On this day, Qin Yuanqing focused on robotic prosthetics. After several years of successful development, and ten years of clinical trials, including hundreds of thousands of experimental subjects in the fourth phase of clinical trials, robotic prosthetics technology has finally reached maturity and been adopted. It is allowed for medical applications.

Due to various factors, many people in the world have physical disabilities, and their lives are very inconvenient. They only have ordinary prosthetic assistance, but there are still big shortcomings. With the development of materials, neural research, and the tremendous development of artificial intelligence, this kind of robotic prosthetic technology has finally officially benefited mankind. This kind of prosthetic limb replicates real skin and has a very lifelike appearance. At the same time, it also relies on its own way of thinking to control The prosthetic limb moves just like a real limb.

Its official application means that people with physical disabilities will usher in a new light in life and get rid of their difficulties.

Of course, this is medical. In other fields, combining artificial intelligence, robotics, and bionics technology, China has launched a living and medical robot - 'Big Bear'. It is shaped like a cute bear with furry hair, but it has Strong market!

With the serious aging of the population in developed countries, heavy public budget expenditures have been brought to society. The population has continued to grow for two decades. The elderly have to consume and spend money, but they cannot work and cannot continue to create value for society. , became a burden. Especially during the economic downturn, it is difficult to live by yourself, let alone support your parents.

Not only does it have a huge market overseas, it also has a huge market in China. Although the situation in China is much better than overseas, China has more than 200 million elderly people aged 60 and above, and more than 65 years old. 130 million people. Although many people can still make some money by opening shops and doing small jobs when they are seventy years old, plus they have some savings when they are young, it has to be said that it is becoming more and more difficult for the elderly to make money, and with time As we get older, our lives become more and more stable, and we get sick more and more often. There is no doubt that this has given rise to many family conflicts and social conflicts.

There is no dutiful son in bedside for a long time!

This sentence is not just talk, but a reflection of the fact. How many fathers, sons and daughters who have a good relationship have been torn apart by this matter and are suing in court!

Correspondingly, the rapid growth of the nanny market for 30 consecutive years also reflects that people are becoming more and more interested in nannies. It is common for a good nanny to have a monthly salary of more than 20,000 yuan.

And 'Big Bear' can take care of the elderly and children, buy groceries, cook, and teach children how to do their homework. He has more patience than a nanny. He is never bored or tired, and there is nothing wrong with him. The mood is simply the best nanny.

Although the nanny market is booming and the introduction of 'Big Bear' will cause millions of nannies to lose their jobs and tutors to lose their market, as the saying goes, as long as the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, science and technology will always move forward, because it can solve A large number of family conflicts can greatly alleviate social conflicts, allowing young people to go out and create wealth while allowing the elderly to take care of themselves.

'Panda Robot Group Co., Ltd.', which has been unknown in the market, launched the medical and daily life robot 'Big Bear' at a press conference, which became an instant hit and became a big hit.

Everyone was extremely amazed when they saw the 'Big Bear' robot. Although robots are no longer a rare thing, robots are common in the logistics industry, catering industry, machinery manufacturing industry, etc., and medical and daily life robots are never a new concept. , someone proposed it as early as twenty years ago, and some companies tried to launch it. However, the robot was very popular at first, but it stalled within two years. Various problems occurred frequently, such as being unable to be waterproof, and being prone to system vulnerabilities, etc. wait.

But this time the 'Big Bear Robot' launched by 'Panda Robot Group Co., Ltd.' is different. The skeleton adopts a carbon fiber structure, a new fiber material with high strength and high modulus fiber containing more than 95% carbon. Its mass ratio Aluminum is still light, but its strength is higher than steel, and it has excellent properties such as corrosion resistance, water resistance, leakage resistance, and artificial intelligence.

The most important "Big Bear" robot is powerful and has medical and daily functions. It can serve as a family doctor, tutor, nanny, etc. Individuals can purchase packages according to their own needs, and it is of high quality and low price. Big Bear's robot only costs 500,000 yuan.

In fact, this kind of robot technology has not been liberalized until now. In fact, not only industrial robots have been used for a long time, but combat robots, reconnaissance robots, and cruise robots are also used on a large scale in national defense construction, greatly reducing the pressure on soldiers. , protect national defense security and enhance combat effectiveness.

It is difficult for people to patrol anytime and anywhere, but drones combined with robots can. Soldiers only need to control drones and robots in the camp to scout the border and fight against criminals at any time.

"Damn it~~ They actually launched such a powerful robot. I love it. I bought a 'Big Bear' robot to cook for me every day."

