Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 195: Awakened Red Dragon

Time passed in deep sleep, half a year later.

The huge conical space filled with luxurious rubies is quiet, only the breathing sound of the red dragon can be heard, and the breathing rhythm is steady and powerful.

In an environment with sufficient energy from the fire element, after half a year of deep sleep, Jose's body has recovered.

The giant dragon family is blessed by nature, as long as it is not a fatal injury, most of them can recover through deep sleep, and this time is no exception.

Not only that, but judging from the increasingly red scales on the red dragon's body, he not only recovered his health, but also made further progress on the road of growth.

At this time, José's consciousness had already awakened, but he did not wake up immediately, because he entered the mysterious space that had not appeared for a long time - Xinghe Square.

Xinghe Plaza is exactly the same as when I entered it last time. More than ten years have not left any traces on this space, as if this space has escaped all constraints including time.

Only seven statues are evenly located in the center of the square, witnessing the changes here.

Jose walked slowly among the statues. Each of these statues is a natural work of art, such as a firebird neighing in the fire, a curvaceous golden bag, and an abstract eyeball composed of 0 and 1 , angelic transparent ring, mysterious and complex brain, simple and majestic dragon scales, and a rather sci-fi slender syringe.

Fingers slid across the surface of the statue, and the touch was warm. Jose stayed still, his eyes were deep and empty, and his mood was complicated.

He thought about the source of this mysterious space more than once: Is it a gift from the God of Time Traveling? Is it the projection of Yuan Hai? Or other strange products of mysterious existence?

Everything is unknown, but one thing is certain, the existence that can create such a mysterious space and endow the host with magical abilities, the current him is far from qualified to contact and study.

Perhaps, only when he possesses the power comparable to that of a god can he initially explore the rules hidden behind this mysterious space.

He doesn't have the ability to explore at the moment, and he doesn't get too entangled.

No matter what, the ability brought by Goldfinger is an indispensable help for him, and it can help him gain a better foothold in the world. It is enough to know this.

Head up, a star twinkles in the sky.

come over.

The meteor streaked across the starry sky, getting closer and closer, with great momentum, and Jose was full of expectations in his heart.

Each statue brings a new ability, what ability will it be this time?

Accompanied by a burst of dazzling light, a star-studded statue appeared on Xinghe Square silently.

At a glance, there are three boxes superimposed on the base that is not the same as other statues. The three boxes have different colors, from top to bottom, they are gold, black, and red.

He couldn't see any information from the box. He walked to the new statue and checked the reminder on the base of the statue. He saw the following records on the base of the statue:



The power of magic flows through me!

——Be prepared and safe from danger.

It's actually A-level..., magic memory?

Jose squeezed his chin and looked at the text introduction with a look of interest. Literally, the ability of this statue is to store magic.

Could it be the same as magic items, which allow me to store magic in advance, no matter what, A-level babies are definitely not bad, he muttered to himself, looking up at the box above the statue.

There are three boxes of gold, black, and red. The three boxes may represent three magics, but what do the three colors represent?

Guessing would never give an answer, he reached out and touched the statue with his fingers.

The moment the fingertips touched the statue, the mysterious energy stored in the statue seemed to find an outlet.

It gushed out all of a sudden, turning into dots of bright light that enveloped the red dragon, scrambling to penetrate into the red dragon's body.

In reality, the sleeping Red Dragon suddenly opened his eyes, feeling his whole body tingling, inside and out.

Hiss~! He gritted his teeth and took a breath.

Fortunately, the numbness came and went quickly.

After a while, he returned to normal and felt warm all over.

José stood up from the ground all of a sudden, he hadn't moved for a long time, and his bones cracked and cracked as he stood up.

He was not in a hurry to explore the golden finger, but closed his eyes to check his mental power. After all, damage to mental power would affect magic practice, so he must not be sloppy.


I don’t know if I don’t look at it, but I’m startled when I see it.

