Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 198: The Journey of Feralas (Part 1)

On the endless grassland, a primitive dirt road stretches from the front to the end of the line of sight. There are deep grooves on the road, which are the traces left by the caravan carriages in the day-to-day business activities.

Ranger - Feralas sat on the creaking carriage, bowed his waist, with his arms casually resting on his knees, holding an unknown weed picked from the grassland in his mouth, looking at the surrounding grassland.

Different from the hometown with hilly terrain, the northern prairie is a different kind of scenery. The terrain is not undulating much, like irregular wavy lines with a huge span. The weeds on both sides of the road are waist-high, and there may be deadly ambushes hidden inside. , or the delicious prairie hare.

This trip was not in vain!

Feralas thought so, however, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it is boring to watch for a long time. The son of a wealthy businessman from the south soon felt a little bored.

Hey! Uncle Merck! He turned his head and shouted at the mercenaries riding forward beside the caravan carriage.

Da da da ~.

The mercenary—Merke clamped his horse's belly and drove to the shouting young man. Before the man arrived, hearty laughter came first: Haha! What are you calling me for?

Feralas took off the wine pouch from his waist, handed it to the bearded mercenary who came on horseback, and asked with a smile, Uncle Merck, the wine from my hometown.

You boy! If you have such a good thing, don't take it out sooner!

When he heard that the wine was brought from his hometown in the south, Merke's eyes lit up, he snatched the wine bag handed over, uncorked it, raised his head and took a sip.

The cold and spicy liquid slid down the throat, and the internal organs seemed to be on fire, which shocked people's spirits.


Gululu took a big gulp, and Merck let out a sigh of satisfaction, his dark face blushed twice, and the taste of the wine evokes his memory of his hometown: That's right! It's the black rice wine from Yod Province! That's it Taste!

On the side, Feralas was grinning. He took a boat from the far south to Sunsail Port in the Northland, intending to travel around and see the exotic scenery of the Northland.

Coming all the way to the Northland, the city of Thorns, which is famous in the mainland, is of course a must to see it.

So, he found a caravan in Sunsail Port to Thorn City, paid for a ride, and accidentally found a mercenary protecting the caravan, speaking with a familiar hometown accent.

When a fellow countryman sees a fellow countryman, the two will not be teary, but it is essential to chat a few more words, and the two will become familiar with each other after going back and forth.

Seeing that the fellow drank so reluctantly to let go, Feralas smiled and said: Haha, this wine is for you, keep it and drink it slowly.

Merke thought that this fellow was very kind, and he was not polite. He hung the wine bag on the leather buckle around his waist, and then took off the wine bag that was originally hanging on his waist: Here! The special wine made by the wild boar! Others There is no place to drink!

After exchanging wine bags, the relationship between the two has drawn a lot closer.

Feralas asked casually: Uncle Merck, how long have you been in the Northland?

Probably more than ten years.

The hot feeling of hometown spirits has not dissipated, the bearded mercenary showed nostalgia, and opened the chatterbox: I received a mission to protect a merchant ship, and I came to the North, and I have stayed in Yangfan Port. Hey, Let me tell you, this northern prairie is right under my nose...

More than ten years ago, the northern prairie was much more chaotic than it is now.

Merck pointed to the members of the mercenary group who opened the way ahead: At that time, if you entered the grassland for business, you would need to bring at least five times as many guards as you do now. The extraordinary beasts on the grassland, especially the grassland wolves in winter, were in groups, They lay in ambush in the grass, and suddenly jumped out and dragged people into the grass.


Our mercenary team was surrounded by a pack of prairie wolves. There were thousands of wolves in that pack. It was really dangerous that time... Not only the extraordinary beasts, but also the natives of the prairie are very dangerous. Immediately turned into a bandit, especially the bandit race - centaur...

Speaking of centaurs, the bearded mercenary who was talking happily paused, with a look of fear on his face, obviously recalling bad memories.

But he quickly came back to his senses and continued: At that time, the hordes of centaurs were like nightmares. They couldn't beat them, they couldn't run away, and the prey they were targeting didn't even have a chance to fight hard. Centaurs His bow and arrow skills are terrible, we killed more than a dozen brothers after one round of salvo...

