Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 22 Arriving at the big city!

What's even more exaggerated is that the North Star is really too big. This time you have chosen a place to jump in, but whether you can find it again next time is unknown. For example, in the Ludi Forest area, Jia Yan originally I jumped after seeing this piece of green in space, but the Northern Giant has always had weird electromagnetic obstructions. It is impossible to use electronic instruments to locate it, so you have to rely on the naked eye to judge. But the Northern Giant is so big, There are places like Ludi Forest, where there are not even 10 million, but 8 million. Are you sure you can jump there next time?

So Jia Yan is lucky.

"I don't care about the invitation from the so-called matter-controller force at the moment, or whether there are any battlefields in the outside world. My primary goal at the moment is to obtain a high-level intelligence brain, and now I can see that I can't master it yet. Instead of buying smart computers from outside shops or local shops, you have to buy them from outside shops, because even if they are still controlled by outside forces, they are still owned by outside forces. At least they are not controlled by local forces. For me, This is the best solution for the time being.”

Jia Yan summarized his affairs, found his bearings again, and started a long-distance flight.

In the starry sky outside, Jia Yan can fly many light-years in a month, let alone using the ten degrees of sub-space flight of the Editha star. Even if he flies in the sub-space himself.

But placed on this northern star, he felt like he suddenly turned into an ant, extremely slow. It had been half a month since he came out of the Ludi Forest, and he had just traveled to a few cities, even if he had He was doing "public money-making" things on the way, but it also made him feel the uncomfortable feeling of a big car turning into a small car.

But there is no way, let alone him. Even if there are Domain Lord-level existences, in the North Star, affected by the unique electromagnetic and pressure, they cannot truly show the true strength of Domain Lord creatures, and many local Domain Lords The Lord exists, and they regard this matter as normal. Only after occasionally going to the outside world, they will be amazed that they are such powerful creatures.

Even the Territory Lord was suppressed, so Jia Yan, a mid-level Galaxy Peak, could only adapt.

"The Northern Superstar was created by a super-terrible strong man from prehistoric times, and the other giant stars were created by unknown strong men who were even more prehistoric. Why do every strong person have to create such a planet when they get to that point? How powerful have they become? This is something that many creatures on the North Star, including me, have discussed."

Jia Yan was amazed and thinking about many things. At the same time, he gradually learned more about Beiyuxing and the funds he could use.

He 'raised' funds twice more, and without any exception, the strong men in the local city all came forward to 'greet' him. Of course, not all of these strong men wanted Jia Yan to go to the front line, but There are all kinds of things, and there is even a small city. Seeing that Jia Yan almost deceived the residents of his city's money, and almost got into a fight with Jia Yan, it shows that he must be a very kind person. Fortunately, he later understood Jia Yan's strength and got the assurance that Jia Yan would leave his city soon, so he was a little relieved and stopped fighting Jia Yan again.

Of course, Jia Yan is also very clear that one or two of these strong men will definitely not have too much trouble with him, because after traveling for such a period of time, he knows very well that this area is called a peaceful area. Not without the slightest reason.

Only by obeying the law can the region become peaceful, including the strong. They must also abide by certain laws, otherwise they will be held accountable by the alliance forces from all over the country. In the most serious case, this strong man may even It is possible to be killed.

In this way, the laws in the entire region are pretty good, and the so-called controlling force has also grabbed more than 60% of the tax revenue from this place. Therefore, although things here seem to be strictly controlled, But under normal circumstances, he allows the local forces and powerful people here to manage themselves. After all, he is not afraid of any resistance in this peaceful land, because he is definitely powerful enough as the controller, and he has no worries about this place at all. What kind of resistance will the strong man do?

"Thank you for your help. By the way, I will also tell you that I will not do these things again. Thank you for your support along the way. If you have a way to communicate, please tell the strong men in those cities for me. Thank you all."

The huge mosquito soared into the sky at the edge of a small city, and then flew out of sight at an extremely fast speed.

"This guy actually wants to ask me to help him convey his voice, haha, but he is just asking for money in this way. Alas, it is good that he has not caused other damage. Otherwise, a strong man really wants to use When it comes to making money, there are probably more than a hundred ways. He only uses legal means. Although he seems a bit rogue, it is definitely not our bottom line. It's okay, okay, Jia Yan?..."

In the city behind the giant mosquito, a mid-level strong man from the galaxy silently watched his leaving figure, then shook his head and gave a wry smile.

He felt that it was better to forget it and not hold this guy responsible. Besides, it seemed that the other party really did not break the law.

However, after the public procedure was used legally and profitably by this new outsider, its shortcomings were revealed. This strong man was thinking about whether to sue the real strong man in the big city. Forces, please ban or improve this process of disclosing your identity. Otherwise, if a strong man comes in the future and imitates the same tricks, wouldn't it mean that the local residents will be ripped off again? '?

You know, Jia Yan finished harvesting the wool, but ran away without spending much money. It did not benefit their local economy at all, and it was completely meaningless to them.

Jia Yanfei was in front, completely unaware that behind him, the strong man began to express his anger, or thought about the issue of public procedures.

He doesn't care whether this public procedure will suffer disaster in the future because of his own problems. They must have been promoting this procedure, and similar things must have been considered.

He just kept watching the bank account information displayed on his brain during the flight.

"I didn't expect that after collecting wool from five or six places like this, there would be so much money. It seems that this method is really good, but it cannot be used all the time. Now I not only buy high-grade smart phones If you have money in mind, I guess you will have a certain amount of money to do whatever you want to do in the future.”