Jose was pleasantly surprised to find that his mental power had grown by nearly half compared to before. Not only that, he also felt that his mental power was different, but he couldn't tell where the difference was.

It's some kind of positive change, but what the hell is going on?

He recalled the inheritance of the dragon and the records in the many magic books he collected, and thought of two possibilities: one is the mutation of mental power, and the other is the breakthrough of the realm, and it is a breakthrough across stages.

The mutation of mental power is more complicated and there is no trace to be found, but most of the cases will have certain characteristics. If it is a breakthrough in the realm, then my spellcasting will be smoother.

Thinking of this, he began to experiment, and quickly uttered the spell in his mouth.

As the incantation progressed, the process of chanting the incantation became smoother and smoother, and there was a feeling of rushing and natural.

After some experiments, Jose roughly figured out his current situation.

This time, the mental power was damaged, and it was a blessing in disguise, breaking through and then standing up, breaking through!

According to the level division on the mainland, his current state is a half-step legend.

A half-step legend is a vague concept between a master and a legend, it is the end of a master and the beginning of a legend.

In fact, in terms of combat effectiveness, there is not much difference between a half-step legend and a master. The difference between the two lies in the future path.

The first and most important step for a master to step into the realm of legend is to find the road.

Ordinary master-level powerhouses have not yet found the way, and are still struggling to figure it out, but half-step legends have found the right way through thousands of clues, as evidenced by the mutation of mental power.

When the transformation of mental power is completed, it will be a matter of course. After formally contacting Yuan Hai, after being baptized by Yuan Hai, he will become a legendary powerhouse that everyone admires.

After reaching the conclusion, Jose couldn't help clenching his fists, overjoyed.

Unlike the giant dragons who grow automatically according to the time gradient, mage practice is full of uncertainties. In addition to their own efforts, luck is also very important.

After some masters reach the peak, they may not be able to touch the legendary threshold after struggling for a lifetime, while some people may break through after waking up after a sleep.

There is no doubt that he belongs to the latter who is favored by the goddess of luck.

This breakthrough at least brought him into the legend by ten years, or even longer.

Okay! I didn't expect it! I really didn't expect it to happen! He murmured excitedly.

Soon, he suppressed his excitement.

After sleeping for half a year, even the original founding date was delayed.

Waking up at this time, it is natural to continue the great cause of nation building, and the most important point of the great cause of nation building is to complete the magic tower.

Jose raised his head to observe the huge inverted conical space. Inside the inverted conical space is a layer of natural ruby ​​walls, which is dazzling.


His stomach protested, and José came back from deep thought.

At this time, he was not in a hurry, he decided to continue building the magic tower after he was full, and immediately flapped his wings and flew upwards.

He drilled out of the underground space, entered the room where the pit was located, and opened the door. He saw many heavily armed guards in the corridor outside the door. The guards guarded the two sides of the passage with strict guards.

After a little feeling, these guards are at least mid-level professionals, and high-level professionals are not uncommon.

Master! Are you awake?! A kobold guard saw the red dragon coming out of the door, his eyes widened, his face was full of surprise, and he yelled in surprise.

The shouts of the kobold guards attracted the attention of others. All the guards turned their heads and were delighted to see the red dragon.

A clever guard ran out immediately, and he was going to announce the good news of the return of the Mordo Peak Forest Lord.

When the red dragon woke up, the guards couldn't help but make noisy noises.

Jose raised his hand, and the palace suddenly fell silent, but the violent chest ups and downs of the guards still showed the inner excitement of the master.

He looked at the nearest kobold guard, and said, What happened during my half a year of sleep?

Master, after you fell asleep, Lord Olivia, Lord Cassie, and Lord Ego took over the command and stabilized the situation in the territory. Lord Olivia also organized a large number of people to restore the ecology outside the city. Not only that, the dark The elf allies in the dense forest also sent a large group of druids to assist us...

While the guard was talking, Er Gou, who was wearing a scarlet robe, came hurriedly from the door. When he saw the red dragon who was listening to the guard's report, he couldn't help showing joy, and his pace quickened a bit.

