"Little Third Son, Little Third Son, you and your grandfather are going into the mountains today, so get up quickly."

A rich middle-aged voice shouted in the yard, breaking the early morning tranquility of the village.

"Oh... um, I got it." A childish voice sounded from the west room, with a squeaky sound in the voice when someone was suddenly woken up.

This place is a mountain village located at the foot of the vast mountains. There are only about thirty households in this village. This kind of village is very common in Daliang Kingdom, which is spread all over the mountains.

Most of the villagers in this mountain village are named Qin. It is said that a large family named Qin moved here thousands of years ago to avoid disaster.

As time passed and the country changed, the large family named Qin had long since declined, leaving only his clansmen to make a living by hunting for generations. Although life is extremely poor, food and clothing are still guaranteed.

The owner of the courtyard here is named Qin Hong. He is about forty years old and looks strong and tall. The other children have three children. The eldest son was drafted into military service the year before last; the second son works as an apprentice in a blacksmith shop in Tenglong Town, thirty miles away from the mountain village; only the youngest son stays at home with his parents.

His father was over sixty years old. He was a mountain man who often climbed mountains and hunted, so he was in good health.

At this time, the child who agreed in the West House was his youngest son, named Qin Fengming. There is a reason for such a decent name.

It is said that when Qin Fengming was born, birds in the mountains were chirping for half the night. At dawn, Qin Fengming was born smoothly, so the patriarch named him Fengming. At that time, he said that a sign from the sky appeared when he was born, so he was sure to do so later. Can achieve great success.

This year, Qin Fengming is just ten years old. Although his complexion is a little dark, he has a straight eyebrow and a pair of extremely lively eyes. He looks extremely smart and has no dullness like a child in a mountain village.

Qin Hong's family lives at the back of the mountain village in the east. Children from poor families will become masters early, but this is extremely accurate for children from mountain villages. Qin Fengming started hunting in the mountains with his father and grandfather when he was six or seven years old. It has been three or four years now.

When Qin Fengming heard his father's call, he didn't dare to delay any more, put on his clothes and walked out of the room.

Because there was a light rain last night, the air in the courtyard seemed particularly fresh at this time. Taking a deep breath, you could still smell the green leaves mixed with the smell of rain. In the forest outside, various mountain birds were chirping and calling, and the whole courtyard seemed Very quiet and peaceful.

After having a light meal and preparing some dry food for lunch, Qin Hong and his father each held their tools, greeted Xiao Feng, then stood up and walked out of the courtyard.

Seeing this, Qin Fengming happily agreed, put a knife more than a foot long in his waist, picked up a small steel fork, and hurriedly followed.

Xiao Fengming didn't know that something would happen to him that would change the trajectory of his life when he entered the mountain.

Yesterday, Qin Fengming and his grandfather had already set up several traps and animal traps twenty miles away from the village. They went there today mainly to see if there were any harvests. This matter is also what Qin Fengming is most willing to do.

Along the way, Grandpa and Qin Hong, who were leading the way, kept judging the direction and looking for the way. At the same time, you must also pay attention to your surroundings and watch out for venomous snakes and insects.

Because people in the village have been hunting for generations, it is difficult to find prey within ten miles of Qin's village. Therefore, Qin Fengming's ancestors and grandson have to walk a long way.

Two hours later, after climbing over mountains and ridges, the three of them finally arrived at their destination. After a detailed inspection, the prey caught was quite rich: two pheasants, a mountain hare and a mountain marten.

Along the way, noon has arrived unknowingly.

After packing up the prey, the grandfather and grandson rested on the rocks, drank the mountain spring water, and took out the dry food they had prepared before leaving. The grandfather and grandson chatted while eating.

Mountain martens are extremely rare among many small prey species. If you take it to the town store, you can exchange it for a lot of money. Therefore, Qin Hong and his father were very happy.