Jia Yan sighed softly, and then he took out the contents of a huge backpack behind him.

This backpack is about the same size as him, three to four meters in size, and a square backpack. However, this is not a cloth backpack, but a pure metal item, and it is not an ordinary metal item. What kind of metal is it? , Jia Yan couldn't say it, but he knew very well that this metal was extremely hard, and it would be extremely difficult for ordinary heaven-level experts to break through it without weapons.

For the Galaxy class, of course it is nothing, but this does not prevent it from being used as a backpack.

Jia Yan's three- to four-meter package was no longer empty at this time, but contained several good pieces of energy material.


When Jia Yan was flying, he took out one of the energy stones and created an air oscillation space filled with brainwave power, making it difficult for the outside world to see what was going on inside. He held the two-meter energy stone and started Devour it.

What was originally a stone-like substance became as soft as jelly when Jia Yan's extremely sharp mouthparts penetrated it. Once it was pierced into it, the energy in the energy stone became liquid directly. The rock is sucked into the mouth.

At the first bite, he sighed.

"It's so delicious. This energy, this terrible boiling feeling, makes me feel intoxicated."

He maintained a very emotional tone towards the power in his mouth.

Because despite looking at such a small piece, for the size of his body in the starry sky, it can't even fill his mouth. But after entering the northern giant star, not only did it shrink in size, but the energy and matter here also became extremely terrifying. Such a piece is enough for him to practice for several days.

This is also the reason why people from the outside world are afraid of Beiyustar and want to enter it.

Just the fact that Jia Yan spent a certain amount of money to collect these two high-grade energy materials in the next few small cities would make him crazy in the past.

"But this energy substance is also strange. It is said that someone took some out before. After going out, these energy stones and other substances will immediately expand. Not to mention, the power will disappear quickly because there is no unique pressure from the North Star. , it simply can only exist inside the northern giant star."

Jia Yan was very sorry. He originally thought that if he had the chance, he would try to collect similar energy stones within Beiyustar. After collecting enough, he would find a way to go to the outside world and practice slowly.

Unfortunately, his idea went bankrupt after he learned about the unique material limitations of these northern giant stars.

"Okay, next, my only goal is the only big city within hundreds of thousands of kilometers nearby. I can reach it in about two days."

Jia Yan has actually been flying in this area for nearly a month.

In addition to settling down in those cities and then using "open procedures" to solicit money, he spent a month flying. However, it still took him a month to fly. About 700,000 kilometers.

This shows how big the North Giant is.

"Although my current speed is slowed down intentionally not to show my strength, even if I go all out, it will still take me several days to fly 700,000 kilometers. And this is only tens of millions of kilometers in the entire land of peace. Within, it is one of dozens of big cities. As for the controller’s sphere of influence of 100 million kilometers, how long will it take for me to fly through it? The entire Northern Superstar is one light-year in diameter, which is 9.46 trillion kilometers, let alone the entire It’s a northern giant star. If I want to fly 1% of its diameter, how long will it take me to fly?”

Only after arriving at the North Star can we truly understand how terrifying such a terrifying superstar is.

The name of a superstar can only be understood to the extent of the horror when you really get inside.

"Here, countless races, countless strong men, and even domain master creatures, because of the pressure of the planet itself, may not be able to complete the Northern Superstar within their lifetime."

After sighing for a long time, Jia Yan shook his head helplessly.

He gave up and continued to think about it. It was useless to think about so many things. It was better to continue on his path to becoming a strong man. After he truly cultivated to the strength of the Territory Lord, he might unlock more secrets, or maybe he would Beyond the strength of the Territory Lord, perhaps there will be a reasonable answer to why North Superstar and the other three Superstars exist, why there are so many differences, and all kinds of things.

Gurgling gurgling...

While Jia Yan was thinking, a few days passed. As he gradually sucked the energy stone he was holding into his body, he felt completely refreshed, because there were almost no energy stones in the North Star. How can one's body feel full of energy after a long drought?

A magnificent big city appeared in front of Jia Yan.


When he saw the city pointed out on the map, Jia Yan was a little confused.

Because he discovered that this city is big, really big. When spread out, it covers an area of ​​thousands of kilometers, which is almost entirely within the scope of a city. Find the bookstore

Although there are various buildings, there are actually many high-rise buildings, and certain flying tools are flying in the sky. If not mentioned, it is really possible that Jia Yan has arrived at some external technological planet. , of course it is not as developed as the technological planet.

"It's so big, and the population is estimated to be quite large. Let me take a look. The data shows that this city named Peace No. 3 has a permanent population of more than 300 million. Oh my god."

Except on the previous earth, Jia Yan has not seen a city with such a large population for a long time, because on the planet, the races he encounters usually have strong people, so it is impossible for the strong to live with the weak. It is a powerful, more developed race, the smaller the population in the city. And like this so-called 'Peace City No. 3', a city with 300 million people living in it, not counting the floating population, Jia Yan may be Seen for the first time in my life.

It is said that in terms of the real Northern Superstar, such a city is not actually ranked among the top. A super city that is well-known throughout the Northern Superstar would have to cover a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers. There are countless life forms living in it, and the data may not even be available. statistics.

"Your Excellency, it is forbidden to fly alone in front of you. Please land, otherwise you will be treated as an intruder! Now I am warning you for the first time!"

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