Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 196: The Magic Tower is Completed

Two months later, the magic tower project under the Moduo Peak Forest was preliminarily completed.

This unprecedented huge underground single-element magic tower is roughly divided into nine floors, and the nine floors are divided into upper three floors, middle three floors and lower three floors.

On the first floor of the lower three floors, Jose was writing and drawing on paper with a pen at his desk. He was planning the use of each floor of the magic tower.

It can't be called planning, because he already has a detailed positioning of the magic towers on each floor in his mind, and now it's just supplementing details such as space layout.

In view of the inverted conical space structure of the magic tower, the upper three floors have the largest space, the middle three floors have the largest space, and the lower three floors have the smallest space.

In his plan, the upper three floors will be open to residents loyal to the Duchy of Forsyth:

The first floor will collect a large amount of professional knowledge, and it is the cradle for the incubation of the powerful in the kingdom. It is open to all citizens with professional talents. Of course, it is impossible to freely enter and exit important places such as magic towers. Define the scope of activities based on the results of the review.

If the first floor is for the general public, then the second floor is for the royal army and the bureaucratic class. Compared with the first floor, the knowledge stored in the second floor is higher, and those who have the second floor pass can freely enter the first floor .

The third level is also for the kingdom's army and bureaucratic class, but it has requirements for strength and dedication. The threshold is temporarily set at the middle level and above. Passports can be issued to those who have outstanding contributions in various fields. The positioning of this level It is the promotion place for the mainstay personnel of the kingdom.

If the upper three floors are personnel training places, then the middle three floors are the cradle of scientific research and the location of the secret department. The scientific research department—the thief organization—and many secret magic researches will be carried out on the middle three floors. Jose plans Set up a scientific and reasonable department to manage the middle and third floors.

The lower three floors are Jose's private domain. According to his plan, the first floor of the next three floors, that is, the seventh floor of the magic tower is his living place. Non-family members or invited people are not allowed to enter, and the second floor of the next three floors The first floor is his magic experiment area, and the last floor is the core hub of the entire magic tower.

Of course, the interior space of the inverted magic tower is huge, and the nine floors are only a rough division. Each floor needs to be divided into more detailed divisions of labor and divided into more levels. All of these will be further supplemented according to the development needs of the kingdom.

And he, the owner of the magic tower——Jose, only needs to give a rough guide.

After making a rough plan, Jose had a thought, and the entire dragon disappeared in place and appeared in the palace on the surface.

This is the advantage of the magic tower being built. As long as he wants, he can appear in any corner of the city, while others cannot freely teleport around the city.

All of this is due to the space blocking circle located in the core area of ​​the magic tower, which uses endless elements as energy to block the space around the city.

It's just that, as the owner of this place, Red Dragon opened a back door for himself to facilitate daily access to the magic tower.

All the way along the corridor, he came to the throne hall, walked towards the throne on the steps, and naturally lay on the throne, summoned all the family members to come to the assembly through the family contract, and notified the two dragon allies.

The magic tower, the cornerstone of the country's foundation has been firmly established, and the next step is to announce to the whole world: the establishment of a foreign country - the Duchy of Forsythe!

After receiving the call from the Red Dragon, all the family members put down what they were doing and rushed from everywhere.

The first one to come was Ergou whose mansion was the closest to the palace. He was wearing a scarlet robe and was blessed. He quickly walked across the obsidian platform in front of the palace and entered the gate of the giant palace. Long, couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart.

At the end of the promenade lined with stone pillars, on the nine steps, a majestic scarlet giant beast lying on the throne, a ray of sunlight falling from the sky,

Shining on the red dragon, dust floats in the beam.

You Gou lowered his footsteps, walked under the throne and stood silently.


The sound of huge wings beating the air came from outside the door. The green dragon—Olivia and the white dragon—Cassie landed on the obsidian platform in front of the palace, and entered the throne hall with the door open side by side. The red dragon, the two dragons consciously walked to the two sides in front of the throne, and two special seats had already been prepared on both sides.

The relationship between the three dragons has already been concluded. As the leader of the three dragons group, Jose is naturally a well-deserved king, while the two dragons are equivalent to the great nobles in the kingdom.

The two dragons were in place, and other family members entered the throne hall one after another, and stood on both sides of the hall.

