Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 708 Plan to Resurrect Dinosaurs

At the same time, Qin Yuanqing wrote down the "Resurrection of the Dinosaurs" plan and formally submitted it.

Within just one month, the 'Resurrection of the Dinosaurs' plan was approved. At the same time, a special account was established, and 200 billion yuan of special funds was poured into the account.

Mobilized by the state, life scientists and paleontologists began to gather at a secret base in the Qilian Mountains. This secret base was located in a cave. It was originally a military base and was used to produce various weapons in the cave. At that time, it was a specialized base. In order to prepare for a world war, later peace and development became the theme, and this function was canceled. Originally, only a small number of soldiers performed regular maintenance.

After the 'Resurrection of the Dinosaurs' plan was approved, this secret base was allocated to the project team. The project was directly an SSS-level project with the highest level of confidentiality. The researchers and staff involved in the project had to remain anonymous and would no longer appear in the public eye. Sometimes, even if you go back to visit relatives during the holidays, you will not be able to reveal half of the project to your relatives.

Just like our ancestors, when family members ask where they are going, they cannot tell them; when they ask what they are doing, they cannot tell them!

However, the life scientists and paleontologists who were recruited still chose to do so. They said goodbye to their families and the bustling city. Under the escort of army soldiers, they arrived at this secret base in the Qilian Mountains. When we arrived at the base, we saw that this secret base was like a large construction site. All kinds of instruments and equipment were transported into the base and installed. Every instrument and equipment was the most advanced.

"Everyone, the purpose of recruiting everyone is to participate in the 'Resurrection of Dinosaurs' project. Yes, just like the name of the plan, our purpose is to resurrect dinosaurs!" Qin Yuanqing held the first meeting after the life scientists and paleontologists gathered. At the plenary meeting, facing a group of scientific researchers, Qin Yuanqing announced the name and purpose of the plan.

When these life scientists and paleontologists were recruited, they had no idea what they were going to do. Although they made various guesses, they never expected to resurrect dinosaurs.

Resurrecting dinosaurs should have been a fantasy, but when they saw that the initiator and leader of the project was Qin Yuanqing, they did not raise any questions.

Because in their minds, Qin Yuanqing is a man who is good at creating miracles, making the impossible possible. None of the projects and research initiated by Qin Yuanqing have been unsuccessful so far.

He has built authority through repeated successes. Even though Qin Yuanqing always said that there is no authority in the world that is not authoritative, and he cannot engage in personality worship and must have a spirit of doubt, people can never doubt him.

Speaking of which, resurrecting dinosaurs is not a new thing among paleontologists. It has always been mentioned.

In the mid-1980s, American paleontologist Bonnar proposed a "fantastic idea" to recreate dinosaurs. He believes that as long as dinosaur DNA can be found and then transplanted into fertilized egg cells of magnetic crocodiles for gestation, dinosaurs will hatch from crocodile eggs. As for the extraction of DNA, Bonnard imagined that it could be found in amber from the Mesozoic Era, and it would be great to find insects that like to suck blood. They might have sucked the blood of dinosaurs. Then the DNA in the dinosaur's blood cells can be isolated to resurrect the dinosaur.

But Bonnard's idea also exists in film and television works and science fiction novels, because it is not easy to find the bugs that once bitten dinosaurs in amber from the dinosaur age, and finding the genetic code of dinosaurs is even more difficult.

In fact, there are also actions to resurrect dinosaurs and humans. For example, in 2001, a group of scientists in the United States studied how to use chicken genes to resurrect these long-extinct behemoths. This is the famous "Jurassic Chicken Project."

In the study of dinosaurs, China has actually made some achievements. For example, a research team from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences found a piece of hadrosaur cartilage unearthed in Montana, USA, about 70 million years ago. Fragments of suspected dinosaur DNA were found in the fossils.

Qin Yuanqing would naturally not ask tens of thousands of biologists and paleontologists to go search for special amber in the vast ocean. That would be unrealistic.

Qin Yuanqing is mainly divided into two parts. One part is to analyze and extract the DNA of dinosaur fossils, even if there are a few fragments; the other part is to sequence the genetic sequences of crocodiles, chickens and other life forms that are considered to have evolved from dinosaurs. This is based on Darwin's theory of evolution. , although Qin Yuanqing does not believe much in the theory of evolution, it can also be used as a direction.

Then use computer thinking to express it in the form of data to reversely calculate the genetic sequence of dinosaurs.

Yes, in Qin Yuanqing's view, in a sense, the genetic sequence of organic life forms is also an algorithm and program. As long as it is regarded as a program and algorithm problem, it can be analyzed from a computer perspective. .

