Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 15 Scar’s Battle (please collect and recommend)

In the camp, Ye Xun sat by the campfire and meditated. According to Scar's description, Ye Xun guessed that the so-called demon should be a giant python, but it should be quite large. After all, the stone Scar pointed to was over thirty centimeters in diameter. If a mammoth got entangled in such a giant python, it would probably lose its life.

But Ye Xun is not worried. He is not a huge creature like a mammoth. Although he is extremely powerful, his speed is unfortunately too slow. Besides, you don’t have to have a head-on confrontation with the python. You can just get the rock salt and leave, so there won’t be much danger at all.

As for the personnel, Ye Xun planned to take Scar with him. After all, he had to go through the jungle, and the other apes were too weak to follow. If he encounters that giant python, he will only serve as a food delivery, and Scar will probably be the only one who can resist.

After making the decision, Ye Xun directly sent a message to the ape and Changya, "You just stay in the camp. Scar and I will go out. Be careful to protect the camp and don't go out wandering around."

The apes responded respectfully, Chang Ya looked up, and then lay down to take a nap. Ye Xun didn't bother and left the camp with Scar.

After the two left the camp, Scar led the way with the spider legs, and Ye Xun followed behind, always paying attention to the surrounding movements in the ten-meter spiritual field. According to Scar, the road here was not too close and danger could be encountered at any time along the way, so Ye Xun gave Scar a spider leg. At least when there is an emergency, Scar will not fight empty-handed.

After walking all the way, the jungle gradually became quieter, and a strange feeling enveloped Ye Xun's heart. Ye Xun stopped and at the same time used his mental power to send a message into Scar's head to make him stop. Within Ye Xun's mental envelope, three crocodiles and tigers were hiding in the bushes.


"tasty food……"

"I'm hungry... I'm hungry..."

Ye Xun's mental power heard the call in Crocodile Tiger's heart, and he had obviously regarded them as food, so Ye Xun picked up two stones from the ground and weighed them in his hands. After calculating the weight and trajectory of the stone in his mind, he waved his right hand twice in succession, and two fist-sized stones flew out at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

"Crack..." "Crack..." The stone shot into the bush, there were two sounds of bones breaking, and a white-gray figure jumped out.

"Scar, I leave this crocodile tiger to you!" Ye Xun said to Scar. In his mental perception, the other two crocodile tigers in the bush had their heads smashed by the stones he threw. Red and white liquid flowed all over the floor, and these two poor guys were killed by Ye Xun before they showed up.

After hearing Ye Xun's mental message, Scar nodded solemnly. His palms began to sweat. This was the first time he faced a crocodile and tiger alone. There is an instinctive fear in my heart, which comes from the suppression of the food chain.


Crocodile Tiger roared and found that his two companions had not come out. Ye Xun clearly felt the voice in this guy's head. Could it be that the two guys ran away? Confused, it turned back and sniffed, as if there was a smell of blood in the air. Crocodile Tiger instinctively showed a hint of excitement in its eyes, and at the same time, the smell of blood made it lose its mind. With a low roar, it rushed towards Scar who was closest to him. Its low-capacity brain never imagined that the smell of blood would be emitted by its companions.

Seeing the crocodile and tiger rushing towards him, Scar's body trembled, and the spider leg in his hand stabbed forward instinctively. The sharp spider legs stabbed Crocodile Tiger's left front paw, but the injury was not serious. Instead, Scar was thrown to the ground by Crocodile Tiger.

The injured Crocodile Tiger roared angrily, opened its mouth wide and aimed directly at Scar's head. Scar smelled a fishy smell coming from the crocodile tiger's mouth, and the cold-gleaming teeth were getting closer and closer to its head. Fear, a huge fear enveloped Scar, and his heart was constantly shrinking. In endless fear, Scar exploded, his hands gave up holding the spider legs, and directly supported Crocodile Tiger's upper and lower jaws.

One tiger and one ape began to compete, Crocodile Tiger's body kept pressing forward, and Scar's whole body leaned backward because he was sitting on the ground and couldn't use any strength. Ye Xun was always paying attention. As long as Scar was in danger, the spider legs in his hand could fly out at any time and kill the crocodile and tiger.

Under the pressure of Crocodile Tiger, Scar's back was pressed against the ground, and his two strong arms were tense to prevent Crocodile Tiger from getting any closer. The ape and the tiger were in a stalemate, refusing to give in to each other.

"Cackle, cluck..."

At this moment, a cheerful cry came from behind the bushes. In Ye Xun's perception, the three oviraptors discovered the two dead crocodiles and tigers, some "food..." "I'm hungry..." and other messy things. The words entered his spirit.

One of the oviraptors seemed to have noticed something moving here, and cautiously came over from the bushes.

The moment it emerged, it was greeted by a fist-sized stone. The oviraptor's head bloomed instantly, and its body was supported by shrubs, maintaining that posture.

The other two oviraptors Octavia noticed something, stopped tearing the crocodile and tiger's meat, called each other to call their companions, but received no response, and then cautiously stepped back. Ye Xun secretly thought wisely. He put down the stone he was planning to throw, and the two oviraptors saved his life because they were timid and ran away.

On the other side, the battle between Scar and Crocodile Tiger became fierce. Crocodile Tiger raised his head and flicked Scar away, then used his limbs and rushed forward again.

Scar secretly said something bad in the air. At this time, Ye Xun waved his right hand and threw the spider legs in his hand. At the same time, he used his mental power to inform Scar.

Scar quickly turned around to catch the spider's leg. At this time, the crocodile tiger had already rushed forward, opened its bloody mouth, and bit Scar's waist. At the critical moment, Scar grasped the spider's legs with both hands and stabbed the crocodile into the tiger's mouth full of sharp teeth.

The sharp spider legs penetrated the soft throat of the crocodile tiger, and the huge body stagnated. Taking this opportunity, Scar nimbly moved aside.

The crocodile tiger kept struggling on the spot, its huge body bumping around, and the spider's legs penetrated the throat and stabbed the cervical vertebrae. The nerves connecting the body to the brain were compressed, and the entire body gradually became paralyzed.

Scar breathed a heavy sigh of relief, came to Crocodile Tiger, pulled out the spider leg from its mouth, and a bloody sword spurted out. Crocodile Tiger's body trembled twice, and then stopped moving.

Scar turned around, ready to return the spider legs to Ye Xun, when the eyes of the crocodile tiger on the ground suddenly opened. When Scar pulled out the spider's leg, he released the nerves it was compressing. The crocodile tiger, which was not fatally injured, jumped up and rushed towards Scar.

Soon after, Ye Xun moved his body, grabbed the other spider leg left by Scar on the ground with his left foot, and swung it towards Crocodile Tiger. The spider's legs pulled out an afterimage, whizzed past Scar's ear, and instantly penetrated Crocodile Tiger's head, taking Crocodile Tiger's body with it and nailing it to a nearby tree.

Scar then turned around and saw the corpse of the crocodile tiger nailed to the tree, and his heart palpitated. If Ye Xun hadn't struck in time, his head might have blossomed.

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