"Tsk, tsk~~ It would be great if there were male and female robots. They would be the best companions. You can save the gift money for both. You can buy one with the gift money alone, so you don't have to suffer!"

"I am having a headache. My parents are 68 years old this year. I am an only child. I am worried that no one will take care of them while I am working out of town. Now that I have the 'Big Bear' robot, I can rest assured and have already placed an order for it!"

"With the 'Big Bear' robot, what kind of girlfriend do I need? Can my girlfriend cook? Can my girlfriend cook? Compared with the 'Big Bear' robot, my girlfriend is useless except for being a spoiled brat!"

"With the 'Big Bear' robot, what else do you need for a boyfriend? A boyfriend can cook for you? Can give you a massage? Having 'Big Bear' accompany me to watch movies and go shopping, and hold it when I sleep is enough!"

"I just wanted to know who this 'Panda Robot Group Co., Ltd.' is. I checked the information and found that it is a small and micro enterprise, and its only shareholder is the State Council! A small and micro enterprise exclusive to the State Council was born!"


Qin Yuanqing was reading all kinds of news. He couldn't laugh or cry. He also launched a human-like robot. Obviously China has mastered the human-like technology. Why not launch the most advanced human-like technology? Instead, create this rudimentary one. Its structure is made of carbon fiber and its appearance is still that of a panda. It’s not about moral and ethical aspects.

Who knows if real simulators are introduced, whether there will be people who don’t get married and have children, and just take the simulator as their partner.

Regardless of whether they are men or women, they are actually animals that think in the lower body. There is no doubt about this!

The launch of medical and daily life robots is to solve current family conflicts and social conflicts, rather than to create new family conflicts.

Qin Yuanqing naturally prepared a "Big Bear" robot for his parents early. After all, his parents are also old. As for the mother-in-law, she also prepared a "Big Bear" robot for them, and a bowl of water must always be leveled.

"Technology is really advanced now. It was unimaginable 30 years ago that there is such advanced science and technology." Jingtian looked at the "Big Bear" robot and was very excited and even more shocked. Writing essays came naturally when he was a student. In the future, robots will appear. Some factories will be replaced by robots, and rough work will be performed by robots. But that is an idea, a kind of divergent thinking. In fact, not many people will take it seriously, but now it has all come true.

Many menial, tiring, dirty and dangerous jobs have been replaced by robots. Even some repetitive and simple tasks have been replaced by robots. There are even virtual stars in the entertainment industry, and virtual stars are even more popular than real stars.

What kind of little fresh meat and fairies are nothing compared to virtual stars? Virtual stars can be extremely charming and sexy, or they can be extremely pure, they can have devilish figures and angelic faces, they can speak very cleanly, and they can also be naturally coquettish~~

The entertainment industry is only one aspect of the drastic changes in society. The medical industry has also undergone huge changes. The medical examination department of the hospital has a machine directly. The physical examination can be completed in less than three minutes. You can know all the indicators of your health and clearly understand where the problems are. , greatly improving the medical level.

The price of one piece of that kind of equipment is as high as 10 million yuan, and the export value is as high as 10 million US dollars.

"Perhaps in ten or twenty years, simulated people who are no different from real people will appear in the streets and alleys!" Qin Yuanqing said: "The future world will be a rich and colorful world, and people can live a healthy life even if they don't work. Good."

"Poor nannies and tutors, they will lose their jobs soon!" Jingtian said sadly.

"There is no way, people always seem vulnerable when facing science and technology. More than 20 years ago, they kept emphasizing on doing things that machines can do." Qin Yuanqing said: "With the advent of controllable nuclear fusion, it will take less than Tens of millions of workers in related industries have lost their jobs in 5 years. Many people also scolded me, but I have no regrets. Although they have lost their jobs, their lives will be better in the future, and their children will have better choices. It’s not about mining.”

"Social development is like this. In the face of the overwhelming trend, if you only move forward with the trend, if you try to block the way or don't want to follow the trend, you will be crushed!" Qin Yuanqing said this with full of reason, but also full of indifference and ruthlessness.

China's rapid development in recent years is not without problems. On the contrary, while solving a lot of problems, a lot of new problems have also emerged, such as the problem of population aging, which will take ten years to be reversed. For example, the gap between the rich and the poor in society is still not optimistic, and payments for pensions, education, and medical care are constantly increasing, putting great pressure on finances.

Many people even shouted to stop the "Double Ring Space Station" and "Moon Base" plans, slow down the development, wait for the people, and use more fiscal revenue for people's livelihood and public welfare.

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