When Qin Fengming woke up again, a huge python was already paralyzed beside him.

Looking closely, he saw the tip of a knife exposed above his head. It turned out that Qin Fengming's last blow was inserted into the python's mouth, penetrating its head from the inside out.

Qin Fengming, who was relieved, felt bursts of pain in his arm. When he lowered his head, he saw a blood mark half a foot long appearing on his arm. It turned out that with the last stab, his arm hit the sharp teeth of the python. Fortunately, the python was not poisonous, otherwise he would have died by now.

After calming down, Qin Fengming slowly stood up and pulled the knife out of the python's mouth.

It took more than half an hour for Qin Fengming to peel off the python skin, find out the snake gallbladder, and put it into a cloth bag. He knew that this was a very precious thing.

The first problem now is to find a way out.

After walking around, Qin Fengming suddenly found a green plant among a pile of moss-covered gravel when he came to a stream.

This plant is more than a foot tall, with nine leaves growing on it. Each leaf is like a child's hand, lifelike, and even the veins are like human veins. On the top of the plant, there are two pearl fruits, which are similar in size to cat's eyes and are exuding an attractive fragrance.

Taking advantage of the light, Qin Fengming discovered that the red light was flowing on the surface of the two pearl fruits, as if blood was flowing. One is dark and shiny, like a black pearl.

He carefully picked off the two pearl fruits, held them in his hands and looked at them carefully. Just when Qin Fengming took off the pearl fruit. The green plant quickly withered, turned into fly ash in the blink of an eye, and dissipated into the air in an instant.

Qin Fengming couldn't help but be stunned when such a weird thing happened in front of his eyes, but he didn't take it to heart. After all, he was only ten years old.

Bringing the two pearl fruits closer, Qin Fengming could only feel the extremely refreshing fragrance. His body immediately regained all its strength, and even the wounds no longer hurt at all.

Holding the pearl fruit and smelling its fragrance, Qin Fengming could not resist the temptation. He picked up a red pearl fruit and put it into his mouth. Before he could chew it, the pearl fruit had turned into liquid and flowed down his throat. In the belly.

Qin Fengming only felt a warm current flowing through the intestines in his body, reaching his lower abdomen, and then spreading from his lower abdomen to his limbs. It seemed that something was swimming inside his body. He felt that the meridians all over his body were numb, and his whole body was warm and comfortable.

After a while, the feeling calmed down a bit. Unable to resist the strange temptation just now, Qin Fengming picked up the remaining pearl fruit, raised his hand and put it into his mouth.

As soon as the black pearl fruit entered his mouth, Qin Fengming felt an extremely spicy liquid flowing straight into his body along his throat. Qin Fengming, who sensed this, hurriedly opened his mouth and wanted to spit it out, but was unable to do so.

At the same time, Qin Fengming felt that his whole body was extremely hot, his limbs were extremely swollen, and his whole body was in pain, and his internal organs were being stabbed by countless knives. The pain caused Qin Fengming to suddenly fall into the water and roll over.

Not long after, Qin Fengming felt a sudden surge of smelly liquid. He opened his mouth, and a pool of black stuff spurted out of his mouth. Then there was a roar in Qin Fengming's head, and he suddenly felt blank. After shouting, he passed out.

I don't know how long it took before Qin Fengming woke up. He sat up and found that his clothes were in tatters and stained with blood. There was a ball of dirt on his chest, and a fishy smell hit his mouth and nose.

Although the body is stained with blood,

But Qin Fengming found that there was no pain at all on his body, and even the previous wounds were gone.

Under the light, he found that the exposed skin was very smooth and soft, like a newborn baby. At the same time, I feel that the cave is much brighter, the scenery is extremely clear, and the sounds of water flow and insects are also very clear and unusual.

Qin Fengming stood in the stream blankly, not knowing what happened.

Qin Fengming didn't know it yet, but he had already gone through the I Ching to change his marrow, and his veins were widened and his bones were strengthened. This was the dream of any cultivator.

If he hadn't suddenly broken in, the python would have transformed into a first-level monster if it ate those two pearl fruits, and could practice Taoism based on its racial talent.

The difficulty of transforming a beast into a monster is no less than that of a mortal cultivating an immortal. It's just that the two pearl fruits still have more than an hour to fully mature. At this time, Qin Fengming fell into the cave, and everything changed after that.

After washing his whole body in the water, Qin Fengming climbed ashore, inspected the cave, and finally found an exit. After coming out, he realized that the day was almost over and he had to find another cave to sleep.

This trip to the cave took a full day.

In the middle of the night, when Qin Fengming seemed to be sleeping but not sleeping, he inadvertently glanced outside the cave and suddenly saw a luminous object flashing soft light more than ten feet away from the cave. If his eyesight had not increased this time, he would not have been able to see it. You will find this strange light.

When he looked carefully, Qin Fengming suddenly felt no sleepiness at all. After careful judgment, I found that it was not the light emitted by a wild beast. Out of curiosity, he took the knife and carefully touched the luminous body.

Only when he got closer did he realize that the luminous object was among the rubble near the mountain. He pushed the rubble away with force, and a sparkling object appeared in front of him.

The object is about the size of a child's fist and is shaped like a gourd. It feels a little heavy when held in the hand, but is extremely warm and comfortable in the hand.

Qin Fengming didn't care to take a closer look. After scratching around with a knife, he found nothing else, so he returned to the cave and continued to sleep.

After dawn, Qin Fengming took out the gourd he picked up last night and looked at it carefully. I saw that this gourd was all green. At first glance, it looked very much like jade, but it was not as hard as jade. It was soft and soft to the touch, and it was covered with patterns.

Judging from the pattern, it looks like clouds. I counted five of them, one of which showed a faint yellow color and looked light, as if it was about to float.

There is a small lid on the top of the gourd that is integrated into the gourd. Qin Fengming twisted it hard and it didn't move at all. After trying several times, Qin Fengming had no choice but to take it home and let his father try it. Tear off a strip of cloth from your tattered clothes and hang the small gourd around your neck.

After drinking some stream water, Qin Fengming continued to search forward.

Suddenly, a sound of "swishing" came from the front. Upon hearing this, Qin Fengming immediately flew and hid behind a giant tree in case a wild beast suddenly broke out in front of him.

After a while, the bushes in front of them cleared, and three people appeared. It was Qin Fengming's third uncle and his two eldest brothers.

"Third uncle, I am Feng Ming."

As soon as he saw his relatives appearing in front of him, Qin Fengming immediately shouted and collapsed on the stone ground.

This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, so you can read the original content immediately!

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