So he paid the first payment to see the shared information about this powerful man.

As a result, after entering, I found that this was a local first-level powerhouse from the Galaxy. This powerhouse also left a message saying that he felt that this program was very useful, so he gave it a try because everyone knew him.

Moreover, this powerful man is probably too famous and does not care to share more details about himself.

Because he was not at the mid-level of Galaxy, the fee was not as high as Jia Yan's. After Jia Yan looked at his basic information and address, he saw that he continued to share the information of the next level, which gave him more Data, such as the combat areas that you are good at, combat moves, etc.

Out of curiosity, Jia Yan paid again and clicked to watch.

"He is a strong man who mainly focuses on strength. He is very popular in this North Star."

Jia Yan looked at the other party's detailed information and immediately felt some agreement.

At the same time, he was also very surprised. Why would there be such a being who made his strength and other aspects public? He was simply digging his own grave... This was not right. In short, it gave outsiders many opportunities to understand him. After all, he made it public. It is impossible to fake this information, otherwise the group that discloses the procedures will be punished. Moreover, if he wants to disclose this, he must go to the branch of the disclosure procedures to take a test, otherwise they will not disclose it to you.

So Jia Yan was surprised.

But what he didn't know was that this local junior powerhouse from the galaxy understood something from Jia Yan's disclosed strength, and became the first to try it.

The result did not disappoint him. Although he was only a junior star of the galaxy, and he was well known to the locals, and many people had even seen him fight. However, as soon as it was made public, there were many People read his information, and a few people even paid more money to read his detailed information.

This strong man made a small profit. Not only did he get back the money he had just spent to see the 'Mysterious Galaxy Intermediate' strong man, that is, Jia Yan, he also made a lot more.

Jia Yan had just exited this strong man's information, but he didn't expect that there would be a lot of information about junior Galaxy strong men and even a mid-level Galaxy strong man.

He was stunned for a moment.

"I won't watch it. After all, I don't live in this city. I will leave tomorrow. It depends on your size."

Jia Yan resisted his itching to avoid wasting money.

After a night of doing this, Jia Yan finally understood that this public procedure was based on some kind of petty gain mentality.

In fact, for the strong, this income cannot be said to be much, but it is definitely not too little, especially in a public process that is determined by strength. The stronger you are, the more people will spend money to see you, once or twice. It may not be a big deal, but if it accumulates ten times or a hundred times, it will be quite impressive.

Jia Yan made a lot of money in this way, and even promoted the public program to a small extent. Everyone came to test the waters, especially the previous Galaxy-level ones. They were the leaders in this city, and their strength Combat moves, etc. are completely public things, so it doesn't matter if they are released for people to see.

"Haha, although I'm not sure whether the money for such a wave is enough, there are so many cities along the way, and there is a radiation range that can be extended to more cities. After a round, it's almost enough, right?"

Jia Yan completely regarded this method as his own temporary way of making money.

But he also thought that something would definitely go wrong if he continued like this. After all, you are just a passerby. When you go to these cities, others pay money to see your information, but you leave quickly. This is an unhappy thing for anyone.

Of course, the money is relatively small, so there should be no major problems. Even if he is a majestic Galaxy-level being, what others see is not his full-power Intermediate Galaxy Peak, but the Intermediate Galaxy can be regarded as a reputable existence. Everyone is watching. When he made a small amount of money like this all the way, he must have understood that he simply lacked such a small amount of money. When he was angry, he probably felt sympathy. Such a poor Galaxy mid-level person was probably rare in the local area.

"Maybe there will be some more real strong people who have been tracing back to their origins. From the town of the Great God's Home, they found that I was a foreign strong person. I guess they had other thoughts. But at that time, I must have had feelings for this northern superstar. I almost understand it now, it’s not that easy to get rid of me.”

While Jia Yan was using Intelligent Brain to create the benefits of purchasing new Intelligent Brain, he also did not forget to use Intelligent Brain to see how ordinary strong people make money. And how to find a job and stuff like that.

Even if they could monitor the shrimp creature, they probably wouldn't have any special ideas about this kind of thing. In other words, it would be strange not to search for these things after he got a brain. After all, he just came to Beiyustar, so he always I want to see how I can survive here.


It was not until the fourth day of his stay in this small town that Jia Yan closed his Zhi Nao search page after almost no income came in quickly.

Then, he pondered for a while, and after paying the hotel room fee, he soared into the sky.

He left the city quickly.

And just as Jia Yan left, in this city, the two powerful men who had been in contact with Jia Yan and guarded the city at the galaxy level looked at the sky at the same time.

"Let's go. Is this guy so poor?"

"Haha, you are so poor that you are unwilling to join my master's family. This person named Jia Yan is quite tough."

"But don't underestimate him. His behavior is easy to understand. If I had just arrived on a new planet and didn't understand anything about it, I would be so cautious. Pay close attention to his actions. Maybe it won't be long before he Maybe he will become our partner."

These two powerful men are still thinking about whether Jia Yan will become their partner.

Of course, Jia Yan doesn't know whether Jia Yan will become a partner of these two powerful men. Generally speaking, Jia Yan has watched the Great God's House for a few days and also searched for the Great God's House. Things, it doesn't feel that bad.

But if you really want to join, Jia Yan must learn more about this world.

Above the sky, Jia Yan, who accelerated his speed to a thousand kilometers upwards, became very unscrupulous.

It's not that he is really unscrupulous, but that he can now show the speed of a mid-level powerhouse in the galaxy. After all, he has opened the process of disclosing his strength. Now, although it is closed after leaving the city, his body His appearance and fame must have already opened up. If he pretends to be a weakling again, people might look down on him.

