Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 14 Ming Jin Dacheng (please collect and recommend)

It was another morning. Scar got up early to arrange meat. He wanted to get these things ready before the great king got up.

Three apes called out, two of them threw the barbecue wrapped in mud into the bonfire to heat, and the other one went to the sentry post to change the guard. Don't worry about the surrounding wall, but the main thing is the gate exit. Because it is movable, there is no way to install crocodile tiger teeth and broken bone tips.

Now that autumn has long passed, the weather is getting colder and colder, so a lot of one-horned deer have been captured during this period. Not only did I make six sets of warm leather jackets, but I also simply sewed some quilts. Although Scar and the others had used one-horned deerskin to sleep on their beds before, they had never thought that deerskin could be worn on their bodies.

"It's almost winter again..." Worker No. 2 groaned,

Number 1 agreed very much and exclaimed, "Yes, if there is no king, I'm afraid we won't be able to survive the next winter..."

No. 2 groaned, "Thank you, Wang, for taking us in and teaching us so many survival skills."

Scar listened silently. Although apes are the smartest creatures in the jungle and their hands and feet are very flexible, God is fair and they don't have any special abilities. This resulted in the apes being unable to grow in strength and remaining at the bottom of the jungle. A few lucky ape groups could rely on powerful awakened creatures and gain protection. Those who are unlucky, just like them, are captured and enslaved by a powerful ape tribe.

It wasn't until he met the king that Scar saw hope. The ape could grow to the point of hunting demons, and could control and enslave demons. In his mind, all predators are demons.

Scar lifted the big stone to exercise, feeling as if he was in another world. Such a powerful force was already under his control. If he had had such power before the tribe was captured and enslaved, he might have been able to bring out more apes.

He also thought about going back to rescue, but the group of captors had their backs on the awakened beasts, so they would be in trouble unless they all became as powerful as Ye Xun and could kill the demon alone.

In the mud house, Ye Xun's biological clock rang, and he walked out of the house. Scar suppressed the thoughts in his mind and quickly pulled out the braised meat from the campfire.

Ye Xun sat directly by the campfire, grabbed the braised meat brought by Scar, and ate it. Ye Xun enjoys this kind of life very much. He was just reborn here, and his life now is simply paradise.

After Scar brought the third piece of braised meat, Ye Xun stopped eating and walked to an open space not far away to start practicing. The meat in his stomach was quickly converted into energy and absorbed by the body. Then the spirit in Ye Xun's mind started to flow, and he directed the energy to flow quickly throughout his body.

Most of the energy is dispersed and absorbed by the muscles, and a small part is guided into the legs by Ye Xun. The moment the energy arrives, the bones begin to grow slowly. He didn't dare to grow his bones too much at once, otherwise he would have the same problem as when he swallowed the giant egg last time.

Since the last time he grew like crazy, Ye Xun's legs have grown by nearly ten centimeters every day, and his overall height has grown to 1.5 meters. Although he is only considered a short man in the human world, in the ape world, he is the tallest ape. As for whether there are taller ape-men in this world, it is unknown.

At least Scar, who was taller than an ordinary ape, was half a head shorter in front of him. This was after Ye Xun deliberately stimulated Scar to grow some. Initially, Scar's body was only over 1.2 meters tall, similar to the newly reborn Ye Xun.

This also caused confusion to Ye Xun. With Scar's size, he was the leader of the tribe, so he was no different. How could he be tied to a tree and used as sacrificial food? Could it be that his own ethnic group was also captured?

Although he was a little confused, Ye Xun was not the original owner of this body after all, so he naturally would not get to the bottom of it. The first priority now is to survive, maybe slowly build a small kingdom, and become the leader of civilization. At that time, maybe like the ancients in previous generations, they will be famous for generations and be looked up to by future generations.

As time passed, the energy in Ye Xun's body was exhausted, and he quickly stopped practicing. Scar brought up the prepared barbecue again, and the other apes looked at Ye Xun eagerly.

Ye Xun knew that this was a hierarchical system among the apes, and he had to eat his fill before it would be their turn to enjoy. Ye Xun didn't plan to change anything. Maybe the imperial system was a good choice in the beginning, otherwise it wouldn't have been popular for so many years in the previous life.

Afterwards, Ye Xun had eaten enough and continued to practice, but this time he felt something strange in his body, as if his muscles had reached saturation and were no longer absorbing the energy guided by his mental power.

Half an hour later, the body still did not absorb energy. A thought popped into Ye Xun's mind. Could it be that the body has reached its ultimate limit? With doubts, Ye Xun tensed his muscles and swung his right hand forward. In an instant, there was an explosion in the air, and the fist squeezed the air with terrifying power. The apes around him were startled by the sudden sound and looked at Ye Xun with some surprise.

"Mingjin is a success?" Ye Xun was extremely happy. He started from scratch a month ago, but he didn't expect that Mingjin was finally a success today. This means that Ye Xun has a strength of over a thousand kilograms, which is half a ton! Coupled with the bonus of Chinese martial arts, Ye Xun is confident that he can kill even a wild boar with one punch.

You must know that an old master of Anjin can kill an angry bull with one punch, and for an upright and mature master of Mingjin like Ye Xun, this is not a problem.

Then Ye Xun performed a set of boxing techniques. Explosions continued to be heard in the air, and his body's strength reached its peak. At this time, an invisible membrane seems to appear on the muscles, suppressing them within that range and preventing the body from continuing to strengthen. Ye Xun, who was a grandmaster in his previous life, knew that this had reached a bottleneck. If he wanted to continue to break through, he had to break that barrier.

After Ye Xun stopped punching, he went straight to the stone next to Scar, moved his place, and exerted force with his right hand, and the stone was easily lifted over his head.

Scar was dumbfounded. When he was exercising just now, he tried his best to suck the milk, but he couldn't move the stone. Scar looked at the stone next to him that he had just lifted. Compared with Ye Xun, it was not on the same level at all. The size difference between the two is nearly half.

Ye Xun casually threw the stone away with one hand under the surprised eyes of the apes. After catching it with his left hand, he continued to throw it up. The two hands repeated this, having a great time playing.

After playing for a while, Ye Xun put the stone down. The moment the stone hit the ground, the apes felt the ground shake. Scar's eyes were filled with fire, and at the same time he shouted in his heart that our ape family finally had hope.

After Ye Xun put down the stone, he directly sent a message to Scar, "Scar, didn't you say you knew where that delicious stone was last time? Let's go get some today. I can't stand eating white food every day. Bird."

"This..." Scar hesitated for a while, and then continued, "King, there is a demon there, and it is very powerful. If the mammoth hadn't broken in last time, I might have been buried in its belly."

"Devil? Mammoth?" Ye Xun thought, and then asked Scar, "What does the devil look like?"

Scar thought for a while, then gestured to Ye Xun and said, "It's in the stone forest. I can't tell how long it is, but it's very big. Its head should be as big as that stone."

"It's very has a big head. Could it be..." Ye Xun looked at the stone pointed by Scar and thought of a creature in his mind.

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