Not long after, Hulk, the fat boar man, came to the top of the mountain out of breath, trotted all the way to his position, and wiped the sweat from his head.

Everyone is here.

Jose opened his eyes and glanced around from a condescending perspective. In the hall, the green and white dragon allies and the main dependents gathered.

Book the prime minister of the kingdom—Ergo Bloodtooth, the Kobold chieftain—Soda Bloodtooth, the first kobold warrior—Hasa Bloodclaw.

Chieftain of Stonetooth - Udi Stonefang, High Priest of the Wild Boar - Villar Stonefang, Lord of Thorn City - Hulk Stonefang.

Gnoll Chief - Hogg Riverpaw, Gnoll Mystic - Mossa Mosskin, Ogre Chief - Agron Stonebreaker, Harpy Chief - Luna Bloodfeather, The chief murloc under White Dragon - Zaka Zifin, and the orc chief of Zhenxiang - Graeme.

Okay, everyone is here.

As he said that, Jose changed from a sleeping position to a more formal squatting position, and everyone in the hall cheered up and looked up at the red dragon slightly.

The Red Dragon said unhurriedly: Everyone, this is our last gathering before the founding of the nation. There are two main topics for this gathering. One is the process of nation-building, and the other is the division of responsibilities after the founding of the nation.

First of all, let's talk about the first point. After some careful consideration, the original plan for building a nation has to be changed. I decided...

The tone was still light, but what was revealed was an astonishing message: The Duchy of Forsai has been changed to the Kingdom of Forsai.

When they heard the news for the first time, all the family members were slightly surprised, and then accepted the news calmly.

That's right, the sum of all the land in the Mordo Peak Forest, the Triangular Plains, and the Underdark Kingdom's underground kingdom, both in terms of population and territory, is at the kingdom level.

The reason why Red Dragon chose to establish a country before was purely low-key. However, after the battle half a year ago, no one dared to ignore the three dragon forces in Moduo Peak Forest, or dare not ignore the sturdy Red Dragon.

That being the case, it doesn't make sense for the Red Dragon to be low-key, and it is logical to advance.

However, the territory of the Underdark Region must be hidden as much as possible. With the land area of ​​Moduo Peak Forest and Triangle Plain, claiming to be self-proclaimed may attract some doubts and criticisms.

Although these doubts and criticisms have no substantive impact, they are always a bit disgusting, so I decided to expand the territory to make the surface area reach the level of the kingdom, and the direction of expansion is the northern prairie.

In order to minimize the hostility of the outside world and not give hostile forces the opportunity to discredit us, it is not appropriate to use force in this expansion.

Jose looked at the listening wild boar family, the lord of Thorn City - Hulk Stonefang.

Relying on the protection of the red dragon, the down-and-out wild boar in the Harpy's lair has now become the lord of a city, able to decide the fate of thousands.

Hulk, I entrust you with this expansion mission, you know what to do.

Hulk will never disappoint his master's expectations! The wild boar family members held their heads high, full of confidence.

He is indeed absolutely sure of completing the task. The Triangle Plain has developed rapidly in recent years, and the aborigines on the northern prairie also want to join in their dreams. He only needs to release the news: welcome the aboriginal tribes around the Triangle Plain to bring their territories into the group, then the surrounding aborigines The Horde would happily give up their territory in exchange for a ride on the Triangle Plains Express.

Subduing others without fighting, this is the soft power gained by the development of the territory!

Thinking of this, Hulk couldn't help but look up at the red dragon on the throne, his eyes full of admiration.

Many people in the outside world think that the great development of the Triangle Plain is due to him, the Lord of Thorns, but Hulk knows in his heart that he is just an executor, and it is the Red Dragon behind the scenes who is really at the helm of the overall development of the Triangle Plain.

However, the Red Dragon acted in a low-key manner, and deliberately confessed that the news was not allowed to be leaked, so the wild boar had no choice but to accept the credit with the cheek.

On the throne, after Jose finished talking about the expansion of the territory, he forgot about it.

After the territorial issue, it will be about the founding ceremony. The time for the founding ceremony is set to be five months away. This requires everyone's cooperation.

He turned to the kobold family: Yigou, my prime minister, please explain to everyone the arrangements for the founding ceremony.

I obey, Your Majesty, You Gou bowed and entered his role as prime minister.