If you are a Galaxy level powerhouse, then you must use the speed of a Galaxy level powerhouse.

Moreover, Jia Yan has not yet accelerated to a faster speed. As a Galaxy level, he can fly faster, not to mention that he is also a flying creature.

"Next, I'm going to the nearest small city circle. When I go there, I will open up my information and let more people spend money... Oh no, with a little money, I will get to know this strange Galaxy class. ,hehe."

Jia Yan ran to the next city circle, adhering to the idea that he was a Galaxy class who wanted to make friends.

This is a more prosperous city than the previous Ludi Forest, and there are several small towns around it. Although there are no brains that only strong people can buy, the total number of cities in this circle is It has a population of more than 100 million. You can tell at a glance that it is a good urban circle with countless strong people in it.

"Oh, has any strong person disclosed his strength? Let's take a look. This strong person probably didn't want to be disturbed, so he made his strength public."

"Maybe he wants to prevent others from troubling him. In that case, we will pay to have a look and avoid causing trouble after watching."

"What a strong man, a middle-level strong man in the galaxy, tsk tsk, and he is a stranger, so don't bother him."

"Haha, our city's intelligence system will probably have trouble sleeping. A new middle-level galactic powerhouse has arrived, and they are not allowed to investigate and kill him."

"The viewing fee for a mid-level galaxy powerhouse is too expensive. Oh my god, half a month's salary is gone after just one look."

"Jia Yan? I haven't heard of him. He is probably new from somewhere. I hope it won't cause any trouble."

In this urban agglomeration, many creatures with a little wealth, as well as powerful people, spent money to view the information about Jia Yan who had just opened up his strength to others.

It's just that Jia Yan didn't reveal much about himself, just his strength, positioning, etc. That's all, and countless people paid for it.

Using the same routine, Jia Yan still opened a room in a hotel. After he disclosed his strength, the owner of the hotel, who was also a star-level being, came to the door in person and gave Jia Yan a 20% discount. , making Jia Yan embarrassed.

Like this, only five days passed before he took off again.

"This time the city group made much more money than the previous city that was the home of the great god. It must be enough money for me to pay for the brains of strong men. And I also discovered that strong men no longer need to play this public game. Programs are ways to make more money, although many of them are a bit risky, but they are better than making money like a beggar.”

Jia Yan flew in the sky because he learned that these cities have regulations for Galaxy-level powerhouses, that is, Galaxy-level powerhouses, no matter where they come from, can fly over these cities for free and unconditionally. So he did it.

But this flight had another accident.

Those were four creatures that seemed difficult to deal with, flying in the air and intercepting Jia Yan.


Jia Yan stopped flying silently, sighing deep in his heart.

After all, he is too conspicuous in these cities, and it is impossible not to attract the attention of other powerful people.

"Sir, how about a chat?"

"Your Excellency Jia Yan, we have been waiting for you to come out for a long time."

The two strong men spoke first.

Jia Yan did not want to force a breakthrough or anything. After all, he also knew that he would not necessarily fight with these strong men.

The opponent is responsible for the safety of the entire city. Since he is meeting him above the city, he does not want to fight. Otherwise, he cannot say whether he will defeat Jia Yan in a fight, but a lot of the city below will have to be destroyed.

Above the North Star, the strong men at the top of the middle level of the Galaxy are also more terrifying. Jia Yan cannot say that he can beat many strong men in a fight, but if he causes a certain amount of damage to the city, then their economy will have problems and collapse. A few houses and the death of a group of people may not be able to make money back from Jia Yan.

If the other party had investigated Jia Yan's identity, they would be clear about this.

The five powerful men flew down together.

Not long after, in a small shop in a bustling area of ​​the city, Jia Yan and the four powerful men opened a private room that looked like a single room and sat down in it.

"It's quite prosperous. Can this city only be considered a small city?"

Jia Yan sighed.

"Your Excellency Jia Yan, you are an outsider. Of course you don't know what the real big cities in the North Star look like. Even within our several thousand kilometers, the few big cities that are listed in the entire North Star are super. In front of the big city, everyone is just a child."

The strong man who had spoken to Jia Yan before smiled and said this to Jia Yan.

"Do you know that I am an outsider?"

Jia Yan was not surprised and asked directly.

"Yes, we know that you are an outsider, and we have no intention of dealing with you. One thing may be different from what you think. There are many factions within our Northern Star, and they are friendly and unfriendly to outsiders. In other places, such as ours, the vast land around Ludi Forest is relatively friendly to outsiders, otherwise there would not be the existence of the power of the Great God’s House, let alone their development.”

After a few strong men were seated, the waiter served menus and the like.

This is the first time for Jia Yan to eat food in these cities, even in those hotels, because he needs to practice and observe the outside world, regardless of eating casually, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first time.

"It's delicious. I didn't expect the food on your North Star to be so delicious."

Jia Yan ate an expensive food, and his eyes lit up.

"Your Excellency Jia Yan, haha, this is not food that ordinary people can afford. It is the meat of some kind of venerable animal. Because it has no intelligence, it is classified as an edible cultured creature, but it is extremely expensive."

Jia Yan was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"I see. Is this what the strong men on the North Star enjoy? This is the first time I've heard of it."

Although Jia Yan searched a lot of information on the Internet, many things still need to be truly experienced before he can understand them.

It's just that no matter how delicious the food is, it can't withstand the vigilance of a strong man. Jia Yan only tasted it briefly. After eating a little, he stopped eating.

So far, he hasn't eaten much, and even if there is any poison, he can handle it quickly.

"Okay, everyone, you can tell me now, what are your thoughts on intercepting me? Is it illegal for me to collect some money from several big cities through public procedures?"

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