He walked up to the red dragon, stood still, and waited patiently.

After listening to the report of the Kobold guards, Jose roughly figured out the major events that happened during his deep sleep. External forces deliberately destroyed the Triangle Plain. Lord Gou, vigorously restore the Moduo Peak Forest.

But the guards are just guards after all, and the information they know is limited.

Come on, my servant, tell me, what happened during my deep sleep? The red dragon walked out of the palace with the most trusted kobold family members.

Master, after you fell into a deep sleep, Lord Olivia, Lord Cassie and I repaired the damage caused by the explosion together to appease the hearts of the people. The elves of the Mirkwood also sent a legendary druid——Everde The druid team led by Lord Lin assisted us, and with the assistance of the druids, our work efficiency has been greatly improved.

However, during this period, some jumping clowns jumped out. They spread rumors in the Triangle Plain, conspired against others, and tried to provoke the relationship between us and Yangfan Port, but the Yangfan Port was the same as us. It failed, and according to the captives we captured, the saboteurs all came from various kingdoms in the North...

After listening to Ergou's detailed report, Jose looked indifferent.

You don't need to guess, you know that the Four Kingdoms of the Northland have absolutely no guts and no reason to offend Moduo Peak Forest, and they are definitely playing tricks behind the scenes.

Catch what should be caught, what should be killed, don't worry too much, they won't be jumping around for long.

Obey, Master.

All the way through the corridor and the throne hall, one master and one servant walked out of the giant palace supported by giant pillars, and came to the edge of the magnificent and solemn palace.

Standing on the edge of the obsidian platform, Jose looked down at the city below.

Under the sun, the city below the mountain is ring by ring, and the large gray-white bricks and stones reflect a little light. On the orderly streets inside the city, the monsters and residents walk around like ants, conducting various activities such as transactions and conversations. There are not many people, but it also adds a little vitality to this new city.

Er Gou explained from the side: Master, after you fell into a deep sleep, I opened the passage into the city according to your plan, allowing the most core group of underground residents to enter the city.

You did a good job, Jose looked from the inside of the city to the outside of the city.

Across the towering city wall surrounded by the moat, there is a large fertile plain outside the city. There are some villages on the plain, and square farmland is distributed around the village.

The city was protected during the explosion, but the forest outside the city was not protected. The forest outside the city was devastated in the explosion, and not a single blade of grass was left. The land at the core of the explosion even had signs of desertification.

Thanks to the efforts of Ergou and Elf Druids, the land regained its vitality, but the original trees did not grow so fast.

Ego didn't plan to let the trees cover the land again, because according to the Red Dragon's plan, the forests around the capital should be cut down steadily according to the time gradient, and used for agricultural development and urban construction.

...This explosion has actually pushed forward the development work outside the city a lot...

After listening to Ergou's report, Jose expressed his approval.

hold head high!

The passionate dragon chant resounded through the sky. Inside and outside the city, a large number of monster residents raised their heads and saw a majestic giant beast spread its wings against the background of the setting sun on the edge of the majestic hilltop palace.

All the monster residents knew that the owner of this land had returned, and they cheered enthusiastically.

Since the red dragon defeated many powerful enemies and saved the city from the explosion, his prestige among the monster residents has been further enhanced through the word of mouth of the survivors, reaching an unprecedented height.

What could be more exciting than having a leader who is both powerful and cherishes his subordinates!

After announcing his return, Jose returned to the palace and enjoyed a simple dinner, such as two yaks, three deer, and many fruits shipped from the south of the mainland.

After a hearty meal, Jose organized his people to re-enter the underground space to continue the unfinished business——building the magic tower.

Compared with the fine magic towers of other mages, the red dragon has limited craftsmanship and is relatively rough in construction.

To sum it up, the abbreviation: Stupid and thick!

Although the craftsmanship is much rougher, the power is not necessarily weak, or even higher.


Caliber is justice!

Big is the truth!

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