According to the plan, before the founding ceremony, we need to do two things well. One is to open up the new capital, Oka City, to attract residents to move in.

He continued to introduce: I have communicated with His Majesty. The new capital is not only open to the residents of Moduo Peak Forest, but also to the Triangle Plain. Not only that, from now on, outsiders can also freely enter Moduo Peak Forest , but the underground kingdom is still a restricted area, and the protection of the underground kingdom is entrusted to Hasa Bloodclaw...

Secondly, we need to invite foreign guests to participate in the founding ceremony. The first ones to invite are naturally the elven allies of Mirkwood. Other forces temporarily include Sunsail Port in the east, the barbarians, many true dragon forces, and neighbors—the four kingdoms of the Northland. , and Dragon Worship.

The elves in the Mirk Forest and the Dragon Worship are somewhat at odds. At that time, the two must be separated. There are also the four northern countries. We currently have no conflicts with the four northern countries, but we are at odds with the behind-the-scenes of the four northern countries. Anyway, because Politeness and advocacy of force, we have to invite the four countries to participate.

In this regard, we have to make two preparations. One is that the four northern countries refuse to participate, and the other is that the four northern countries agree. We must be prepared to prevent the enemy from interfering with it. The security task will be entrusted to Suoda Bloodtooth...

The last is the process of the founding ceremony. Each race has five months to prepare and select the most elite fighters. The founding ceremony is to announce the establishment of the country, and it is also a good opportunity to show off its force and promote the country's prestige...

Er Gou talked eloquently for more than half an hour, and accepted the tasks for many core dependents.

Your Majesty, I'm done.

On the throne, Jose nodded: The last point is everyone's respective responsibilities.

He swept the green and white dragons on both sides obliquely in front of the throne, and the two dragons were shocked, knowing that the red dragon was about to declare the result of their territories.

Cassie, Olivia, my dear friends, we have worked hand in hand for thirty or forty years...

First, he affirmed the unbreakable covenant and friendship between the three dragons. With a thought, a map of Mordo Peak Forest appeared in the air. Two areas were marked in green and white on this map. The areas are not small, equivalent to the earldoms of the human kingdom, and they are the fiefdoms of the green and white dragons.

I have decided that White Lake and its surrounding area will be assigned to my dear friend - Cassie, and Moskin City and its surrounding area will be allocated to my friend - Olivia.

On the road ahead, we will still walk together. x2

After dealing with the most important territory of the two dragons, Jose faced the many dependents in the center of the hall. Unlike the two dragons who had obtained the entrusted territories, the Red Dragon decided to only give the dependents their positions in the kingdom.

Among the many expectant gazes, the red dragon's gaze stayed on Ergou.

You Gou, you have assisted me in managing the territory these years, and you have made countless contributions. The position of the first prime minister of the Fusai Kingdom belongs to you.

Even though he already knew the arrangement of the Red Dragon for him, Er Gou couldn't help being excited when he announced the official establishment in public. He bowed deeply and bowed: Thank you, Your Majesty!

Sorda Bloodtooth, you are also the first veteran to follow me, and I will give you the post of City Guard of Oka City.

Thank you, Your Majesty, the kobold - Soda Bloodtooth bowed and saluted.

After more than 30 years of hard work, he has become a master fighter some time ago, and he is well-deserved for his position as the city guard of the capital.

Hasa Bloodclaw, Hogg Riverclaw, Graeme Stonehammer, you three are all master fighters and have been in the army for a long time. I will make you three Marshals of the Forsyth Kingdom.

Hasa Bloodpaw, Hogg Riverpaw, and Graeme Stonehammer, you three are all master fighters and have been in the army for a long time. I will call you the Three Marshals of the Forsey Kingdom.

Thank you, Your Majesty! x3

Jose turned to the Big Three of the Wild Boars again: Hulk Stone Fang, Udi Stone Fang, Villar Stone Fang, your Stone Fang Wild Boar Clan has made countless contributions in the process of founding the nation, and the three of you will continue to be in charge of the Triangle Plain. , in charge of the three powers of finance, military administration, and belief.

Thank you, Your Majesty! x3

The leader of the harpies——Luna Bloodfeather, you are also the first elder to follow me, and you have made countless contributions.

After a pause, Jose looked at the leader of the Harpy with red feathers. So far, he found that Luna Bloodfeather was not interested in rights, wealth, etc., so he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

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