Merck took off the wine bag and took a sip of wine, wiped the wine juice stuck to his beard, and changed his voice: Now, there are far fewer centaurs, all thanks to the three giant dragons in the Mordo Peak Forest.

Feralas nodded when he heard the words. When he came to the Northland, he listened to the most sung by bards in the tavern. The story of the Three Dragons Alliance, cleaning up the grassland robbers, building trade roads, fighting against the grassland native alliance, building cities... …

The story varies with the troubadour's personal perspective, and the evaluation of the three dragons is also different, but without exception, everyone recognizes the achievements of the three dragons and their rule over the central prairie.

However, even though everyone is discussing the story of the three dragons, the outside world knows very little about the three dragons themselves. It can even be said that they know nothing except the name, because the Mordo Peak Forest where the three dragons live is absolutely In the restricted area, Sanlong rarely makes public appearances

The mysterious and powerful five-color dragon, the alien civilization that is very different from the human world, and the unique behavior style of the alien civilization...

It is precisely because of all these things that the three dragons of the northern prairie are well-known on the Tidanor continent, and they have become the talk of many people after dinner. It was because of this that Feralas was curious and decided to go to the Triangle Plain to have a look.

However, Uncle Merce, having said that, a five-color dragon actually builds roads and protects the chamber of commerce instead of robbing. This is really...

For a while, Feralas didn't know how to evaluate Sanlong's move. After a pause, he continued: It's against common sense.

Hahaha! Who said otherwise!

Merck laughed and said, I heard that when this trade route was just repaired, many chambers of commerce in Yangfan Port thought it was a trap and dared not leave. In the end, it was Miss Lucia from the Conch Chamber of Commerce who had the courage to eat it on the first day. A crab, everyone's courage slowly grew...

While chatting vigorously, the carriage sank into a small pit, and Feras, who was sitting on the goods loaded in the carriage, suddenly felt that the goods under his buttocks were separated, so he moved his buttocks and changed to a more comfortable position.

He glanced at the vast grassland beside the commercial road: Uncle Merck, are there still many robbery incidents now?

Since the orc army under the command of the three dragons began to patrol the trade roads, there have been fewer and fewer robbers on the grassland, Merk said in a depressed tone.

As a mercenary, he didn't want to encounter robbers at all, but he didn't want all the robbers to be wiped out, because the disappearance of the robbers would mean that the value of the mercenaries would be greatly reduced, and their income would also decrease accordingly.

However, although there are a lot fewer professional robbers, there are still some part-time robbers.

for example?

The grassland natives, especially some nomadic orc tribes, usually focus on grazing and selling the fur of their prey, but if they find that they can eat the entire chamber of commerce without leaking the news, they don't mind being a guest robber, and disappear on the prairie More than a dozen or twenty people, that's nothing more than normal.

As he said that, Merck looked vigilantly at the surrounding grass. He was very worried that a group of robbers would suddenly appear in the grass.


The two walked and talked all the way to pass the boring time on the road.

While listening to fellow bragging, Feralas can't help thinking about Sanlong.

If you can ride a dragon back, it would be so cool, I thought to myself, and said it out of my mouth.

Cough cough! Cough...

The bearded mercenary on the side almost choked on the wine, and slapped his chest: really dare to think...

Stopping coughing, Merck added: Boy! You can't say this in the Triangle Plain! Otherwise you will be beaten to death!

Accidentally speaking out his inner thoughts, Feralas felt a little embarrassed: Hehehe, don't worry, I'm not stupid, come and drink.

The two raised their wine bags and took a sip, dissolving the awkward atmosphere.

Merck was still worried, and added: Last time, there was a man who was drunk in the Sands City Tavern and clamored to slay the dragon, but he was almost crushed to death by the ogre boss...

Hahaha, you are big enough, dare to stay in a tavern owned by an ogre, isn't this a sheep in the mouth of a tiger!

Haha, the Triangle Plain is such a magical place! If it had been before, I would never have imagined that one day I would eat with orcs and drink with ogres. Hey, I drank alone and sat down with a room full of ogres... ...

Pull you down! You are not as big as an ogre! After getting acquainted, Feralas did not hesitate to expose the bragging of the fellow.

