Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 707 Possible reasons for the extinction of dinosaurs

Does China lack astronauts?


The 'Guanghan Palace' space station and the 'Moon Base' in lunar orbit need astronauts, and the construction of the 'Double Ring Space Station' also requires a large number of astronauts. Even if the space center continues to expand the number of astronauts and expand the astronaut team, it is still very difficult. The lack of astronauts.

After all, astronauts not only have to carry out space missions, but also go to the Space Force. The Space Force also needs a large number of astronauts.

Foreign astronauts can only be a very small number of supplements. After all, there is an issue of 'trust' involved.

In order to expand the astronaut team, CNSA established a new astronaut center in Chang'an City as early as 10 years ago. Together with the Beijing Astronaut Center, it formed two astronaut centers, one in the east and one in the west. Each year, it provides a batch of qualified astronauts to CNSA. astronaut.

But that's it. China's astronaut gap is still very large, and each generation of astronauts has a mission. Now, astronauts starting to enter space are starting to emerge after the 10th generation. There is no doubt that from a comprehensive perspective, the astronauts born in the 10s are the best. Whether in terms of status or knowledge, this generation grew up in China's rapid development and entered the era of the fourth industrial revolution. They are exposed to all kinds of They have the highest ability to accept new things.

Maybe it won't be long before a group of people born in the 20s will emerge, one generation after another, and they will continue to work together, and there will not be a situation where the workforce is idle.

On this day, Qin Yuanqing came to the laboratory.

"Boss, good news. The production capacity of the 'delayed aging' genetic medicine has broken through. Our laboratory's production capacity can reach 50 pills a year!" Yan Ning reported to Qin Yuanqing with joy, sharing this good news. .

"Oh? Tell me how you made the breakthrough!" Qin Yuanqing smiled. Even though it was only expanded from 20 pills of 'delayed aging' genetic medicine a year to 50 pills a year, this represents the research achievements of Yan Ning and others. A huge breakthrough has been made, otherwise it would be impossible, and raw materials would limit production capacity.

The limitation of the 'delayed aging' genetic medicine is not the process or the production line, but the raw materials. Those raw materials are very precious and rare, and they are synthesized through industrial means. I don't know why the ingredients are the same and the amount is the same, but the effect is gone.

"When we were studying dinosaur bones, we found that dinosaur bones contain a strange factor. This strange factor can replace the unique elements in the thousand-year-old snow lotus and snow lotus. The 'delayed aging' genetic medicine created has the same effect but the same effect! Yan Ning said.

When Qin Yuanqing heard this, his heart couldn't help but move.

Dinosaurs, once the overlords of the earth, ruled the earth for more than 160 million years. From the Triassic period 230 million years ago to the late Cretaceous period 65 million years ago, dinosaurs were invincible. Controversial overlord level.

Regarding dinosaurs, since humans discovered many strangely shaped giant bone fossils in 1842 and coined the term, humans have been full of curiosity about this huge species and have been studying dinosaurs for nearly 200 years. Since the discovery of dinosaur fossils in Antarctica in 1989, dinosaur remains have been found on all seven continents around the world. More than 800 genera and more than 1,000 species of dinosaurs have been discovered. There is no doubt that dinosaurs are very large, and even some like Tyrannosaurus Rex are considered the overlords among dinosaurs.

People are studying dinosaurs and want to understand why they were so huge, so powerful, and why they died. Various studies have yielded many results. Some scientists even obtained the blood of dinosaurs with the intention of recreating dinosaurs through cloning and bringing living dinosaurs to the world.

Unfortunately, although cloning technology has become quite advanced, no scientist or institution has successfully cloned a dinosaur so far.

Now Qin Yuanqing is thinking about a question, that is, why do dinosaur fossils contain this strange factor? Is it unique to dinosaurs, or is it common to all creatures of that era?

Of course, this is good news. Thousand-year-old snow lotus and thousand-year-old ginseng are rare, but dinosaur fossils are not difficult to obtain. Not to mention the large number of dinosaur fossils in China, a large number of dinosaur fossils can also be obtained through trade.

This means that the ‘delayed aging’ genetic medicine can not only produce 50 pills per year, but 100, 1,000 or even 10,000 pills!

If it can be researched and found out that this strange factor was possessed by all creatures in the era of dinosaurs, it means that the 'delayed aging' gene medicine can even be industrialized. If optimistic, the 'delayed aging' gene medicine can even be popularized.

"This is really the best news I've heard this year!" Qin Yuanqing said with a smile, and then began to check the experimental records. These experimental records will eventually be aggregated to the laboratory server, and Qin Yuanqing has the authority to view any information.

