered by magic. harbinger.

With the end of the spell, the elemental energy spread to all parts of Harpy's body, and the spreading speed was very fast.

Jose had no doubts, if it hadn't been turned on, he wouldn't be able to see clearly even with the help of a magic instrument.

According to normal circumstances, when the magic element spreads to the whole body, the magic will officially take effect, and the Harpy's body will change.

However, quietly, nothing happened.

It's unscientific! Jose frowned.

Seeing the red dragon's frown, Luna Xueyu's heart skipped a beat: Master! Did you find anything?

No, but at least I figured out that the operation process of the transformation magic is no problem, but I don't know why, it didn't work for you.

The harpies couldn't help feeling a little disappointed when she heard the words, but she quickly adjusted her mentality and returned to normal.

If the curse left by the gods is so easy to remove, then the signboard of the gods is too cheap.

On the other side, Jose squeezed his chin, thinking like lightning, and deduced the question in his mind: Since there is no problem with magic transmission, then...

After thinking for a while, he took out a gold coin: Cast the deformation technique on the gold coin.

The Harpy complied, and the gold coin changed.

Well, there is no problem with magic, but you have a problem. Maybe you can find two harpies to dissect it.

Luna Xueyu's head twitched when she heard the words. Thinking of the scene where the same kind was dissected, and the muscles and blood vessels were exposed, she waved her hands again and again: This... this...

She couldn't help but feel a little tangled: should I agree, or should I agree, or should I agree...Who should I choose?


Seeing the entangled look of the family members, Jose said with a smile: The curse on the mysterious side cannot be solved through biology. Just kidding, let's use an instrument to check how your body is different from ordinary flesh and blood creatures.

After tossing for a day, nothing was found.

But there was a lot of smile on Luna Xueyu's face, and her mind relaxed a lot. She found that Red Dragon really took what he promised her to heart.

It doesn't matter that the problem can't be solved now.

Over the years, she has witnessed how fast the red dragon has improved, and she has full confidence in her master.

If you can't do it now, you have to wait until you step into the legend. If you can't do it in the legend, you can wait until you step into the demigod.

After getting off the last instrument, Luna Xueyu was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at the red dragon gratefully: Master, I understand, thank you for everything you have done for me.

Jose:? ? ?

What do you unserstand?

I'm just curious about the curse left by the gods, and I want to try my new magic tower...

Under the watchful eyes of the red dragon, the elemental energy in the air continuously gathered towards the Harpy's family and penetrated into her body.

Break through!

After Ergou, another master-level mage was born!


The magic tower was very peaceful, but there was a huge wave outside.

In Thorn City, a large group of residents, outsiders, and adventurers gathered around the bulletin board next to the city wall, bustling with each other, pushing each other, watching the big-character posters posted on the city wall.

Moduo Peak Forest will be officially opened to the public in one month, whether it is a resident of the Triangle Plain, a prairie resident, or a foreign merchant or adventurer can enter.

The Lord of Modo Peaks—Francisco Trinidad Jose officially announced: The Forsa Kingdom was formally established. Five months later, on the day of spring, the founding ceremony will be held in Orca City. Everyone can Go to witness the great moment of nation-building.

The lord of Thorn City—Hulk Stone Fang Order: follow the will of the great true dragon, and accept the naturalization of the grassland tribes around the Triangle Plain to become residents of the kingdom. Those who are interested, please go to the thorn city lord's mansion to go through the naturalization procedures within one month. The procedures include: : Tribal population information, territory information...

Each of the three notices is enough to set off a frenzy if listed individually, let alone listed together.

The monster denizens of Thorn City are running around like crazy.

In the hotel, many foreign adventurers and travelers gathered together to enjoy delicious food, drink and have fun, and there was a lot of clinking glasses and punching fists.


Suddenly, the door was pushed open from the outside, and it slammed into the wall with a bang. There was no sound in the hotel. The drinkers all turned their heads and looked at the door angrily. A human adventurer was holding on to the door, panting.

At the wine table at the door, a strong orc drinker was drinking. Startled by the sound of the door opening, he stood up suddenly, glared at the intruder, and rolled up his sleeves to beat him up.

However, the intruder didn't seem to see the angry and round eyes of the big orc man, panting and shouting excitedly at the same time: Extra! Extra! Modo Peak Forest will be open to the public in a month! Everyone can enter!

Hearing this news, the angry orc immediately forgot to beat him, and questioned with his eyes wide open, Is it true?!

Of course it's true! The notices at the gate of the city are all posted! There can be fakes!

Everyone immediately exploded and gathered to discuss.

You must know that Moduo Peak Forest has always been a restricted area divided by the red dragon. It can only go out and not enter, not to mention outsiders such as grassland natives and human adventurers, even the natives of Thorn City who are young and red--the stone-tooth wild boar Humans can't enter either.

While the years of blockade made everyone fearful, it also aroused everyone's curiosity.

Hearing the news of the opening of the Moduo Peak Forest, everyone started discussing immediately, and most of them made an appointment to go in and have a look after the opening of the Moduo Peak Forest.

On the other side, the human adventurer walked directly to the wine table, picked up the wine jug on the table, took a sip, and made a satisfied ah~ sound.

He raised his hand and said loudly: Everyone! Be quiet! There is even more exciting news!

The voice of the adventurer came to the ear, once again attracting the attention of the drinkers.

Enjoying the attention of everyone, the adventurer didn't hold back, and continued: The real dragon personally announced the establishment of the Forsa Kingdom, and the founding ceremony will be held in Orka City five months later!

Compared with the opening of Moduo Peak Forest, the news of the founding of the country is even more explosive, and it once again ignited everyone's discussion.

Jianguo?! This... this is so sudden! Someone was surprised.

Great! I've been waiting for this day for too long! Someone was ecstatic!

Aren't you kidding us! Someone suspected.


There is another piece of news! The adventurer continued: The real dragon has decided to accept the native tribes around the Triangle Plain for naturalization!

The orc who was sitting down jumped up, ran to the door, and left a cruel sentence: If you dare to play me, you bastard! I will tear you apart!

They ran all the way to the gate of the city, and after confirming the truth, the orcs were ecstatic, and ran out of the triangle plain without stopping.

I need to break the news to the Horde immediately!

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