Of course, to carry out reverse calculation, you must first have genetic information related to dinosaurs, and then use auxiliary information such as the environment to carry out reverse calculation.

There is no doubt that the algorithms and computing power involved are extremely terrifying. Only Qin Yuanqing can solve the problem in the whole world. Whether it is setting the algorithm or mobilizing such huge computing power, Qin Yuanqing can solve the problem in the whole world.

In this process, in addition to supercomputers and quantum computers, artificial intelligence is also needed. Otherwise, even if it takes ten or twenty years, it will be difficult to complete.

Of course, if this reverse calculation succeeds, then in a sense, it proves that Darwin's theory of species evolution is correct; if it fails, then it also overturns Darwin's theory of evolution. Regardless of success or failure, it is a major event that will definitely shock the entire scientific community.

Of course, Qin Yuanqing is not just preparing reverse sequencing. This reverse calculation is based on Darwin's theory of biological evolution. That is to say, if he fails to overthrow Darwin's evolution, it will be a sensation in the scientific community, but it is not consistent with Qin Yuanqing's goal. Qin Yuanqing The goal is to explore the secrets of biology and find the key to unlocking human genes. As for resurrecting dinosaurs, this is not important, it is just used to inform these life scientists and paleontologists.

Another preparation of Qin Yuanqing is to use another group to refine the life information of dinosaur fossils, try to complete it, and use models, data, and programs to simulate it realistically, and finally infer the possible gene sequences.

The 'Resurrection of the Dinosaurs' project is a grand project. The most difficult part is undoubtedly the demonstration process, which is also the most time-consuming part. Whether it is reverse deduction or making assumptions based on known information and trying to complete the genetic data information. These are extremely huge projects.

Naturally, they are not the only people doing research. They only know how to resurrect dinosaurs and engage in core research. Other things, such as the genetic data and information of all species on the earth, are all cooperated through Chinese universities, and China already has All the genetic data information has also arrived at the base.

Qin Yuanqing spent a lot of effort to build a set of gene completion information models and a set of reverse deduction algorithm models. The next step was to continuously fill in the information based on the research progress and information.

In just three months, the reverse deduction algorithm was used to reversely deduce human genetic information and compare it with the genetic information of apes and other monkeys. The difference was immediately shown. The comparison of the reverse deduction results denied Darwin's theory of evolution that humans evolved from apes. Assumption.

Relevant results have also been compiled and published, causing great repercussions in the biological community. Since Darwin proposed the theory of evolution, it has been recognized by many scholars. Under the premise that Darwin's theory of evolution is correct, the deduction of biological development has been carried out and given. Various explanations were given, and then people were told that humans and apes are close relatives, and that humans evolved from ancient apes into ape-men and then evolved step by step into humans. However, the current results refute this statement from the genetic level, which undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to the Darwinian faction.

Of course, the Darwin faction has also questioned this, questioning the reliability and accuracy of these results. Some biologists have also given explanations, such as genetic mutations occurring due to different environments over such a long period of time.

"Sure enough, we humans are not from apes, and we are not close relatives of apes, monkeys and the like. Damn it, education used to say that we are from apes. You bastards, you are the monkeys. I was created by Nuwa. ! Yes, I believe that the descendants of Yan and Huang come from Nuwa’s creation of humans!"

“Will Darwin’s theory of evolution face a huge challenge and completely shake its foundation?”

"Where do humans come from? How long will the mystery of human birth continue?"

"Who am I? Where do I come from? Where do I go? No one has been able to answer these three major questions in the history of philosophy of life!"


Naturally, Qin Yuanqing would not stay in the secret base all the time. After completing the algorithm setting and model construction procedures, he left the secret base because he was not required to be in the secret base all the time. Qin Yuanqing returned to the laboratory and saw that he had recovered The youthful Yan Ning and others are more beautiful now than they were twenty years ago. This is the accumulation of time and wisdom. Qin Yuanqing transferred Yan Ning to the secret base to serve as the person in charge of the "Dinosaur Resurrection" project and presided over After all, Yan Ning's accomplishments in the field of life can be trusted by Qin Yuanqing for the entire project.

As for the laboratory, there are naturally others who can replace it. Now it is nothing more than further expansion of the 'delayed aging' genetic medicine and secretly acquiring dinosaur fossil bones. It is difficult to acquire them in places such as the United States, but in Africa, the Middle East, South America, the Australian continent, Southeast Asia, etc. It is not too difficult to acquire a place.

In times of economic downturn, as long as they have enough money, not to mention dinosaur fossils and bones, they will sell their own souls.

In the eyes of many people, dinosaur fossil bones are very precious, but to most people, they are nothing more than a pile of stones.

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