Qin Yuanqing read the information for more than an hour and pondered for a moment, his mind spinning rapidly. He did not expect that Yan Ning and others would extract this strange factor by studying dinosaur bones. They had limited knowledge of this strange factor and only knew this This unique factor is an important substance that activates human cells, just like a key.

Qin Yuanqing was wondering whether there were any secrets hidden in the dinosaurs, and why there was this strange factor in the dinosaurs' bodies, but not in humans or the current life on earth. In the age of dinosaurs, creatures at that time had longer lifespans, and the secret to longer lifespans contained this strange factor!

Also, how did the dinosaurs become extinct?

There are several existing theories about the extinction of dinosaurs. The more commonly accepted theory is that an asteroid hit the earth, triggering crustal movement, volcanic eruptions, and drastic changes in the earth's environment, which led to the extinction of the dinosaurs and the mass extinction of life. A very strong evidence for this statement is that the paper published by Chinese paleontologist and physicist Li Yang at Yale University in 2009 caused a sensation in the international paleontological community. A high concentration of iridium was found in the K-T line formation of Luber Crater, with the content exceeding the normal content by 232 times. Such high concentrations of iridium can only be found in meteorites in space and cannot exist on Earth itself. According to the precise determination of the iridium content around the Gulf of Mexico, an asteroid-like material not only hit the Central American region of the earth, but also broke through the earth's crust, causing magma to surge out of the earth's interior. The impact caused a super volcanic eruption. The isotope content of the Gumara rock measured that the power of this eruption was much higher than the maximum energy of the Yellowstone super volcano. The entire earth was covered with thick volcanic ash and poisonous gas. Life on the earth has not seen the sun and the moon for a long time, so plants Photosynthesis is impossible, and the oxygen content in the atmosphere is extremely low. Judging from the death posture of most dinosaurs, they were in great pain before death. This is a completely natural reaction to lack of oxygen.

This statement has been found in research, and the hypothesis is relatively reasonable. It well integrates the previous separate discussions of the alien celestial impact theory and the volcanic eruption theory, and provides a very reasonable explanation for the mass extinction of life on earth 65 million years ago.

The second theory is the theory of sudden changes in the earth's gravity. This theory proposes a hypothesis that about 65 million years ago, the earth's gravity suddenly increased. This change was obviously a disaster for giants such as dinosaurs. The increased gravity puts this type of creature in a disadvantageous state in terms of movement, blood circulation, heart pressure and circulation of higher plant nutrient water systems. In order to adapt to sudden changes in environmental gravity, animals and organisms during this period evolved in size and structure. The animals and plants in this period became relatively dwarfed compared to 100 million years ago.

Of course, there are also various hypotheses, such as the theory of geomagnetic changes, the theory of continental drift, the theory of species struggle, etc.

But Qin Yuanqing thought that since aliens have added genetic locks to life on earth, could the birth of dinosaurs be the work of aliens, including the extinction of dinosaurs, whether aliens drove asteroids to hit the earth, or Changing the Earth's gravity or magnetic field to cause a mass extinction?

Regarding this possibility, Qin Yuanqing thinks it is very possible. Although it is incredible, driving an asteroid to impact a planet, let alone anything, can be done with China's current aerospace technology.

And why aliens exterminated the dinosaurs? Is there some kind of change in the dinosaurs that caught the aliens' surprise, causing them to kill them and not hesitate to cause a mass extinction of life on earth? Just like when humans conduct an experiment, at the end of the experiment, the petri dish is disposed of, and all the bacteria in the petri dish are eliminated.

And what changes will happen to the dinosaurs? Thinking of the huge body and the powerful power of the dinosaurs, Qin Yuanqing's heart was moved. Could it be that such a powerful species as the dinosaurs itself was unexpected by the aliens and had genetic mutations and breakthroughs? Gene lock?

Thinking of this, Qin Yuanqing felt it was necessary to increase research on dinosaurs, such as extracting DNA from dinosaur fossils, or conducting further research on dinosaur eggs and dinosaur blood.

Qin Yuanqing asked Yan Ning to expand the production of 'delayed aging' genetic medicine, and then write an application report to apply for four 'delayed aging' genetic medicines to Yan Ning and the others. At the same time, Qin Yuanqing wrote an application and convened a group of biologists and paleontologists. The 'Resurrection of Dinosaurs' team studies dinosaurs and creatures of the same period to explore the secrets of life on Earth 65 million years ago.

Qin Yuanqing always believed that since humans are given extremely high intelligence, they should not have such a weak body and a short lifespan. This is problematic.

Even if this is the handiwork of an alien, Qin Yuanqing still wants to catch the alien one day, beat the alien severely, and then cut the alien into slices for study, so as to vent his anger.

Even if the alien's technology is very advanced, even if the alien's intelligence is very high, they cannot be treated as an experimental subject and played with in their hands.

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