When he woke up again, Qin Fengming found that he was already in a mountain stream. Looking up, he was twenty or thirty feet high from the top of the cliff.

Seeing this, Qin Fengming couldn't help but be secretly shocked. He fell from such a height, but he didn't fall to death.

Struggling to get up from the dead branches and leaves, Qin Fengming moved his hands and feet slightly. Qin Fengming was delighted. Although there were many scratches on his body, the bones of his hands and feet were intact.

Even so, Qin Fengming also knew that there were many scars on his body, and there was still blood oozing out at this time. If he did not find some hemostatic herbs as soon as possible, he would lose too much blood and it would be difficult to move.

Fortunately, he often went hunting in the mountains with his father, and he also knew about the herbs that could stop bleeding and relieve pain.

His body was injured, so it was very difficult to move. Just when Qin Fengming's physical strength was about to be exhausted, he finally found a bunch of herbs commonly used by villagers to stop bleeding.

Sitting next to the herb, Qin Fengming took a long rest for a cup of tea, then turned sideways and almost used all his strength to pull out the herb. Shake off the dirt on it, put it in your mouth, and chew it until it breaks.

At this time, Qin Fengming could no longer feel the slightest bitterness of the medicinal herbs due to fatigue. After applying the crushed herbs and juice on the bleeding wound, tearing off several strips of clothes and tying them up, Qin Fengming felt somewhat relieved.

After a while, a numbing sensation came from the wound. Sensing this, Qin Fengming knew that the medicinal herbs had taken effect, so he stopped moving and lay down on the dead leaves and closed his eyes.

It took nearly an hour before Qin Fengming opened his eyes. At this time, the pain in his wounds had been greatly reduced. Looking up at the sky, I found that it was only more than an hour before dark.

The young Qin Fengming didn't have much fear at this time.

Even so, he also knew that it was extremely dangerous to spend the night in the mountains, and he had to find a safe place. As for how to get home, that was no longer what he was thinking about today.

Slowly moving forward to find a suitable place to spend the night, I found a lot of berries on the way. After less than half an hour, I finally found a cave on a mountain wall one meter high from the bottom of the cliff. With difficulty, he pulled up a piece of dead wood. Qin Fengming moved some dead leaves and berries into the hole according to the dead wood, and then he also climbed in.

After eating a few berries and taking a short rest, the dark night came. Qin Fengming huddled among the dead leaves, listening to the chirping of insects outside the cave and the howling of wild beasts in the distance, but he felt a little scared at this moment.

One moment I thought about how my father and grandfather fought with the wild boar, and the other moment I thought about my mother and grandmother at home. Did I know that I had fallen off the cliff? Thinking about it, he fell into a deep sleep before he knew it.

When he woke up again, it was already bright. After a night of rest, Qin Fengming's wounds no longer hurt much, either because of the child's strong recovery ability or the efficacy of the herbal medicine.

After eating some berries and drinking some clear spring water, Qin Fengming felt that his body had strength again.

At this time, Qin Fengming still carried his sharp knife, which was more than a foot long. Even if he fell from the cliff yesterday, this knife was not lost.

Qin Fengming cut off a branch as thick as a baby's arm next to him with a knife, and sharpened one end to use it as a weapon. Look at the sun in the sky, decide the direction, and walk forward slowly. He had to find a low place to climb up to the cliff in the mountain.

While he was walking, Qin Fengming suddenly felt his feet go soft, and his whole body fell downwards as soon as he was empty. I fell a foot or so high before hitting the hard ground.

But its figure did not stop, but rolled down a ramp.

Qin Fengming scratched randomly with his hands and feet, and finally stopped. He only felt the cold wind blowing in front of his face, and his eyes were completely dark.

After coming here for a long time, Qin Fengming slowly adapted to the darkness, and saw a dark cave in front of him. There were many weak lights around the cave. Under the weak light, Qin Fengming looked at the cave carefully.

Indistinctly, I could see that the cave was twenty to thirty feet long and wide, and three to four feet high. Near the edge of the cave, a small stream flows through, making a gurgling sound. There are some large rocks scattered around on the ground. There are also some holes leading to the top of the stone walls or tops around the cave.

Light shines in through these holes.

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Qin Fengming stood up slowly while leaning on a tree stick. After a little movement, he began to search around. To get out of here, he must find a way out.

While he was searching, he suddenly discovered that there were two luminous objects shining with a faint blue light about three to four feet away from him. When he saw it, he was immediately startled. Judging from his experience, there was no doubt that this might be some kind of wild beast staring at him. Holding a knife in his left hand and a stick in his right hand, Qin Fengming was on guard.

After a long time, the luminous body did not move. After thinking about it, Qin Fengming gently put down the stick, bent down to pick up a small stone under his feet, and threw it forward with force. At the same time, he immediately picked up the stick and got ready.

Just hearing a bang, a "hissing" sound suddenly came from the opposite side. Qin Fengming knew this sound very clearly. It was undoubtedly coming from a snake.

When the snake was attacked, it immediately raised its head and swam slowly towards Qin Fengming. When they were more than ten feet away, Qin Fengming saw clearly that this snake turned out to be a python, which was as thick as the mouth of a bowl and one or two feet long. Snake Xinzi hissed, his eyes flashing with a faint blue light.

Sensing that the prey was in front of them, the python accelerated and rushed towards Qin Fengming extremely quickly.

Seeing this, Qin Fengming was frightened, but he had to work up his strength and thrust the sharp stick in his hand into the python's head. With a bang, the wooden stick bounced off the python's tough skin.

The python was hit on the head and became furious. It flicked its tail and rolled towards Qin Fengming.

Qin Fengming had already expected it. He jumped and hid behind a huge stone nearby. Narrowly dodged the python's attack.

In this way, Qin Fengming circled the boulder and began to avoid the python attack. Facing this huge python, Qin Fengming had no choice.

At this critical moment, Qin Fengming suddenly discovered that not far away, there were two huge rocks side by side, with a gap in the middle. With a sudden change in his heart, he realized something.

After dodging several python attacks again, Qin Fengming suddenly ran towards the middle of the two rocks. The python was chasing after him, and when its direction changed, it suddenly swooped behind Qin Fengming.

Seeing Qin Fengming here, he gathered all his strength and hid suddenly to the side.

The huge python did not react hastily. In a flash, its entire front part of five or six feet was submerged into the gap between two huge rocks. Its head was exposed from the other side.

Upon seeing it, Qin Fengming ignored his fatigue and quickly ran to the python with a tree stick and stabbed it in the head hard.

The python was in pain and kept struggling. The wooden stick broke into two pieces after only a few thrusts. Regardless of looking for other weapons, Qin Fengming held the knife in both hands and continued to hit the python's head with all his strength.

The python suffered such a heavy blow and struggled even more violently. The two huge rocks finally became loose under the huge force of the python. With the last effort of the python, it finally got rid of its restraints, opened its bloody mouth, and suddenly swallowed Qin Fengming, who was hitting him hard.

Because it was so sudden and the two sides were so close, Qin Fengming couldn't avoid it no matter how much he tried to avoid it. When he saw it, he was frightened to the point of being scared out of his wits.

Relying on instinct, Qin Fengming held the knife with both hands, used all his strength, and suddenly thrust it into the python's mouth...

This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, so you can read the original content immediately!

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