He knew that these powerful people would definitely not be weak, and they might not even be in the middle level of the galaxy. They might be the peak of the middle level in the galaxy.

This is also the reason why Jia Yan does not want to break through. Without the talent of sub-space, it is one thing whether he can beat him or not. The other thing is that he does not have the attitude of starting a war, so he wants to see what the opponent wants to do. .

"It's not that you are illegal. This kind of public procedure is something that several major forces and families have decided can be implemented. Besides, who will take notice of making such a small amount of money?"

Several strong men laughed.

In their eyes, Jia Yan is pitiful. For such a small amount of money, he actually disclosed his strength and position. If this place was not the peaceful North Star realm, just if he disclosed his strength and location, there would probably be A large number of strong men came to trouble him.

This is also the reason why open procedures can only be developed in peaceful areas. Putting them in other places, it is impossible to successfully implement them.

"Haha, I have no other choice. You know, I am an empty-handed outsider. Since I don't dare to break the law and don't want to break the law, I can only use this method similar to begging to ask for money."

Jia Yan shook his head bitterly.

Why doesn't he know that in the eyes of other strong men, he is just a beggar? But for him, he had never been exposed to such a thing as a public procedure before, so there was no shame in it.

Besides, as he said, if you don't want to make money quickly in this way, do you still want him to do something that violates the laws of this area? It's almost like courting death.

"Your Excellency Jia Yan, you are wrong to say that. As a strong person, making money by exposing your identity on a small program is really too cheap. Maybe you don't know what it means to do such a thing on Beiyustar. But if you want to use the starry sky in the outside world as a metaphor, you are now on a planet, squatting next to the caravan of weak people begging for food for one level, do you understand?"

The person who talked to Jia Yan the most continued to say the above words, but the meaning behind the words made Jia Yan a little unhappy.

Although he roughly knew what the meaning of this matter was, he thought that he was a strong outsider. If he did such a thing, he would only regret it in the future. Now you are deliberately saying that I am a beggar. Isn't this a change of curse? ?

"Haha, guys, I told you that I'm just here for the first time, and I have no choice but to do this. If you think I've done anything wrong, you can accuse me, but please don't insult a strong man, okay? Just what you just said These words will be understood by the outside world, and I can choose to invite you to a battle."

Jia Yan looked at this strong man indifferently and felt that his words were unreliable.

The reason why he didn't rush to ask these strong men what they were doing with him was because he wanted to chat with these strong men and learn more about what was going on in the North Star, but now this strong man actually insulted him a little bit. Meaning, then Jia Yan won't give too much face.

As a Xinghe-class, if you don't even dare to respond to other people's insults and sarcasm, you will probably be looked down upon in the future. In this North Star, although Jia Yan doesn't know how low the status of the Galaxy-class is, he must be like this Anyone can resist anything that insults someone.

The four powerful men looked at each other and felt that Jia Yan was quite heroic as an outsider. Faced with the interception of the four powerful men, he still had the courage to say something like an invitation to fight in front of them. .

Could this be the character of the strong outsiders?

They are local strong men, but each of them has been to the outside world. Compared with the outside world entering Beiyustar, the strong men here can still easily go out as long as they are protected by other strong men and use some items. But even if It's one thing that they can't adapt to the outside world after they go out. The other thing is that the outside world is too big. Compared with the North Star, which has a larger population and a larger area, the outside world is directly the starry sky, and they can't fly much even if they fly for a long time. In a large place, you can't see many creatures, and there are also incredibly huge but weak creatures everywhere, so they will soon choose to return to the North Superstar.

This has caused Beiyustar and the outside world to treat strong people, especially when we are strong and the enemy is weak, they have little respect for other strong people.

"Guys, since we have talked so much, why don't you tell me your reasons for coming? It seems that we don't have much consensus, so why not open the sky and speak openly. I have made a decision early, so that I can continue my journey. .”

Jia Yan smiled and became crisp and clear without waiting for the strong men to say anything else.

He is a straightforward person.

They were having a good conversation just now, but they were about to reveal everything all of a sudden. The four powerful men felt strange in their hearts. They looked at each other again and started laughing.

It's not that they are afraid of Jia Yan or anything, but they really want something from Jia Yan.

"Your Excellency Jia Yan, we don't want to block your way or anything, but you also know that a strong man is haunting our cities and is still making money in that way. As the guardians of this city, we You are also a strong person, so you should feel that you want to help you, otherwise we strong people will feel sorry for you."

Another strong man who spoke less aggressively said what he wanted to say.

However, these words turned out to mean that they wanted to help Jia Yan, but they were full of nonsense, and the black words were made white.

Jia Yan just listened silently and showed no reaction.

Seeing that Jia Yan didn't answer, the other party continued talking.

"It's like this. The alliance in our city belongs to several forces. But these forces are called forces, but in name they are all branches of the master's force. Including the Great God's House that you first knew, they said It is an alliance of outsiders, but in name it is a force that obeys the orders of the master."

After hearing his words, Jia Yan nodded calmly, "So?"

In fact, he already knew through Internet searches that the so-called master force, which is one of the three major forces in Ludi Forest, is actually the owner of this surrounding land and the co-owner of all forces. If he does not obey his orders, no matter who The power will be wiped out quickly.

Even its sphere of influence is more than that. The peaceful area of ​​several thousand kilometers is just a corner of the power of this master. They control a total of three or four similar areas. The tens of millions of square kilometers of the peaceful area, Just the most peaceful realm under his control.

"Since looking at Jia Yange's face, it seems that he knows the scope of the territory of the master's power, then we will tell him directly."

