In order to better survive in the jungle, Ye Xun planned to start building a fence with his group of apes. Just like building a mud house, he mixed mud with grass leaves and branches, and then covered the processed mud with wooden sticks. After the soil dries, it can increase the toughness of the fence, making it less likely to collapse.

Building a fence is a huge project. According to Ye Xun's estimation, the fence should be at least 80 meters long and two meters high. In order to avoid blind spots, a sentry post must also be established. At that time, the sentry post will be guarded by the apes in turns. If there is a problem, a signal can be sent to prevent it in the bud.

Then Ye Xun squatted on the ground, picked up branches, and began to draw the plan of the camp in his mind. He looked up from time to time to look around, and changed the plan structure according to the advantages and disadvantages of the terrain.

Scar stood curiously behind Ye Xun, alerting the surroundings from time to time in case other animals suddenly attacked. At the same time, Scar's mind was full of doubts, "I don't know what the king is doing, but the king is really smart. He can think of such a cave and it is so strong."

"Okay!" Ye Xun stood up excitedly, picked up a wooden stick from the side, and drew a big circle around the mud house. The whole shape is circular, encompassing the mouth of the waterfall.

"Scar, take the ape and start working." Ye Xun said to Scar next to him.

Scar responded respectfully, "I will obey the king's will!"

Then Scar and five apes started digging with wooden sticks. Just in case, Ye Xun called Changya over and guarded the apes.

After the explanation, Ye Xun took the spider legs and left the camp, leaving the ape to dig the foundation of the wall. Now that Scar and the others have not grown up, everyone's physical possessions fall on Ye Xun alone. This time, his target was the one-horned deer. These timid social animals are the best choice for food.

Arriving at the habitat of the one-horned deer, Ye Xun climbed up a big tree and waited quietly on top. After a while, a group of one-horned deer passed by under the tree. Ye Xun quickly picked up the spider legs and jumped down from the tree. With a wave of his hands, the two one-horned deer were pierced by the spider legs in Ye Xun's hand and fell to the ground.

The other one-horned deer were frightened and all fled away. Ye Xun did not pursue them. He inserted two spider legs into his clothes and dragged the two one-horned deer's legs towards the camp.

After Ye Xuan arrived at the territory, the six apes dug out a distance of almost ten meters. The depth was about sixty centimeters and the width was fifty centimeters, which was more in line with his requirements. In this way, when building the fence, it will be stronger and less likely to be knocked down by animals.

"Scar, I leave these two one-horned deer to you." Ye Xun threw the one-horned deer on the ground and handed it to Scar. He was about to start the unfinished training today.

Scar picked up the one-horned deer and left. Ye Xun practiced the triangular stakes outside the mud room, his chest rising and falling continuously making the energy in his body boil. The mental power circulates, bringing them throughout the body to repair and strengthen Ye Xun's body.

About two hours later, Ye Xun reached the limit of his body. During this period, Scar roasted a portion of the venison and provided it to Ye Xun to devour, turning it into energy for training.

In the afternoon, Ye Xun continued to hunt two one-horned deer and came back. This was not only food, but also a source of energy that Ye Xun was preparing to give to other apes.

In this way, a week later, Ye Xun's camp was basically completed. The two-meter-long fence was covered with teeth of Garry's crocodiles and tigers, which Ye Xun deliberately hunted. It took ten crocodiles and tigers to completely surround the fence.

Outside the wall, Ye Xun broke the bones into pieces and surrounded the entire area of ​​more than 1.5 meters. Looking at these white bone tips, I believe that no predators can easily climb over the wall.

The only entrance and exit gate of the camp is closed with vertical pieces of wood, with grooves made on the top and bottom, just enough to catch the wood. Above the gate, Ye Xun also built a sentry post, which was made of wood and soil and was very strong.

An ape was standing sentry above, and he saw that the ape was holding a one-meter-long bone spear in his hand, and his eyes were scanning the surroundings vigilantly. It didn't let go of any disturbance.

After a while, another ape climbed up from the camp and cried out, "No. 2, it's time to change the guard."

Number 2 on the sentry platform handed the bone spear in his hand to the ape that came up and said, "I'm going down."

Number 2 climbed down the wooden ladder on the wall and came directly to the middle of the camp. There was a huge bonfire, and two unknown animals were grilled beside the bonfire. No. 2 looked at these roasted meats with golden skin and full of fragrance, and couldn't help swallowing.

There are several large mud pillars around the bonfire, supporting a rain shelter on them, and three mud rooms are side by side, leaning against the wall.

Ye Xun was sitting cross-legged next to the campfire. In his mind, a white mist was billowing. Starting four days ago, the six apes grew their teeth and emitted a white mist into his brain every day. It’s just that so many days have passed, except for the first wisp of white mist that mysteriously disappeared, giving him the ability to communicate mentally. He couldn't find any way to use these newly emerged fogs.

Ye Xun sighed, took the barbecue handed over by Scar, and put the white fog in his mind behind him. Tearing a piece of barbecue into pieces, Ye Xun swallowed it, and as soon as his breathing method started to work, the piece of barbecue was converted into energy.

Now Ye Xun's body has become stronger. Compared with a week ago, his overall strength has increased by 200 kilograms. Although eight hundred kilograms of huge strength gathered in an ape is not very scary, but Ye Xun knows Chinese martial arts, and he can release eight hundred kilograms of pure physical strength in multiples. Even tigers and lions can't block his punch.

After eating half the meat of a crocodile and tiger in a row, Ye Xun's body's energy reached saturation, and Scar had already squatted in the horse stance according to the method he taught. The energy in Ye Xun's body flowed out of Scar's body through the guidance of his mental power, strengthening his body.

After seven days of training by Ye Xun, Scar's physical fitness doubled, and his overall strength was about 250 kilograms. The other apes are inherently inferior, with body strength only reaching 150 kilograms.

Although the individual strength is relatively weak, it is easy for six apes to cooperate and hunt herbivores such as one-horned deer. Just facing the crocodile and tiger, except for Scar who can fight for several rounds, the other five apes basically have to rest one round at a time. In the past two days of hunting, except for ferocious carnivores such as crocodiles and tigers, Scar led his team to kill all other animals.

Ye Xun finally became the Monkey King in a decent way, and he didn't have to do everything by himself. For this reason, Ye Xun also plans to teach the apes to practice Tongbei Fist, so that their strength will be improved.

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