After some discussions, Qin Hong decided to take advantage of the fact that it was still early and walk two or three miles further to see if he could encounter large prey such as elk and Zhangzi.

Hide the prey in a very secret tree hole and seal it with gravel to prevent it from being found by other wild beasts, then get up and move forward.

Few people come to this area anymore, and in many places there is no way to go. You need to use a hatchet to cut down the vines in front of you before you can pass.

"Creak, creak"

While the grandfather and grandson were carefully searching for prey around them, a sound of teeth gnashing suddenly came from a dozen feet away. Hearing this sound, Qin Hong and his father smiled. This is the sound made by some large animal eating.

Following the direction of the sound, Qin Hong quickly climbed up the hill in front of him and opened up the bushes. At a glance, his expression suddenly changed. I saw a 200-pound wild boar chewing the roots of a giant tree more than ten feet away.

This wild boar is extremely ferocious, with two fangs pointed forward, more than a foot long.

The wild boar's ears are extremely sensitive. When Qin Hong discovered it, the sound it made by shaking the bushes had already alerted it. Qin Hong's fierce eyes immediately hit him with a sudden chill.

But at this time, Qin Hong could no longer hide. As a last resort, he jumped up, holding a steel fork for defense, and shouted urgently: "It's a wild boar, run back quickly. I'll stop it."

Among ordinary wild animals, wild boars are known for their aggressiveness. When he saw Qin Hong, he blew out a cloud of white air from his nose, howled, and rushed toward Qin Hong. He was extremely fast and had already rushed in front of Qin Hong in a moment.

With many years of hunting experience, Qin Hong held a steel fork in his hand. When the wild boar came close, he suddenly swung the fork toward its eyes. At the same time, his body jumped to the side to avoid the two pointed tusks of the wild boar.

Due to being in too much haste, Qin Hong's fork failed to penetrate the prey's eyes and passed across its thick fur. The wild boar crossed Qin Hong with a 'clop' sound and rushed straight down the hill.

Qin Fengming and his grandfather heard their father's cry and they didn't dare to delay. They turned around and wanted to escape the same way, but the wild boar was too fast, passed Qin Hong, and came directly towards Qin Fengming and Qin Fengming who had not escaped far. .

Seeing the wild boar rushing towards him, grandpa didn't panic much. He shook the steel fork in his hand and, like Qin Hong, suddenly thrust it towards the wild boar's face as it ran towards him. The mountain boar has rough skin and thick flesh, and as all hunters in the mountains know, its only weak point is its eyes.

"Bang!" There was a sound. Although grandpa's fork struck the wild boar, it still missed its vital point.

The wild boar withstood two attacks. Although its vital parts were not injured, it was in great pain. At this time, the wild boar was extremely angry. A fierce light flashed in his eyes and he roared in anger, but he did not turn around and rushed directly towards Qin Fengming not far away.

Although Qin Fengming didn't stop running, he looked back from time to time and was shocked when he saw the wild boar running toward him. In panic, the small steel fork also fell out, and he ran backwards quickly without stopping.

Although he was shocked, Qin Fengming did not panic. Three or four years of hunting had taught him how to avoid danger at a young age. Due to its agile movements, when the wild boar pounces on it, it can always jump behind the big tree next to it.

After experiencing two forks, Shanzhu was already in a state of anger, and his only target was the unarmed Qin Fengming in front of him.

Although Qin Fengming is now much stronger than children of the same age in the city. But he was still a ten-year-old child, and after dodging two or three times, he was already out of breath.

At this time, the wild boar rushed towards Qin Fengming again. Due to his reduced physical strength at a young age, Qin Fengming was unable to avoid the wild boar's tusks this time. He was hit by one of its tusks and flew out immediately. He hit a big tree and rolled down the hillside...

PS: This is a novel about cultivating immortals, but there is more foreshadowing at the beginning. I hope readers will read it patiently.

This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, so you can read the original content immediately!

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