The seemingly more peaceful strong man saw that Jia Yan roughly knew the existence of the master's power, so he felt that he could spend less time talking and speak directly what he said next.

"Since you are short of money, we can recommend you to go to the front lines of the master's forces to fight for this force. Almost every strong person in these areas has experience of fighting on the front lines. This will make it more convenient. It is easy to earn military exploits and harvest a lot of trophies, and as long as you have military exploits on the front line, you will get a good status when you return to our peaceful area or go to other lands. For example, almost everyone like us has I have been to the front line..."

"No need to say it!"

But when the other party continued to say the above words tirelessly, Jia Yan interrupted him with a sneer.

After talking for a long time, he finally realized that these four guys had actually tricked him into fighting for some controlling force!

And since they were so caring, they must have recommended Jia Yan to the battlefield. They would definitely gain something, which was a good calculation.

"Your Excellencies, when I came down with you, I was still thinking about becoming friends with you. Unexpectedly, these Excellencies did not regard me, Jia Yan, as a good friend. As an outsider, although I don't I understand the laws here, but I don’t seem to have seen any laws in this peaceful land that would force an outsider to go to the front line, right? In this case, please allow me to reject this matter, and there will be no need to say anything else in the future. Farewell!"

After Jia Yan coldly refused, he stood up.

"Your Excellency Jia Yan, you have misunderstood. This is also a good thing for you. Hello!"

Among the four powerful men, the one who talked the most at first and who was the least able to speak kept shouting a few words, but could not stop Jia Yan at all. He could only watch him leave this luxurious shopping mall-like place quickly. .

Then it soared into the sky.

Jia Yan didn't even say hello to them and just left.

"Hehe, this guy has a really tough temper."

The four powerful men were not angry at all, and immediately returned to their seats and sat down.

That's right, they stopped chasing after they knew it couldn't be done.

After all, just as Jia Yan said, in this peaceful land, there is no law that forces other strong men to control the power of war. If there is such a law, it means that there is no peace here and there is abuse of power. If placed anywhere, it would greatly affect prosperity, and the place would not be able to develop into the current land of peace.

Therefore, it is impossible for them to really force Jia Yan. The four powerful men coming out together will only put a certain amount of pressure on Jia Yan.

"I originally thought there was still a certain chance, but I didn't expect that this guy is very smart. Now, a possible galaxy-level powerhouse has left. One of us must go to the front line. Yes, the quota is here, there’s nothing we can do about it.”

"Who's going?"

"I've been there last time. It's not a place for people to go. Anyway, I won't be here this time."

"Who hasn't been there? Let's go back and discuss it carefully. Jia Yan, on the other hand, wants to be a wandering strongman in our peaceful world. It's not that simple. It would be great if we, Beiyu Superstar, are so easy to get along with. hehe."

Jia Yan did not hear the words of the four powerful men, but he could roughly guess what they would say and what they would think.

As he flew all the way into the sky, he originally thought that the four powerful men would catch up and say something, or even threaten him, but unexpectedly, none of these four guys caught up.

"Aren't you coming? In this way, I have a general understanding of the legal principles of this peaceful area. It's better than I imagined. The strong ones don't act unscrupulously. But...the one who controls the power?"

Jia Yan's speed slowed down a little, but he still maintained it at about two thousand kilometers per hour, because he now had more experience this time, and he roughly understood that he should not be threatened in this peaceful area. Life, if you show more strength, it won't have much impact.

The flying speed of two thousand kilometers is the speed of a normal mid-level flying creature in the galaxy.

Jia Yan continued on his intended direction, but during the flight, he saw commercial spaceships flying in the sky all around him. Although most of them were not as fast as him, there were still many speeds. His current two thousand kilometers are not comparable to that. Of course, there are not many such aircraft, but inside each one, there are what look like extremely powerful men riding on them. Some of them even looked at Jia Yan. But there is not much look on it.

"Are they all galaxy-level? Unexpectedly powerful."

Jia Yan knew very well that there should be no domain lord level here, but there might be one or two at the peak of the middle level of the galaxy. This discovery made Jia Yan a little solemn.

It has long been known that the North Star is as powerful as the clouds, but the closer to the big city, the more powerful people appear, which makes Jia Yan feel a little bit of pressure.

"Another area of ​​greater pressure lies in the so-called master's power. I originally thought that the master's power is the nominal co-owner of this area of ​​about 100 million kilometers, but today I was invited by these four powerful people. Only then did I realize that they may not only be as simple as they appear in name, but may also have extremely strong control. No wonder, otherwise, how can they be called the power of masters?"

"There is an area over there in the Ludi Forest. Looking for the Book Garden www.zhaoshuyua.com was used as a back garden by a princess who was rumored to be in charge of the power. Fortunately, I did not provoke this area at the beginning, otherwise I would probably eat it. I can’t walk around in circles.”

Jia Yan sighed and continued forward.

No matter how the situation changes, one thing remains unchanged.

That is, Jia Yan is gradually understanding and understanding this big North Star bit by bit. As long as he becomes more and more integrated into this North Star, the danger will be much less.

What he sighs most at the moment is that he has chosen a good place. In this peaceful area, he can almost say that he has won the first prize. If the outside world is as dangerous or chaotic as he found on the Internet, , then if he had chosen that kind of place, he would probably have been caught in a fight and life and death by now.

Without much understanding, it would be extremely dangerous to rashly fall into the battle of the North Star. This is why most of the other strong men from the outside world, even if they are successfully promoted and go out again, will be wary of the North Star. Superstars feel frightened, and many of them are unwilling to come back for the rest of their lives, no matter how fast the promotion speed here is.


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