Merck was not angry, and continued to quibble: But I drink a lot, and I claim that I will never get drunk after a thousand drinks. Also, I made an orc friend at the wine table.

Uncle Merce, your face is already red!


Listening to the interesting stories of the Triangle Plain and bragging with experienced fellow villagers, the journey in Feralas is not boring.

After advancing for a certain distance, everyone in the caravan suddenly saw some dust rising above the end of the road in the distance, and immediately raised their vigilance, and the mercenaries in charge of protection put their hands on their weapons.

Although the trade route from Yangfan Port to the Triangular Plain is patrolled by orc patrols, the bandits have not disappeared completely, but they have become more secretive. Sometimes they will pretend to be nomadic tribes, and they will clean up the battlefield after the robbery.

Gradually, everyone in the caravan saw the appearance of the visitor and breathed a sigh of relief.

It was a team of orcs. There were about fifty orcs. Each of them was riding a wolf. The leader of the team lined up with two people behind him. Even running did not disturb the order of the team. In addition, the beastmen Everyone wore standard leather armor, a bright standard broadsword on their waists, and bows and arrows and arrow pots full of arrows on their backs.

They are the regular army of orcs belonging to the three dragons, and they are also the patrollers and patron saints of this trade route.

Seeing that the orc patrol was coming, Merke looked in awe, and said to the young fellow beside him: Don't look at this orc troop only has fifty people, at least half of them are professionals, and the captain is at least a mid-level professional. Adding the racial talents of the orcs and the wolf under their crotch, if we really want to fight, it is comparable to a thousand regular troops.

Feralas was slightly taken aback, shocked by the strength of the orcs, but quickly accepted that in the southern part of the mainland, the private guards of some nobles were of such a level.

It's surprising that the Orc Patrol is of such caliber, but it's not too overwhelming.

Lead the horse! Stand on the side of the road! The manager of the Chamber of Commerce yelled at the guys to keep the poor horse steady.

Everyone knows that the orc patrol is not an enemy, but the horses of the Chamber of Commerce don't know it. In addition, the herbivores are naturally afraid of carnivorous worgs. Therefore, the Chamber of Commerce must stabilize the horses to prevent the horses from being frightened and cause trouble, waiting for the orcs. The patrol passed before moving on.

Without keeping the caravan waiting, the orcs arrived riding their wargs.

The leader of the orcs took a look at the small caravan organized by nearly a hundred people, without paying too much attention, and continued to run along the road that the caravan gave up without squinting.

Amidst the restless neighing of the horses, the two teams passed each other.

When Merck saw the orc at the end of the team, his face became happy: Hey! Reis Heilang!

Hearing someone call his name, the young orc at the end of the patrol turned his head, saw the bearded mercenary greeting him, patted the warg on his crotch, slowed down and stayed in front of the bearded mercenary: Ha! My friend! haven't seen you for a long time!

Feralas was surprised. He looked at the bearded mercenary aside. He didn't expect that he really had an orc friend, and this orc was also a member of the patrol.

Merck raised his chin slightly as he rushed towards the young man, as if to say: Look, I'm not bragging.

Making a show-off gesture, Merck turned to the orc who drove the wolf forward: Old friend! Long time no see!

Looking at the team running ahead, he asked curiously, Reis! Are you on a mission?

Well, my friend, because of the rules, I can't answer that question for you.

Hold... sorry, I should have asked.

It doesn't matter, by the way, I have some good news for you, the orc said excitedly in a unique and loud voice, We are going to establish a nation! Five months later, the great true dragon will hold a founding ceremony in Oka City! Also, Moduo Peak Forest will be opened to the public in a month, so you can go in and have a look at that time!

Okay, I have to keep up with my teammates, goodbye!


The two news shocked the mercenaries, Feralas, and the caravan guys not far away. When everyone reacted, they found that the orcs had already driven the wolves away for a certain distance.

Everyone exploded immediately, and after a while the news spread to the entire team, and everyone in the caravan was discussing the news brought by the orcs.

OMG! This is unbelievable!

Is today April Fool's Day?!


In the team, Feralas, the son of a merchant from the south, showed excitement. He felt that he came at the right time.

You will witness history yourself!

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